Wrestling Thread Feb28-Mar6 | 3/4 Smackdown - The Undertaker Addresses HHH, Edge vs McIntyre

- As noted before, there has been talk of Kevin Nash and Big Show vs. The Corre at WrestleMania 27. WWE officials have talked about putting Kane in that match, making it Kane, Big Show and Nash vs. The Corre. Another idea that was talked about last week was The Corre vs. Big Show and 3 other SmackDown stars, guys like Kofi Kingston.

- Another multi-person match discussed for WrestleMania is Michelle McCool, Layla and Dolph Ziggler vs. Trish Stratus, Kelly Kelly and a male WWE Superstar, who would likely end up being Drew McIntyre. This means that Dolph Ziggler would be returning soon.

- Triple H made the decision at Monday’s RAW to end his feud with Sheamus and do the angle where he put him through the table with a Pedigree. Triple H wanted to not forget about the feud with Sheamus but wants full focus on his current WrestleMania 27 storyline with The Undertaker.

- Two names being tossed around for the role of Michael Cole’s special referee in the WrestleMania 27 match against Jerry Lawler are Vickie Guerrero and believe it or not, Steve Austin. It could just be that Austin does an angle with Vickie on next week’s RAW or something as she is expected to be there.

- The latest talk about The Undertaker retiring is that he will do it after going 20-0 at WrestleMania 28 in 2012. Of course there is always talk about Taker retiring and most people feel that he will wrestle as long as he is physically able to.
Rumored 10 Match WM27 Card:

Spoiler [+]
@ a couple of those throwaway matches

- According to one source, here’s what WWE hasplanned for WrestleMania 27 as of this week’s creative meetings. Keepin mind things are always changing.

Special Guest Host: The Rock

WWE Title Match
John Cena vs. The Miz

World Heavyweight Title Match
Alberto Del Rio vs. Edge

The Streak on the Line
Triple H vs. The Undertaker

CM Punk vs. Randy Orton

John Morrison, Kelly Kelly and Trish Stratus vs. Dolph Ziggler, Layla and Michelle McCool

Wade Barrett, Ezekiel Jackson, Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel vs. Big Show, Kane, Kofi Kingston and Christian

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes

Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole, Special Referee: Steve Austin
Cole’s trainer Jack Swagger will be in his corner.

WWE United States Champion Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus
Gail Kim will be in Bryan’s corner while The Bellas will be with Sheamus.

* Another undetermined Divas match will also take place. There will be no Money in the Bank this year.
Rumored 10 Match WM27 Card:

Spoiler [+]
@ a couple of those throwaway matches

- According to one source, here’s what WWE hasplanned for WrestleMania 27 as of this week’s creative meetings. Keepin mind things are always changing.

Special Guest Host: The Rock

WWE Title Match
John Cena vs. The Miz

World Heavyweight Title Match
Alberto Del Rio vs. Edge

The Streak on the Line
Triple H vs. The Undertaker

CM Punk vs. Randy Orton

John Morrison, Kelly Kelly and Trish Stratus vs. Dolph Ziggler, Layla and Michelle McCool

Wade Barrett, Ezekiel Jackson, Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel vs. Big Show, Kane, Kofi Kingston and Christian

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes

Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole, Special Referee: Steve Austin
Cole’s trainer Jack Swagger will be in his corner.

WWE United States Champion Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus
Gail Kim will be in Bryan’s corner while The Bellas will be with Sheamus.

* Another undetermined Divas match will also take place. There will be no Money in the Bank this year.
Originally Posted by chillainvillain

Originally Posted by jdcurt2

Rumored 10 Match WM27 Card:

Spoiler [+]
@ a couple of those throwaway matches

- According to one source, here’s what WWE hasplanned for WrestleMania 27 as of this week’s creative meetings. Keepin mind things are always changing.

