Wrestling Thread Jan/Feb | 2/29 RAW - The Undertaker Returns to Respond to The McMahons

So the $16 man who sits at home eating genetically modified frozen peas is the new Intercontinental Champion. Guess what you peasant, I want a match with you one on one at Wrestlemania for that belt, the belt no one in this company could take off of me, the belt I relinquished for the sake of the competition.

I'll think about it..Maybe if you beg like the pauper you truly are then I'll grant your wish..The Champ has spoken..
NTWT Rumble Match For NTWT World Heavyweight Championship

25 Man Battle Royal (Over The Top Battle Royal) (NTWT World )

Gizmo The Cat - The following is a 25 man Over The Top Battle Royal battle royal.

[All 25 men are at the ring. (the bell rings) GHIMS punches Casekicks repeatedly.

had pants - Casekicks takes a weak move.

[GHIMS hits a koppo kick on Casekicks.
GHIMS short clothslines Casekicks.
Casekicks moves back to his feet.
GHIMS slaps the face of Casekicks.
After, Casekicks hits GHIMS with a slightly smaller wheelchair.
Now Casekicks standing.
Casekicks rolls onto GHIMS connecting with a knee.
GHIMS puts Casekicks on the top rope and executes a superplex.
GHIMS climbs to his feet.
Casekicks gets back to his feet.
Casekicks rakes the face of GHIMS in attempt to make a come back.
Casekicks gouges GHIMS's eyes out.
GHIMS hits an electrifying flying sommersault headbutt on Degenerate.
GHIMS climbs to his feet.

Suniversal - My God!! What a match!

[GHIMS executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Degenerate.
GHIMS climbs to his feet.
Degenerate is up again.
GHIMS jabs Degenerate.
GHIMS delivers a kick to the head of Degenerate.
Degenerate gets back to his feet.
Now 4wrestling standing.
4wrestling executes a corkscrew legdrop on Green Rhino.
Green Rhino hits 4wrestling with an earringer.

Gizmo The Cat - Green Rhino executes a earringer.

[Flying side kick by Green Rhino takes 4wrestling off his feet.

Suniversal - 4wrestling takes a flying side kick.

[Green Rhino gets back to his feet.
4wrestling gets back to his feet.
4wrestling brings Green Rhino down with a Mexican armdrag takedown.
4wrestling executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Green Rhino.
4wrestling goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Green Rhino.

Gizmo The Cat - flying sitdown splash!

[Green Rhino moves back to his feet.
Green Rhino hits 4wrestling with the belly-to-belly suplex.

Suniversal - That belly-to-belly suplex was very good.

[Big Ego climbs to his feet.
GHIMS gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Big Ego.
Big Ego executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of GHIMS.

had pants - Big Ego with a flying knee drop.

[Big Ego rolls onto GHIMS connecting with a knee.
GHIMS gets back to his feet.
GHIMS kicks Big Ego in the stomach and executes the sitdown face slam.
GHIMS gets up.
Big Ego climbs to his feet.
GHIMS spins aroround Big Ego's back and DDT's him into the mat.
GHIMS climbs to his feet.
JRA Da Great punches jdcurt repeatedly.
jdcurt punches JRA Da Great in the gut.
jdcurt slaps JRA Da Great.
jdcurt applies the clawhold on JRA Da Great.
JRA Da Great bounces jdcurt off the ropes and clotheslines him.
jdcurt hits JRA Da Great with a heart punch.
JRA Da Great bounces jdcurt off the ropes and clotheslines him.
jdcurt stands up.
JRA Da Great bounces jdcurt off the ropes and clotheslines him.
jdcurt gets back to his feet.
jdcurt executes a belly-to-belly suplex on JRA Da Great.
JRA Da Great gets up.
jdcurt rakes his fingers across JRA Da Great's back.

Suniversal - jdcurt with a back rake.

[JRA Da Great bounces jdcurt off the ropes and clotheslines him.
jdcurt climbs to his feet.
jdcurt with an Aztecan suplex on JRA Da Great sends him to the mat.
jdcurt is up again.
JRA Da Great gets up.
JRA Da Great bounces jdcurt off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great clotheslines jdcurt.

Gizmo The Cat - JRA Da Great executes a weak move.

[John2st bounces 22Styles off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat.
22Styles stands up.
John2st gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.

had pants - 22Styles executes a boot choke.

[John2st uses a closed fist on 22Styles.
John2st executes a huge gutbuster on 22Styles.
22Styles moves back to his feet.
John2st tackles 22Styles.
John2st gets back to his feet.
22Styles gets back to his feet.
22Styles executes the brain buster on John2st.
22Styles climbs to his feet.

had pants - Is this a great match or not?

†Cxé - Yeah, you know it.

[22Styles puts John2st in an arm grapevine submission.

Gizmo The Cat - 22Styles with a arm grapevine.

[John2st gets back to his feet.
John2st superkicks 22Styles.
John2st executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of 22Styles.
John2st executes a corkscrew legdrop on 22Styles.

Gizmo The Cat - corkscrew legdrop!

[John2st climbs to his feet.
22Styles climbs to his feet.
GHIMS hits Green Rhino with a running powerbomb on to the mat.
Now That Dude Chris standing.
That Dude Chris low blows Degenerate.
Degenerate moves back to his feet.
Degenerate hits That Dude Chris with a heart punch.
Now That Dude Chris standing.
That Dude Chris short clothslines Degenerate.
That Dude Chris puts Degenerate in an arm grapevine submission.
Now Degenerate standing.
Degenerate hits That Dude Chris with the double arm DDT into the mat.
That Dude Chris gets back to his feet.
Degenerate executes a jawbreakeron That Dude Chris.
That Dude Chris gets back to his feet.
Degenerate gets tiger suplexed by That Dude Chris.
That Dude Chris rolls onto Degenerate connecting with a knee.
Degenerate gets knocked on the ground and That Dude Chris flips onto him.
That Dude Chris is up again.
Degenerate is back on his feet.
DCAllAmerican moves back to his feet.
CelticsPride is driven further into the mat by DCAllAmerican with a diving elbow smash.
CelticsPride moves back to his feet.
DCAllAmerican hits a flying karate chop right to CelticsPride 's neck.
DCAllAmerican elbow smashes CelticsPride in the nose.
A flying bodypress by DCAllAmerican takes CelticsPride to the mat with authority.
CelticsPride stands up.
CelticsPride throws the chair to DCAllAmerican...CelticsPride kicks the chair into DCAllAmerican's face!!
Flying somersault drop kick by DCAllAmerican puts him back in the match.
DCAllAmerican gets up.
DCAllAmerican hits CelticsPride with an elbowdrop.
DCAllAmerican moves back to his feet.
DCAllAmerican hits CelticsPride with an elbowdrop.
DCAllAmerican is up again.
DCAllAmerican attempts to kick CelticsPride , but CelticsPride catches his leg. DCAllAmerican flips around and kicks CelticsPride .
DCAllAmerican is up again.
CelticsPride lifts up DCAllAmerican and drops him with a Samoan Drop right on the chair!!
CelticsPride moves back to his feet.
John2st takes jcmojica down with an Arabian Facebuster.
John2st is back on his feet.
John2st hits jcmojica with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
John2st is back on his feet.
John2st rakes the face of jcmojica in attempt to make a come back.
jcmojica brings John2st down with a Mexican armdrag takedown.
John2st gets back to his feet.
John2st monkey flips jcmojica onto the mat.
John2st is back on his feet.
jcmojica stands up.
jcmojica with an impressive flying spinning leg lariat on John2st.
jcmojica gets back to his feet.
jcmojica hits John2st with a Baba chop.
B Sox knee drops MeanGene.
B Sox gets up.
B Sox knees MeanGene and rolls back to his feet.
MeanGene gets hit with a diving elbow smash from B Sox.
B Sox measures MeanGene up and drops a closed fist.
MeanGene is up again.
MeanGene dropkicks B Sox.
MeanGene stands up.
Green Rhino moves back to his feet.
Green Rhino bites DragonFly's arm out of desparation.
DragonFly pins Green Rhino against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
Green Rhino hits him with a back fist.
DragonFly punches Green Rhino in the gut.
DragonFly executes the jumping sidekick on Green Rhino.

had pants - DragonFly with a jumping sidekick.

[Green Rhino is back on his feet.
DragonFly pulls Green Rhino's hair.
DragonFly hits Green Rhino with a heart punch.
Green Rhino climbs to his feet.
Green Rhino trys for a exploder suplex but DragonFly avoids it.
Green Rhino executes a belly-to-belly suplex on DragonFly.
Green Rhino chokes DragonFly.
Now DragonFly standing.
DragonFly hits a spinning leg lariat on Green Rhino sending him to the mat.
DragonFly rolls onto Green Rhino connecting with a knee.
Green Rhino is back on his feet.
DragonFly gets drilled with an inverted back breaker.
DragonFly gets up.
Green Rhino picks up DragonFly and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker.

Gizmo The Cat - Good shoulderbreaker by Green Rhino.

[DragonFly is up again.
Green Rhino pins DragonFly against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
Green Rhino get nailed with a double axhandle chop from DragonFly.
DragonFly takes Green Rhino off his feet with a short-arm clothesline
Green Rhino gets back to his feet.
Green Rhino gives DragonFly a reverse neckbreaker.
DragonFly moves back to his feet.
Green Rhino gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
jcmojica executes a flying sommersault bodyblock on JRA Da Great from off the top rope.
jcmojica grabs JRA Da Great and applies an arm wrench.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
They lockup. JRA Da Great sends jcmojica to the corner of the ring.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
jcmojica is back on his feet.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great clotheslines jcmojica.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
jcmojica climbs to his feet.
jcmojica trys for a side suplex but JRA Da Great avoids it.
jcmojica executes a jawbreakeron JRA Da Great.

Suniversal - jcmojica with a jawbreaker.

[jcmojica gets back to his feet.
JRA Da Great is back on his feet.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great clotheslines jcmojica.
jcmojica trys for a belly-to-back suplex but is unable to lift JRA Da Great.
JRA Da Great gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.

had pants - jcmojica with a corkscrew armdrag.

[JRA Da Great gets hit with a diving elbow smash from jcmojica.
jcmojica moves back to his feet.
jcmojica hits JRA Da Great with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
Now jcmojica standing.
JRA Da Great is up again.
jcmojica gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on JRA Da Great.
JRA Da Great lifts jcmojica and delivers a back breaker.

Gizmo The Cat - back breaker!

[22Styles executes a neck scissors on MeanGene.
22Styles is back on his feet.
MeanGene's arm is just being TWISTED by an arm grapevine by 22Styles.
22Styles puts MeanGene in an arm grapevine submission.
22Styles grabs MeanGene's arm, drops down, and has him in an arm grapevine.
MeanGene's arm is just being TWISTED by an arm grapevine by 22Styles.
Big Ego gets up.
i Hustle gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Big Ego.

Suniversal - diving elbow smash!

[Big Ego puts i Hustle in an arm grapevine submission.
i Hustle is up again.
Big Ego gets elbowed to his midsection by Big Ego.
Big Ego hits i Hustle with the back of his elbow.
Big Ego punches i Hustle in the gut.
i Hustle with a jumping DDT on Big Ego.
i Hustle gets up.
i Hustle hits Big Ego with an elbowdrop.

Gizmo The Cat - i Hustle executes a elbowdrop.

[i Hustle is back on his feet.
i Hustle hits Big Ego with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.

Suniversal - elbow drop!

[i Hustle jumps and elbow smashes the lying Big Ego.
i Hustle is back on his feet.
Big Ego climbs to his feet.
jdcurt dropkicks Green Rhino to the face.
jdcurt is back on his feet.
Green Rhino gets hit with a diving elbow smash from jdcurt.
jdcurt gets back to his feet.
Green Rhino is up again.
jdcurt bounces Green Rhino off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat.
jdcurt gets back to his feet.
jdcurt goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Green Rhino.
jdcurt puts Green Rhino in an arm grapevine submission.
jdcurt jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Green Rhino.
jdcurt stands up.
Green Rhino moves back to his feet.
Green Rhino gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
jdcurt with an impressive flying spinning leg lariat on Green Rhino.
Green Rhino moves back to his feet.
Green Rhino dropkicks jdcurt to the knee.

had pants - Green Rhino executes a dropkick.

[Green Rhino is up again.

had pants - Green Rhino is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[Green Rhino with a falling splash on jdcurt.

Suniversal - Good falling splash by Green Rhino.

[Green Rhino gets back to his feet.
Now Frank And Beans standing.
Frank And Beans goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on jcmojica.
jcmojica climbs to his feet.
jcmojica grabs Frank And Beans's arm and strkes his chest.
Frank And Beans nails jcmojica with a belly-to-back suplex.
Frank And Beans gets back to his feet.
Frank And Beans puts jcmojica in an arm grapevine submission.

Suniversal - Frank And Beans executes a arm grapevine.

[jcmojica get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Frank And Beans.

Gizmo The Cat - Frank And Beans executes a double axhandle chop.

[Frank And Beans applies an arm wrench to jcmojica.
Frank And Beans knees jcmojica and rolls back to his feet.
Frank And Beans executes a corkscrew legdrop on jcmojica.
Frank And Beans gets back to his feet.
jcmojica moves back to his feet.
jcmojica picks up Frank And Beans and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker.
That Dude Chris goes for a crotch chop but Rob P Zee dodges the attack.
22Styles chokes Frank And Beans with his boot.
Frank And Beans's arm is just being TWISTED by an arm grapevine by 22Styles.
22Styles puts Frank And Beans in an arm grapevine submission.
Frank And Beans stands up.
Frank And Beans with an Aztecan suplex on 22Styles sends him to the mat.
Frank And Beans moves back to his feet.
22Styles stands up.
Frank And Beans gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
22Styles holds Frank And Beans in the corner, choking him with his forearm.

had pants - forearm choke!

[Frank And Beans gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
A forearm choke by 22Styles nearly gets him disqualified.
Frank And Beans gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
22Styles holds Frank And Beans in the corner, choking him with his forearm.
22Styles pins Frank And Beans against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
Frank And Beans gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.

Suniversal - Frank And Beans takes a boot choke.

[DCAllAmerican uses an elbow drop from off the top rope to hurt 4wrestling even more than he already has.
DCAllAmerican climbs to his feet.
4wrestling is up again.
Satalitte scissors by DCAllAmerican throw 4wrestling across the the ring.
DCAllAmerican gets back to his feet.
4wrestling is back on his feet.
4wrestling gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.

Gizmo The Cat - 4wrestling takes a elbowsmash.

[4wrestling holds his mouth after recieving an elbow smash to the face.
DCAllAmerican hits a jumping elbow hrust on 4wrestling.
DCAllAmerican flies from the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop.
DCAllAmerican gets back to his feet.
4wrestling gets hit with a diving elbow smash from DCAllAmerican.

had pants - 4wrestling takes a diving elbow smash.

[DCAllAmerican is back on his feet.
4wrestling trys for a German suplex but is not strong enough to lift DCAllAmerican.
That Dude Chris is hooked in a full nelson.

Suniversal - That Dude Chris takes a full nelson.

[Sad Gosling gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on That Dude Chris.

had pants - That Dude Chris takes a jumping neck snap.

[Sad Gosling executes a headlock takedown.
That Dude Chris is up again.
That Dude Chris with a high crossbody on Sad Gosling.

Suniversal - That Dude Chris with a high cross body.

[That Dude Chris gets back to his feet.
That Dude Chris hits Sad Gosling with an elbowdrop.
That Dude Chris is back on his feet.
Sad Gosling moves back to his feet.
Sad Gosling with an illegal chokehold on That Dude Chris.
Sad Gosling knees That Dude Chris and rolls back to his feet.
That Dude Chris climbs to his feet.
That Dude Chris nails Sad Gosling with a double underhook suplex.

Gizmo The Cat - Nice double underhook suplex by That Dude Chris.

[That Dude Chris trys for a flying senton but Sad Gosling avoids it.
That Dude Chris goes for a somersault splash but Sad Gosling dodges the attack.
Sad Gosling climbs to his feet.
4wrestling bounces John2st off the ropes and hits him with a jumping clothesline.
4wrestling climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on John2st.
4wrestling is up again.
John2st stands up.
4wrestling kicks John2st in the stomach and executes the sitdown face slam.
4wrestling gets up.

Suniversal - John2st could use some help about now.

[Now Peep Game standing.
Peep Game connects with a flying knee. DragonFly goes down.
DragonFly executes a swinging bulldog on Peep Game driving Peep Game's face into the mat.
DragonFly is back on his feet.
DragonFly hits Peep Game with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
Peep Game gets hit with a diving elbow smash from DragonFly.

Gizmo The Cat - Peep Game takes a diving elbow smash.

[DragonFly is back on his feet.
Now Peep Game standing.
DragonFly takes Peep Game down with a knee.
Peep Game gets back to his feet.
DragonFly gets bounced off of the ropes and hit with a backdrop diver by Peep Game.
Peep Game is up again.
Peep Game hits the handspring moonsault on DragonFly.
Peep Game chants start.
Peep Game stands up.
DragonFly gets up.
Peep Game short lariats DragonFly.
DragonFly climbs to his feet.
Peep Game hits DragonFly with an earringer.

Suniversal - earringer!

[Peep Game hiptosses DragonFly.

Gizmo The Cat - DragonFly takes a hiptoss.

[DragonFly gets up.
DragonFly double underhook faceslams Peep Game hard to the Peep Game.
Peep Game is back on his feet.
DragonFly gets elbowed to his midsection by DragonFly.
DragonFly chops Peep Game.
DragonFly takes a slap to the face from Peep Game.
Peep Game is back on his feet.
DragonFly nails Peep Game with a double underhook suplex.
DragonFly applies an arm wrench to Peep Game.

Gizmo The Cat - DragonFly with a arm wrench.

[DragonFly stomps Peep Game.
Peep Game moves back to his feet.
DragonFly with a high crossbody on Peep Game.
DragonFly gets up.
Peep Game gets back to his feet.
Peep Game hits a kneeling headbutt to DragonFly's groin.
DragonFly rakes his fingers across Peep Game's back.
Peep Game gets hit with a dragon scerw from DragonFly.
DragonFly gets back to his feet.
DragonFly puts Peep Game in an arm grapevine submission.
DragonFly knees Peep Game and rolls back to his feet.
DragonFly gets hit with a running powerslam by Peep Game

had pants - Peep Game's momma would be proud!

[Peep Game applies an arm wrench to DragonFly.
DragonFly hits a jumping elbow hrust on Peep Game.
Peep Game is back on his feet.
Peep Game executes a ropeflip hiptoss on DragonFly.
DragonFly gets back to his feet.
Peep Game is hit with a backward kick.
Peep Game climbs to his feet.
Peep Game hits DragonFly with a baba chop.

had pants - baba chop!

[Peep Game pokes DragonFly in the eye with his thumb.
DragonFly spinebuster bombs Peep Game onto the mat.
DragonFly goes for a slingshot elbow drop but Peep Game dodges the attack.
Frank And Beans trys for a Samoan drop but Sad Gosling avoids it.
BDB is up again.
BDB executes a ropeflip hiptoss on That Dude Chris.
That Dude Chris gets up.
BDB tries to even the match with a flying shoulder block.
BDB gets up.
That Dude Chris is back on his feet.
That Dude Chris uses a lariat on BDB.
That Dude Chris goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on BDB.
BDB climbs to his feet.
That Dude Chris gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.

Suniversal - elbowsmash!

[That Dude Chris connects with a somersault slam on BDB.
Now That Dude Chris standing.
BDB moves back to his feet.
BDB is hit with a backward kick.
BDB gets up.
BDB gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on That Dude Chris.
BDB gets hit with a flying forearm right to the face.
That Dude Chris executes a corkscrew legdrop on BDB.
That Dude Chris is back on his feet.
That Dude Chris grabs BDB and applies an arm wrench.
BDB jumps from the second turnbuckle, kicking That Dude Chris in the head, taking him down.
Now That Dude Chris standing.
John2st gets back to his feet.
John2st executes a jawbreakeron JRA Da Great.
John2st is back on his feet.
JRA Da Great is back on his feet.
JRA Da Great bounces John2st off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great clotheslines John2st.
JRA Da Great bounces John2st off the ropes and clotheslines him.
John2st stands up.
John2st throws JRA Da Great off the ropes, rolls on the ground, comes back up and delivers a clothesline.
John2st climbs the turnbuckle and nails JRA Da Great with a flying bulldog.

had pants - The WWF is the only place for entertainment like this!

