Wrestling Thread Jan 27-Feb 9 | 2/3 RAW - New Age Outlaws v Rhodes Brothers for Titles in a STEEL CA

Half way through Hardcore Holly's book and it's pretty good..Based on what I've read so far I'd recommend you guys give it a try..
Alberto Del Rio has let officials know that he's leaving when his contract expires. Easons being he doesn't like the direction of his character and has alot of mileage.
I think it's a smart move by ADR. His character is stale as hell and he definitely is not going anywhere.
Alberto Del Rio has let officials know that he's leaving when his contract expires. Easons being he doesn't like the direction of his character and has alot of mileage.

He won't be missed, honestly. Good worker, but lacked character.

They got rid of what made him good. The car and the personal ring announcer.
ADR is leaving, my night as been made.

Now, what new wrestler are they gonna get to appeal to the Mexican fans?
Wait...Miz and Ziggler are going to tag and have a disgruntled employee gimmick?

Isn't that EXACTLY what the gimmick was when Miz tagged with R-Truth?
Time to send up Ricardo.

Give Del Rio a storyline where jbl gave him bad stock advice and now he's poor. Or give him a mask again and he can be the mma fighter who got knocked out by Crocop gimmick.
Give Del Rio a storyline where jbl gave him bad stock advice and now he's poor. Or give him a mask again and he can be the mma fighter who got knocked out by Crocop gimmick.
Brings me to ask this question. Has WWE ever uttered the letters UFC on the air?

So the Mexican wrestler they've been searching for for years to take over for Rey... Is French Canadian?...
NXT's Kalitso
Looks like extreme rules won't be in Seattle.

Looking forward to smackdown based on the spoilers. Sounds like a solid show. Can't wait to see the promos from both the Wyatt and shield on eachother. :pimp:
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