Wrestling Thread Jan 27-Feb 9 | 2/3 RAW - New Age Outlaws v Rhodes Brothers for Titles in a STEEL CA

ER will be held in the Izod Center. Not sure how I feel about this but they put on a greatsh ow last year at the raw after mania. Keep in mind, it will most likely not be the same since that crowd consisted of a to of international people
ER will be held in the Izod Center. Not sure how I feel about this but they put on a greatsh ow last year at the raw after mania. Keep in mind, it will most likely not be the same since that crowd consisted of a to of international people
Still going to be a strong NY/NJ crowd though.
The only thing that's going to make me cringe post-WM is the the Raw right after.

Not because it'll be a bad show, but the commentary CONSTANTLY saying "It's bizarro world! WWE Universe is backwards!" when fans are cheering for, idk, WHAT THEY ACTUALLY WANT TO SEE!
Punk + Del Rio >>> Booo-tista

This Unified Championship situation is already starting to have a ripple effect. Guys that would have been "main eventers" on the B show now find themselves in no man land. Above the midcard but not valued high enough for the top of the card
Originally Posted by venom lyrix  
Alberto Del Rio has let officials know that he's leaving when his contract expires. Easons being he doesn't like the direction of his character and has alot of mileage.

*flame suit on*

I'll miss him even though I've known he's been wanting to get out for a while.

ADR has no personality and his character hasn't progressed at all...not to mention WWE didn't do him any favors by stripping away the few things people liked about him...

But he's still a damn good wrestler and his in-ring work is appreciated. He's a master at tip-toeing the stiff line in his matches without straight up injuring guys like Ryback. He brings credibility by making it look legitimate and, boring or not, that ALWAYS makes for a better product.

Truth be told...ADR and Dolph Ziggler are a lot more alike to me than how the IWC perceives them.
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- We noted before that major WrestleMania XXX creative meetings were held over the past week with several discussions changed. While many different scenarios were brought up, at least one source in WWE creative doesn't expect a lot of changes will be made.

While it may appear they are going in the direction of Kane vs. Daniel Bryan after this week's TV shows, the source didn't expect Triple H vs. Daniel Bryan to be changed. Regarding that match, nobody within WWE expects Bryan to go over.

Regarding the recent Batista vs. Brock Lesnar teases on WWE TV, the feeling is that it was done to build to something between the two later this year.

Source: PWInsider

LOL the crowd at Wrestlemania is gonna be special if they really job out Bryan to HHH and run Batista vs. Orton as the title match. My goodness :x :lol

Crazy how a month ago I was looking forward to XXX as maybe one of the best ever but now I just wanna see what kind of trainwreck it turns out to be :{
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Agreed about Del Rio, especially character wise. I just don't understand how the WWE can continue to strip away the appeal of people, and still try to push them in some way. I've always enjoyed him in the ring, but no scarf, no car, and no Ricardo....what exactly is there to cheer or boo? They have pretty much done the same to Sandow, but luckily Sandow has much more personality and mic skills to sort of get over that.
-According to one source, the reason The Miz did a quick, angry appearance on commentary during Monday’s RAW was to set up a future tag-team.

Apparently the idea is to team Miz up with Dolph Ziggler, who also began the seeds of the new team, which is set to be somewhat of a “disgruntled angry men” tag-team, when he cut the “shoot” promo on the WWE App recently.

Damn I thought y'all were playin. Not sure how I feel about this
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-According to one source, the reason The Miz did a quick, angry appearance on commentary during Monday’s RAW was to set up a future tag-team.

Apparently the idea is to team Miz up with Dolph Ziggler, who also began the seeds of the new team, which is set to be somewhat of a “disgruntled angry men” tag-team, when he cut the “shoot” promo on the WWE App recently.

Damn I thought y'all were playin. Not sure how I feel about this

:rollin :{
- We noted before that major WrestleMania XXX creative meetings were held over the past week with several discussions changed. While many different scenarios were brought up, at least one source in WWE creative doesn't expect a lot of changes will be made.

While it may appear they are going in the direction of Kane vs. Daniel Bryan after this week's TV shows, the source didn't expect Triple H vs. Daniel Bryan to be changed. Regarding that match, nobody within WWE expects Bryan to go over.

Regarding the recent Batista vs. Brock Lesnar teases on WWE TV, the feeling is that it was done to build to something between the two later this year.

Source: PWInsider
LOL the crowd at Wrestlemania is gonna be special if they really job out Bryan to HHH and run Batista vs. Orton as the title match. My goodness

Crazy how a month ago I was looking forward to XXX as maybe one of the best ever but now I just wanna see what kind of trainwreck it turns out to be
My goodness, is correct. If DBry jobs to the shovel, i WILL retire from watching.

I use to be a huge fan but I almost hate HHH now. Nobody gives a damn about you anymore, bro. Let other cats shine, SMFH.

WWE needs some competition. Tired of this bs they're putting out there. 
If Bryan possibly winning the title at EC is only a setup for HHH to Pedigree him at WM......:rollin :x :rollin :x :{
What happened in 09?

Sorry, just start watching wrestling again during Punks 400+ day reign
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