Wrestling Thread Jan 27-Feb 9 | 2/3 RAW - New Age Outlaws v Rhodes Brothers for Titles in a STEEL CA

Emma is awesome.

Also, for casekicks, this show looks like Tough Enough but it seems way better.

I'll give it watch later today..

Can someone tell me how I can make one of those surveys like 4w does for the prediction contest?..I'd kinda like to do a little research regarding the opinions of the NTWT and don't know how to go about making a proper survey..
The Rated R Superstar knocked up the Glamazon!! They apparently just welcomed a child into the world.
I know a lot of people here didn't like it because Jericho lost constantly, but I thought that Jericho/Punk feud was incredible.

It might be my favorite recent feud. They both went hard as **** in promos and matches.

Jericho attacking him and pouring jack daniels on him then slipping on it was kinda awesome.
*mini rant*

I stopped watching wrestling 5 years ago. The reason being HHH constantly burying people and the same wrestlers being in the main events. Over the past week Ive reading this whole thread and it seems like nothings changed.
The reason im saying this is because I LOVED wrestling and it really hurts my soul to see the state its in now.
Wrestling was my childhood just the memories. I remember seeing The Rock at a house show in buffalo,NY. Seeing countless wwf/e wcw shows, seeing conan driving around my neighborhood.
Its just sad really but in reading this thread I've giving new japan wrestling a try and I love it(even don't I understand what they are saying lol).
So my question is can somebody point in the direction of good matches?
*mini rant*

I stopped watching wrestling 5 years ago. The reason being HHH constantly burying people and the same wrestlers being in the main events. Over the past week Ive reading this whole thread and it seems like nothings changed.
The reason im saying this is because I LOVED wrestling and it really hurts my soul to see the state its in now.
Wrestling was my childhood just the memories. I remember seeing The Rock at a house show in buffalo,NY. Seeing countless wwf/e wcw shows, seeing conan driving around my neighborhood.
Its just sad really but in reading this thread I've giving new japan wrestling a try and I love it(even don't I understand what they are saying lol).
So my question is can somebody point in the direction of good matches?

DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican @Peep Game
*mini rant*

I stopped watching wrestling 5 years ago. The reason being HHH constantly burying people and the same wrestlers being in the main events. Over the past week Ive reading this whole thread and it seems like nothings changed.
The reason im saying this is because I LOVED wrestling and it really hurts my soul to see the state its in now.
Wrestling was my childhood just the memories. I remember seeing The Rock at a house show in buffalo,NY. Seeing countless wwf/e wcw shows, seeing conan driving around my neighborhood.
Its just sad really but in reading this thread I've giving new japan wrestling a try and I love it(even don't I understand what they are saying lol).
So my question is can somebody point in the direction of good matches?
Start here - http://www.talkwrestlingonline.com/forum/showthread.php?44982-DVDVR-TOP-20-NJPW-Matches-Of-The-90-s

All are on YouTubes
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Perhaps Nexu.. oh nevermind. John Chena buried them all!

We refer to Trips as "The Shovel" combine that with the concept of Al Snow's JOB Squad and you have CM Punks "Shovel Squad". Punk will be the leader/mouth piece, D-Bryan as his right hand, Ryback as the muscle and might as well throw in Dolphy Dolph & Zack Ryder. Throw in any diva as the show piece.

Shovel Squad
[COLOR=#red]Taking my son to wwe live tonight. should be fun... haven't been to a house show in awhile. [/COLOR]
my man :pimp:

Anything on the history of new japan? I got a sick baby at home got hours to waste lol

Check out this wiki:http://wiki.puroresu.com/New_Japan_Pro-Wrestling

If you wanna check out some good 80s NJPW then look up matches with Tatsumi Fujinami,Riki Choshu, and Tiger Mask

For the 90s, definitely check out the top 20 matches that DC posted, I have the set and its great.

The junior heavyweight division (cruiserweights) of the 90s in NJPW is probably the GOAT and featured some of the best ever like Liger, Otani, Samurai, Benoit, Guerrero, and Jericho. A good starting point for that would be to check out the Best of Super Juniors tournament that NJPW has annually (start from around 1992), I think some crazy youtubers have uploaded the tournaments in their entirety.

For the Heavyweight division of the 90s, you basically just need to know The Three Musketeers: Keiji Mutoh, Masahiro Chono, and Shinya Hashimoto. The heavys in NJ used Strong Style which is more "realistic" and utilized lots of strikes, psychology, and submission holds. This eventually devolved into the pseudo-mma style of the late 90s and early 00s that nearly destroyed the company.

Personally I'm not that into Strong Style. I'm more of a King's Road guy. It's the style used in AJPW and focused more on big, epic, dramatic, storytelling. You'll see lots of no selling and finishers (Think Undertaker matches at Wrestlemania). The peak of King's Road in AJPW was also in the 90s and the best guys at it were referred to as the Four Pillars of Heaven: Kenta Kobashi, Toshiaki Kawada, Mitsuharu Misawa, and Akira Taue. Look up any singles matches or tag matches involving those four guys and you're good.

In the late 90s, Mitsuharu Misawa had a falling out with AJPW and left. He took most of the top talent and formed NOAH which continued the King's Road style. NOAH was good for a while but one thing they sucked at was building up new stars. Once the established 90s guys got too old to carry the show and left, the fans did too. They've been barely hanging on for the last couple of years.

Going back to NJPW, like i said earlier, Antonio Inoki went crazy with the MMA and brought in shoot fighters who had no idea how to work a match and started putting them over the top guys in the company. Obviously this ended in disaster and the company was **** for a long time. Inoki eventually left and started his own company and NJ slowly recovered. A new crop of stars led by Hiroshi Tanahashi was built up and new ownership came in and infused a bunch of money into the company. They've been great and NJ is probably the best wrestling promotion in the world right now.


90s juniors: NJPW
90s heavys: AJPW
Early 00s: NOAH
late 00s:NJPW
present day: NJPW
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