[John2st puts JRA Da Great in an arm grapevine submission.
JRA Da Great gets hit with a diving elbow smash from John2st.
John2st gets back to his feet.
John2st kicks JRA Da Great on the mat.
JRA Da Great is up again.
JRA Da Great bounces John2st off the ropes and clotheslines him.
They lockup. JRA Da Great sends John2st to the corner of the ring.
John2st with an illegal chokehold on JRA Da Great.
JRA Da Great bounces John2st off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great punches John2st repeatedly.
JRA Da Great gets hit with a fisherman suplex by John2st.
John2st stands up.
JRA Da Great gets knocked on the ground and John2st flips onto him.
JRA Da Great gets up.
JRA Da Great bounces John2st off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Now John2st standing.
JRA Da Great bounces John2st off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great bounces John2st off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great clotheslines John2st.
JRA Da Great bounces John2st off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great bounces John2st off the ropes and clotheslines him.
John2st is up again.
JRA Da Great bounces John2st off the ropes and clotheslines him.
John2st with an exploder suplex on JRA Da Great.
John2st moves back to his feet.
jdcurt spins aroround Sad Gosling's back and DDT's him into the mat.

had pants - That backspin DDT was very good.

[jdcurt gets back to his feet.

had pants - Did you see that last move?

†Cxé - Oh yeah!

[Casekicks goes up to the top and comes down on CelticsPride with an asai leg lariat.
Casekicks is up again.
Casekicks executes a corkscrew legdrop on CelticsPride .
Casekicks gets up.
Casekicks stomps CelticsPride .
CelticsPride climbs to his feet.
Casekicks in a waist lock, and he gets planted with a Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!!
They lockup. CelticsPride sends Casekicks to the corner of the ring.
CelticsPride throws the chair at Casekicks...CelticsPride spins around and kicks the chair in his face!!
CelticsPride gets back to his feet.
Now Casekicks standing.
Casekicks discus punches CelticsPride .
CelticsPride gives Casekicks the chair...CelticsPride climbs to the top..CelticsPride dropkicks the chair into his face!
Casekicks climbs to his feet.
Casekicks nails CelticsPride with a double underhook suplex.

Gizmo The Cat - That double underhook suplex was very good.

[Casekicks leg drops CelticsPride .
GHIMS gives MeanGene the cobra clutch suplex onto the mat.
GHIMS gets up.
MeanGene is back on his feet.
GHIMS bounces MeanGene off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat.
GHIMS gets up.
GHIMS hits MeanGene with an elbowdrop.

Suniversal - GHIMS executes a elbowdrop.

[GHIMS is back on his feet.
GHIMS goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on MeanGene.
MeanGene moves back to his feet.
MeanGene is hooked in a full nelson.
EdgarFly gets back to his feet.
Out of desperation, EdgarFly dives from the second turnbuckle, shoulder blocking jcmojica.
EdgarFly is hooked in a full nelson.
jcmojica monkey flips EdgarFly onto the mat.

Gizmo The Cat - EdgarFly takes a monkey flip.

[jcmojica stands up.
EdgarFly is up again.
jcmojica bends over as EdgarFly elbows him in the midsection.
Flying kick by jcmojica takes EdgarFly down.
EdgarFly gets back to his feet.
EdgarFly hits a flying karate chop right to jcmojica's neck.
EdgarFly hits jcmojica with an earringer.
jcmojica pins EdgarFly against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
EdgarFly pulls off a standing moonsault.
EdgarFly sucks chants start in the crowd.

Suniversal - The WWF is the only place for entertainment like this!

[CelticsPride is back on his feet.
CelticsPride opens up the chair...EdgarFly is thrown into the ropes...Drop Toe Hold onto the open chair!
CelticsPride moves back to his feet.
They lockup. CelticsPride sends EdgarFly to the corner of the ring.

Gizmo The Cat - EdgarFly takes a weak move.

[EdgarFly kicks CelticsPride 's head out of desperation because CelticsPride blocked EdgarFly's first kick.
EdgarFly gets up.
CelticsPride gets hit with a diving elbow smash from EdgarFly.
EdgarFly stands up.
EdgarFly flies from the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop.
EdgarFly hits CelticsPride with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
EdgarFly is back on his feet.
CelticsPride is back on his feet.
CelticsPride grabs ahold of EdgarFly's waist....Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!!!
EdgarFly moves back to his feet.
EdgarFly climbs to the top and hits CelticsPride with a flying clothesline.

had pants - EdgarFly with a flying clothesline.

[Now EdgarFly standing.

Suniversal - EdgarFly's momma would be proud!

[EdgarFly hits CelticsPride with an elbowdrop.

Gizmo The Cat - elbowdrop!

[EdgarFly climbs to his feet.
CelticsPride gets up.
CelticsPride gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex sends EdgarFly onto the chair by CelticsPride !!!!
EdgarFly stands up.
EdgarFly hits a jumping elbow hrust on CelticsPride .
CelticsPride is up again.
CelticsPride opens up the chair...EdgarFly is thrown into the ropes...Drop Toe Hold onto the open chair!
CelticsPride is back on his feet.
EdgarFly stands up.
EdgarFly gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on CelticsPride .
A side kick by EdgarFly turns the match around by knocking CelticsPride to the mat.
EdgarFly is back on his feet.
CelticsPride climbs to his feet.
CelticsPride executes a piledriver on EdgarFly and the chair!!!
CelticsPride stands up.
EdgarFly gets up.
CelticsPride throws the chair to EdgarFly...CelticsPride kicks the chair into EdgarFly's face!!
EdgarFly in a waist lock, and he gets planted with a Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!!
EdgarFly climbs to his feet.
EdgarFly executes a ropeflip hiptoss on CelticsPride .
EdgarFly hits CelticsPride with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.

Gizmo The Cat - EdgarFly with a elbow drop.

[EdgarFly climbs to his feet.
CelticsPride is driven further into the mat by EdgarFly with a diving elbow smash.

had pants - EdgarFly executes a diving elbow smash.

[CelticsPride is driven further into the mat by EdgarFly with a diving elbow smash.

Gizmo The Cat - diving elbow smash!

[EdgarFly stands up.
CelticsPride moves back to his feet.
CelticsPride throws EdgarFly the chair..CelticsPride goes up top..CelticsPride dropkicks the chair into his face!
CelticsPride climbs to his feet.
EdgarFly moves back to his feet.
EdgarFly with an impressive flying spinning leg lariat on CelticsPride .
EdgarFly sucks chants start in the crowd.
EdgarFly moves back to his feet.
CelticsPride gets back to his feet.

Suniversal - I wish every match could be like this!

[Flying somersault drop kick by EdgarFly puts him back in the match.
EdgarFly is back on his feet.
EdgarFly hits CelticsPride with an elbowdrop.
CelticsPride stands up.
CelticsPride gives EdgarFly the chair...CelticsPride spins around and nails the chair into EdgarFly's face!!
CelticsPride is up again.
CelticsPride punches EdgarFly repeatedly.
CelticsPride gives EdgarFly the chair...CelticsPride spins around and nails the chair into EdgarFly's face!!
CelticsPride moves back to his feet.
EdgarFly pulls out a sitdown faceslam from his back pocket, taking CelticsPride face first into the mat.
EdgarFly climbs to his feet.
CelticsPride gets up.
EdgarFly whips CelticsPride into the corner and follows up with a huge splash.
Now CelticsPride standing.
A flying bodypress by EdgarFly takes CelticsPride to the mat with authority.
EdgarFly moves back to his feet.
EdgarFly hits CelticsPride with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
EdgarFly is back on his feet.
CelticsPride gets back to his feet.
EdgarFly in a waist lock, and he gets planted with a Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!!
EdgarFly gets up.
CelticsPride gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
CelticsPride opens up the chair...EdgarFly is thrown into the ropes...Drop Toe Hold onto the open chair!
CelticsPride stands up.
CelticsPride punches EdgarFly repeatedly.

Gizmo The Cat - EdgarFly takes a weak move.

[CelticsPride applies a headlock... BOOM! DDT!

Suniversal - Nice DDT by CelticsPride .

[CelticsPride is up again.
Green Rhino locks MeanGene in a full nelson and slams him to the mat.
MeanGene gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Green Rhino.
Green Rhino is up again.
Green Rhino executes a corkscrew legdrop on MeanGene.

Gizmo The Cat - corkscrew legdrop!

[MeanGene gets up.
MeanGene gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Green Rhino.
Green Rhino delivers a kick to the head of MeanGene.
Green Rhino puts MeanGene in an arm grapevine submission.
Green Rhino hits MeanGene with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
Green Rhino moves back to his feet.
MeanGene is up again.
JohnnyRedStorm is back on his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm grabs Big Ego's head and hites him in the face.
JohnnyRedStorm grabs Big Ego's leg and takes him down.
JohnnyRedStorm grabs Big Ego and applies an arm wrench.
Big Ego gets hit with a diving elbow smash from JohnnyRedStorm.
JohnnyRedStorm gets up.
Big Ego gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
Big Ego moves back to his feet.
Big Ego with a jumping DDT on JohnnyRedStorm.
Big Ego gets back to his feet.
Big Ego goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on JohnnyRedStorm.
Big Ego gets back to his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm is back on his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm gets hit with a dragon scerw from Big Ego.
Now JohnnyRedStorm standing.
JohnnyRedStorm connects with a low blow. Big Ego goes down.
Big Ego climbs to his feet.
Big Ego pulls JohnnyRedStorm's hair.
JohnnyRedStorm is hit with a backward kick.
Big Ego stomps JohnnyRedStorm's head.
JohnnyRedStorm gets up.
BDB leg drops B Sox.
B Sox moves back to his feet.
BDB trys for a standing moonsault but B Sox avoids it.
Green Rhino picks up DCAllAmerican and hits him with a Back Suplex.
Green Rhino leg lariats DCAllAmerican, sending him to the mat.
Green Rhino piledrives DCAllAmerican into the mat.
DCAllAmerican moves back to his feet.
After fight Green Rhino hits a jumping elbow hrust on DCAllAmerican.
Green Rhino jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on DCAllAmerican.
Green Rhino pokes DCAllAmerican in the eyes.
Flying sommersault drop kick by Green Rhino puts him back in the match.
DCAllAmerican stands up.
Green Rhino throws DCAllAmerican to the floor.
DCAllAmerican was elimintated by Green Rhino. ]

Gizmo The Cat - DCAllAmerican is out of here!!

[John2st sets Casekicks up DDTs him into the mat.
John2st rolls onto Casekicks connecting with a knee.
Casekicks stands up.
Casekicks gives John2st a reverse neckbreaker.
Casekicks gets up.
John2st is hooked in a full nelson.

Suniversal - Casekicks with a full nelson.

[John2st rakes his fingers across Casekicks's back.

had pants - Casekicks takes a back rake.

[Casekicks hits a jumping elbow hrust on John2st.
John2st gets back to his feet.
John2st hits Casekicks with a slingshot bodyblock.
John2st gets up.
Running neckbreaker drop executed by John2st takes Casekicks down hard.

Gizmo The Cat - Good running neckbreaker drop by John2st.

[Casekicks gets up.

Gizmo The Cat - Did you see that last move?

Suniversal - Yeah, you know it.

[Casekicks is hit with a backward kick.
John2st goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Casekicks.
John2st is back on his feet.
John2st jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Casekicks.
John2st gets up.
Now Casekicks standing.
Casekicks tackles and begins punching John2st.
John2st gets up.
John2st double underhook faceslams Casekicks hard to the Casekicks.
Casekicks grabs John2st's head and DDT's him on the mat.
After fight Degenerate puts John2st in an arm grapevine submission.
Degenerate knee drops John2st.
John2st gets up.
Degenerate executes an over the shoulder stomachbreaker on John2st.
Degenerate with a headscissors takeover on John2st.
Degenerate stands up.
Degenerate throws John2st over the ropes.
John2st was elimintated by Degenerate. 22Styles executes a neck scissors on Casekicks.
22Styles is back on his feet.
22Styles holds Casekicks in the corner, choking him with his forearm.
Casekicks gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
Casekicks gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
22Styles catches Casekicks leg, but Casekicks reverses it with an enzuigiri to 22Styles's head.
22Styles moves back to his feet.
A forearm choke by 22Styles nearly gets him disqualified.

had pants - 22Styles executes a forearm choke.

[Casekicks gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
JRA Da Great climbs to his feet.
JRA Da Great bounces Casekicks off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great bounces Casekicks off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great punches Casekicks repeatedly.
Casekicks hits JRA Da Great with an earringer.
JRA Da Great bounces Casekicks off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Casekicks trys for a Scorpion Death Drop but JRA Da Great avoids it.
JRA Da Great gets hit with a dragon scerw from Casekicks.
Casekicks gets back to his feet.
JRA Da Great gets up.
JRA Da Great bounces Casekicks off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Casekicks is back on his feet.
Casekicks hits JRA Da Great with a Baba chop.
Casekicks applies the clawhold on JRA Da Great.
JRA Da Great bounces Casekicks off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Casekicks puts JRA Da Great on the top rope and executes a superplex.
Casekicks moves back to his feet.
JRA Da Great stands up.
Big Ego goes for a flyind dropkick but DragonFly dodges the attack.
Big Ego executes the front-layout suplex on DragonFly.
Big Ego chants start.
DragonFly climbs to his feet.
After fight CelticsPride with a Russian Leg Sweep onto the chair!!!
DragonFly gets back to his feet.
CelticsPride with a chairshot directly to DragonFly's knee!! DragonFly is wobbly!!
CelticsPride sets up DragonFly and drops him with the Double Underhook Suplex on the chair!!
CelticsPride sucks chants start in the crowd.
CelticsPride gives DragonFly the chair...CelticsPride spins around and kicks the chair into DragonFly's face!!
CelticsPride tosses DragonFly to ringside.
DragonFly was elimintated by CelticsPride . ]

Gizmo The Cat - That will do it for DragonFly. He's been eliminated!

[Big Ego gives 4wrestling the cobra clutch suplex onto the mat.
Now Big Ego standing.
Big Ego goes for a flying legdrop but 4wrestling dodges the attack.
4wrestling gets back to his feet.
Big Ego applies the clawhold on 4wrestling.
Big Ego hits a koppo kick on 4wrestling.
Big Ego jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on 4wrestling.
Big Ego executes the jumping sidekick on 4wrestling.
4wrestling stands up.
B Sox dropkicks Big Ego to the knee.

had pants - Big Ego takes a dropkick.

[B Sox knees Big Ego and rolls back to his feet.
Big Ego gets hit with a diving elbow smash from B Sox.
B Sox climbs to his feet.
B Sox executes a corkscrew legdrop on Big Ego.
B Sox gets up.
Big Ego gets hit with a diving elbow smash from B Sox.
B Sox is back on his feet.
B Sox knees Big Ego and rolls back to his feet.
Big Ego is back on his feet.
Big Ego uses a running lariat to take B Sox down.
Big Ego chants start.

Gizmo The Cat - Big Ego's momma would be proud!

[Big Ego measures B Sox up and drops a closed fist.
Big Ego is back on his feet.
B Sox moves back to his feet.
Big Ego jumps from the top and nails B Sox with a flying axhandle smash.
B Sox hits Big Ego with the back of his elbow.
B Sox legsweeps Big Ego.
B Sox executes a corkscrew legdrop on Big Ego.
B Sox stands up.
Big Ego is back on his feet.
B Sox superkicks Big Ego.
Big Ego moves back to his feet.
B Sox hits a koppo kick on Big Ego.
B Sox measures Big Ego up and drops a closed fist.
B Sox is back on his feet.
B Sox executes a corkscrew legdrop on Big Ego.
B Sox stands up.
Now Big Ego standing.
Powerslam on the chair by CelticsPride ! 22Styles is hurting badly!!!
CelticsPride is back on his feet.
22Styles gets back to his feet.

Gizmo The Cat - CelticsPride is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[CelticsPride gives 22Styles a Suplex right into the chair!!
Now 22Styles standing.
CelticsPride goes for a Standing Piledriver but 22Styles dodges the attack.

Suniversal - Did you see that last move?

†Cxé - Yeah, you know it.

[CelticsPride grabs ahold of 22Styles's waist....Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!!!
CelticsPride punches 22Styles repeatedly.
CelticsPride throws 22Styles the chair..CelticsPride goes up top..CelticsPride dropkicks the chair into his face!
CelticsPride climbs to his feet.
They lockup. CelticsPride sends 22Styles to the corner of the ring.
22Styles executes the brain buster on CelticsPride .
22Styles chants start.
22Styles climbs to his feet.
22Styles grabs CelticsPride 's arm, drops down, and has him in an arm grapevine.
CelticsPride gets up.
CelticsPride gives 22Styles the chair...CelticsPride spins around and nails the chair into 22Styles's face!!
CelticsPride moves back to his feet.
22Styles is up again.
22Styles pins CelticsPride against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
CelticsPride gives 22Styles the chair...CelticsPride climbs to the top..CelticsPride dropkicks the chair into his face!
CelticsPride is up again.
JRA Da Great powerbombs Frank And Beans.
JRA Da Great dropkicks Frank And Beans to the knee.
JRA Da Great chants start.

had pants - JRA Da Great with a dropkick.

[JRA Da Great moves back to his feet.
Frank And Beans climbs to his feet.
JRA Da Great with a powerful choke lift on B Sox.

Gizmo The Cat - If JRA Da Great keeps using moves like that chokelift he could win the match!


had pants - This is how wrestling should be!

[JRA Da Great bounces B Sox off the ropes and clotheslines him.
B Sox is back on his feet.
B Sox uses a closed fist on JRA Da Great.
B Sox hits him with a back fist.
JRA Da Great bounces B Sox off the ropes and clotheslines him.
They lockup. JRA Da Great sends B Sox to the corner of the ring.
JRA Da Great bounces B Sox off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great bounces B Sox off the ropes and clotheslines him.
B Sox is up again.
B Sox kicks JRA Da Great in the gut, takes a few steps back, and scissor kicks him to the mat.
Big Ego executes the brain buster on jdcurt.
Big Ego chants start.

Gizmo The Cat - That brain buster was very good.

[Big Ego goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on jdcurt.
Big Ego stands up.
Big Ego executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of jdcurt.

had pants - jdcurt takes a flying knee drop.

[Big Ego is back on his feet.
jdcurt climbs to his feet.
Flying sommersault drop kick by Big Ego puts him back in the match.
Now Big Ego standing.
Casekicks executes a flying headbutt on Peep Game.
Casekicks stands up.
Casekicks goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Peep Game.
Now Casekicks standing.
Peep Game is up again.
Peep Game rakes his fingers across Casekicks's back.

Gizmo The Cat - Peep Game executes a back rake.

[Casekicks pulls Peep Game's hair.
Casekicks gets taken down with an armdrag takedown.
Peep Game measures Casekicks up and drops a closed fist.
Peep Game hits Casekicks with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
Peep Game stands up.
Casekicks gets back to his feet.
Casekicks hiptosses Peep Game.
Casekicks drives a forearm into the head of Peep Game.

Suniversal - Peep Game takes a forearm smash.

[Peep Game with a huge fisherman buster on Casekicks.
Peep Game stands up.
Peep Game rolls onto Casekicks connecting with a knee.
Flying sommersault drop kick by Casekicks puts him back in the match.

had pants - Peep Game takes a flying sommersault dropkick.

[Casekicks fist drops Peep Game on the mat.
Now Casekicks standing.
Peep Game stands up.
Peep Game hits a koppo kick on Casekicks.
Casekicks stands up.
Casekicks short lariats Peep Game.
Peep Game gets up.
Peep Game trys for a neck scissors but Casekicks avoids it.

Gizmo The Cat - The World Wrestling Federation is the number on wrestling program on television.

[Peep Game double underhook faceslams Casekicks hard to the Casekicks.
Now Casekicks standing.
Casekicks goes to the top and executes a flying hip attack on Peep Game.

Suniversal - Casekicks with a flying hip attack.

[Casekicks moves back to his feet.
Casekicks measures Peep Game up and drops a closed fist.
Casekicks applies an arm wrench to Peep Game.

had pants - Casekicks with a arm wrench.

[Casekicks knees Peep Game and rolls back to his feet.
Peep Game climbs to his feet.
Casekicks legsweeps Peep Game.

Gizmo The Cat - Casekicks executes a legsweep.

