Wrestling Thread Feb 27-Mar 4 | 3/4 ROH 10th Anniversary Show iPPV - Briscoes vs Young Bucks (p36)

I just caught the Rock's promo from tonight (I had left to go to the gym). First of all, the crowd was awesome. Second, 
at the fact that Lawler said this was the Rock's first time ever "performing" in Oregon? That can't be right, can it?

Rock spoke the truth, would not mind a Hollywood Rock-esque turn leading into the match.

my favorite of all time, hands down. I loved Austin just as much as a kid, but the Rock always one-uped Austin for me, IMO.
Originally Posted by Rudemiester

I mean seriously, the Rock has been spewing classic lines off the top of his head since forever. They named their secondary TV program based off something he said. They even named a PPV based off of something he said. Dude's job that keeps him away from wrestling revolves around the memorization of tons of lines. You mean to tell me he has to write down bullet points on his wrist about John Cena and Wrestlemania?? *People's Eyebrow*
Yeah the more and more I think about it I'm like
....The Rock is that "hand the mic to him and let him work his magic" dude.
I bet if you could read what The Rock has on his wrist it would say something like "This is just for television. These aren't notes".
Watching live, must say this is the first time I've ever had dirty thoughts about Vickie Guerrero

and $$! does Jack Swagger even do? Dude is so %@$#**% pointless.

%@$#**% loser.

Him and the Big Show are %@$#**% losers.
When's the next time the Rock is scheduled to be at Raw?

I'm still waiting for the man to lay out the real ether on Cena. His jealousy, the failed attempts at Hollywood, the fact that Cena has been a multiple time champion based on the amount of T-Shirts he sells. Where is all this? Screw the trending topics, the catchphrases...Rock might as well go all in. Cena has...  
Was a very enjoyable RAW for the most part. They usually do step it up come time for Wrestlemania. I'm not sure if Vince is having Cena break kayfabe to get him over with smarks or not but he definitely cut a better promo than the Rock tonight, I didn't enjoy Dwayne's promo at all TBH, it was mindless with the name-calling and twitter references after every comment he made. Lady parts this blah blah that, just put me to sleep. I was expecting worse when Cena came out and surprisingly he saved the segment with his ether. I don't like the dude but respect 'em for carrying the company the way he has. Either way, I'm excited for what they do with Rock from here, how they're gonna make him come back the next time he's on RAW.. but if it's that lame shh he pulled tonight, this thing will be a waste for 2 years now. I'm sure he will come with it since he is the Rock and there is no one better on the mic than him but I've been disappointed with him lately since all he does is use stupid pet insults against Cena with no substance while Cena is actually saying something with his words. They both need to cut gold promos with no ring action or physical altercation til Mania.

Punk and Jericho was good but if its just based on the Best in the World slogan, it's kind of dumb. They both will cut great promos but CM has been money with his. I'm sure this match will be great and thats what it comes down to at the end of the day, good wrestling.
Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

i wonder what his notes said

It says, "After ten years in the biz I can't believe this moron still can't get himself over with fans over the age of 12"..
Originally Posted by casekicks

Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

i wonder what his notes said

It says, "After ten years in the biz I can't believe this moron still can't get himself over with fans over the age of 12"..

And still don't get the Cena praise,he's been saying the same thing for over a year,blah blah Rock left,I'm here,whatever.
The funniest part of Rock promo tonight..was when the rock.. talk about the most exciting thing cena did this year.. was switching his jean shorts to camouflage shorts.. and then the comment about the missing balls..

*Straight ETHER* towards cena as a man..
Vince McMahon has stressed safety to all talents who will be working with John Cena from now until WrestleMania 28.

There have been a slew of recent injuries suffered by the talent, some more severe than others, as we have been reporting. Randy Orton, Mark Henry, and most recently Wade Barrett, who will be out past WrestleMania, have all suffered some type of injury during competition. This is in addition to the close call injuries such as R-Truth’s missed spot with The Miz a few weeks ago and Dolph Ziggler being medically tended to after last week’s Raw battle royal.

McMahon has ordered any talents who work with John Cena not to take any “unneeded
at you guys really thinking the rock has notes on his wrist. Did you forget he's a hollywood STAR? You all know how this is scripted, why would a professional actor have to write down notes on his lines.. They had it there to back up Cena's insult and attempt to make it funny.
HBK will be on raw next week to help promote hhh v undertaker

Can't wait..

I'm going on wwe.com to see what Michaels said about being better than hunter..
so who does cena fued with after he beats the rock?

cena should just retire. there are no new opponents for him to fued with. nobody. thats what the e get for having him always at the top. they should just turn him heel and make him put over new talent
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