Wrestling Thread Jan 19-Feb: 1/29 LIVE Smackdown 8pm et - Bryan v Kane Casket Match

Just finished watching it...

- Didn't really care about the stuff before the Triple Threat & Rumble, so whatever to that.

- Triple Threat was great. :wow: @ Seth busting out the Phoenix Splash.

- as great of a heel Seth is...man when he eventually turns face...he will be MEGA over. So exciting in the ring

- Bubba's return was great. :pimp:

- :rofl: @ Rowan just washing Axel like that and taking his spot

- Now I was one of the few people that didn't want Bryan to win, but MAN...they did him dirty forreal. :smh: I was fully expecting him to be one of the final 4. Terrible booking.

- DDP looking very old out there

- not one NXT guy? At least let Zayn or Neville get some shine for a few minutes :smh: instead we get the Woo Woo Guy.

- man just turn the New Day heel. They got crapped on the whole night.

- Big Show & Kane really needs to **** off. I'm so tired of those dudes.

- I honestly started getting pissed after Ziggler got tossed out by those 2 clowns...the winner was definitely clear then. :smh:

- I was one of the few dudes on here that actually liked Roman. But this made me hate him man. He was looking like such a tool afterwards :smh: Rock tried to take the heat off of Roman, but it didn't work too well.

- ..the look of uncertainty on Rock's face made me chuckle though :lol:

This ppv sucked outside of the Triple Threat. Don't regret not going now. That WM crowd is going to BURY that main event. They better fix that **** fast...or this may be the first time in years that I skip watching Mania.
In person the show was fun...UNTIL Reigns won. The longer he last in the match, the worse I felt and knew he was gon win. After that happened everyone in my area was pissed, females, lil kids, my cousin who hasnt watched wrestling since Edge retired, EVERYBODY. Positives were the surprise appearances& that Triple Threat WWE title match. I lost it when Bubba came out and when DDP did too lol. Imma rewatch some of the show later today since im off from work and didnt get to see what it looked like on TV

on point
If #cancelwwenetwork stays in the top 10 trends for 24 hours into Raw they cant ignore it. Something big has to happen tonight. They cant let Reigns stay in the match
the WWE is heading for extinction

I'm STILL baffled by yesterday, as someone who was a huge fan no less then a few years it's really bad. I decide to tune in to see if I can get behind the product again and Vince does just about everything he can to make me hate it even more. If that is a measure of success then Vince hit a grand slam.
This company is so ridiculous. Fans don't want to see reigns cook anymore. Anything he did was met with boos. They can't let my dude Cesaro or Ziggler cook. Let them flourish.

Plus sering my bae Paige take a loss from those garbage bellas. Embarrassing.
The more I think about it, the more irritated I get man.

Just can't watch this **** right now. Done with anything WWE related for now. Even NXT..because as good as guys like Devitt, KENTA, Generico, Steen, PAC etc are, whenever they get called up, they'll just be booked as the Big Bad Beetleborgs or some **** because Vince is a f'ing idiot and probably hates wrestling more than anyone.

If it wasn't for stuff like NJPW & PWG, I'd finally move on from this wrestling ****... :smh:
it's one thing to not let D Bry win the Rumble but to just have him eliminated like he's R Truth shows you just how much the WWE doesn't get it

and I never thought I would see the day that the Rock caused anger among a crowd
it's one thing to not let D Bry win the Rumble but to just have him eliminated like he's R Truth shows you just how much the WWE doesn't get it

and I never thought I would see the day that the Rock caused anger among a crowd
yep i could've tolerated bryan losing but man, to have him go out that quickly? and then to have jeans, ziggler and wyatt to go out the way they did, that was even worse. there's no logical explanation for two washed up bums that no one cares about to be in the final 4. pathetic.
Disney just needs to come and snatch the WWE away from Vince like they did Lucas from Star Wars. Their best days are appreciated but clearly behind them.
If #cancelwwenetwork stays in the top 10 trends for 24 hours into Raw they cant ignore it. Something big has to happen tonight. They cant let Reigns stay in the match

I really hope it stays trending for years.

Seriously, enough is enough. Vince and everyone backstage can't, in good faith, claim that the Royal Rumble PPV was entertaining or served any purpose leading forward.

Why do they think we want to see Rusev and Cena? What does Rollins do now? Why did the Rock come back for a cheap pop and to help Reigns? How many people know they are related? Why were Daniel Bryan and Dean Ambrose and Dolph Ziggler made to look like chumps? Why weren't any of the NXT guys like Adrian Neville and Sami Zayn in the rumble getting some exposure? It's sad to say but nothing will change in the WWE until HHH has total control over booking, and that probably won't happen until Vince is dead.

I hate this product. I unsubscribed from the network months ago and will not give the WWE money until the product is back to where it should be.

I'm ashamed to be a wrestling fan. Again.
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