[Peep Game climbs to his feet.
Casekicks with an illegal chokehold on Peep Game.
Peep Game moves back to his feet.
Peep Game with a headscissors takeover on Casekicks.
GHIMS executs the slingshot facebuster, slamming Frank And Beans's face to the mat.
A springboard bulldog by i Hustle sends That Dude Chris's head crashing into the mat.
i Hustle gets up.
i Hustle hits That Dude Chris with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
i Hustle is back on his feet.
That Dude Chris stands up.
That Dude Chris chops i Hustle.
That Dude Chris takes i Hustle off his feet with a short-arm clothesline
i Hustle gets back to his feet.
i Hustle on the turnbuckleThat Dude Chris rising from the mat,i Hustle leaps from the top rope with a bodypress.
That Dude Chris gets hit with a diving elbow smash from i Hustle.
i Hustle stands up.
Now That Dude Chris standing.
That Dude Chris throws i Hustle off the ropes, rolls on the ground, comes back up and delivers a clothesline.
That Dude Chris leg drops the throat of i Hustle.

had pants - leg drop!

[i Hustle gets up.
jcmojica grabs his hand and flips him to the mat.
CelticsPride is up again.
jcmojica leaps up, swings around CelticsPride and DDT's him onto the mat.
jcmojica measures CelticsPride up and drops a closed fist.
jcmojica in a waist lock, and he gets planted with a Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!!
jcmojica is up again.
jcmojica with an illegal chokehold on CelticsPride .
CelticsPride grabs ahold of jcmojica's waist....Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!!!
jcmojica gets back to his feet.
CelticsPride opens up the chair...jcmojica is thrown into the ropes...Drop Toe Hold onto the open chair!
CelticsPride stands up.
jcmojica uses a belly-to-belly suplex. CelticsPride is down.
Rob P Zee gets up.
After fight Rob P Zee executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Frank And Beans.
Rob P Zee gets up.
Rob P Zee climbs to the top rope and nails Frank And Beans with a reverse flying elbow drop.
Rob P Zee climbs to the top turnbuckle and jumps off with an Air Sabu on Frank And Beans.
Rob P Zee stands up.
Rob P Zee chokes Frank And Beans with his boot.
Rob P Zee tosses Frank And Beans to ringside.
Frank And Beans was elimintated by Rob P Zee. After fight Sad Gosling trys for a power move but is unable to lift CelticsPride .
Now Sad Gosling standing.
Sad Gosling leg drops the throat of CelticsPride .
Sad Gosling puts CelticsPride in an arm grapevine submission.
CelticsPride gets up.
Sad Gosling connects with a flying knee. CelticsPride goes down.
Sad Gosling throws CelticsPride over the ropes.
CelticsPride was elimintated by Sad Gosling. ]

Gizmo The Cat - CelticsPride is out of here!!

[That Dude Chris places i Hustle on the turnbuckle and executes the belly-to-back superplex.
That Dude Chris stomps i Hustle.
That Dude Chris executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of i Hustle.
That Dude Chris stands up.
i Hustle goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps That Dude Chris.
i Hustle is back on his feet.
That Dude Chris pokes i Hustle in the eyes.
i Hustle gets taken down with an armdrag takedown.
That Dude Chris measures i Hustle up and drops a closed fist.
i Hustle stands up.
That Dude Chris tackles i Hustle.

Gizmo The Cat - i Hustle takes a football tackle.

[i Hustle picks up That Dude Chris and delivers a tilt-a-whirl suplex.
i Hustle sucks chants start in the crowd.
i Hustle gets up.
i Hustle trys for a flying somersault headbutt but That Dude Chris avoids it.

Suniversal - This is how wrestling should be!

[i Hustle hits That Dude Chris with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.

had pants - i Hustle executes a elbowdrop.

[That Dude Chris climbs to his feet.
i Hustle gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on That Dude Chris.
i Hustle slaps both sides of That Dude Chris's head out of desperation.
That Dude Chris gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
That Dude Chris hits a dragon suplex on i Hustle.
That Dude Chris chants start.

Gizmo The Cat - That dragon suplex was very good.

[That Dude Chris gets up.

Suniversal - I wish every match could be like this!

[That Dude Chris hits i Hustle with the back of his elbow.
Flying somersault drop kick by i Hustle puts him back in the match.
That Dude Chris gets back to his feet.
That Dude Chris hiptosses i Hustle.
That Dude Chris jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on i Hustle.
That Dude Chris is up again.
i Hustle gets back to his feet.
That Dude Chris brings i Hustle down with a Mexican armdrag takedown.
i Hustle gets hit with a diving elbow smash from That Dude Chris.
That Dude Chris is up again.
i Hustle gets knocked on the ground and That Dude Chris flips onto him.
That Dude Chris gets back to his feet.
i Hustle gets hit with a diving elbow smash from That Dude Chris.
That Dude Chris is up again.
i Hustle sets That Dude Chris up on the top turnbuckle, then hooks him up and slams him with a DVD off the top.
That Dude Chris climbs to his feet.
That Dude Chris is sent to the mat by a flying kick from i Hustle.
Rob P Zee throws MeanGene off the ropes, rolls on the ground, comes back up and delivers a clothesline.
Rob P Zee hits MeanGene with an elbowdrop.
Rob P Zee moves back to his feet.
Rob P Zee stomps MeanGene's head.
MeanGene climbs to his feet.
Rob P Zee knifehand chops MeanGene.
MeanGene gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Rob P Zee.
Rob P Zee jumps from the top and nails MeanGene with a flying axhandle smash.
MeanGene gets back to his feet.
MeanGene hits Rob P Zee with an inverted atomic drop.
MeanGene sucks chants start in the crowd.

Suniversal - If MeanGene keeps using moves like that inverted atomic drop he could win the match!


Gizmo The Cat - MeanGene is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[MeanGene applies an arm wrench to Rob P Zee.
MeanGene gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Rob P Zee comes over and smashes MeanGene's head into it.

Suniversal - Rob P Zee executes a headsmash into turnbuckle.

[Rob P Zee executes a headlock takedown.
Rob P Zee jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on MeanGene.
Now Rob P Zee standing.
MeanGene is up again.
Rob P Zee hits MeanGene with the back of his elbow.
Rob P Zee puts MeanGene on the top rope and executes a superplex.
Now Rob P Zee standing.
Rob P Zee puts MeanGene in an arm grapevine submission.
MeanGene climbs to his feet.
MeanGene gets hit with a back heel kick.

had pants - Rob P Zee executes a back heel kick.

[MeanGene gets back to his feet.
Green Rhino takes Rob P Zee down with an Arabian Facebuster.
Green Rhino climbs to his feet.
Green Rhino gives Rob P Zee a crotch chop.

Gizmo The Cat - Green Rhino with a crotch chop.

[Rob P Zee gets up.
Green Rhino trys for a flying sommersault neckbreaker but Rob P Zee avoids it.
Green Rhino delivers a stiff inverted powerbomb send Rob P Zee hard to the mat.
jdcurt hits a running forearm smash on JohnnyRedStorm's face.
MeanGene climbs to the top turnbuckle and jumps off with an Air Sabu on JRA Da Great.
MeanGene moves back to his feet.
JRA Da Great moves back to his feet.
MeanHova clotheslines JRA Da Great.
After fight MeanGene trys for a belly-to-back suplex but is unable to lift JRA Da Great.
MeanGene trys for a fisherman suplex but is unable to lift JRA Da Great.
MeanGene trys for a exploder suplex but is unable to lift JRA Da Great.
MeanGene trys for a Death Valley Driver but is unable to lift JRA Da Great.
MeanGene tosses JRA Da Great to ringside.
JRA Da Great was elimintated by MeanGene. GHIMS executes an over the shoulder stomachbreaker on Big Ego.

Suniversal - Good over the shoulder stomachbreaker by GHIMS.

[Big Ego climbs to his feet.
GHIMS kicks Big Ego in the back of the leg.
GHIMS puts Big Ego in an arm grapevine submission.
Now Big Ego standing.
Big Ego bounces GHIMS off the ropes and clotheslines him.
GHIMS stands up.
Big Ego pokes GHIMS in the eyes.
Big Ego uses a snap mare takeover on GHIMS.
Big Ego executes a corkscrew legdrop on GHIMS.
Big Ego moves back to his feet.
GHIMS stands up.
EdgarFly off the top rope with a somersault legdrop onto Casekicks's chest.
EdgarFly executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Casekicks.
EdgarFly sucks chants start in the crowd.
EdgarFly is back on his feet.
Casekicks gets back to his feet.
EdgarFly goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Casekicks.
EdgarFly is back on his feet.
Casekicks gets hit with a diving elbow smash from EdgarFly.
EdgarFly stands up.
EdgarFly hits Casekicks with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
EdgarFly is up again.
Casekicks stands up.
Casekicks bites EdgarFly's arm out of desparation.

Gizmo The Cat - Casekicks with a arm bite.

[Flying Tomahawk by Casekicks sends EdgarFly down to the mat.
EdgarFly gets back to his feet.
EdgarFly hits a jumping elbow hrust on Casekicks.

had pants - EdgarFly with a jumping elbow thrust.

[EdgarFly hits Casekicks with an elbowdrop.

Suniversal - elbow drop!

[EdgarFly gets back to his feet.
4wrestling climbs the turnbuckle and nails jcmojica with a flying bulldog.
Now 4wrestling standing.
4wrestling runs and tackles jcmojica. 4wrestling punches him in the head.
jcmojica pulls 4wrestling's hair.
jcmojica drives a forearm into the head of 4wrestling.

Gizmo The Cat - jcmojica with a forearm smash.

[4wrestling comes from behind and bulldogs jcmojica.
4wrestling gets up.
4wrestling knees jcmojica and rolls back to his feet.
jcmojica gets up.
jcmojica connects with a somersault slam on 4wrestling.
jcmojica executes a corkscrew legdrop on 4wrestling.
4wrestling moves back to his feet.
jcmojica gets taken down with an armdrag takedown.

Gizmo The Cat - backspin armdrag!

[jcmojica moves back to his feet.
jcmojica with an Aztecan suplex on 4wrestling sends him to the mat.
jcmojica gets up.
4wrestling is up again.
4wrestling jumps from the top and nails jcmojica with a flying axhandle smash.
Now jcmojica standing.
jcmojica legsweeps 4wrestling.

had pants - jcmojica executes a legsweep.

[4wrestling moves back to his feet.
4wrestling hits him with a back fist.

Suniversal - jcmojica takes a back fist.

[jcmojica gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 4wrestling.
jcmojica uses a lariat on 4wrestling.
4wrestling gets up.
That Dude Chris neck snaps B Sox.

had pants - B Sox takes a neck snap.

[B Sox kicks That Dude Chris in the stomach.
Now That Dude Chris standing.
That Dude Chris comes from behind and bulldogs B Sox.
B Sox uppercuts That Dude Chris.
B Sox gets elbowed to his midsection by B Sox.
B Sox kicks That Dude Chris in the back of the leg.
B Sox knees That Dude Chris and rolls back to his feet.
That Dude Chris climbs to his feet.
That Dude Chris trys for a full nelson faceslam but B Sox avoids it.
That Dude Chris trys for a flyind dropkick but B Sox avoids it.
That Dude Chris does a handspring and hits B Sox with a bodyblock, what a move!

Gizmo The Cat - The World Wrestling Federation is the number on wrestling program on television.

[That Dude Chris knees B Sox and rolls back to his feet.
B Sox legsweeps That Dude Chris.

Gizmo The Cat - That Dude Chris takes a legsweep.

[Now That Dude Chris standing.
That Dude Chris punches B Sox in the head.

Suniversal - That Dude Chris executes a punch.

[B Sox jabs That Dude Chris.
B Sox hits him with a back fist.
That Dude Chris gets hit with a back heel kick.

Gizmo The Cat - back heel kick!

[GHIMS connects with a somersault slam on That Dude Chris.
Now GHIMS standing.

Gizmo The Cat - What an outstanding match! After fight

[GHIMS executes a corkscrew legdrop on That Dude Chris.
GHIMS with a falling splash on That Dude Chris.
GHIMS gets up.
GHIMS punches That Dude Chris in the gut.
GHIMS powerbombs That Dude Chris.
GHIMS tosses That Dude Chris to ringside.
That Dude Chris was elimintated by GHIMS. ]

had pants - That Dude Chris has been eliminated!!

[22Styles goes for a neck scissors but EdgarFly dodges the attack.
EdgarFly gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
A forearm choke by 22Styles nearly gets him disqualified.
EdgarFly elbows 22Styles in the stomach, trying to even the match.
EdgarFly gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
22Styles pins EdgarFly against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
A forearm choke by 22Styles nearly gets him disqualified.
22Styles gets up off the ground and EdgarFly hits him with a flying dropkick.
EdgarFly goes off the turnbuckle with a flying somersault splash.

Suniversal - 22Styles could use some help about now.

[EdgarFly goes for a flying senton but 22Styles dodges the attack.
EdgarFly hits 22Styles with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
EdgarFly gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
22Styles gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
EdgarFly attempts to kick 22Styles, but 22Styles catches his leg. EdgarFly flips around and kicks 22Styles.

Suniversal - enzuigiri!

[EdgarFly stands up.
Now 22Styles standing.
22Styles executes the brain buster on EdgarFly.

had pants - What an outstanding match!

[EdgarFly's arm is just being TWISTED by an arm grapevine by 22Styles.
EdgarFly is back on his feet.
EdgarFly slaps both sides of 22Styles's head out of desperation.
EdgarFly gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
A forearm choke by 22Styles nearly gets him disqualified.

Suniversal - 22Styles with a forearm choke.

[22Styles holds his mouth after recieving an elbow smash to the face.
A side kick by EdgarFly turns the match around by knocking 22Styles to the mat.
EdgarFly climbs to his feet.
EdgarFly hits 22Styles with an elbowdrop.
EdgarFly gets back to his feet.
EdgarFly jumps and elbow smashes the lying 22Styles.
EdgarFly stands up.
22Styles trys for a brain buster but EdgarFly avoids it.
EdgarFly gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
EdgarFly goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps 22Styles.
EdgarFly gets up.
22Styles stands up.
EdgarFly executes a ropeflip hiptoss on 22Styles.
22Styles pins EdgarFly against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
EdgarFly tries to even the match with a flying shoulder block.
EdgarFly is back on his feet.
EdgarFly jumps and elbow smashes the lying 22Styles.
EdgarFly hits 22Styles with an elbowdrop.
EdgarFly stands up.
EdgarFly jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on 22Styles.
EdgarFly hits 22Styles with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
EdgarFly climbs to his feet.
22Styles executes a neck scissors on EdgarFly.
22Styles is back on his feet.
EdgarFly's arm is just being TWISTED by an arm grapevine by 22Styles.

Suniversal - 22Styles with a arm grapevine.

[EdgarFly's arm is just being TWISTED by an arm grapevine by 22Styles.
EdgarFly gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on 22Styles.
Flying somersault drop kick by EdgarFly puts him back in the match.

had pants - 22Styles takes a flying somersault dropkick.

[EdgarFly climbs to his feet.
EdgarFly hits 22Styles with an elbowdrop.

Gizmo The Cat - elbow drop!

[Now EdgarFly standing.
22Styles gets up.
EdgarFly hits a flying karate chop right to 22Styles's neck.
i Hustle goes for a flying dropkick but MeanGene dodges the attack.
22Styles executes a neck scissors on B Sox.
22Styles chants start.
22Styles climbs to his feet.
B Sox hits a spinning leg lariat on Green Rhino sending him to the mat.
Green Rhino is up again.
B Sox grabs Green Rhino by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
Green Rhino monkey flips B Sox onto the mat.
Green Rhino is back on his feet.
B Sox is back on his feet.
B Sox uppercuts Green Rhino.
B Sox does a cartwheel and kicks Green Rhino in the face.
Green Rhino gets back to his feet.
Green Rhino hits B Sox with a slingshot bodyblock.
Green Rhino is up again.
After fight Green Rhino executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of B Sox.
Green Rhino fist drops B Sox on the mat.
Green Rhino climbs to his feet.
Green Rhino hits a running forearm smash on B Sox's face.
Green Rhino stomps B Sox's head.
Green Rhino throws B Sox over the ropes.
B Sox was elimintated by Green Rhino. ]

Gizmo The Cat - B Sox is out of here!!

[Peep Game picks up MeanGene and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker.

Gizmo The Cat - Are you enjoying this match?

†Cxé - Yeah, you know it.

[Flying lariat by i Hustle takes jdcurt down.

Suniversal - i Hustle is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[i Hustle hits jdcurt with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
i Hustle hits jdcurt with an elbowdrop.
i Hustle is back on his feet.
jdcurt hits i Hustle with a Baba chop.
jdcurt uses a closed fist on i Hustle.
Flying sommersault drop kick by jdcurt puts him back in the match.
Now jdcurt standing.
jdcurt executes a corkscrew legdrop on i Hustle.
jdcurt gouges i Hustle's eyes out.

had pants - jdcurt executes a eye gouge.

[jdcurt rakes the face of i Hustle in attempt to make a come back.
jdcurt hits a kneeling headbutt to i Hustle's groin.
i Hustle runs towards the ropes, springboards off, and splashes jdcurt.
i Hustle jumps and elbow smashes the lying jdcurt.
i Hustle climbs to his feet.
jdcurt is back on his feet.
jdcurt hits i Hustle with the back of his elbow.

had pants - jdcurt executes a back elbow.

[jdcurt gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.

Suniversal - jdcurt takes a elbowsmash.

[A flying shoulder block send jdcurt to the mat.
i Hustle gets up.
i Hustle hits jdcurt with an elbowdrop.
i Hustle gets up.
jdcurt climbs to his feet.
jdcurt picks up i Hustle and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker.
jdcurt sucks chants start in the crowd.
After fight jdcurt executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of i Hustle.
jdcurt sucks chants start in the crowd.
jdcurt hits i Hustle with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
i Hustle moves back to his feet.
jdcurt executes the flying head scissors on i Hustle.
jdcurt is up again.
jdcurt goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on i Hustle.
jdcurt stands up.
jdcurt throws i Hustle to the floor.
i Hustle was elimintated by jdcurt. ]

Gizmo The Cat - i Hustle is out of here!!

[Casekicks picks GHIMS up in a fireman's carry and flapjacks him.
Now Casekicks standing.

Suniversal - This is quality sports entertainment!

[Big Ego hits EdgarFly with a single arm DDT.

had pants - If Big Ego keeps using moves like that single arm DDT he could win the match!

[Big Ego hits EdgarFly with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
Big Ego climbs to his feet.
EdgarFly hits Big Ego with an earringer.

Gizmo The Cat - earringer!

[Big Ego gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Flying side kick by EdgarFly takes Big Ego off his feet.
Now EdgarFly standing.
Now Big Ego standing.
Big Ego gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
EdgarFly gets sidewalk slammed by Big Ego.
Big Ego grabs EdgarFly and applies an arm wrench.
Big Ego rolls onto EdgarFly connecting with a knee.
EdgarFly gets knocked on the ground and Big Ego flips onto him.

had pants - flip!

[Big Ego moves back to his feet.
Big Ego jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on EdgarFly.
Big Ego is up again.
EdgarFly is up again.
jcmojica goes for a slingshot bodyblock but 4wrestling dodges the attack.
jcmojica shoulder tackles 4wrestling.
4wrestling trys for a dragon screw but is unable to lift jcmojica.
Flying Tomahawk by jcmojica sends 4wrestling down to the mat.
4wrestling climbs to his feet.
jcmojica grabs 4wrestling's leg and takes him down.
4wrestling stands up.
GHIMS is back on his feet.
GHIMS applies the clawhold on Casekicks.

Suniversal - clawhold!

[Casekicks hits a koppo kick on GHIMS.
Casekicks executes a corkscrew legdrop on GHIMS.
Casekicks is back on his feet.
Casekicks gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Flying side kick by GHIMS takes Casekicks off his feet.
Casekicks gets knocked on the ground and GHIMS flips onto him.

Gizmo The Cat - GHIMS with a flip.

[GHIMS stands up.
GHIMS grabs Casekicks and applies an arm wrench.
Casekicks gets up.
Casekicks gets thrown into the turnbuckle. GHIMS comes over and smashes Casekicks's head into it.
GHIMS goes to the top and executes a flying hip attack on Casekicks.

had pants - GHIMS executes a flying hip attack.

[GHIMS climbs to his feet.
Casekicks gets up.
Casekicks executes a back breaker on GHIMS.
GHIMS climbs to his feet.
MeanGene gets back to his feet.
MeanGene with an Aztecan suplex on jcmojica sends him to the mat.
Now MeanGene standing.
After fight MeanGene hits the mat.
jcmojica goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on MeanGene.
jcmojica stands up.
jcmojica puts MeanGene in an arm grapevine submission.
MeanGene gets back to his feet.
jcmojica delivers a spine buster to MeanGene.
jcmojica throws MeanGene over the ropes.
MeanGene was elimintated by jcmojica. ]

Gizmo The Cat - MeanGene has been eliminated!!

