Wrestling Thread Jan 27-Feb 9 | 2/3 RAW - New Age Outlaws v Rhodes Brothers for Titles in a STEEL CA

- There is talk within WWE of doing a triple threat with The Shield at WrestleMania XXX, which would be Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns. The match will likely happen unless they decide to add Daniel Bryan to the Batista vs. Randy Orton match for the WWE World Heavyweight Title. Officials don’t want two triple threat matches on the same show.

- We noted before that Daniel Bryan has been added to the March 8th WWE live event in Madison Square Garden. He was pulled from the live event in Salt Lake City that night. Bryan is now receiving top billing above Batista and John Cena for the MSG event. The show is built around Bryan as the top star with the tag line, “Yes! Yes! Yes! Daniel Bryan is coming to the Garden!”
I'm hoping my homie who works for clear channel gets tickets, and could actually keep them this time. Would like to see Bryan cook at the Garden.

Triple threat Shield match would be good, but it's predictable. We all know Roman is going over.
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- There is talk within WWE of doing a triple threat with The Shield at WrestleMania XXX, which would be Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns. The match will likely happen unless they decide to add Daniel Bryan to the Batista vs. Randy Orton match for the WWE World Heavyweight Title. Officials don’t want two triple threat matches on the same show.

- We noted before that Daniel Bryan has been added to the March 8th WWE live event in Madison Square Garden. He was pulled from the live event in Salt Lake City that night. Bryan is now receiving top billing above Batista and John Cena for the MSG event. The show is built around Bryan as the top star with the tag line, “Yes! Yes! Yes! Daniel Bryan is coming to the Garden!”

But we got two 3 on 1 handicap matches at TLC haha
- WWE officials are still reconsidering certain matches on the WrestleMania XXX card but word is that they will be gauging crowd reactions and business over the next few weeks before making any major final decisions.

- Regarding WWE Extreme Rules at one point being planned for Seattle, word is that it was so much of a plan that there was talk of getting Seattle Seahawks star Richard Sherman to make an appearance. There was also talk at one point of getting Sherman to appear at WrestleMania.

- We noted before that WWE began in-house testing for the WWE Network this past week. One person who has access to the Network said:

“It’s literally the best thing ever. It’s totally like Netflix, very easy to use. If porn wasn’t free on the ‘Net this would be the greatest thing on the ‘Net ever.”
Great match between Antonio and Bryan. This is the first time I've watch a full episode since Bryan and Mark Henry had that cage match
- We noted before that WWE began in-house testing for the WWE Network this past week. One person who has access to the Network said:

“It’s literally the best thing ever. It’s totally like Netflix, very easy to use. If porn wasn’t free on the ‘Net this would be the greatest thing on the ‘Net ever.”

:lol: A quote like that makes me wanna pony up and order the Network.
Just chiming into SD now, will have to catch Bryan/Cesaro and Titus when YouTube uploads it. I'm looking forward to what they do with Titus. Has a lot of potential even at 36, but I'm also curious as to what they do with Darren Young. If they go another team route, may as well team him with JTG as they were each other rookie/pro pairing and played off each other pretty well.

Everytime I see the Cody moonsault, the botch looks worse and worse. Roaddogg is on the creative team, so he should be punishing himself for that.

Ambrose is so great on the mic, all those mannerisms and everything, he pays attention to detail and it's great to see. Reigns will be a star of course, and Rollins' unintentional comedy combined with his ring skills make him my favorite of them.
- WWE officials are still reconsidering certain matches on the WrestleMania XXX card but word is that they will be gauging crowd reactions and business over the next few weeks before making any major final decisions.

lolwut gauging crowd reactions over the next few weeks? Its the second week of feb man :lol: :smh:
I gotta look for that Bryan/Cesaro match, or just DVR the rerun on whatever that network is that airs Raw and Smackdown Saturday nights.
What Wrestlemania 22-29 are you guys a fan of? I feel like 29 was VERY good while most of them after 21 were trash..

P.s. Nothing can save WM 30. Nothing..
What Wrestlemania 22-29 are you guys a fan of? I feel like 29 was VERY good while most of them after 21 were trash..

P.s. Nothing can save WM 30. Nothing..

24 and 26 were my favorite out of the bunch in terms of good matches

I loved 22 cause of the crowd but it gets **** on a lot :lol:.

Most of them are decent to good, the only wrestlmanias that were **** imo were 25 and 27
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I gotta look for that Bryan/Cesaro match, or just DVR the rerun on whatever that network is that airs Raw and Smackdown Saturday nights.

Universal HD is the channel that reairs on Saturdays.
Didn't feel like checking the guide, thanks.

I don't understand why they're having trouble with the Wrestlemania card.

Just give us RKO v Batista v Daniel Bryan for the belt with Randy or Bryan going over.
From this week's Figure Four Weekly Newsletter:

"Honestly, Punk is being a little *****. I liked him so much before his run leading to and after that Money in the Bank in Chicago. He's a guy where you have to be really in his circle for him to I guess open up, which I understand, but being put in a feud with Kane and then with HHH at Mania is not a bad thing. Now I understand he feels this is his last Mania and he wants to main event and really, with the right storyline, that match could main event, but literally after the Tribute to the Troops incident he's just been difficult. There are so many there that want his spot, that want to say, 'I need a weekend off to go to UFC.' I really and fully believe he's a little jealous of the crowd reactions to Bryan and it's getting to him—He's just been such a **** lately. That interview with Ariel, he acted like he was the victim at the Troops taping when Michelle was just joking. Little ***** AJ took it to the wrong level. Do you really think AJ would have a 'pipe bomb' interview time or longest Diva champ BS if she wasn't dating Punk? Punk really doesn't want to be the face of the company. That's BS. I hate hearing that ****. He says he does but this isn't ROH or OVW. He would ***** so much if he had to do Michael & Kelly at 9 a.m., then fly to a different state (for Raw), do a Make-A-Wish at 1 p.m. and then RAW, then do SmackDown, then do something Wednesday to fly home Thursday to be on the road Friday or Saturday. No way he could handle that for four months. He may come back as soon as Monday or he may never come back, but if never comes back he better remember how many fans he's ******* over right now, the same way he believes the WWE is ******* him over. And I'm not defending Vince or HHH. Especially HHH, because people are seeing that HHH taking over isn't as cool as they thought it would be. Outlaws, Nash, X-Pac, Flair, HBK, Batista—yeah must be nice to be HHH friends."

Credit Bryan Alvarez

One WWE employee speaking out about Punk
22s crowd was amazing! The matches tho were not legit imo outside of the WHC (Rey vs orton vs Angel). Which mania was in Georgia?
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