Wrestling Thread Feb 27-Mar 4 | 3/4 ROH 10th Anniversary Show iPPV - Briscoes vs Young Bucks (p36)

Originally Posted by 3dgarfly23

so hyped for mania

Me 2
Not gunna lie, I was left with the
face on that Cena cut legit promos 2 weeks in a row. Didn't feel right.

Quality Raw for the most part. That Liontamer was
I tend to scream at my TV when Jericho goes for it. "Lean back! Don't step over him!"

Safe to say I'm ready for WM.
Originally Posted by BRaTZ DoS

Quality Raw for the most part. That Liontamer was
I tend to scream at my TV when Jericho goes for it. "Lean back! Don't step over him!"
I know what you mean
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Non-Raw Notes

-Santino def. Curt Hawkins w/Tyler Reks via pinfall.

-Beth Phoenix def. Alicia Fox via pinfall after the GlamSlam.


-After The Miz lost to Cena during the commercial break he was crying about wanting a Wrestlemania match. HHH came out, pedigree'd him and walked right backstage.


-The Rock spoke to the people some more. Let us know how he used to live in Portland when his father worked for Don Owens. Got some pops for mentioning his fathers opponents like Roddy Piper, Stan Stasiak, etc. He then picked on some 21 year goof in the audience, called him a 21 year old virgin, said the last time he saw pie was when he came out his moms birth canal. Then he said that he'll tell him what his dad told him "When you're ready for poon, poon'll be ready for you." The Rock then made nice with a young cena fan at ringside, got the crowd to chant his name, etc. The Rock ended with the "If ya smeeeell..." and was adored by all.


-John Cena def. Kane via pinfall after the FU.

This was the biggest crowd I've seen at a WWE Event in Portland since No Mercy '08.

All of this.

I was at the Rose Garden last night, first live show ever for me, I had a #$@%ing blast.

The crowd was into it all night, people were lined up outside 2 hours before the gates even opened. Beth Phoenix and Santino got the crowd pretty into it with their dark matches.

For starting off with Punk/Jericho, the crowd stayed pretty hot, as pretty much everyone was waiting for Rock.

No one in the entire arena expected HHH to come out, much less Pedigree Miz. When he did, the place went nuts.

When Rocky finally came out, the place went ballistic. The only people who I heard boo were 8 year old kids in their Cena gear. As I'm sure you heard on TV, there were so many chants.... you couldn't even decipher them all. The Rock really didn't even cut a fantastic promo, but it didn't even matter. No one cared. I was lucky enough to see Jordan's last game in the Rose Garden too, and the feeling amongst the crowd was identical. No one would've cared if either of those two guys absolutely nothing of significance, but just for them to be there, and for the crowd to be able to see them "in action", was enough. Even though Cena came out and cut a fairly good promo, no one really acknowledged it, because no one cared. The Rock was there and there was no man that could say anything to top it.

Great, great show.
The only part of that segment that made me think the Rock did not Know Cena was going to say anything about his wrist, was the 20:38-20:42 part of the video.

Dwayne's pause and then his head moving really made me go that Rock was saying "You really did not go there John".
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Wait, HHH pedigreed Miz and we didnt see it? What?

After Miz tapped out to Cena, I guess that's when USA cut to commercial break. However after that, Miz cut a short promo and all of a sudden HHH's music dropped and he came out to the ring, didn't say a word, kicked Miz in the stomach, pedigreed him, and walked out. No questions asked

It came out of nowhere, the crowd went bonkers.
I don't understand why anyone would care if someone had bullet points written on their wrist. It doesn't make their promo any less theirs. If anything, it keeps them from digressing too much.
at "even Dibiase Jr."

As far as the "Please don't hurt Cena" thing from Vince, with 5 weeks left, they may as well turn that
into a storyline, even if it does involve lower midcarder/NXT guys. It couldn't hurt really, most of them
are already buried in a way, so they may as well feed some people barely on tv for Cena until then.
I'll be in attendance at the Smackdown tapings tonight. Won't be bringing signs though.

Hopefully I can be first to witness Drew Mcintyre's new gimmick
They're doing the right thing...it sucks...But if Cena is gonna win and the Rock is as over as he was when he first came out talking #@+ about Cena, that end of match handshake/bro hug/I respect you Cena/pass the torch moment is going to be meaningless and booed terribly.
Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

TMZ Reveals Cast of Legends House
Footage is up on the TMZ website showing the class of Legends House taking dancing lessons.

Those at the dance studio in Palm Springs, thus on the show, are Jim Duggan, Jimmy Hart, Roddy Piper, Hillbilly Jim, Pat Patterson, Gene Okerlund, Howard Finkel and Tony Atlas. 

No Shiek? not watching.

Haven't followed wrestling too closely Since the Rock bailed to Hollywood... has he fought since he's been back?
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

TMZ Reveals Cast of Legends House
Footage is up on the TMZ website showing the class of Legends House taking dancing lessons.

Those at the dance studio in Palm Springs, thus on the show, are Jim Duggan, Jimmy Hart, Roddy Piper, Hillbilly Jim, Pat Patterson, Gene Okerlund, Howard Finkel and Tony Atlas. 

No Shiek? not watching.


Roddy Piper? Watching.
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

I think the point was to leave Rocky tongue tied. He's an actor, don't forget. He knows exactly what he's doing out there.

They all are, even dibiase jr
You know what I mean't, cabron.
Watched the first hour last night and fell asleep. Thanks for posting the Rock promo. It wasnt his best work, but it wasnt too bad. Cena came across very well during it. Was there any further build of the Taker/HGH feud last night?
- Cassidy Haynes sent word that during last night’s RAW, WWE aired a commercial for the May 5th SmackDown event in Asheville, North Carolina. The commercial advertised a Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan match for the World Heavyweight Title and teases that Bryan retains his belt at WrestleMania 28 in Miami.

– Monday’s Raw SuperShow featuring the much anticipated return of The Rock garnered a 3.1 cable rating with 4.65 million viewers. The rating is down from 3.24 the week before.
Originally Posted by VC3FAN

The only part of that segment that made me think the Rock did not Know Cena was going to say anything about his wrist, was the 20:38-20:42 part of the video.

Dwayne's pause and then his head moving really made me go that Rock was saying "You really did not go there John".

You people give WWE's writing staff WAY too much credit.............this was pure shoot.....

The Rock is a good Actor (Most Markish Comment, Ive seen in this thread)?!?!?!?

I doubt Vince gave the go ahead, but I could picture HHH in the gorilla telling John, "Hey , Dwayne has notes written on his wrist....................Go GET HIM.......UHHHHHHHHHHH"
Originally Posted by gambit215

Originally Posted by VC3FAN

The only part of that segment that made me think the Rock did not Know Cena was going to say anything about his wrist, was the 20:38-20:42 part of the video.

Dwayne's pause and then his head moving really made me go that Rock was saying "You really did not go there John".

You people give WWE's writing staff WAY too much credit.............this was pure shoot.....

The Rock is a good Actor (Most Markish Comment, Ive seen in this thread)?!?!?!?

I doubt Vince gave the go ahead, but I could picture HHH in the gorilla telling John, "Hey , Dwayne has notes written on his wrist....................Go GET HIM.......UHHHHHHHHHHH"
Pure shoot? Or maybe, just maybe, the WWE aren't complete idiots and understand that Cena & Rock have to look somewhat equal?

Son, you're argument is HHH told John Cena to "GO GIT EM." As if this was a shoot fight. This isn't Japan, bruh.

Do us a favor and..

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