[Rob P Zee sets 22Styles up DDTs him into the mat.

had pants - If Rob P Zee keeps using moves like that power move he could win the match!

[Big Ego kicks jcmojica in the stomach and executes the sitdown face slam.

Suniversal - Nice sitdown faceslam by Big Ego.

[Big Ego stomps jcmojica's head.
Big Ego puts jcmojica in an arm grapevine submission.
jcmojica is up again.
Big Ego takes a slap to the face from jcmojica.
jcmojica gets back to his feet.
jcmojica gets hit with a back heel kick.
jcmojica puts Big Ego on the top rope and executes a superplex.
Now jcmojica standing.
GHIMS goes off the turnbuckle with a flying sommersault splash.

Suniversal - That flying sommersault splash was very good.

[22Styles moves back to his feet.
Big Ego gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
A forearm choke by 22Styles nearly gets him disqualified.
22Styles pins Big Ego against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
Big Ego throws 22Styles off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block.

Suniversal - My God!! What a match!

[Big Ego jumps off of the turnbuckle nailing JohnnyRedStorm with an Asai Moonsault.
Big Ego chants start.
Big Ego climbs to his feet.

Suniversal - JohnnyRedStorm could use some help about now.

[GHIMS executes a neck-breaker on Casekicks.
Casekicks is back on his feet.
After fight Casekicks throws 22Styles off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block.
Casekicks gets back to his feet.
22Styles gets knocked on the ground and Casekicks flips onto him.
Casekicks is up again.
Casekicks goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on 22Styles.
Casekicks climbs to his feet.
Casekicks puts 22Styles in an arm grapevine submission.
Casekicks sucks chants start in the crowd.
Casekicks tosses 22Styles to ringside.
22Styles was elimintated by Casekicks. Sad Gosling hits Degenerate with the Asai moonsault bodyblock.
Sad Gosling chants start.
Sad Gosling is back on his feet.
Degenerate gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Sad Gosling.
Degenerate stands up.
Degenerate executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Sad Gosling.
Degenerate applies an arm wrench to Sad Gosling.
Degenerate hits a koppo kick on Sad Gosling.
Sad Gosling stands up.
Sad Gosling gets tiger suplexed by Degenerate.
Degenerate climbs to his feet.
Sad Gosling is back on his feet.
Degenerate executes a headlock takedown.
Sad Gosling stands up.
GHIMS trys for a fallaway slam but Green Rhino avoids it.
Big Ego goes for a diving headbutt but JohnnyRedStorm dodges the attack.
JohnnyRedStorm gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Big Ego.
Now Big Ego standing.
JohnnyRedStorm moves back to his feet.
Big Ego gets thrown into the turnbuckle. JohnnyRedStorm comes over and smashes Big Ego's head into it.
Flying sommersault drop kick by JohnnyRedStorm puts him back in the match.
JohnnyRedStorm gets up.
Big Ego climbs to his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm bounces Big Ego off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Big Ego gets back to his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm discus punches Big Ego.

had pants - Big Ego takes a discus punch.

[Big Ego stands up.
Big Ego catches JohnnyRedStorm leg, but JohnnyRedStorm reverses it with an enzuigiri to Big Ego's head.
JohnnyRedStorm hits Big Ego with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.

Gizmo The Cat - JohnnyRedStorm with a elbowdrop.

[JohnnyRedStorm gets up.
Big Ego gets up.
JohnnyRedStorm drives a forearm into the head of Big Ego.
JohnnyRedStorm kicks Big Ego in the head.
JohnnyRedStorm gets drilled with an inverted back breaker.

Suniversal - That inverted backbreaker was very good.

[Big Ego fist drops JohnnyRedStorm on the mat.
Now Big Ego standing.
JohnnyRedStorm gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Big Ego.
Big Ego stands up.
JohnnyRedStorm throws Big Ego off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block.

Gizmo The Cat - JohnnyRedStorm executes a diving shoulder block.

[Big Ego is back on his feet.
Big Ego tackles JohnnyRedStorm.
JohnnyRedStorm is back on his feet.
After fight Casekicks throws Sad Gosling off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block.
Sad Gosling is back on his feet.
Casekicks kicks Sad Gosling in the stomach.
Sad Gosling gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Casekicks.
Casekicks is up again.
Sad Gosling gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Casekicks sucks chants start in the crowd.
Casekicks tosses Sad Gosling to ringside.
Sad Gosling was elimintated by Casekicks. ]

Suniversal - Sad Gosling is out of here!!

[Green Rhino hits a power slam on jdcurt.
Green Rhino moves back to his feet.
Green Rhino short lariats jdcurt.
Green Rhino goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on jdcurt.
Green Rhino applies an arm wrench to jdcurt.
jdcurt is up again.
Rob P Zee with a gut-wrench suplex on Green Rhino.
Rob P Zee stands up.
After fight Casekicks executes a neck-breaker on EdgarFly.
EdgarFly climbs to his feet.
Casekicks does a handspring and hits EdgarFly with a bodyblock, what a move!
Casekicks is back on his feet.
Casekicks stomps EdgarFly.
Casekicks climbs to the top and moonsaults on to EdgarFly.
Casekicks throws EdgarFly to the floor.
EdgarFly was elimintated by Casekicks. ]

Gizmo The Cat - EdgarFly has been eliminated!!

[JohnnyRedStorm on the top rope, and BDB catches him in a reverse headlock, then drops down into a DDT.
BDB is up again.
After fight BDB flies from the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop.
BDB gets back to his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm gets back to his feet.
BDB elbow smashes JohnnyRedStorm in the nose.
Flying somersault drop kick by BDB puts him back in the match.
BDB climbs to his feet.
BDB hits JohnnyRedStorm with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
BDB gets up.
BDB throws JohnnyRedStorm over the ropes.
JohnnyRedStorm was elimintated by BDB. ]

Suniversal - That will do it for JohnnyRedStorm. He's been eliminated! After fight

[Casekicks executes a jawbreakeron BDB.
Casekicks goes off the turnbuckle with a flying sommersault splash.
Casekicks sucks chants start in the crowd.
Now Casekicks standing.
Casekicks chokes BDB with his boot.
Casekicks executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of BDB.
Casekicks sucks chants start in the crowd.
Casekicks is back on his feet.
Casekicks tosses BDB to ringside.
BDB was elimintated by Casekicks. After fight Green Rhino pulls Casekicks's hair.
Green Rhino hits Casekicks with the back of his elbow.
Green Rhino executes a neck scissors on Casekicks.
Green Rhino gets back to his feet.
Casekicks climbs to his feet.
Green Rhino hits a koppo kick on Casekicks.
Casekicks is back on his feet.
Green Rhino throws Casekicks to the floor.
Casekicks was elimintated by Green Rhino. ]

Suniversal - Casekicks is out of here!!

[Peep Game lifts jdcurt into the air and delivers a spine buster.
Peep Game chants start.
Degenerate goes for a reverse DDT but 4wrestling dodges the attack.
Green Rhino spins aroround GHIMS's back and DDT's him into the mat.
Green Rhino rolls onto GHIMS connecting with a knee.
GHIMS stands up.
GHIMS hits a jumping elbow hrust on Green Rhino.
Green Rhino hits GHIMS with a heart punch.
GHIMS gets knocked on the ground and Green Rhino flips onto him.
Green Rhino moves back to his feet.
GHIMS is up again.
Green Rhino delivers a short-arm clothesline to GHIMS.
GHIMS gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Green Rhino.
Green Rhino stands up.
jdcurt grabs Peep Game's head and hites him in the face.
jdcurt low blows Peep Game.
Peep Game climbs to his feet.
After fight jdcurt is t-bone suplexed by Peep Game.
Peep Game climbs to his feet.
jdcurt gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Peep Game.
Peep Game gets up.
Peep Game executes a piledriver on jdcurt.
Peep Game with a falling splash on jdcurt.
Peep Game is back on his feet.
Peep Game tosses jdcurt to ringside.
jdcurt was elimintated by Peep Game. ]

Suniversal - jdcurt has been eliminated!!

[GHIMS executes a belly-to-belly suplex on Big Ego.
Big Ego gets up.

had pants - My God!! What a match!

[Rob P Zee picks up Green Rhino and executes the cradle DDT.
Rob P Zee moves back to his feet.
jcmojica hits a dragon suplex on Green Rhino.
jcmojica connects with a flying knee. Green Rhino goes down.
jcmojica jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Green Rhino.
jcmojica climbs to his feet.
Green Rhino chops jcmojica.
Green Rhino nails jcmojica with a belly-to-back suplex.
Green Rhino moves back to his feet.
jcmojica gets up.
jcmojica hiptosses Green Rhino.
Green Rhino climbs to his feet.
Green Rhino with a gut-wrench suplex on jcmojica.
4wrestling throws Green Rhino off the ropes, rolls on the ground, comes back up and delivers a clothesline.
After fight 4wrestling jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Green Rhino.
4wrestling stands up.
4wrestling applies an arm wrench to Green Rhino.
4wrestling slingshot elbow drops Green Rhino.
4wrestling measures Green Rhino up and drops a closed fist.
4wrestling moves back to his feet.
4wrestling tosses Green Rhino to ringside.
Green Rhino was elimintated by 4wrestling. Degenerate picks up 4wrestling and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker.
Degenerate executes a corkscrew legdrop on 4wrestling.
Degenerate gets back to his feet.
4wrestling gets up.
Degenerate slaps 4wrestling.
Degenerate hits a kneeling headbutt to 4wrestling's groin.
Degenerate get nailed with a double axhandle chop from 4wrestling.
Degenerate is up again.
Degenerate short clothslines 4wrestling.
4wrestling gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Degenerate.
Degenerate moves back to his feet.
4wrestling is back on his feet.
4wrestling goes for a fisherman suplex but Degenerate dodges the attack.
GHIMS executes a spinning back suplex on Rob P Zee.
GHIMS climbs to his feet.
Rob P Zee stands up.
GHIMS low blows Rob P Zee.
Rob P Zee is back on his feet.
Rob P Zee uses a snap mare takeover on GHIMS.
Rob P Zee applies an arm wrench to GHIMS.

Suniversal - Rob P Zee with a arm wrench.

[Rob P Zee gets hit with a dragon scerw from GHIMS.
Rob P Zee gets hit with a diving elbow smash from GHIMS.
Rob P Zee is up again.
After fight 4wrestling trys for a inveted power bomb but is unable to lift Big Ego.
4wrestling slaps Big Ego in the face.
4wrestling moves back to his feet.
4wrestling takes Big Ego down with a full nelson faceslam.
4wrestling stands up.
Big Ego is up again.
4wrestling uses a snap mare takeover on Big Ego.
4wrestling tosses Big Ego to ringside.
Big Ego was elimintated by 4wrestling. ]

had pants - Big Ego has been eliminated!!

[jcmojica sets Peep Game up DDTs him into the mat.
Peep Game gets up.
Peep Game trys for a avalanche but Rob P Zee avoids it.
Rob P Zee gets tiger suplexed by Peep Game.
Peep Game gets up.
Peep Game executes a corkscrew legdrop on Rob P Zee.
Peep Game gets back to his feet.
Rob P Zee gets up.
Rob P Zee gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Peep Game.
Rob P Zee is back on his feet.
Peep Game hits jcmojica with the belly-to-belly suplex.
Peep Game is back on his feet.
After fight Degenerate goes off the top nailing jcmojica with a flying elbow drop to the gut.
Degenerate stomps jcmojica.
Degenerate takes jcmojica down with a knee.
Degenerate executes a flying headbutt on jcmojica.
Degenerate is up again.
Degenerate tosses jcmojica to ringside.
jcmojica was elimintated by Degenerate. ]

had pants - That will do it for jcmojica. He's been eliminated!

[Degenerate goes for a running powerslam but GHIMS dodges the attack.

had pants - Is this a great match or not?

†Cxé - Yeah, you know it.

[Degenerate does a handspring and hits GHIMS with a bodyblock, what a move!
Degenerate gets up.
GHIMS is up again.
Degenerate monkey flips GHIMS onto the mat.

Suniversal - GHIMS takes a monkey flip.

[Degenerate is back on his feet.
Now GHIMS standing.
GHIMS uses a lariat on Degenerate.
Degenerate stands up.
GHIMS takes a slap to the face from Degenerate.
Degenerate gets up.
Degenerate tackles GHIMS.
Degenerate gets back to his feet.
GHIMS gets up.
GHIMS goes for a spear but Degenerate dodges the attack.
GHIMS tackles Degenerate and pummels his head.
GHIMS stomps Degenerate.
Degenerate climbs to his feet.
GHIMS hits Degenerate with a rolling elbow smash to the face.
Degenerate is up again.
Rob P Zee gets sidewalk slammed by 4wrestling.

Gizmo The Cat - That sidewalk slam was very good.


had pants - The WWF is the only place for entertainment like this!

[4wrestling puts Rob P Zee in an arm grapevine submission.
4wrestling hits Rob P Zee with an elbowdrop.
Now 4wrestling standing.
Rob P Zee stands up.
Rob P Zee chops 4wrestling.
Rob P Zee uses a lariat on 4wrestling.
Rob P Zee knees 4wrestling and rolls back to his feet.
4wrestling gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Rob P Zee.
4wrestling executes a neck scissors on Rob P Zee.

Suniversal - If 4wrestling keeps using moves like that neck scissors he could win the match!

[4wrestling gets back to his feet.
After fight 4wrestling kicks Rob P Zee on the mat.
Rob P Zee is up again.
Rob P Zee gets bounced off of the ropes and hit with a backdrop diver by 4wrestling.
Rob P Zee is up again.
4wrestling connects with a low blow. Rob P Zee goes down.
4wrestling goes off the turnbuckle with a flying sommersault splash.
4wrestling throws Rob P Zee to the floor.
Rob P Zee was elimintated by 4wrestling. ]

had pants - Rob P Zee has been eliminated!!

[GHIMS kicks Degenerate in the gut, takes a few steps back, and scissor kicks him to the mat.
GHIMS jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Degenerate.
Degenerate stands up.
Degenerate with an illegal chokehold on GHIMS.
GHIMS moves back to his feet.
GHIMS rakes his fingers across Degenerate's back.
GHIMS goes for a flyind dropkick but Degenerate dodges the attack.
GHIMS uses a closed fist on Degenerate.
Degenerate bounces GHIMS off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat.
GHIMS climbs to his feet.
GHIMS goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Degenerate.
GHIMS gets up.
GHIMS knees Degenerate and rolls back to his feet.
GHIMS fist drops Degenerate on the mat.
GHIMS gets back to his feet.
Degenerate stands up.
GHIMS gets snap suplexed by Degenerate.
Degenerate gets back to his feet.
GHIMS hits Peep Game with the back of his elbow.
GHIMS hits a flying karate chop right to Peep Game's neck.
After fight Peep Game with spinning headscissors on GHIMS send him hard to the mat.
Peep Game chants start.
GHIMS is back on his feet.
Peep Game picks up GHIMS and drops him neck first on the ropes.
Peep Game kicks GHIMS in the gut, takes a few steps back, and scissor kicks him to the mat.
Peep Game chokes GHIMS with his boot.
Peep Game chants start.
Peep Game throws GHIMS to the floor.
GHIMS was elimintated by Peep Game. ]

Suniversal - GHIMS is out of here!!

[Peep Game uses a belly-to-belly suplex. Degenerate is down.
Peep Game chants start.

Suniversal - What an outstanding match!

[Peep Game kicks Degenerate in the stomach.
Degenerate legsweeps Peep Game.

Gizmo The Cat - Degenerate with a legsweep.

[Peep Game is back on his feet.
Peep Game pulls Degenerate's hair.
Peep Game gouges Degenerate's eyes out.

had pants - eye gouge!

[Peep Game grabs Degenerate's head and hites him in the face.
Peep Game slaps Degenerate.
Peep Game forearm smashes Degenerate.
Peep Game with a headbutt on Degenerate.
Peep Game mule kicks Degenerate.

Suniversal - Peep Game with a mule kick.

[Peep Game stomps Degenerate's head.
4wrestling trys for a choke lift but is not strong enough to lift Peep Game.
4wrestling trys for a running powerslam but is not strong enough to lift Peep Game.

Suniversal - Did you see that last move?

had pants - Yeah, you know it.

[4wrestling hits Peep Game with a slingshot bodyblock.
Now 4wrestling standing.
Peep Game gets knocked on the ground and 4wrestling flips onto him.
4wrestling is back on his feet.
Peep Game gets hit with a diving elbow smash from 4wrestling.

Suniversal - 4wrestling executes a diving elbow smash.

[4wrestling stands up.
Peep Game gets back to his feet.
4wrestling trys for a belly-to-back suplex but is unable to lift Peep Game.
Peep Game with an Aztecan suplex on 4wrestling sends him to the mat.
4wrestling is hit with a backward kick.
4wrestling moves back to his feet.
Peep Game knifehand chops 4wrestling.
Peep Game uses a lariat on 4wrestling.
Peep Game puts 4wrestling in an arm grapevine submission.
4wrestling is back on his feet.
4wrestling grabs Degenerate's head and DDT's him on the mat.

had pants - That DDT was very good.

[4wrestling gets back to his feet.
After fight 4wrestling climbs to the top turnbuckle and jumps off with an Air Sabu on Degenerate.
Degenerate is up again.
4wrestling jumps from the top rope and hits Degenerate with a flying armdrag.
4wrestling is up again.
Degenerate stands up.
Running neckbreaker drop executed by 4wrestling takes Degenerate down hard.
4wrestling drives a forearm into Degenerate.
4wrestling tosses Degenerate to ringside.
Degenerate was elimintated by 4wrestling. ]

Gizmo The Cat - That will do it for Degenerate. He's been eliminated!

[Peep Game body slams 4wrestling.

had pants - 4wrestling takes a body slam.

[4wrestling gets up.
Peep Game puts 4wrestling in the double underhook position and gives him a doubl underhook backbreaker.
Peep Game chants start.
After fight Peep Game hits a frog splash on 4wrestling.
Peep Game is up again.
Peep Game slingshot elbow drops 4wrestling.
Peep Game runs in and leg drops 4wrestling.
Peep Game chants start.
Peep Game climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on 4wrestling.
Peep Game throws 4wrestling over the ropes.
4wrestling was elimintated by Peep Game. ]

Gizmo The Cat - That will do it for 4wrestling. He's been eliminated!

Suniversal - Peep Game has won the match!

gunnascott - When are you gonna book me *****?

Gizmo The Cat - The winner of the battle royal, and NEW NTWT World champion, Peep Game Peep Game !!!

And that'll be it.

Be nice and I might do NTWT Fast Lane as well :wink:
Last edited:
This Wrestlemania has the potential to be one of the worst ever.. is this all due to seth rollins getting hurt?
Nah, it's a blessing in disguise.

Ramen was gonna get the strap either way and it's better that he's not going over Sext at WM32.
We'll be having a NTWT Axxess if you wanna come through for some autographs :nthat:

I'd rather pay Virgil $100 for a picture and an extra $10 for his autograph :smh:.

The GR whites with the black sole can be had for retail. The JD joints with the white sole go for a lot.
White UBs are money.

Been looking for a pair locally, no luck but the Adidas rep told me that they restock those every 6 to 8 weeks.

Yeah, I've been looking for the white pair with the black sole. Do I have to get them at a local Adidas store? Didn't see them online for retail :nerd:.
I see you Deadman :smokin

Yeah, I've been looking for the white pair with the black sole. Do I have to get them at a local Adidas store? Didn't see them online for retail :nerd:.
I haven't seen them online for retail either. I'm actually in the progress of chatting with FTL, FL and Champs to see if they can check in-store inventory.
NTWT Rumble Match For NTWT World Heavyweight Championship

25 Man Battle Royal (Over The Top Battle Royal) (NTWT World )

Gizmo The Cat - The following is a 25 man Over The Top Battle Royal battle royal.

[All 25 men are at the ring. (the bell rings) GHIMS punches Casekicks repeatedly.

had pants - Casekicks takes a weak move.

[GHIMS hits a koppo kick on Casekicks.
GHIMS short clothslines Casekicks.
Casekicks moves back to his feet.
GHIMS slaps the face of Casekicks.
After, Casekicks hits GHIMS with a slightly smaller wheelchair.
Now Casekicks standing.
Casekicks rolls onto GHIMS connecting with a knee.
GHIMS puts Casekicks on the top rope and executes a superplex.
GHIMS climbs to his feet.
Casekicks gets back to his feet.
Casekicks rakes the face of GHIMS in attempt to make a come back.
Casekicks gouges GHIMS's eyes out.
GHIMS hits an electrifying flying sommersault headbutt on Degenerate.
GHIMS climbs to his feet.

