Wrestling Thread Feb 27-Mar 4 | 3/4 ROH 10th Anniversary Show iPPV - Briscoes vs Young Bucks (p36)

Originally Posted by NobleKane

so who does cena fued with after he beats the rock?

cena should just retire. there are no new opponents for him to fued with. nobody. thats what the e get for having him always at the top. they should just turn him heel and make him put over new talent

You've said some stupid things before but this one....
Non-Raw Notes

-Santino def. Curt Hawkins w/Tyler Reks via pinfall.

-Beth Phoenix def. Alicia Fox via pinfall after the GlamSlam.


-After The Miz lost to Cena during the commercial break he was crying about wanting a Wrestlemania match. HHH came out, pedigree'd him and walked right backstage.


-The Rock spoke to the people some more. Let us know how he used to live in Portland when his father worked for Don Owens. Got some pops for mentioning his fathers opponents like Roddy Piper, Stan Stasiak, etc. He then picked on some 21 year goof in the audience, called him a 21 year old virgin, said the last time he saw pie was when he came out his moms birth canal. Then he said that he'll tell him what his dad told him "When you're ready for poon, poon'll be ready for you." The Rock then made nice with a young cena fan at ringside, got the crowd to chant his name, etc. The Rock ended with the "If ya smeeeell..." and was adored by all.


-John Cena def. Kane via pinfall after the FU.

This was the biggest crowd I've seen at a WWE Event in Portland since No Mercy '08.
TMZ Reveals Cast of Legends House
Footage is up on the TMZ website showing the class of Legends House taking dancing lessons.

Those at the dance studio in Palm Springs, thus on the show, are Jim Duggan, Jimmy Hart, Roddy Piper, Hillbilly Jim, Pat Patterson, Gene Okerlund, Howard Finkel and Tony Atlas. 
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by NobleKane

so who does cena fued with after he beats the rock?

cena should just retire. there are no new opponents for him to fued with. nobody. thats what the e get for having him always at the top. they should just turn him heel and make him put over new talent

You've said some stupid things before but this one....

its the truth. 
4cena just go back to hugging your cats whenever the human society commercial comes on...
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by NobleKane

so who does cena fued with after he beats the rock?

cena should just retire. there are no new opponents for him to fued with. nobody. thats what the e get for having him always at the top. they should just turn him heel and make him put over new talent

You've said some stupid things before but this one....

its the truth. 
4cena just go back to hugging your cats whenever the human society commercial comes on...
Yes, the biggest ratings, buy rate, and merchandise draw should retire because you don't like him.
^ It was his first time back in a LONG +** time, there's noway anyone was going to boo him regardless of what he did/said.
Originally Posted by xJumpman23x

at you guys really thinking the rock has notes on his wrist. Did you forget he's a hollywood STAR? You all know how this is scripted, why would a professional actor have to write down notes on his lines.. They had it there to back up Cena's insult and attempt to make it funny.

while what you said makes sense, he looked down at his wrist a handful of times...regardless, it was a good RAW
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

TMZ Reveals Cast of Legends House
Footage is up on the TMZ website showing the class of Legends House taking dancing lessons.

Those at the dance studio in Palm Springs, thus on the show, are Jim Duggan, Jimmy Hart, Roddy Piper, Hillbilly Jim, Pat Patterson, Gene Okerlund, Howard Finkel and Tony Atlas. 

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]No Shiek? not watching.[/color]
rock probably just wanted to make sure he hit his main points. it can probably hard to remember to stay on track, especially with all of the chants interrupting his promo
Did he write those notes in Samoan cause they look like scribbles.
Rock did look legit mad when Cena called him out on his notes though lol.
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Do these 2 gentlemen genuinely dislike each other?

The heat certainly seemed legit last night...but then again i'm probably getting worked over since it's Vince's new mission to trick the IWC now. I'm really not sure but this feud got me all,

The "major" announcement at 10 AM...
Both Raw and SmackDown are about to get extreme makeovers. In an effort to help determine which General Manager should control both shows, the WWE Board of Directors has decided to switch control of each show next week. SmackDown GM Theodore Long will take control of Monday night’s Raw while Raw GM John Laurinaitis takes the reins of next Friday’s SmackDown.

