Wrestling Thread Feb 6-12 | 2/12 TNA Against All Odds PPV | BREAKING NEWS - RUSSO OUT (p55)

I was just thinking about that during the segment last night. I love the Johnny Cash theme, but the original theme is goosebumps inducing.
^^^Good for Bourne if he's serious about it
 Came across this and thought it was pretty cool
I really liked the Cash theme, but since this is probably going to be Takers' last run at WM he should keep it old school..You guys think we'll get a Paul Bearer sighting at the big event or will UT come out with some druids or maybe in a hearse?..
Anybody think that HHH accepts on the condition of if Taker wins he has to retire? Like Taker has to chose whats more important career or the streak.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

The Rock is now booked for the Mar 5 Raw. I believe he is now scheduled to be on every Raw except one during the time after Elimination Chamber until WrestleMania.

Do you know if he's scheduled for February 27 at The Rose Garden in Portland?
Originally Posted by fearthenut

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

The Rock is now booked for the Mar 5 Raw. I believe he is now scheduled to be on every Raw except one during the time after Elimination Chamber until WrestleMania.

Do you know if he's scheduled for February 27 at The Rose Garden in Portland?
He is.  That will be his first night back.
I do not think that would be such a great stipulation MR23, only because Taker is on a Legends status type anyway. last three years, we have only seen Taker on television leading to the build up to his WM matches. His current state makes it as such.

Could it happen, Yes. But I think so far, they are making it out to be that this streak does not eat away at HHH like it did his best friend Shawn. I think the build up will lead to HHH finally admitting that it eats away at him and he'll do anything to get that shot again. I wish Taker was not the one to make the initial proposal (He did without saying any words) since HHH would not have to accept such a deal but that was the only negative from last night.

As of right now, We are left to assume that HHH is done with that but also knows that deadman coming back and challenging him at Mania means the taker wants to take his career with him.

I really do think that it will not be a storyline about the streak itself, but that HHH is not ready to call it a career yet. Which is where Shawn comes into play. Let HHH feel that this time, Shawn is willing to help but it leads to Shawn stopping HHH in his attempt while letting him know that is time to call it a career as well. As an indirect way, Undertaker was not the reason HHH's career ended, but HBK was the one that ended it. Something that HHH and Michaels promised each other. That also ties into how the Undertaker was a part of there career.

The only logistic nightmare is, if it is the Undertakers last match as well as the end to HHH's in ring wrestling career, Who is getting honored the next night on Raw????? Two pretty big egos to celebrate. I would like for the Undertaker to break character for the one time and at least address the fans if such an event occurs. And what, HHH should just be COO again and la la la. Like him or not, the man deserves a farewell sendoff as well. (Not on the stage of Shawn or Taker but still)

I am very intrigued with this more than the HBK/Taker matches. I think HHH/Taker matches will without a doubt come nowhere near what the HBK/Taker matches will but I think the storyline is much deeper for HHH/Taker than the HBK/Taker ones.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

^^^Good for Bourne if he's serious about it
�Came across this and thought it was pretty cool

That Kenneth Cameron dude has potential.FCW actually has a lot of good talent right now.
Originally Posted by casekicks

I really liked the Cash theme, but since this is probably going to be Takers' last run at WM he should keep it old school..You guys think we'll get a Paul Bearer sighting at the big event or will UT come out with some druids or maybe in a hearse?..

they gonna make him go out 19-1?
(WWE) - WWE RAW did a 3.55 (3.6) cable rating last night, up from last week's 3.18 (3.2). It was the highest rated RAW since April 4th of last year, the night after WrestleMania 27, which did a 3.82.

The show did hours of 3.6 and 3.5, losing viewers as the show went on for the fifth straight week.

Total viewership was 5.22 million viewers, the first time RAW has topped 5 million viewers since October 10th.

RAW was #1 among males 18-34 and 12-34 but trailed "Pawn Stars" in males 18-49.

Last year's post-Rumble RAW did a 3.48 rating.
Originally Posted by MR23MJ

Anybody think that HHH accepts on the condition of if Taker wins he has to retire? Like Taker has to chose whats more important career or the streak.

I think this makes it tOo obvious to the casual fan that Taker is 100% gone. Even though many people know this is it for Taker that puts m Ore emphasis on a final match.
Judging off that video, I think we all can agree the youtube channel is going to be a complete failure.
Originally Posted by jdcurt2

Judging off that video, I think we all can agree the youtube channel is going to be a complete failure.

Ryder's show is being absorbed by this YouTube channel.  It's not known if WWE will take "creative control" on it.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by jdcurt2

Judging off that video, I think we all can agree the youtube channel is going to be a complete failure.

Ryder's show is being absorbed by this YouTube channel.  It's not known if WWE will take "creative control" on it.
As long as Ziggler is able to do his Ask The Heel the way he wants, I'll still tune in
Originally Posted by AquaGrape2345

So is there anyone going after the Tag Titles, Intercontinental Title or U.S. Title?
Tag Titles...well:

Usos: gets no reaction at all

Hawkins & Reks: stuck on NXT and getting squashed by Brodus

Air Boom: pretty much done as a team

and the tag champs themselves Epico & Primo: their manager gets more of a reaction than them.

They'll be lucky if they even get a dark match, imo.

IC: Probably Goldust(likely), or Justin Gabriel(not as likely)

US: probably Ryder. Or maybe Kofi gets one last run with it before entering the WWE Title picture.
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