Suniversal - My God!! What a match!

[GHIMS executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Degenerate.
GHIMS climbs to his feet.
Degenerate is up again.
GHIMS jabs Degenerate.
GHIMS delivers a kick to the head of Degenerate.
Degenerate gets back to his feet.
Now 4wrestling standing.
4wrestling executes a corkscrew legdrop on Green Rhino.
Green Rhino hits 4wrestling with an earringer.

Gizmo The Cat - Green Rhino executes a earringer.

[Flying side kick by Green Rhino takes 4wrestling off his feet.

Suniversal - 4wrestling takes a flying side kick.

[Green Rhino gets back to his feet.
4wrestling gets back to his feet.
4wrestling brings Green Rhino down with a Mexican armdrag takedown.
4wrestling executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Green Rhino.
4wrestling goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Green Rhino.

Gizmo The Cat - flying sitdown splash!

[Green Rhino moves back to his feet.
Green Rhino hits 4wrestling with the belly-to-belly suplex.

Suniversal - That belly-to-belly suplex was very good.

[Big Ego climbs to his feet.
GHIMS gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Big Ego.
Big Ego executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of GHIMS.

had pants - Big Ego with a flying knee drop.

[Big Ego rolls onto GHIMS connecting with a knee.
GHIMS gets back to his feet.
GHIMS kicks Big Ego in the stomach and executes the sitdown face slam.
GHIMS gets up.
Big Ego climbs to his feet.
GHIMS spins aroround Big Ego's back and DDT's him into the mat.
GHIMS climbs to his feet.
JRA Da Great punches jdcurt repeatedly.
jdcurt punches JRA Da Great in the gut.
jdcurt slaps JRA Da Great.
jdcurt applies the clawhold on JRA Da Great.
JRA Da Great bounces jdcurt off the ropes and clotheslines him.
jdcurt hits JRA Da Great with a heart punch.
JRA Da Great bounces jdcurt off the ropes and clotheslines him.
jdcurt stands up.
JRA Da Great bounces jdcurt off the ropes and clotheslines him.
jdcurt gets back to his feet.
jdcurt executes a belly-to-belly suplex on JRA Da Great.
JRA Da Great gets up.
jdcurt rakes his fingers across JRA Da Great's back.

Suniversal - jdcurt with a back rake.

[JRA Da Great bounces jdcurt off the ropes and clotheslines him.
jdcurt climbs to his feet.
jdcurt with an Aztecan suplex on JRA Da Great sends him to the mat.
jdcurt is up again.
JRA Da Great gets up.
JRA Da Great bounces jdcurt off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great clotheslines jdcurt.

Gizmo The Cat - JRA Da Great executes a weak move.

[John2st bounces 22Styles off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat.
22Styles stands up.
John2st gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.

had pants - 22Styles executes a boot choke.

[John2st uses a closed fist on 22Styles.
John2st executes a huge gutbuster on 22Styles.
22Styles moves back to his feet.
John2st tackles 22Styles.
John2st gets back to his feet.
22Styles gets back to his feet.
22Styles executes the brain buster on John2st.
22Styles climbs to his feet.

had pants - Is this a great match or not?

†Cxé - Yeah, you know it.

[22Styles puts John2st in an arm grapevine submission.

Gizmo The Cat - 22Styles with a arm grapevine.

[John2st gets back to his feet.
John2st superkicks 22Styles.
John2st executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of 22Styles.
John2st executes a corkscrew legdrop on 22Styles.

Gizmo The Cat - corkscrew legdrop!

[John2st climbs to his feet.
22Styles climbs to his feet.
GHIMS hits Green Rhino with a running powerbomb on to the mat.
Now That Dude Chris standing.
That Dude Chris low blows Degenerate.
Degenerate moves back to his feet.
Degenerate hits That Dude Chris with a heart punch.
Now That Dude Chris standing.
That Dude Chris short clothslines Degenerate.
That Dude Chris puts Degenerate in an arm grapevine submission.
Now Degenerate standing.
Degenerate hits That Dude Chris with the double arm DDT into the mat.
That Dude Chris gets back to his feet.
Degenerate executes a jawbreakeron That Dude Chris.
That Dude Chris gets back to his feet.
Degenerate gets tiger suplexed by That Dude Chris.
That Dude Chris rolls onto Degenerate connecting with a knee.
Degenerate gets knocked on the ground and That Dude Chris flips onto him.
That Dude Chris is up again.
Degenerate is back on his feet.
DCAllAmerican moves back to his feet.
CelticsPride is driven further into the mat by DCAllAmerican with a diving elbow smash.
CelticsPride moves back to his feet.
DCAllAmerican hits a flying karate chop right to CelticsPride 's neck.
DCAllAmerican elbow smashes CelticsPride in the nose.
A flying bodypress by DCAllAmerican takes CelticsPride to the mat with authority.
CelticsPride stands up.
CelticsPride throws the chair to DCAllAmerican...CelticsPride kicks the chair into DCAllAmerican's face!!
Flying somersault drop kick by DCAllAmerican puts him back in the match.
DCAllAmerican gets up.
DCAllAmerican hits CelticsPride with an elbowdrop.
DCAllAmerican moves back to his feet.
DCAllAmerican hits CelticsPride with an elbowdrop.
DCAllAmerican is up again.
DCAllAmerican attempts to kick CelticsPride , but CelticsPride catches his leg. DCAllAmerican flips around and kicks CelticsPride .
DCAllAmerican is up again.
CelticsPride lifts up DCAllAmerican and drops him with a Samoan Drop right on the chair!!
CelticsPride moves back to his feet.
John2st takes jcmojica down with an Arabian Facebuster.
John2st is back on his feet.
John2st hits jcmojica with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
John2st is back on his feet.
John2st rakes the face of jcmojica in attempt to make a come back.
jcmojica brings John2st down with a Mexican armdrag takedown.
John2st gets back to his feet.
John2st monkey flips jcmojica onto the mat.
John2st is back on his feet.
jcmojica stands up.
jcmojica with an impressive flying spinning leg lariat on John2st.
jcmojica gets back to his feet.
jcmojica hits John2st with a Baba chop.
B Sox knee drops MeanGene.
B Sox gets up.
B Sox knees MeanGene and rolls back to his feet.
MeanGene gets hit with a diving elbow smash from B Sox.
B Sox measures MeanGene up and drops a closed fist.
MeanGene is up again.
MeanGene dropkicks B Sox.
MeanGene stands up.
Green Rhino moves back to his feet.
Green Rhino bites DragonFly's arm out of desparation.
DragonFly pins Green Rhino against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
Green Rhino hits him with a back fist.
DragonFly punches Green Rhino in the gut.
DragonFly executes the jumping sidekick on Green Rhino.

had pants - DragonFly with a jumping sidekick.

[Green Rhino is back on his feet.
DragonFly pulls Green Rhino's hair.
DragonFly hits Green Rhino with a heart punch.
Green Rhino climbs to his feet.
Green Rhino trys for a exploder suplex but DragonFly avoids it.
Green Rhino executes a belly-to-belly suplex on DragonFly.
Green Rhino chokes DragonFly.
Now DragonFly standing.
DragonFly hits a spinning leg lariat on Green Rhino sending him to the mat.
DragonFly rolls onto Green Rhino connecting with a knee.
Green Rhino is back on his feet.
DragonFly gets drilled with an inverted back breaker.
DragonFly gets up.
Green Rhino picks up DragonFly and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker.

Gizmo The Cat - Good shoulderbreaker by Green Rhino.

[DragonFly is up again.
Green Rhino pins DragonFly against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
Green Rhino get nailed with a double axhandle chop from DragonFly.
DragonFly takes Green Rhino off his feet with a short-arm clothesline
Green Rhino gets back to his feet.
Green Rhino gives DragonFly a reverse neckbreaker.
DragonFly moves back to his feet.
Green Rhino gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
jcmojica executes a flying sommersault bodyblock on JRA Da Great from off the top rope.
jcmojica grabs JRA Da Great and applies an arm wrench.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
They lockup. JRA Da Great sends jcmojica to the corner of the ring.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
jcmojica is back on his feet.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great clotheslines jcmojica.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
jcmojica climbs to his feet.
jcmojica trys for a side suplex but JRA Da Great avoids it.
jcmojica executes a jawbreakeron JRA Da Great.

Suniversal - jcmojica with a jawbreaker.

[jcmojica gets back to his feet.
JRA Da Great is back on his feet.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great clotheslines jcmojica.
jcmojica trys for a belly-to-back suplex but is unable to lift JRA Da Great.
JRA Da Great gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.

had pants - jcmojica with a corkscrew armdrag.

[JRA Da Great gets hit with a diving elbow smash from jcmojica.
jcmojica moves back to his feet.
jcmojica hits JRA Da Great with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
Now jcmojica standing.
JRA Da Great is up again.
jcmojica gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on JRA Da Great.
JRA Da Great lifts jcmojica and delivers a back breaker.

Gizmo The Cat - back breaker!

[22Styles executes a neck scissors on MeanGene.
22Styles is back on his feet.
MeanGene's arm is just being TWISTED by an arm grapevine by 22Styles.
22Styles puts MeanGene in an arm grapevine submission.
22Styles grabs MeanGene's arm, drops down, and has him in an arm grapevine.
MeanGene's arm is just being TWISTED by an arm grapevine by 22Styles.
Big Ego gets up.
i Hustle gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Big Ego.

Suniversal - diving elbow smash!

[Big Ego puts i Hustle in an arm grapevine submission.
i Hustle is up again.
Big Ego gets elbowed to his midsection by Big Ego.
Big Ego hits i Hustle with the back of his elbow.
Big Ego punches i Hustle in the gut.
i Hustle with a jumping DDT on Big Ego.
i Hustle gets up.
i Hustle hits Big Ego with an elbowdrop.

Gizmo The Cat - i Hustle executes a elbowdrop.

[i Hustle is back on his feet.
i Hustle hits Big Ego with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.

Suniversal - elbow drop!

[i Hustle jumps and elbow smashes the lying Big Ego.
i Hustle is back on his feet.
Big Ego climbs to his feet.
jdcurt dropkicks Green Rhino to the face.
jdcurt is back on his feet.
Green Rhino gets hit with a diving elbow smash from jdcurt.
jdcurt gets back to his feet.
Green Rhino is up again.
jdcurt bounces Green Rhino off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat.
jdcurt gets back to his feet.
jdcurt goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Green Rhino.
jdcurt puts Green Rhino in an arm grapevine submission.
jdcurt jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Green Rhino.
jdcurt stands up.
Green Rhino moves back to his feet.
Green Rhino gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
jdcurt with an impressive flying spinning leg lariat on Green Rhino.
Green Rhino moves back to his feet.
Green Rhino dropkicks jdcurt to the knee.

had pants - Green Rhino executes a dropkick.

[Green Rhino is up again.

had pants - Green Rhino is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[Green Rhino with a falling splash on jdcurt.

Suniversal - Good falling splash by Green Rhino.

[Green Rhino gets back to his feet.
Now Frank And Beans standing.
Frank And Beans goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on jcmojica.
jcmojica climbs to his feet.
jcmojica grabs Frank And Beans's arm and strkes his chest.
Frank And Beans nails jcmojica with a belly-to-back suplex.
Frank And Beans gets back to his feet.
Frank And Beans puts jcmojica in an arm grapevine submission.

Suniversal - Frank And Beans executes a arm grapevine.

[jcmojica get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Frank And Beans.

Gizmo The Cat - Frank And Beans executes a double axhandle chop.

[Frank And Beans applies an arm wrench to jcmojica.
Frank And Beans knees jcmojica and rolls back to his feet.
Frank And Beans executes a corkscrew legdrop on jcmojica.
Frank And Beans gets back to his feet.
jcmojica moves back to his feet.
jcmojica picks up Frank And Beans and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker.
That Dude Chris goes for a crotch chop but Rob P Zee dodges the attack.
22Styles chokes Frank And Beans with his boot.
Frank And Beans's arm is just being TWISTED by an arm grapevine by 22Styles.
22Styles puts Frank And Beans in an arm grapevine submission.
Frank And Beans stands up.
Frank And Beans with an Aztecan suplex on 22Styles sends him to the mat.
Frank And Beans moves back to his feet.
22Styles stands up.
Frank And Beans gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
22Styles holds Frank And Beans in the corner, choking him with his forearm.

had pants - forearm choke!

[Frank And Beans gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
A forearm choke by 22Styles nearly gets him disqualified.
Frank And Beans gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
22Styles holds Frank And Beans in the corner, choking him with his forearm.
22Styles pins Frank And Beans against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
Frank And Beans gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.

Suniversal - Frank And Beans takes a boot choke.

[DCAllAmerican uses an elbow drop from off the top rope to hurt 4wrestling even more than he already has.
DCAllAmerican climbs to his feet.
4wrestling is up again.
Satalitte scissors by DCAllAmerican throw 4wrestling across the the ring.
DCAllAmerican gets back to his feet.
4wrestling is back on his feet.
4wrestling gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.

Gizmo The Cat - 4wrestling takes a elbowsmash.

[4wrestling holds his mouth after recieving an elbow smash to the face.
DCAllAmerican hits a jumping elbow hrust on 4wrestling.
DCAllAmerican flies from the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop.
DCAllAmerican gets back to his feet.
4wrestling gets hit with a diving elbow smash from DCAllAmerican.

had pants - 4wrestling takes a diving elbow smash.

[DCAllAmerican is back on his feet.
4wrestling trys for a German suplex but is not strong enough to lift DCAllAmerican.
That Dude Chris is hooked in a full nelson.

Suniversal - That Dude Chris takes a full nelson.

[Sad Gosling gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on That Dude Chris.

had pants - That Dude Chris takes a jumping neck snap.

[Sad Gosling executes a headlock takedown.
That Dude Chris is up again.
That Dude Chris with a high crossbody on Sad Gosling.

Suniversal - That Dude Chris with a high cross body.

[That Dude Chris gets back to his feet.
That Dude Chris hits Sad Gosling with an elbowdrop.
That Dude Chris is back on his feet.
Sad Gosling moves back to his feet.
Sad Gosling with an illegal chokehold on That Dude Chris.
Sad Gosling knees That Dude Chris and rolls back to his feet.
That Dude Chris climbs to his feet.
That Dude Chris nails Sad Gosling with a double underhook suplex.

Gizmo The Cat - Nice double underhook suplex by That Dude Chris.

[That Dude Chris trys for a flying senton but Sad Gosling avoids it.
That Dude Chris goes for a somersault splash but Sad Gosling dodges the attack.
Sad Gosling climbs to his feet.
4wrestling bounces John2st off the ropes and hits him with a jumping clothesline.
4wrestling climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on John2st.
4wrestling is up again.
John2st stands up.
4wrestling kicks John2st in the stomach and executes the sitdown face slam.
4wrestling gets up.

Suniversal - John2st could use some help about now.

[Now Peep Game standing.
Peep Game connects with a flying knee. DragonFly goes down.
DragonFly executes a swinging bulldog on Peep Game driving Peep Game's face into the mat.
DragonFly is back on his feet.
DragonFly hits Peep Game with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
Peep Game gets hit with a diving elbow smash from DragonFly.

Gizmo The Cat - Peep Game takes a diving elbow smash.

[DragonFly is back on his feet.
Now Peep Game standing.
DragonFly takes Peep Game down with a knee.
Peep Game gets back to his feet.
DragonFly gets bounced off of the ropes and hit with a backdrop diver by Peep Game.
Peep Game is up again.
Peep Game hits the handspring moonsault on DragonFly.
Peep Game chants start.
Peep Game stands up.
DragonFly gets up.
Peep Game short lariats DragonFly.
DragonFly climbs to his feet.
Peep Game hits DragonFly with an earringer.

Suniversal - earringer!

[Peep Game hiptosses DragonFly.

Gizmo The Cat - DragonFly takes a hiptoss.

[DragonFly gets up.
DragonFly double underhook faceslams Peep Game hard to the Peep Game.
Peep Game is back on his feet.
DragonFly gets elbowed to his midsection by DragonFly.
DragonFly chops Peep Game.
DragonFly takes a slap to the face from Peep Game.
Peep Game is back on his feet.
DragonFly nails Peep Game with a double underhook suplex.
DragonFly applies an arm wrench to Peep Game.

Gizmo The Cat - DragonFly with a arm wrench.

[DragonFly stomps Peep Game.
Peep Game moves back to his feet.
DragonFly with a high crossbody on Peep Game.
DragonFly gets up.
Peep Game gets back to his feet.
Peep Game hits a kneeling headbutt to DragonFly's groin.
DragonFly rakes his fingers across Peep Game's back.
Peep Game gets hit with a dragon scerw from DragonFly.
DragonFly gets back to his feet.
DragonFly puts Peep Game in an arm grapevine submission.
DragonFly knees Peep Game and rolls back to his feet.
DragonFly gets hit with a running powerslam by Peep Game

had pants - Peep Game's momma would be proud!

[Peep Game applies an arm wrench to DragonFly.
DragonFly hits a jumping elbow hrust on Peep Game.
Peep Game is back on his feet.
Peep Game executes a ropeflip hiptoss on DragonFly.
DragonFly gets back to his feet.
Peep Game is hit with a backward kick.
Peep Game climbs to his feet.
Peep Game hits DragonFly with a baba chop.

had pants - baba chop!

[Peep Game pokes DragonFly in the eye with his thumb.
DragonFly spinebuster bombs Peep Game onto the mat.
DragonFly goes for a slingshot elbow drop but Peep Game dodges the attack.
Frank And Beans trys for a Samoan drop but Sad Gosling avoids it.
BDB is up again.
BDB executes a ropeflip hiptoss on That Dude Chris.
That Dude Chris gets up.
BDB tries to even the match with a flying shoulder block.
BDB gets up.
That Dude Chris is back on his feet.
That Dude Chris uses a lariat on BDB.
That Dude Chris goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on BDB.
BDB climbs to his feet.
That Dude Chris gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.

Suniversal - elbowsmash!

[That Dude Chris connects with a somersault slam on BDB.
Now That Dude Chris standing.
BDB moves back to his feet.
BDB is hit with a backward kick.
BDB gets up.
BDB gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on That Dude Chris.
BDB gets hit with a flying forearm right to the face.
That Dude Chris executes a corkscrew legdrop on BDB.
That Dude Chris is back on his feet.
That Dude Chris grabs BDB and applies an arm wrench.
BDB jumps from the second turnbuckle, kicking That Dude Chris in the head, taking him down.
Now That Dude Chris standing.
John2st gets back to his feet.
John2st executes a jawbreakeron JRA Da Great.
John2st is back on his feet.
JRA Da Great is back on his feet.
JRA Da Great bounces John2st off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great clotheslines John2st.
JRA Da Great bounces John2st off the ropes and clotheslines him.
John2st stands up.
John2st throws JRA Da Great off the ropes, rolls on the ground, comes back up and delivers a clothesline.
John2st climbs the turnbuckle and nails JRA Da Great with a flying bulldog.

had pants - The WWF is the only place for entertainment like this!

[John2st puts JRA Da Great in an arm grapevine submission.
JRA Da Great gets hit with a diving elbow smash from John2st.
John2st gets back to his feet.
John2st kicks JRA Da Great on the mat.
JRA Da Great is up again.
JRA Da Great bounces John2st off the ropes and clotheslines him.
They lockup. JRA Da Great sends John2st to the corner of the ring.
John2st with an illegal chokehold on JRA Da Great.
JRA Da Great bounces John2st off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great punches John2st repeatedly.
JRA Da Great gets hit with a fisherman suplex by John2st.
John2st stands up.
JRA Da Great gets knocked on the ground and John2st flips onto him.
JRA Da Great gets up.
JRA Da Great bounces John2st off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Now John2st standing.
JRA Da Great bounces John2st off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great bounces John2st off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great clotheslines John2st.
JRA Da Great bounces John2st off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great bounces John2st off the ropes and clotheslines him.
John2st is up again.
JRA Da Great bounces John2st off the ropes and clotheslines him.
John2st with an exploder suplex on JRA Da Great.
John2st moves back to his feet.
jdcurt spins aroround Sad Gosling's back and DDT's him into the mat.

had pants - That backspin DDT was very good.

[jdcurt gets back to his feet.

had pants - Did you see that last move?

†Cxé - Oh yeah!

