Wrestling Thread Jan 27-Feb 9 | 2/3 RAW - New Age Outlaws v Rhodes Brothers for Titles in a STEEL CA

Oh yeah. That mania & 23 were the worst! Hopefully WM 30 ain't as bad because I actually want to order it.
Unless Punk flies here and tells me face to face that he's jealous of Bryan, while AJ strips in a Dwight Howard jersey with James Harden throwing money at her, I won't ever believe that.
I actually liked WM 22.

I was at WM 25. Outside of Taker and Shawn and MITB..it was a snorefest. That HHH and Orton was probably the worst match of the night. Chemistry between them was missing.

oh i cant forget about that diva battle royal 
- We noted before that WWE began in-house testing for the WWE Network this past week. One person who has access to the Network said:

“It’s literally the best thing ever. It’s totally like Netflix, very easy to use. If porn wasn’t free on the ‘Net this would be the greatest thing on the ‘Net ever.”

Sounds like a ringing endorsement to me :smokin
Punk is a big Bryan fan. Part of the reason why he left is because Batista got the main event at mania when he thought d Bry should get it since it's his year.

They go way back to the early 2000s in the Indy scene and ROH
Mania main event this year is Punk vs Bryan in a perfect world. Instead they're going to shove pure crap down our throats.
Punk is a big Bryan fan. Part of the reason why he left is because Batista got the main event at mania when he thought d Bry should get it since it's his year.

They go way back to the early 2000s in the Indy scene and ROH

Man you know Punk wanted the main event for himself :lol:

Its all fam and good vibes till someone takes your spot. I think deep down Punk is a little tight that he was never able to connect with the fans like Dbry did, but who knows its all speculation anyways
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WM25 outside of HBK v Undertaker was woeful.. I used to collect WM but I stopped doing that with WM25..
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WM25 outside of HBK v Undertaker was woeful.. I used to collect WM but I stopped doing that with WM25..

I stopped with 26, that was pretty great card IMO. I couldnt bring myself to buy 27 man :lol:

Never have to worry about purchasing WWE dvds again with the network :pimp:
WM25 outside of HBK v Undertaker was woeful.. I used to collect WM but I stopped doing that with WM25..

For me, a lot of the cards after WM 21 are a blur, but just looking back over WM 22....:x :x

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I don't remember HHH/Cena much but assuming that was a good match, this may have been a 3 match card. Edge vs Foley was excellent, the MITB was good yet one of the weaker ones, and HBK vs Vince was good, but really accomplished nothing in the long run. To me, Rey/Angle/Orton was mostly good because of the result (I wanted Rey to win, but hated how much they used Eddie's death as a catalyst for it). It was a relatively short match based on the people in it. Could have been so much more. Mickie/Trish's botch killed their match. And then you see the rest of the card :lol:
eh I liked Wrestlemania 22, the matches that were expected to be good delivered. Cena/HHH might not have been the best match ever but the crowd reaction took it to another level kinda like Rock/Hogan at X8. The ****** matches were **** but they were harmless and didnt take up too much time... the divas/boogeyman/tag title matches probably went like 10 minutes combined.
WM 22 was awesome. I can't believe HBK vs Vince received perfect ratings in some
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