The decision comes one week after Laurinaitis announced at Elimination Chamber that he will seek control over both shows, bolstered by flattering testimonials by Superstars Mark Henry, Christian and Alberto Del Rio. A perturbed Long made it clear to Laurinaitis that he’s not about to take the threat to his position lying down.

Last week on SmackDown, the two got into a heated argument as they tried to overrule one another during a match between WWE Champion CM Punk vs. World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan. Last night on Raw SuperShow, the two were at it again as tensions continued to escalate. What will the GMs have in store for their respective rival as they switch roles? And how will each try to outshine the other? Tune into both Raw and SmackDown to see the lengths they’ll go to impress the Board of Directors – and get back at each other.
a few things.

1. The Cena/Rock hate is a mutual thing. They do respect each other but it is true that Cena hates that once the Rock made successful movies, he left the WWE to focus on that. Hence why the storyline is being portrayed as Cena vs Dwayne Johnson on his part. I am sure they talk in the back just like any other time they have been together. but there is some difference of opinions.

2. The Rock will not be a heel. He washed that away last night when he said the crowd boo'd him as a baby face, cheered when he turned on them, and cheered when he became a good guy again. As I said last night, this crowd is eating out of his hands no matter what.

3. The wrist pics everyone keeps posting is part of the scheme guys. With all of this "Trending" garbage, the internet is playing a big part in this storyline as well.

4. I hate Cena as much as anyone on here but you gotta give the guy and the WWE credit for the two promos he did. Last night made last weeks promo look even better and Even I was saying it was not a great promo from Cena last week. Cena stated the truth. I honestly do not think Cena has been forced down our throats. I just think every time we see him, were ready to change the channel. (And I too have made comments about Cena as such).

5. I think what you guys are missing from last night is Cena proving he is more of a thorn in the Rock's side than the Rock is with Cena. I sat there after the segment and said "Rock, you came from wrestling royalty and lived a good childhood life too, why am I suppose to care if Cena went to private school????

We still have time for this play out some more. I think if you went into this match thinking that it was for Cena to not be over with the crowd, then you should go back and focus on some of the other feuds.
as if Raw was already close to being unwatchable.

Guess i'll be watching Smackdown and just catching the Raw spoilers playa'.
Take it for what it's worth...

The Rock's promo crib notes on his wrist on RAW last night said the following:

Innovator - Camo
2 reasons
Call out

John Cena pointed out the notes during his promo on RAW.

IDK how they made out the ancient hieroglyphics that were scribbled on there but w/e. Maybe someone else confirms.
Originally Posted by jmal519

rock probably just wanted to make sure he hit his main points. it can probably hard to remember to stay on track, especially with all of the chants interrupting his promo
This is normal. Nothing out of the ordinary for the old school guys. Back in the day wrestlers were given bullet points and worked around that. Now everything is pretty much scripted word-by-word (this includes TNA and ROH). There's only a few in the current WWE who are given free reign (Jericho, Punk, R-Truth, HHH, Taker, a few others). I know Punk recently said he gets scripts but doesn't feel the need to follow it and does his own thing.

When Nash came back last year they tried giving him scripts. He refused to do the word-by-word thing and had HHH give him bullet points. Ric Flair probably don't even know how a script looks like...bullet points for life.

As far as the Rock...I highly doubt he would agree to have Cena embarrass him the way he did last night, breaking kayfabe. Was it a work? It's possible but I'm apt to believe things didn't go exactly how he was told they were. I can't remember him ever having that look on his face...

I'll know more once the N&N hits the e-streets.

EDIT: When I said it's normal, I'm speaking on the old school dudes going by the "points" format. I don't think having them written on your body is the norm.
But like jmal519 said, it was probably there so he'd remember.
Originally Posted by VC3FAN

2. The Rock will not be a heel. 
Size 7 for everyone to read.
Also...I'm 99.9% sure when Punk did his infamous shoot promo last year, he had bullet points written on the tape wrapped around his wrists. I vaguely remember an interview in which he made that claim. It was so he wouldn't get too offtrack and to make sure he'd get across whatever he felt was really important.

He wasn't given the bullet points by anyone though. He had complete free reign to say whatever the hell he wanted...the only thing he was told was they'd cut his mic off whenever @#@% got too real for them.
Damn, now that's what I call bullet points
My "bullet points" are usually full-on sentences
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