[Casekicks goes up to the top and comes down on CelticsPride with an asai leg lariat.
Casekicks is up again.
Casekicks executes a corkscrew legdrop on CelticsPride .
Casekicks gets up.
Casekicks stomps CelticsPride .
CelticsPride climbs to his feet.
Casekicks in a waist lock, and he gets planted with a Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!!
They lockup. CelticsPride sends Casekicks to the corner of the ring.
CelticsPride throws the chair at Casekicks...CelticsPride spins around and kicks the chair in his face!!
CelticsPride gets back to his feet.
Now Casekicks standing.
Casekicks discus punches CelticsPride .
CelticsPride gives Casekicks the chair...CelticsPride climbs to the top..CelticsPride dropkicks the chair into his face!
Casekicks climbs to his feet.
Casekicks nails CelticsPride with a double underhook suplex.

Gizmo The Cat - That double underhook suplex was very good.

[Casekicks leg drops CelticsPride .
GHIMS gives MeanGene the cobra clutch suplex onto the mat.
GHIMS gets up.
MeanGene is back on his feet.
GHIMS bounces MeanGene off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat.
GHIMS gets up.
GHIMS hits MeanGene with an elbowdrop.

Suniversal - GHIMS executes a elbowdrop.

[GHIMS is back on his feet.
GHIMS goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on MeanGene.
MeanGene moves back to his feet.
MeanGene is hooked in a full nelson.
EdgarFly gets back to his feet.
Out of desperation, EdgarFly dives from the second turnbuckle, shoulder blocking jcmojica.
EdgarFly is hooked in a full nelson.
jcmojica monkey flips EdgarFly onto the mat.

Gizmo The Cat - EdgarFly takes a monkey flip.

[jcmojica stands up.
EdgarFly is up again.
jcmojica bends over as EdgarFly elbows him in the midsection.
Flying kick by jcmojica takes EdgarFly down.
EdgarFly gets back to his feet.
EdgarFly hits a flying karate chop right to jcmojica's neck.
EdgarFly hits jcmojica with an earringer.
jcmojica pins EdgarFly against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
EdgarFly pulls off a standing moonsault.
EdgarFly sucks chants start in the crowd.

Suniversal - The WWF is the only place for entertainment like this!

[CelticsPride is back on his feet.
CelticsPride opens up the chair...EdgarFly is thrown into the ropes...Drop Toe Hold onto the open chair!
CelticsPride moves back to his feet.
They lockup. CelticsPride sends EdgarFly to the corner of the ring.

Gizmo The Cat - EdgarFly takes a weak move.

[EdgarFly kicks CelticsPride 's head out of desperation because CelticsPride blocked EdgarFly's first kick.
EdgarFly gets up.
CelticsPride gets hit with a diving elbow smash from EdgarFly.
EdgarFly stands up.
EdgarFly flies from the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop.
EdgarFly hits CelticsPride with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
EdgarFly is back on his feet.
CelticsPride is back on his feet.
CelticsPride grabs ahold of EdgarFly's waist....Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!!!
EdgarFly moves back to his feet.
EdgarFly climbs to the top and hits CelticsPride with a flying clothesline.

had pants - EdgarFly with a flying clothesline.

[Now EdgarFly standing.

Suniversal - EdgarFly's momma would be proud!

[EdgarFly hits CelticsPride with an elbowdrop.

Gizmo The Cat - elbowdrop!

[EdgarFly climbs to his feet.
CelticsPride gets up.
CelticsPride gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex sends EdgarFly onto the chair by CelticsPride !!!!
EdgarFly stands up.
EdgarFly hits a jumping elbow hrust on CelticsPride .
CelticsPride is up again.
CelticsPride opens up the chair...EdgarFly is thrown into the ropes...Drop Toe Hold onto the open chair!
CelticsPride is back on his feet.
EdgarFly stands up.
EdgarFly gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on CelticsPride .
A side kick by EdgarFly turns the match around by knocking CelticsPride to the mat.
EdgarFly is back on his feet.
CelticsPride climbs to his feet.
CelticsPride executes a piledriver on EdgarFly and the chair!!!
CelticsPride stands up.
EdgarFly gets up.
CelticsPride throws the chair to EdgarFly...CelticsPride kicks the chair into EdgarFly's face!!
EdgarFly in a waist lock, and he gets planted with a Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!!
EdgarFly climbs to his feet.
EdgarFly executes a ropeflip hiptoss on CelticsPride .
EdgarFly hits CelticsPride with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.

Gizmo The Cat - EdgarFly with a elbow drop.

[EdgarFly climbs to his feet.
CelticsPride is driven further into the mat by EdgarFly with a diving elbow smash.

had pants - EdgarFly executes a diving elbow smash.

[CelticsPride is driven further into the mat by EdgarFly with a diving elbow smash.

Gizmo The Cat - diving elbow smash!

[EdgarFly stands up.
CelticsPride moves back to his feet.
CelticsPride throws EdgarFly the chair..CelticsPride goes up top..CelticsPride dropkicks the chair into his face!
CelticsPride climbs to his feet.
EdgarFly moves back to his feet.
EdgarFly with an impressive flying spinning leg lariat on CelticsPride .
EdgarFly sucks chants start in the crowd.
EdgarFly moves back to his feet.
CelticsPride gets back to his feet.

Suniversal - I wish every match could be like this!

[Flying somersault drop kick by EdgarFly puts him back in the match.
EdgarFly is back on his feet.
EdgarFly hits CelticsPride with an elbowdrop.
CelticsPride stands up.
CelticsPride gives EdgarFly the chair...CelticsPride spins around and nails the chair into EdgarFly's face!!
CelticsPride is up again.
CelticsPride punches EdgarFly repeatedly.
CelticsPride gives EdgarFly the chair...CelticsPride spins around and nails the chair into EdgarFly's face!!
CelticsPride moves back to his feet.
EdgarFly pulls out a sitdown faceslam from his back pocket, taking CelticsPride face first into the mat.
EdgarFly climbs to his feet.
CelticsPride gets up.
EdgarFly whips CelticsPride into the corner and follows up with a huge splash.
Now CelticsPride standing.
A flying bodypress by EdgarFly takes CelticsPride to the mat with authority.
EdgarFly moves back to his feet.
EdgarFly hits CelticsPride with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
EdgarFly is back on his feet.
CelticsPride gets back to his feet.
EdgarFly in a waist lock, and he gets planted with a Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!!
EdgarFly gets up.
CelticsPride gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
CelticsPride opens up the chair...EdgarFly is thrown into the ropes...Drop Toe Hold onto the open chair!
CelticsPride stands up.
CelticsPride punches EdgarFly repeatedly.

Gizmo The Cat - EdgarFly takes a weak move.

[CelticsPride applies a headlock... BOOM! DDT!

Suniversal - Nice DDT by CelticsPride .

[CelticsPride is up again.
Green Rhino locks MeanGene in a full nelson and slams him to the mat.
MeanGene gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Green Rhino.
Green Rhino is up again.
Green Rhino executes a corkscrew legdrop on MeanGene.

Gizmo The Cat - corkscrew legdrop!

[MeanGene gets up.
MeanGene gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Green Rhino.
Green Rhino delivers a kick to the head of MeanGene.
Green Rhino puts MeanGene in an arm grapevine submission.
Green Rhino hits MeanGene with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
Green Rhino moves back to his feet.
MeanGene is up again.
JohnnyRedStorm is back on his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm grabs Big Ego's head and hites him in the face.
JohnnyRedStorm grabs Big Ego's leg and takes him down.
JohnnyRedStorm grabs Big Ego and applies an arm wrench.
Big Ego gets hit with a diving elbow smash from JohnnyRedStorm.
JohnnyRedStorm gets up.
Big Ego gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
Big Ego moves back to his feet.
Big Ego with a jumping DDT on JohnnyRedStorm.
Big Ego gets back to his feet.
Big Ego goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on JohnnyRedStorm.
Big Ego gets back to his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm is back on his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm gets hit with a dragon scerw from Big Ego.
Now JohnnyRedStorm standing.
JohnnyRedStorm connects with a low blow. Big Ego goes down.
Big Ego climbs to his feet.
Big Ego pulls JohnnyRedStorm's hair.
JohnnyRedStorm is hit with a backward kick.
Big Ego stomps JohnnyRedStorm's head.
JohnnyRedStorm gets up.
BDB leg drops B Sox.
B Sox moves back to his feet.
BDB trys for a standing moonsault but B Sox avoids it.
Green Rhino picks up DCAllAmerican and hits him with a Back Suplex.
Green Rhino leg lariats DCAllAmerican, sending him to the mat.
Green Rhino piledrives DCAllAmerican into the mat.
DCAllAmerican moves back to his feet.
After fight Green Rhino hits a jumping elbow hrust on DCAllAmerican.
Green Rhino jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on DCAllAmerican.
Green Rhino pokes DCAllAmerican in the eyes.
Flying sommersault drop kick by Green Rhino puts him back in the match.
DCAllAmerican stands up.
Green Rhino throws DCAllAmerican to the floor.
DCAllAmerican was elimintated by Green Rhino. ]

Gizmo The Cat - DCAllAmerican is out of here!!

[John2st sets Casekicks up DDTs him into the mat.
John2st rolls onto Casekicks connecting with a knee.
Casekicks stands up.
Casekicks gives John2st a reverse neckbreaker.
Casekicks gets up.
John2st is hooked in a full nelson.

Suniversal - Casekicks with a full nelson.

[John2st rakes his fingers across Casekicks's back.

had pants - Casekicks takes a back rake.

[Casekicks hits a jumping elbow hrust on John2st.
John2st gets back to his feet.
John2st hits Casekicks with a slingshot bodyblock.
John2st gets up.
Running neckbreaker drop executed by John2st takes Casekicks down hard.

Gizmo The Cat - Good running neckbreaker drop by John2st.

[Casekicks gets up.

Gizmo The Cat - Did you see that last move?

Suniversal - Yeah, you know it.

[Casekicks is hit with a backward kick.
John2st goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Casekicks.
John2st is back on his feet.
John2st jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Casekicks.
John2st gets up.
Now Casekicks standing.
Casekicks tackles and begins punching John2st.
John2st gets up.
John2st double underhook faceslams Casekicks hard to the Casekicks.
Casekicks grabs John2st's head and DDT's him on the mat.
After fight Degenerate puts John2st in an arm grapevine submission.
Degenerate knee drops John2st.
John2st gets up.
Degenerate executes an over the shoulder stomachbreaker on John2st.
Degenerate with a headscissors takeover on John2st.
Degenerate stands up.
Degenerate throws John2st over the ropes.
John2st was elimintated by Degenerate. 22Styles executes a neck scissors on Casekicks.
22Styles is back on his feet.
22Styles holds Casekicks in the corner, choking him with his forearm.
Casekicks gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
Casekicks gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
22Styles catches Casekicks leg, but Casekicks reverses it with an enzuigiri to 22Styles's head.
22Styles moves back to his feet.
A forearm choke by 22Styles nearly gets him disqualified.

had pants - 22Styles executes a forearm choke.

[Casekicks gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
JRA Da Great climbs to his feet.
JRA Da Great bounces Casekicks off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great bounces Casekicks off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great punches Casekicks repeatedly.
Casekicks hits JRA Da Great with an earringer.
JRA Da Great bounces Casekicks off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Casekicks trys for a Scorpion Death Drop but JRA Da Great avoids it.
JRA Da Great gets hit with a dragon scerw from Casekicks.
Casekicks gets back to his feet.
JRA Da Great gets up.
JRA Da Great bounces Casekicks off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Casekicks is back on his feet.
Casekicks hits JRA Da Great with a Baba chop.
Casekicks applies the clawhold on JRA Da Great.
JRA Da Great bounces Casekicks off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Casekicks puts JRA Da Great on the top rope and executes a superplex.
Casekicks moves back to his feet.
JRA Da Great stands up.
Big Ego goes for a flyind dropkick but DragonFly dodges the attack.
Big Ego executes the front-layout suplex on DragonFly.
Big Ego chants start.
DragonFly climbs to his feet.
After fight CelticsPride with a Russian Leg Sweep onto the chair!!!
DragonFly gets back to his feet.
CelticsPride with a chairshot directly to DragonFly's knee!! DragonFly is wobbly!!
CelticsPride sets up DragonFly and drops him with the Double Underhook Suplex on the chair!!
CelticsPride sucks chants start in the crowd.
CelticsPride gives DragonFly the chair...CelticsPride spins around and kicks the chair into DragonFly's face!!
CelticsPride tosses DragonFly to ringside.
DragonFly was elimintated by CelticsPride . ]

Gizmo The Cat - That will do it for DragonFly. He's been eliminated!

[Big Ego gives 4wrestling the cobra clutch suplex onto the mat.
Now Big Ego standing.
Big Ego goes for a flying legdrop but 4wrestling dodges the attack.
4wrestling gets back to his feet.
Big Ego applies the clawhold on 4wrestling.
Big Ego hits a koppo kick on 4wrestling.
Big Ego jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on 4wrestling.
Big Ego executes the jumping sidekick on 4wrestling.
4wrestling stands up.
B Sox dropkicks Big Ego to the knee.

had pants - Big Ego takes a dropkick.

[B Sox knees Big Ego and rolls back to his feet.
Big Ego gets hit with a diving elbow smash from B Sox.
B Sox climbs to his feet.
B Sox executes a corkscrew legdrop on Big Ego.
B Sox gets up.
Big Ego gets hit with a diving elbow smash from B Sox.
B Sox is back on his feet.
B Sox knees Big Ego and rolls back to his feet.
Big Ego is back on his feet.
Big Ego uses a running lariat to take B Sox down.
Big Ego chants start.

Gizmo The Cat - Big Ego's momma would be proud!

[Big Ego measures B Sox up and drops a closed fist.
Big Ego is back on his feet.
B Sox moves back to his feet.
Big Ego jumps from the top and nails B Sox with a flying axhandle smash.
B Sox hits Big Ego with the back of his elbow.
B Sox legsweeps Big Ego.
B Sox executes a corkscrew legdrop on Big Ego.
B Sox stands up.
Big Ego is back on his feet.
B Sox superkicks Big Ego.
Big Ego moves back to his feet.
B Sox hits a koppo kick on Big Ego.
B Sox measures Big Ego up and drops a closed fist.
B Sox is back on his feet.
B Sox executes a corkscrew legdrop on Big Ego.
B Sox stands up.
Now Big Ego standing.
Powerslam on the chair by CelticsPride ! 22Styles is hurting badly!!!
CelticsPride is back on his feet.
22Styles gets back to his feet.

Gizmo The Cat - CelticsPride is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[CelticsPride gives 22Styles a Suplex right into the chair!!
Now 22Styles standing.
CelticsPride goes for a Standing Piledriver but 22Styles dodges the attack.

Suniversal - Did you see that last move?

†Cxé - Yeah, you know it.

[CelticsPride grabs ahold of 22Styles's waist....Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!!!
CelticsPride punches 22Styles repeatedly.
CelticsPride throws 22Styles the chair..CelticsPride goes up top..CelticsPride dropkicks the chair into his face!
CelticsPride climbs to his feet.
They lockup. CelticsPride sends 22Styles to the corner of the ring.
22Styles executes the brain buster on CelticsPride .
22Styles chants start.
22Styles climbs to his feet.
22Styles grabs CelticsPride 's arm, drops down, and has him in an arm grapevine.
CelticsPride gets up.
CelticsPride gives 22Styles the chair...CelticsPride spins around and nails the chair into 22Styles's face!!
CelticsPride moves back to his feet.
22Styles is up again.
22Styles pins CelticsPride against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
CelticsPride gives 22Styles the chair...CelticsPride climbs to the top..CelticsPride dropkicks the chair into his face!
CelticsPride is up again.
JRA Da Great powerbombs Frank And Beans.
JRA Da Great dropkicks Frank And Beans to the knee.
JRA Da Great chants start.

had pants - JRA Da Great with a dropkick.

[JRA Da Great moves back to his feet.
Frank And Beans climbs to his feet.
JRA Da Great with a powerful choke lift on B Sox.

Gizmo The Cat - If JRA Da Great keeps using moves like that chokelift he could win the match!


had pants - This is how wrestling should be!

[JRA Da Great bounces B Sox off the ropes and clotheslines him.
B Sox is back on his feet.
B Sox uses a closed fist on JRA Da Great.
B Sox hits him with a back fist.
JRA Da Great bounces B Sox off the ropes and clotheslines him.
They lockup. JRA Da Great sends B Sox to the corner of the ring.
JRA Da Great bounces B Sox off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great bounces B Sox off the ropes and clotheslines him.
B Sox is up again.
B Sox kicks JRA Da Great in the gut, takes a few steps back, and scissor kicks him to the mat.
Big Ego executes the brain buster on jdcurt.
Big Ego chants start.

Gizmo The Cat - That brain buster was very good.

[Big Ego goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on jdcurt.
Big Ego stands up.
Big Ego executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of jdcurt.

had pants - jdcurt takes a flying knee drop.

[Big Ego is back on his feet.
jdcurt climbs to his feet.
Flying sommersault drop kick by Big Ego puts him back in the match.
Now Big Ego standing.
Casekicks executes a flying headbutt on Peep Game.
Casekicks stands up.
Casekicks goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Peep Game.
Now Casekicks standing.
Peep Game is up again.
Peep Game rakes his fingers across Casekicks's back.

Gizmo The Cat - Peep Game executes a back rake.

[Casekicks pulls Peep Game's hair.
Casekicks gets taken down with an armdrag takedown.
Peep Game measures Casekicks up and drops a closed fist.
Peep Game hits Casekicks with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
Peep Game stands up.
Casekicks gets back to his feet.
Casekicks hiptosses Peep Game.
Casekicks drives a forearm into the head of Peep Game.

Suniversal - Peep Game takes a forearm smash.

[Peep Game with a huge fisherman buster on Casekicks.
Peep Game stands up.
Peep Game rolls onto Casekicks connecting with a knee.
Flying sommersault drop kick by Casekicks puts him back in the match.

had pants - Peep Game takes a flying sommersault dropkick.

[Casekicks fist drops Peep Game on the mat.
Now Casekicks standing.
Peep Game stands up.
Peep Game hits a koppo kick on Casekicks.
Casekicks stands up.
Casekicks short lariats Peep Game.
Peep Game gets up.
Peep Game trys for a neck scissors but Casekicks avoids it.

Gizmo The Cat - The World Wrestling Federation is the number on wrestling program on television.

[Peep Game double underhook faceslams Casekicks hard to the Casekicks.
Now Casekicks standing.
Casekicks goes to the top and executes a flying hip attack on Peep Game.

Suniversal - Casekicks with a flying hip attack.

[Casekicks moves back to his feet.
Casekicks measures Peep Game up and drops a closed fist.
Casekicks applies an arm wrench to Peep Game.

had pants - Casekicks with a arm wrench.

[Casekicks knees Peep Game and rolls back to his feet.
Peep Game climbs to his feet.
Casekicks legsweeps Peep Game.

Gizmo The Cat - Casekicks executes a legsweep.

[Peep Game climbs to his feet.
Casekicks with an illegal chokehold on Peep Game.
Peep Game moves back to his feet.
Peep Game with a headscissors takeover on Casekicks.
GHIMS executs the slingshot facebuster, slamming Frank And Beans's face to the mat.
A springboard bulldog by i Hustle sends That Dude Chris's head crashing into the mat.
i Hustle gets up.
i Hustle hits That Dude Chris with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
i Hustle is back on his feet.
That Dude Chris stands up.
That Dude Chris chops i Hustle.
That Dude Chris takes i Hustle off his feet with a short-arm clothesline
i Hustle gets back to his feet.
i Hustle on the turnbuckleThat Dude Chris rising from the mat,i Hustle leaps from the top rope with a bodypress.
That Dude Chris gets hit with a diving elbow smash from i Hustle.
i Hustle stands up.
Now That Dude Chris standing.
That Dude Chris throws i Hustle off the ropes, rolls on the ground, comes back up and delivers a clothesline.
That Dude Chris leg drops the throat of i Hustle.

had pants - leg drop!

