Wrestling Thread Jan 27-Feb 9 | 2/3 RAW - New Age Outlaws v Rhodes Brothers for Titles in a STEEL CA

It was a WWE produced segment... He was scripted on what to say.

I didn't think it was that great..I don't see why dudes on here were getting hyped up over it..Wasn't close to Punk's "pipe bomb", Henry's retirement, or even the back and forth between Rock and Cena..It was basically an average, scripted, promo..Nothing more..
^What happened during that match to lead to Ziggler being pinned? Of course I was only halfway paying attention, but it didn't even seem like Truth and Xavier got knocked off the apron or anything to come help.
Xavier Woods got slammed by Bray. Not sure where Truth was.
^I'll just assume Truth made his way up the ramp as Dolph was getting pinned

If you have 2 hours to kill, here's the last episode of WCW Thunder

Troll Troll Troll

I didn't even realize till I was listening to my Raw podcasts that Ziggler took the pin in a match where he teamed with R-TRUTH AND XAVIER WOODS. :rofl:  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Long as it aint my dude Xavier taking the pin I'm ok with it lol
Cheap Heat podcast right before Royal RUmble had a cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool interview with Roman Reigns. Talks a little about Calvin Johnson too. Cool interview!
Ehhhhhhh.....never really had any interest to see Over The Edge '99, even the matches before Owen's death

Dolph's career right now in a nutshell


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Zighler and Miz will be a tag team. They will carry the gimmick of disgruntled employees.
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Well, they're both from Cleveland, and in various ways are both literal and figurative losers, so this may actually have some legs.

X: great job Aksana
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I really hope dolph recovers and sticks it through this burial tour and comes back stronger and they finally push him. This is as bad as when HHH was punished
I actually like the Miz/Dolph pairing, could be really good and Miz is much better as a tag wrestler.
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