Special Guest Host: The Rock

WWE Title Match
John Cena vs. The Miz

World Heavyweight Title Match
Alberto Del Rio vs. Edge

The Streak on the Line
Triple H vs. The Undertaker

CM Punk vs. Randy Orton

John Morrison, Kelly Kelly and Trish Stratus vs. Dolph Ziggler, Layla and Michelle McCool

Wade Barrett, Ezekiel Jackson, Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel vs. Big Show, Kane, Kofi Kingston and Christian

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes

Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole, Special Referee: Steve Austin
Cole’s trainer Jack Swagger will be in his corner.

WWE United States Champion Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus
Gail Kim will be in Bryan’s corner while The Bellas will be with Sheamus.

* Another undetermined Divas match will also take place. There will be no Money in the Bank this year.
Originally Posted by chillainvillain

Originally Posted by jdcurt2

Rumored 10 Match WM27 Card:

Spoiler [+]
@ a couple of those throwaway matches

- According to one source, here’s what WWE hasplanned for WrestleMania 27 as of this week’s creative meetings. Keepin mind things are always changing.

Special Guest Host: The Rock

WWE Title Match
John Cena vs. The Miz

World Heavyweight Title Match
Alberto Del Rio vs. Edge

The Streak on the Line
Triple H vs. The Undertaker

CM Punk vs. Randy Orton

John Morrison, Kelly Kelly and Trish Stratus vs. Dolph Ziggler, Layla and Michelle McCool

Wade Barrett, Ezekiel Jackson, Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel vs. Big Show, Kane, Kofi Kingston and Christian

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes

Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole, Special Referee: Steve Austin
Cole’s trainer Jack Swagger will be in his corner.

WWE United States Champion Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus
Gail Kim will be in Bryan’s corner while The Bellas will be with Sheamus.

* Another undetermined Divas match will also take place. There will be no Money in the Bank this year.
Got my tickets in the mail today for the TNA Lockdown show in Cincy..8th row on the opposite side of the entrance ramp(according to the arena's layout)..Hope it's fun..I havent been to a wrestling show since ECW came to Hara Arena for a ppv..
Got my tickets in the mail today for the TNA Lockdown show in Cincy..8th row on the opposite side of the entrance ramp(according to the arena's layout)..Hope it's fun..I havent been to a wrestling show since ECW came to Hara Arena for a ppv..
Originally Posted by casekicks

Got my tickets in the mail today for the TNA Lockdown show in Cincy..8th row on the opposite side of the entrance ramp(according to the arena's layout)..Hope it's fun..I havent been to a wrestling show since ECW came to Hara Arena for a ppv..

Last years show was quite the cluster **@@ but Anderson/Angle was pretty dope. Hope you get a good show.Take your girl and offer her to Steiner 
Originally Posted by casekicks

Got my tickets in the mail today for the TNA Lockdown show in Cincy..8th row on the opposite side of the entrance ramp(according to the arena's layout)..Hope it's fun..I havent been to a wrestling show since ECW came to Hara Arena for a ppv..

Last years show was quite the cluster **@@ but Anderson/Angle was pretty dope. Hope you get a good show.Take your girl and offer her to Steiner 
^^Cant do it, she's a Jeff Hardy fan..I'm given some serious thought to takin' a sign or two..If I do, I will make sure to put a shout out to NT on it..My wife is gonna take one that says "You give me a Hardy on"..lol..she's ******ed..
^^Cant do it, she's a Jeff Hardy fan..I'm given some serious thought to takin' a sign or two..If I do, I will make sure to put a shout out to NT on it..My wife is gonna take one that says "You give me a Hardy on"..lol..she's ******ed..
^^If I did that then Id most certainly have to put a lawyer on retainer for when she divorces me:lol: ..I am gonna take suggestions for my sign..I'll do anything as long as it wont get me kicked out of the event..
^^If I did that then Id most certainly have to put a lawyer on retainer for when she divorces me:lol: ..I am gonna take suggestions for my sign..I'll do anything as long as it wont get me kicked out of the event..
that card is stupid predictable and if they go with that they have to have a MITB match to make it interesting....and more R truth and Yoshi Tatsu
that card is stupid predictable and if they go with that they have to have a MITB match to make it interesting....and more R truth and Yoshi Tatsu
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