[i Hustle gets up.
jcmojica grabs his hand and flips him to the mat.
CelticsPride is up again.
jcmojica leaps up, swings around CelticsPride and DDT's him onto the mat.
jcmojica measures CelticsPride up and drops a closed fist.
jcmojica in a waist lock, and he gets planted with a Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!!
jcmojica is up again.
jcmojica with an illegal chokehold on CelticsPride .
CelticsPride grabs ahold of jcmojica's waist....Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!!!
jcmojica gets back to his feet.
CelticsPride opens up the chair...jcmojica is thrown into the ropes...Drop Toe Hold onto the open chair!
CelticsPride stands up.
jcmojica uses a belly-to-belly suplex. CelticsPride is down.
Rob P Zee gets up.
After fight Rob P Zee executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Frank And Beans.
Rob P Zee gets up.
Rob P Zee climbs to the top rope and nails Frank And Beans with a reverse flying elbow drop.
Rob P Zee climbs to the top turnbuckle and jumps off with an Air Sabu on Frank And Beans.
Rob P Zee stands up.
Rob P Zee chokes Frank And Beans with his boot.
Rob P Zee tosses Frank And Beans to ringside.
Frank And Beans was elimintated by Rob P Zee. After fight Sad Gosling trys for a power move but is unable to lift CelticsPride .
Now Sad Gosling standing.
Sad Gosling leg drops the throat of CelticsPride .
Sad Gosling puts CelticsPride in an arm grapevine submission.
CelticsPride gets up.
Sad Gosling connects with a flying knee. CelticsPride goes down.
Sad Gosling throws CelticsPride over the ropes.
CelticsPride was elimintated by Sad Gosling. ]

Gizmo The Cat - CelticsPride is out of here!!

[That Dude Chris places i Hustle on the turnbuckle and executes the belly-to-back superplex.
That Dude Chris stomps i Hustle.
That Dude Chris executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of i Hustle.
That Dude Chris stands up.
i Hustle goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps That Dude Chris.
i Hustle is back on his feet.
That Dude Chris pokes i Hustle in the eyes.
i Hustle gets taken down with an armdrag takedown.
That Dude Chris measures i Hustle up and drops a closed fist.
i Hustle stands up.
That Dude Chris tackles i Hustle.

Gizmo The Cat - i Hustle takes a football tackle.

[i Hustle picks up That Dude Chris and delivers a tilt-a-whirl suplex.
i Hustle sucks chants start in the crowd.
i Hustle gets up.
i Hustle trys for a flying somersault headbutt but That Dude Chris avoids it.

Suniversal - This is how wrestling should be!

[i Hustle hits That Dude Chris with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.

had pants - i Hustle executes a elbowdrop.

[That Dude Chris climbs to his feet.
i Hustle gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on That Dude Chris.
i Hustle slaps both sides of That Dude Chris's head out of desperation.
That Dude Chris gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
That Dude Chris hits a dragon suplex on i Hustle.
That Dude Chris chants start.

Gizmo The Cat - That dragon suplex was very good.

[That Dude Chris gets up.

Suniversal - I wish every match could be like this!

[That Dude Chris hits i Hustle with the back of his elbow.
Flying somersault drop kick by i Hustle puts him back in the match.
That Dude Chris gets back to his feet.
That Dude Chris hiptosses i Hustle.
That Dude Chris jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on i Hustle.
That Dude Chris is up again.
i Hustle gets back to his feet.
That Dude Chris brings i Hustle down with a Mexican armdrag takedown.
i Hustle gets hit with a diving elbow smash from That Dude Chris.
That Dude Chris is up again.
i Hustle gets knocked on the ground and That Dude Chris flips onto him.
That Dude Chris gets back to his feet.
i Hustle gets hit with a diving elbow smash from That Dude Chris.
That Dude Chris is up again.
i Hustle sets That Dude Chris up on the top turnbuckle, then hooks him up and slams him with a DVD off the top.
That Dude Chris climbs to his feet.
That Dude Chris is sent to the mat by a flying kick from i Hustle.
Rob P Zee throws MeanGene off the ropes, rolls on the ground, comes back up and delivers a clothesline.
Rob P Zee hits MeanGene with an elbowdrop.
Rob P Zee moves back to his feet.
Rob P Zee stomps MeanGene's head.
MeanGene climbs to his feet.
Rob P Zee knifehand chops MeanGene.
MeanGene gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Rob P Zee.
Rob P Zee jumps from the top and nails MeanGene with a flying axhandle smash.
MeanGene gets back to his feet.
MeanGene hits Rob P Zee with an inverted atomic drop.
MeanGene sucks chants start in the crowd.

Suniversal - If MeanGene keeps using moves like that inverted atomic drop he could win the match!


Gizmo The Cat - MeanGene is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[MeanGene applies an arm wrench to Rob P Zee.
MeanGene gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Rob P Zee comes over and smashes MeanGene's head into it.

Suniversal - Rob P Zee executes a headsmash into turnbuckle.

[Rob P Zee executes a headlock takedown.
Rob P Zee jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on MeanGene.
Now Rob P Zee standing.
MeanGene is up again.
Rob P Zee hits MeanGene with the back of his elbow.
Rob P Zee puts MeanGene on the top rope and executes a superplex.
Now Rob P Zee standing.
Rob P Zee puts MeanGene in an arm grapevine submission.
MeanGene climbs to his feet.
MeanGene gets hit with a back heel kick.

had pants - Rob P Zee executes a back heel kick.

[MeanGene gets back to his feet.
Green Rhino takes Rob P Zee down with an Arabian Facebuster.
Green Rhino climbs to his feet.
Green Rhino gives Rob P Zee a crotch chop.

Gizmo The Cat - Green Rhino with a crotch chop.

[Rob P Zee gets up.
Green Rhino trys for a flying sommersault neckbreaker but Rob P Zee avoids it.
Green Rhino delivers a stiff inverted powerbomb send Rob P Zee hard to the mat.
jdcurt hits a running forearm smash on JohnnyRedStorm's face.
MeanGene climbs to the top turnbuckle and jumps off with an Air Sabu on JRA Da Great.
MeanGene moves back to his feet.
JRA Da Great moves back to his feet.
MeanHova clotheslines JRA Da Great.
After fight MeanGene trys for a belly-to-back suplex but is unable to lift JRA Da Great.
MeanGene trys for a fisherman suplex but is unable to lift JRA Da Great.
MeanGene trys for a exploder suplex but is unable to lift JRA Da Great.
MeanGene trys for a Death Valley Driver but is unable to lift JRA Da Great.
MeanGene tosses JRA Da Great to ringside.
JRA Da Great was elimintated by MeanGene. GHIMS executes an over the shoulder stomachbreaker on Big Ego.

Suniversal - Good over the shoulder stomachbreaker by GHIMS.

[Big Ego climbs to his feet.
GHIMS kicks Big Ego in the back of the leg.
GHIMS puts Big Ego in an arm grapevine submission.
Now Big Ego standing.
Big Ego bounces GHIMS off the ropes and clotheslines him.
GHIMS stands up.
Big Ego pokes GHIMS in the eyes.
Big Ego uses a snap mare takeover on GHIMS.
Big Ego executes a corkscrew legdrop on GHIMS.
Big Ego moves back to his feet.
GHIMS stands up.
EdgarFly off the top rope with a somersault legdrop onto Casekicks's chest.
EdgarFly executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Casekicks.
EdgarFly sucks chants start in the crowd.
EdgarFly is back on his feet.
Casekicks gets back to his feet.
EdgarFly goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Casekicks.
EdgarFly is back on his feet.
Casekicks gets hit with a diving elbow smash from EdgarFly.
EdgarFly stands up.
EdgarFly hits Casekicks with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
EdgarFly is up again.
Casekicks stands up.
Casekicks bites EdgarFly's arm out of desparation.

Gizmo The Cat - Casekicks with a arm bite.

[Flying Tomahawk by Casekicks sends EdgarFly down to the mat.
EdgarFly gets back to his feet.
EdgarFly hits a jumping elbow hrust on Casekicks.

had pants - EdgarFly with a jumping elbow thrust.

[EdgarFly hits Casekicks with an elbowdrop.

Suniversal - elbow drop!

[EdgarFly gets back to his feet.
4wrestling climbs the turnbuckle and nails jcmojica with a flying bulldog.
Now 4wrestling standing.
4wrestling runs and tackles jcmojica. 4wrestling punches him in the head.
jcmojica pulls 4wrestling's hair.
jcmojica drives a forearm into the head of 4wrestling.

Gizmo The Cat - jcmojica with a forearm smash.

[4wrestling comes from behind and bulldogs jcmojica.
4wrestling gets up.
4wrestling knees jcmojica and rolls back to his feet.
jcmojica gets up.
jcmojica connects with a somersault slam on 4wrestling.
jcmojica executes a corkscrew legdrop on 4wrestling.
4wrestling moves back to his feet.
jcmojica gets taken down with an armdrag takedown.

Gizmo The Cat - backspin armdrag!

[jcmojica moves back to his feet.
jcmojica with an Aztecan suplex on 4wrestling sends him to the mat.
jcmojica gets up.
4wrestling is up again.
4wrestling jumps from the top and nails jcmojica with a flying axhandle smash.
Now jcmojica standing.
jcmojica legsweeps 4wrestling.

had pants - jcmojica executes a legsweep.

[4wrestling moves back to his feet.
4wrestling hits him with a back fist.

Suniversal - jcmojica takes a back fist.

[jcmojica gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 4wrestling.
jcmojica uses a lariat on 4wrestling.
4wrestling gets up.
That Dude Chris neck snaps B Sox.

had pants - B Sox takes a neck snap.

[B Sox kicks That Dude Chris in the stomach.
Now That Dude Chris standing.
That Dude Chris comes from behind and bulldogs B Sox.
B Sox uppercuts That Dude Chris.
B Sox gets elbowed to his midsection by B Sox.
B Sox kicks That Dude Chris in the back of the leg.
B Sox knees That Dude Chris and rolls back to his feet.
That Dude Chris climbs to his feet.
That Dude Chris trys for a full nelson faceslam but B Sox avoids it.
That Dude Chris trys for a flyind dropkick but B Sox avoids it.
That Dude Chris does a handspring and hits B Sox with a bodyblock, what a move!

Gizmo The Cat - The World Wrestling Federation is the number on wrestling program on television.

[That Dude Chris knees B Sox and rolls back to his feet.
B Sox legsweeps That Dude Chris.

Gizmo The Cat - That Dude Chris takes a legsweep.

[Now That Dude Chris standing.
That Dude Chris punches B Sox in the head.

Suniversal - That Dude Chris executes a punch.

[B Sox jabs That Dude Chris.
B Sox hits him with a back fist.
That Dude Chris gets hit with a back heel kick.

Gizmo The Cat - back heel kick!

[GHIMS connects with a somersault slam on That Dude Chris.
Now GHIMS standing.

Gizmo The Cat - What an outstanding match! After fight

[GHIMS executes a corkscrew legdrop on That Dude Chris.
GHIMS with a falling splash on That Dude Chris.
GHIMS gets up.
GHIMS punches That Dude Chris in the gut.
GHIMS powerbombs That Dude Chris.
GHIMS tosses That Dude Chris to ringside.
That Dude Chris was elimintated by GHIMS. ]

had pants - That Dude Chris has been eliminated!!

[22Styles goes for a neck scissors but EdgarFly dodges the attack.
EdgarFly gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
A forearm choke by 22Styles nearly gets him disqualified.
EdgarFly elbows 22Styles in the stomach, trying to even the match.
EdgarFly gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
22Styles pins EdgarFly against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
A forearm choke by 22Styles nearly gets him disqualified.
22Styles gets up off the ground and EdgarFly hits him with a flying dropkick.
EdgarFly goes off the turnbuckle with a flying somersault splash.

Suniversal - 22Styles could use some help about now.

[EdgarFly goes for a flying senton but 22Styles dodges the attack.
EdgarFly hits 22Styles with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
EdgarFly gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
22Styles gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
EdgarFly attempts to kick 22Styles, but 22Styles catches his leg. EdgarFly flips around and kicks 22Styles.

Suniversal - enzuigiri!

[EdgarFly stands up.
Now 22Styles standing.
22Styles executes the brain buster on EdgarFly.

had pants - What an outstanding match!

[EdgarFly's arm is just being TWISTED by an arm grapevine by 22Styles.
EdgarFly is back on his feet.
EdgarFly slaps both sides of 22Styles's head out of desperation.
EdgarFly gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
A forearm choke by 22Styles nearly gets him disqualified.

Suniversal - 22Styles with a forearm choke.

[22Styles holds his mouth after recieving an elbow smash to the face.
A side kick by EdgarFly turns the match around by knocking 22Styles to the mat.
EdgarFly climbs to his feet.
EdgarFly hits 22Styles with an elbowdrop.
EdgarFly gets back to his feet.
EdgarFly jumps and elbow smashes the lying 22Styles.
EdgarFly stands up.
22Styles trys for a brain buster but EdgarFly avoids it.
EdgarFly gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
EdgarFly goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps 22Styles.
EdgarFly gets up.
22Styles stands up.
EdgarFly executes a ropeflip hiptoss on 22Styles.
22Styles pins EdgarFly against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
EdgarFly tries to even the match with a flying shoulder block.
EdgarFly is back on his feet.
EdgarFly jumps and elbow smashes the lying 22Styles.
EdgarFly hits 22Styles with an elbowdrop.
EdgarFly stands up.
EdgarFly jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on 22Styles.
EdgarFly hits 22Styles with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
EdgarFly climbs to his feet.
22Styles executes a neck scissors on EdgarFly.
22Styles is back on his feet.
EdgarFly's arm is just being TWISTED by an arm grapevine by 22Styles.

Suniversal - 22Styles with a arm grapevine.

[EdgarFly's arm is just being TWISTED by an arm grapevine by 22Styles.
EdgarFly gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on 22Styles.
Flying somersault drop kick by EdgarFly puts him back in the match.

had pants - 22Styles takes a flying somersault dropkick.

[EdgarFly climbs to his feet.
EdgarFly hits 22Styles with an elbowdrop.

Gizmo The Cat - elbow drop!

[Now EdgarFly standing.
22Styles gets up.
EdgarFly hits a flying karate chop right to 22Styles's neck.
i Hustle goes for a flying dropkick but MeanGene dodges the attack.
22Styles executes a neck scissors on B Sox.
22Styles chants start.
22Styles climbs to his feet.
B Sox hits a spinning leg lariat on Green Rhino sending him to the mat.
Green Rhino is up again.
B Sox grabs Green Rhino by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
Green Rhino monkey flips B Sox onto the mat.
Green Rhino is back on his feet.
B Sox is back on his feet.
B Sox uppercuts Green Rhino.
B Sox does a cartwheel and kicks Green Rhino in the face.
Green Rhino gets back to his feet.
Green Rhino hits B Sox with a slingshot bodyblock.
Green Rhino is up again.
After fight Green Rhino executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of B Sox.
Green Rhino fist drops B Sox on the mat.
Green Rhino climbs to his feet.
Green Rhino hits a running forearm smash on B Sox's face.
Green Rhino stomps B Sox's head.
Green Rhino throws B Sox over the ropes.
B Sox was elimintated by Green Rhino. ]

Gizmo The Cat - B Sox is out of here!!

[Peep Game picks up MeanGene and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker.

Gizmo The Cat - Are you enjoying this match?

†Cxé - Yeah, you know it.

[Flying lariat by i Hustle takes jdcurt down.

Suniversal - i Hustle is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[i Hustle hits jdcurt with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
i Hustle hits jdcurt with an elbowdrop.
i Hustle is back on his feet.
jdcurt hits i Hustle with a Baba chop.
jdcurt uses a closed fist on i Hustle.
Flying sommersault drop kick by jdcurt puts him back in the match.
Now jdcurt standing.
jdcurt executes a corkscrew legdrop on i Hustle.
jdcurt gouges i Hustle's eyes out.

had pants - jdcurt executes a eye gouge.

[jdcurt rakes the face of i Hustle in attempt to make a come back.
jdcurt hits a kneeling headbutt to i Hustle's groin.
i Hustle runs towards the ropes, springboards off, and splashes jdcurt.
i Hustle jumps and elbow smashes the lying jdcurt.
i Hustle climbs to his feet.
jdcurt is back on his feet.
jdcurt hits i Hustle with the back of his elbow.

had pants - jdcurt executes a back elbow.

[jdcurt gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.

Suniversal - jdcurt takes a elbowsmash.

[A flying shoulder block send jdcurt to the mat.
i Hustle gets up.
i Hustle hits jdcurt with an elbowdrop.
i Hustle gets up.
jdcurt climbs to his feet.
jdcurt picks up i Hustle and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker.
jdcurt sucks chants start in the crowd.
After fight jdcurt executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of i Hustle.
jdcurt sucks chants start in the crowd.
jdcurt hits i Hustle with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
i Hustle moves back to his feet.
jdcurt executes the flying head scissors on i Hustle.
jdcurt is up again.
jdcurt goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on i Hustle.
jdcurt stands up.
jdcurt throws i Hustle to the floor.
i Hustle was elimintated by jdcurt. ]

Gizmo The Cat - i Hustle is out of here!!

[Casekicks picks GHIMS up in a fireman's carry and flapjacks him.
Now Casekicks standing.

Suniversal - This is quality sports entertainment!

[Big Ego hits EdgarFly with a single arm DDT.

had pants - If Big Ego keeps using moves like that single arm DDT he could win the match!

[Big Ego hits EdgarFly with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
Big Ego climbs to his feet.
EdgarFly hits Big Ego with an earringer.

Gizmo The Cat - earringer!

[Big Ego gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Flying side kick by EdgarFly takes Big Ego off his feet.
Now EdgarFly standing.
Now Big Ego standing.
Big Ego gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
EdgarFly gets sidewalk slammed by Big Ego.
Big Ego grabs EdgarFly and applies an arm wrench.
Big Ego rolls onto EdgarFly connecting with a knee.
EdgarFly gets knocked on the ground and Big Ego flips onto him.

had pants - flip!

[Big Ego moves back to his feet.
Big Ego jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on EdgarFly.
Big Ego is up again.
EdgarFly is up again.
jcmojica goes for a slingshot bodyblock but 4wrestling dodges the attack.
jcmojica shoulder tackles 4wrestling.
4wrestling trys for a dragon screw but is unable to lift jcmojica.
Flying Tomahawk by jcmojica sends 4wrestling down to the mat.
4wrestling climbs to his feet.
jcmojica grabs 4wrestling's leg and takes him down.
4wrestling stands up.
GHIMS is back on his feet.
GHIMS applies the clawhold on Casekicks.

Suniversal - clawhold!

[Casekicks hits a koppo kick on GHIMS.
Casekicks executes a corkscrew legdrop on GHIMS.
Casekicks is back on his feet.
Casekicks gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Flying side kick by GHIMS takes Casekicks off his feet.
Casekicks gets knocked on the ground and GHIMS flips onto him.

Gizmo The Cat - GHIMS with a flip.

[GHIMS stands up.
GHIMS grabs Casekicks and applies an arm wrench.
Casekicks gets up.
Casekicks gets thrown into the turnbuckle. GHIMS comes over and smashes Casekicks's head into it.
GHIMS goes to the top and executes a flying hip attack on Casekicks.

had pants - GHIMS executes a flying hip attack.

[GHIMS climbs to his feet.
Casekicks gets up.
Casekicks executes a back breaker on GHIMS.
GHIMS climbs to his feet.
MeanGene gets back to his feet.
MeanGene with an Aztecan suplex on jcmojica sends him to the mat.
Now MeanGene standing.
After fight MeanGene hits the mat.
jcmojica goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on MeanGene.
jcmojica stands up.
jcmojica puts MeanGene in an arm grapevine submission.
MeanGene gets back to his feet.
jcmojica delivers a spine buster to MeanGene.
jcmojica throws MeanGene over the ropes.
MeanGene was elimintated by jcmojica. ]

Gizmo The Cat - MeanGene has been eliminated!!

[Rob P Zee sets 22Styles up DDTs him into the mat.

had pants - If Rob P Zee keeps using moves like that power move he could win the match!

[Big Ego kicks jcmojica in the stomach and executes the sitdown face slam.

Suniversal - Nice sitdown faceslam by Big Ego.

[Big Ego stomps jcmojica's head.
Big Ego puts jcmojica in an arm grapevine submission.
jcmojica is up again.
Big Ego takes a slap to the face from jcmojica.
jcmojica gets back to his feet.
jcmojica gets hit with a back heel kick.
jcmojica puts Big Ego on the top rope and executes a superplex.
Now jcmojica standing.
GHIMS goes off the turnbuckle with a flying sommersault splash.

Suniversal - That flying sommersault splash was very good.

[22Styles moves back to his feet.
Big Ego gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
A forearm choke by 22Styles nearly gets him disqualified.
22Styles pins Big Ego against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
Big Ego throws 22Styles off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block.

Suniversal - My God!! What a match!

[Big Ego jumps off of the turnbuckle nailing JohnnyRedStorm with an Asai Moonsault.
Big Ego chants start.
Big Ego climbs to his feet.

