Wrestling Thread Jan 19-Feb: 1/29 LIVE Smackdown 8pm et - Bryan v Kane Casket Match

Fell asleep right about when Reigns was entering. Woke up at 1130 and went online to see who won and WILL be cancelling the network. Women's tag match was horrible and booking of the RR was just crap, no wonder I dozed off. My wife wants to watch the replay since she's a Reigns fan and my stepson plays over and over Cena's old and current themes. Picks both Cena's in 2k.

Guess I have something to watch because I'm sure my tv will be plastered about this Nor"Easter or however its spelled. Hopefully I'll be off tomorrow and even let go early today.

Ascension can get beat up by the APA and nWo but whoop the NAO's?

Damn, had #30 in the NTWT. WTF with the Boogeyman but no NXT guys or even Bo Dallas getting involved with Bray. Was a clusterf*ck when Rowan and Harper looked like they wre going to double Wyatt and Harper starts hitting on Rowan. Rowan is not a face and they shouldve never split the family up.
i had #10 in the rumble 

is there a prize for most lost subscribers for when Bryan was eliminated ?
I want reigns to be the champ but admittedly the build/booking has been flat out awful

It feels mad rushed and thrown together
WWE is placing the blame for last night's reaction on the Philadelphia fans, not their booking decisions.

The Rock was NOT happy being placed into the situation he was.  He was not expected the backlash against Reigns.

Daniel Bryan will not be inserted into the World Title match at Mania in a 3way because Vince feels like they already did that last year and don't want to have a rerun this year.

A very select few within WWE know if The Undertaker is working at WrestleMania this year (against Bray Wyatt).  The belief is yes, he will.  However, if for whatever reason The Undertaker cannot go, Bray Wyatt would likely face Daniel Bryan.

-Source: Wrestling Observer Radio
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Alright guys I got a serious question for you..What rating do you give the Triple Threat Title match and how does it stack up to your favorite WrestleKingdom 9 match?..

I still think Nakamura vs. Ibushi the MOTY..I got the B/S/C title match 2nd..And Okada vs. Tanahashi in 3rd..
Same order in my opinion. :pimp:
WWE is placing the blame for last night's reaction on the Philadelphia fans, not their booking decisions.

The Rock was NOT happy being placed into the situation he was.  He was not expected the backlash against Reigns.

Daniel Bryan will not be inserted into the World Title match at Mania in a 3way because Vince feels like they already did that last year and don't want to have a rerun this year.

A very select few within WWE know if The Undertaker is working at WrestleMania this year (against Bray Wyatt).  The belief is yes, he will.  However, if for whatever reason The Undertaker cannot go, Bray Wyatt would likely face Daniel Bryan.

-Source: Wrestling Observer Radio
-Knew they would place the blame on the crowd. It's up to the rest of the cities to crap on the product. But I have a feeling once they see the # of cancellations on hte already bleeding WWE Network, things will change

-Vince doesn't want to repeat last year? But it was okay to do Rock vs Cena twice in a lifetime. **** you Vince. 

My thoughts on the rumble are as follows: If they want and believe Roman as their top guy, that's fine. Don't shove him down our throats. Don't sacrifice OTHER superstars to put him over. Don't have all these things set in place for him for damage control while Daniel Bryan is RIGHT THERE. He's ready, he doesn't need to get over. He is the underdog, which is exactly what got Cena over all those years ago. He appeals to every segment of the audience. 

I think my favorite part of the night that I can at least laugh about is when Bray called out anyone and it was Zack Ryder :lol:
By far. Is it sad I can imagine the rest going down, gag noises and all.

It's okay man. You didn't have all of your mental faculties working in unison.
Those IPAs will creep up on you man. If you listen closely I was out of breath halfway through my first sentence
Vince probably thought eliminating Bryan early would allow fans to forget about him so they would cheer Reigns, 100% know that is that old man's thinking
I was all in on wrestling back in the mid 90s.

Fast forward to yesterday, I got to watch the rumble and had high hopes for it.

Last nights rumble just didn't have me feel some type of way.

I guess when wrestle mania comes to my hometown. Maybe it will make it up.
WWE is placing the blame for last night's reaction on the Philadelphia fans, not their booking decisions.

The Rock was NOT happy being placed into the situation he was.  He was not expected the backlash against Reigns.

Daniel Bryan will not be inserted into the World Title match at Mania in a 3way because Vince feels like they already did that last year and don't want to have a rerun this year.

A very select few within WWE know if The Undertaker is working at WrestleMania this year (against Bray Wyatt).  The belief is yes, he will.  However, if for whatever reason The Undertaker cannot go, Bray Wyatt would likely face Daniel Bryan.

-Source: Wrestling Observer Radio
-Knew they would place the blame on the crowd. It's up to the rest of the cities to crap on the product. But I have a feeling once they see the # of cancellations on hte already bleeding WWE Network, things will change
I'm not putting any stock in the cancelation thing.  If you have 100 angry people cancel their subscriptions, it goes viral, RT'd thousands of times, the situation looks much worse than it really is.

I always forget who makes up 95% of WWE's audience, but going to a show live like last night, you quickly realize it's not us.
Vince probably thought eliminating Bryan early would allow fans to forget about him so they would cheer Reigns, 100% know that is that old man's thinking
Exactly what he was thinking.  Except Reigns came in like 7 minutes later, and the three guys in between were Goldust, Kofi, and Adam Rose.
I'm mad u didn't throw any batteries

4w did you throw the diamond up when DDP came out? i think they showed u on da tv
So...who's excited for New Beginning in Osaka?

I am!

WWE is placing the blame for last night's reaction on the Philadelphia fans, not their booking decisions.

The Rock was NOT happy being placed into the situation he was.  He was not expected the backlash against Reigns.

Daniel Bryan will not be inserted into the World Title match at Mania in a 3way because Vince feels like they already did that last year and don't want to have a rerun this year.

A very select few within WWE know if The Undertaker is working at WrestleMania this year (against Bray Wyatt).  The belief is yes, he will.  However, if for whatever reason The Undertaker cannot go, Bray Wyatt would likely face Daniel Bryan.

-Source: Wrestling Observer Radio

I think vince tries to bring vince in quickly to help his ****** rumble. So is the rock going to be at wm31 or was he just there to help mask the boos. Vince is an idiot. He knew reigns was gonna get booed so he sent rock out there to help save reigns. ****** already knew the crowd was gonna eat reigns alive.
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