Suniversal - JohnnyRedStorm could use some help about now.

[GHIMS executes a neck-breaker on Casekicks.
Casekicks is back on his feet.
After fight Casekicks throws 22Styles off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block.
Casekicks gets back to his feet.
22Styles gets knocked on the ground and Casekicks flips onto him.
Casekicks is up again.
Casekicks goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on 22Styles.
Casekicks climbs to his feet.
Casekicks puts 22Styles in an arm grapevine submission.
Casekicks sucks chants start in the crowd.
Casekicks tosses 22Styles to ringside.
22Styles was elimintated by Casekicks. Sad Gosling hits Degenerate with the Asai moonsault bodyblock.
Sad Gosling chants start.
Sad Gosling is back on his feet.
Degenerate gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Sad Gosling.
Degenerate stands up.
Degenerate executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Sad Gosling.
Degenerate applies an arm wrench to Sad Gosling.
Degenerate hits a koppo kick on Sad Gosling.
Sad Gosling stands up.
Sad Gosling gets tiger suplexed by Degenerate.
Degenerate climbs to his feet.
Sad Gosling is back on his feet.
Degenerate executes a headlock takedown.
Sad Gosling stands up.
GHIMS trys for a fallaway slam but Green Rhino avoids it.
Big Ego goes for a diving headbutt but JohnnyRedStorm dodges the attack.
JohnnyRedStorm gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Big Ego.
Now Big Ego standing.
JohnnyRedStorm moves back to his feet.
Big Ego gets thrown into the turnbuckle. JohnnyRedStorm comes over and smashes Big Ego's head into it.
Flying sommersault drop kick by JohnnyRedStorm puts him back in the match.
JohnnyRedStorm gets up.
Big Ego climbs to his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm bounces Big Ego off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Big Ego gets back to his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm discus punches Big Ego.

had pants - Big Ego takes a discus punch.

[Big Ego stands up.
Big Ego catches JohnnyRedStorm leg, but JohnnyRedStorm reverses it with an enzuigiri to Big Ego's head.
JohnnyRedStorm hits Big Ego with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.

Gizmo The Cat - JohnnyRedStorm with a elbowdrop.

[JohnnyRedStorm gets up.
Big Ego gets up.
JohnnyRedStorm drives a forearm into the head of Big Ego.
JohnnyRedStorm kicks Big Ego in the head.
JohnnyRedStorm gets drilled with an inverted back breaker.

Suniversal - That inverted backbreaker was very good.

[Big Ego fist drops JohnnyRedStorm on the mat.
Now Big Ego standing.
JohnnyRedStorm gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Big Ego.
Big Ego stands up.
JohnnyRedStorm throws Big Ego off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block.

Gizmo The Cat - JohnnyRedStorm executes a diving shoulder block.

[Big Ego is back on his feet.
Big Ego tackles JohnnyRedStorm.
JohnnyRedStorm is back on his feet.
After fight Casekicks throws Sad Gosling off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block.
Sad Gosling is back on his feet.
Casekicks kicks Sad Gosling in the stomach.
Sad Gosling gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Casekicks.
Casekicks is up again.
Sad Gosling gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Casekicks sucks chants start in the crowd.
Casekicks tosses Sad Gosling to ringside.
Sad Gosling was elimintated by Casekicks. ]

Suniversal - Sad Gosling is out of here!!

[Green Rhino hits a power slam on jdcurt.
Green Rhino moves back to his feet.
Green Rhino short lariats jdcurt.
Green Rhino goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on jdcurt.
Green Rhino applies an arm wrench to jdcurt.
jdcurt is up again.
Rob P Zee with a gut-wrench suplex on Green Rhino.
Rob P Zee stands up.
After fight Casekicks executes a neck-breaker on EdgarFly.
EdgarFly climbs to his feet.
Casekicks does a handspring and hits EdgarFly with a bodyblock, what a move!
Casekicks is back on his feet.
Casekicks stomps EdgarFly.
Casekicks climbs to the top and moonsaults on to EdgarFly.
Casekicks throws EdgarFly to the floor.
EdgarFly was elimintated by Casekicks. ]

Gizmo The Cat - EdgarFly has been eliminated!!

[JohnnyRedStorm on the top rope, and BDB catches him in a reverse headlock, then drops down into a DDT.
BDB is up again.
After fight BDB flies from the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop.
BDB gets back to his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm gets back to his feet.
BDB elbow smashes JohnnyRedStorm in the nose.
Flying somersault drop kick by BDB puts him back in the match.
BDB climbs to his feet.
BDB hits JohnnyRedStorm with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
BDB gets up.
BDB throws JohnnyRedStorm over the ropes.
JohnnyRedStorm was elimintated by BDB. ]

Suniversal - That will do it for JohnnyRedStorm. He's been eliminated! After fight

[Casekicks executes a jawbreakeron BDB.
Casekicks goes off the turnbuckle with a flying sommersault splash.
Casekicks sucks chants start in the crowd.
Now Casekicks standing.
Casekicks chokes BDB with his boot.
Casekicks executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of BDB.
Casekicks sucks chants start in the crowd.
Casekicks is back on his feet.
Casekicks tosses BDB to ringside.
BDB was elimintated by Casekicks. After fight Green Rhino pulls Casekicks's hair.
Green Rhino hits Casekicks with the back of his elbow.
Green Rhino executes a neck scissors on Casekicks.
Green Rhino gets back to his feet.
Casekicks climbs to his feet.
Green Rhino hits a koppo kick on Casekicks.
Casekicks is back on his feet.
Green Rhino throws Casekicks to the floor.
Casekicks was elimintated by Green Rhino. ]

Suniversal - Casekicks is out of here!!

[Peep Game lifts jdcurt into the air and delivers a spine buster.
Peep Game chants start.
Degenerate goes for a reverse DDT but 4wrestling dodges the attack.
Green Rhino spins aroround GHIMS's back and DDT's him into the mat.
Green Rhino rolls onto GHIMS connecting with a knee.
GHIMS stands up.
GHIMS hits a jumping elbow hrust on Green Rhino.
Green Rhino hits GHIMS with a heart punch.
GHIMS gets knocked on the ground and Green Rhino flips onto him.
Green Rhino moves back to his feet.
GHIMS is up again.
Green Rhino delivers a short-arm clothesline to GHIMS.
GHIMS gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Green Rhino.
Green Rhino stands up.
jdcurt grabs Peep Game's head and hites him in the face.
jdcurt low blows Peep Game.
Peep Game climbs to his feet.
After fight jdcurt is t-bone suplexed by Peep Game.
Peep Game climbs to his feet.
jdcurt gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Peep Game.
Peep Game gets up.
Peep Game executes a piledriver on jdcurt.
Peep Game with a falling splash on jdcurt.
Peep Game is back on his feet.
Peep Game tosses jdcurt to ringside.
jdcurt was elimintated by Peep Game. ]

Suniversal - jdcurt has been eliminated!!

[GHIMS executes a belly-to-belly suplex on Big Ego.
Big Ego gets up.

had pants - My God!! What a match!

[Rob P Zee picks up Green Rhino and executes the cradle DDT.
Rob P Zee moves back to his feet.
jcmojica hits a dragon suplex on Green Rhino.
jcmojica connects with a flying knee. Green Rhino goes down.
jcmojica jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Green Rhino.
jcmojica climbs to his feet.
Green Rhino chops jcmojica.
Green Rhino nails jcmojica with a belly-to-back suplex.
Green Rhino moves back to his feet.
jcmojica gets up.
jcmojica hiptosses Green Rhino.
Green Rhino climbs to his feet.
Green Rhino with a gut-wrench suplex on jcmojica.
4wrestling throws Green Rhino off the ropes, rolls on the ground, comes back up and delivers a clothesline.
After fight 4wrestling jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Green Rhino.
4wrestling stands up.
4wrestling applies an arm wrench to Green Rhino.
4wrestling slingshot elbow drops Green Rhino.
4wrestling measures Green Rhino up and drops a closed fist.
4wrestling moves back to his feet.
4wrestling tosses Green Rhino to ringside.
Green Rhino was elimintated by 4wrestling. Degenerate picks up 4wrestling and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker.
Degenerate executes a corkscrew legdrop on 4wrestling.
Degenerate gets back to his feet.
4wrestling gets up.
Degenerate slaps 4wrestling.
Degenerate hits a kneeling headbutt to 4wrestling's groin.
Degenerate get nailed with a double axhandle chop from 4wrestling.
Degenerate is up again.
Degenerate short clothslines 4wrestling.
4wrestling gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Degenerate.
Degenerate moves back to his feet.
4wrestling is back on his feet.
4wrestling goes for a fisherman suplex but Degenerate dodges the attack.
GHIMS executes a spinning back suplex on Rob P Zee.
GHIMS climbs to his feet.
Rob P Zee stands up.
GHIMS low blows Rob P Zee.
Rob P Zee is back on his feet.
Rob P Zee uses a snap mare takeover on GHIMS.
Rob P Zee applies an arm wrench to GHIMS.

Suniversal - Rob P Zee with a arm wrench.

[Rob P Zee gets hit with a dragon scerw from GHIMS.
Rob P Zee gets hit with a diving elbow smash from GHIMS.
Rob P Zee is up again.
After fight 4wrestling trys for a inveted power bomb but is unable to lift Big Ego.
4wrestling slaps Big Ego in the face.
4wrestling moves back to his feet.
4wrestling takes Big Ego down with a full nelson faceslam.
4wrestling stands up.
Big Ego is up again.
4wrestling uses a snap mare takeover on Big Ego.
4wrestling tosses Big Ego to ringside.
Big Ego was elimintated by 4wrestling. ]

had pants - Big Ego has been eliminated!!

[jcmojica sets Peep Game up DDTs him into the mat.
Peep Game gets up.
Peep Game trys for a avalanche but Rob P Zee avoids it.
Rob P Zee gets tiger suplexed by Peep Game.
Peep Game gets up.
Peep Game executes a corkscrew legdrop on Rob P Zee.
Peep Game gets back to his feet.
Rob P Zee gets up.
Rob P Zee gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Peep Game.
Rob P Zee is back on his feet.
Peep Game hits jcmojica with the belly-to-belly suplex.
Peep Game is back on his feet.
After fight Degenerate goes off the top nailing jcmojica with a flying elbow drop to the gut.
Degenerate stomps jcmojica.
Degenerate takes jcmojica down with a knee.
Degenerate executes a flying headbutt on jcmojica.
Degenerate is up again.
Degenerate tosses jcmojica to ringside.
jcmojica was elimintated by Degenerate. ]

had pants - That will do it for jcmojica. He's been eliminated!

[Degenerate goes for a running powerslam but GHIMS dodges the attack.

had pants - Is this a great match or not?

†Cxé - Yeah, you know it.

[Degenerate does a handspring and hits GHIMS with a bodyblock, what a move!
Degenerate gets up.
GHIMS is up again.
Degenerate monkey flips GHIMS onto the mat.

Suniversal - GHIMS takes a monkey flip.

[Degenerate is back on his feet.
Now GHIMS standing.
GHIMS uses a lariat on Degenerate.
Degenerate stands up.
GHIMS takes a slap to the face from Degenerate.
Degenerate gets up.
Degenerate tackles GHIMS.
Degenerate gets back to his feet.
GHIMS gets up.
GHIMS goes for a spear but Degenerate dodges the attack.
GHIMS tackles Degenerate and pummels his head.
GHIMS stomps Degenerate.
Degenerate climbs to his feet.
GHIMS hits Degenerate with a rolling elbow smash to the face.
Degenerate is up again.
Rob P Zee gets sidewalk slammed by 4wrestling.

Gizmo The Cat - That sidewalk slam was very good.


had pants - The WWF is the only place for entertainment like this!

[4wrestling puts Rob P Zee in an arm grapevine submission.
4wrestling hits Rob P Zee with an elbowdrop.
Now 4wrestling standing.
Rob P Zee stands up.
Rob P Zee chops 4wrestling.
Rob P Zee uses a lariat on 4wrestling.
Rob P Zee knees 4wrestling and rolls back to his feet.
4wrestling gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Rob P Zee.
4wrestling executes a neck scissors on Rob P Zee.

Suniversal - If 4wrestling keeps using moves like that neck scissors he could win the match!

[4wrestling gets back to his feet.
After fight 4wrestling kicks Rob P Zee on the mat.
Rob P Zee is up again.
Rob P Zee gets bounced off of the ropes and hit with a backdrop diver by 4wrestling.
Rob P Zee is up again.
4wrestling connects with a low blow. Rob P Zee goes down.
4wrestling goes off the turnbuckle with a flying sommersault splash.
4wrestling throws Rob P Zee to the floor.
Rob P Zee was elimintated by 4wrestling. ]

had pants - Rob P Zee has been eliminated!!

[GHIMS kicks Degenerate in the gut, takes a few steps back, and scissor kicks him to the mat.
GHIMS jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Degenerate.
Degenerate stands up.
Degenerate with an illegal chokehold on GHIMS.
GHIMS moves back to his feet.
GHIMS rakes his fingers across Degenerate's back.
GHIMS goes for a flyind dropkick but Degenerate dodges the attack.
GHIMS uses a closed fist on Degenerate.
Degenerate bounces GHIMS off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat.
GHIMS climbs to his feet.
GHIMS goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Degenerate.
GHIMS gets up.
GHIMS knees Degenerate and rolls back to his feet.
GHIMS fist drops Degenerate on the mat.
GHIMS gets back to his feet.
Degenerate stands up.
GHIMS gets snap suplexed by Degenerate.
Degenerate gets back to his feet.
GHIMS hits Peep Game with the back of his elbow.
GHIMS hits a flying karate chop right to Peep Game's neck.
After fight Peep Game with spinning headscissors on GHIMS send him hard to the mat.
Peep Game chants start.
GHIMS is back on his feet.
Peep Game picks up GHIMS and drops him neck first on the ropes.
Peep Game kicks GHIMS in the gut, takes a few steps back, and scissor kicks him to the mat.
Peep Game chokes GHIMS with his boot.
Peep Game chants start.
Peep Game throws GHIMS to the floor.
GHIMS was elimintated by Peep Game. ]

Suniversal - GHIMS is out of here!!

[Peep Game uses a belly-to-belly suplex. Degenerate is down.
Peep Game chants start.

Suniversal - What an outstanding match!

[Peep Game kicks Degenerate in the stomach.
Degenerate legsweeps Peep Game.

Gizmo The Cat - Degenerate with a legsweep.

[Peep Game is back on his feet.
Peep Game pulls Degenerate's hair.
Peep Game gouges Degenerate's eyes out.

had pants - eye gouge!

[Peep Game grabs Degenerate's head and hites him in the face.
Peep Game slaps Degenerate.
Peep Game forearm smashes Degenerate.
Peep Game with a headbutt on Degenerate.
Peep Game mule kicks Degenerate.

Suniversal - Peep Game with a mule kick.

[Peep Game stomps Degenerate's head.
4wrestling trys for a choke lift but is not strong enough to lift Peep Game.
4wrestling trys for a running powerslam but is not strong enough to lift Peep Game.

Suniversal - Did you see that last move?

had pants - Yeah, you know it.

[4wrestling hits Peep Game with a slingshot bodyblock.
Now 4wrestling standing.
Peep Game gets knocked on the ground and 4wrestling flips onto him.
4wrestling is back on his feet.
Peep Game gets hit with a diving elbow smash from 4wrestling.

Suniversal - 4wrestling executes a diving elbow smash.

[4wrestling stands up.
Peep Game gets back to his feet.
4wrestling trys for a belly-to-back suplex but is unable to lift Peep Game.
Peep Game with an Aztecan suplex on 4wrestling sends him to the mat.
4wrestling is hit with a backward kick.
4wrestling moves back to his feet.
Peep Game knifehand chops 4wrestling.
Peep Game uses a lariat on 4wrestling.
Peep Game puts 4wrestling in an arm grapevine submission.
4wrestling is back on his feet.
4wrestling grabs Degenerate's head and DDT's him on the mat.

had pants - That DDT was very good.

[4wrestling gets back to his feet.
After fight 4wrestling climbs to the top turnbuckle and jumps off with an Air Sabu on Degenerate.
Degenerate is up again.
4wrestling jumps from the top rope and hits Degenerate with a flying armdrag.
4wrestling is up again.
Degenerate stands up.
Running neckbreaker drop executed by 4wrestling takes Degenerate down hard.
4wrestling drives a forearm into Degenerate.
4wrestling tosses Degenerate to ringside.
Degenerate was elimintated by 4wrestling. ]

Gizmo The Cat - That will do it for Degenerate. He's been eliminated!

[Peep Game body slams 4wrestling.

had pants - 4wrestling takes a body slam.

[4wrestling gets up.
Peep Game puts 4wrestling in the double underhook position and gives him a doubl underhook backbreaker.
Peep Game chants start.
After fight Peep Game hits a frog splash on 4wrestling.
Peep Game is up again.
Peep Game slingshot elbow drops 4wrestling.
Peep Game runs in and leg drops 4wrestling.
Peep Game chants start.
Peep Game climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on 4wrestling.
Peep Game throws 4wrestling over the ropes.
4wrestling was elimintated by Peep Game. ]

Gizmo The Cat - That will do it for 4wrestling. He's been eliminated!

Suniversal - Peep Game has won the match!

gunnascott - When are you gonna book me *****?

Gizmo The Cat - The winner of the battle royal, and NEW NTWT World champion, Peep Game Peep Game !!!

And that'll be it.

Be nice and I might do NTWT Fast Lane as well :wink:


So thankful to take jdcurt, case and GHIMS to the cleaners. Especially GHIMS, this is year 4 of just washing him like HHH did Reigns :smokin
NTWT Rumble Match For NTWT World Heavyweight Championship

25 Man Battle Royal (Over The Top Battle Royal) (NTWT World )

Gizmo The Cat - The following is a 25 man Over The Top Battle Royal battle royal.

[All 25 men are at the ring. (the bell rings) GHIMS punches Casekicks repeatedly.

had pants - Casekicks takes a weak move.

[GHIMS hits a koppo kick on Casekicks.
GHIMS short clothslines Casekicks.
Casekicks moves back to his feet.
GHIMS slaps the face of Casekicks.
After, Casekicks hits GHIMS with a slightly smaller wheelchair.
Now Casekicks standing.
Casekicks rolls onto GHIMS connecting with a knee.
GHIMS puts Casekicks on the top rope and executes a superplex.
GHIMS climbs to his feet.
Casekicks gets back to his feet.
Casekicks rakes the face of GHIMS in attempt to make a come back.
Casekicks gouges GHIMS's eyes out.
GHIMS hits an electrifying flying sommersault headbutt on Degenerate.
GHIMS climbs to his feet.

Suniversal - My God!! What a match!

[GHIMS executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Degenerate.
GHIMS climbs to his feet.
Degenerate is up again.
GHIMS jabs Degenerate.
GHIMS delivers a kick to the head of Degenerate.
Degenerate gets back to his feet.
Now 4wrestling standing.
4wrestling executes a corkscrew legdrop on Green Rhino.
Green Rhino hits 4wrestling with an earringer.

Gizmo The Cat - Green Rhino executes a earringer.

[Flying side kick by Green Rhino takes 4wrestling off his feet.

Suniversal - 4wrestling takes a flying side kick.

[Green Rhino gets back to his feet.
4wrestling gets back to his feet.
4wrestling brings Green Rhino down with a Mexican armdrag takedown.
4wrestling executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Green Rhino.
4wrestling goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Green Rhino.

Gizmo The Cat - flying sitdown splash!

[Green Rhino moves back to his feet.
Green Rhino hits 4wrestling with the belly-to-belly suplex.

Suniversal - That belly-to-belly suplex was very good.

[Big Ego climbs to his feet.
GHIMS gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Big Ego.
Big Ego executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of GHIMS.

had pants - Big Ego with a flying knee drop.

[Big Ego rolls onto GHIMS connecting with a knee.
GHIMS gets back to his feet.
GHIMS kicks Big Ego in the stomach and executes the sitdown face slam.
GHIMS gets up.
Big Ego climbs to his feet.
GHIMS spins aroround Big Ego's back and DDT's him into the mat.
GHIMS climbs to his feet.
JRA Da Great punches jdcurt repeatedly.
jdcurt punches JRA Da Great in the gut.
jdcurt slaps JRA Da Great.
jdcurt applies the clawhold on JRA Da Great.
JRA Da Great bounces jdcurt off the ropes and clotheslines him.
jdcurt hits JRA Da Great with a heart punch.
JRA Da Great bounces jdcurt off the ropes and clotheslines him.
jdcurt stands up.
JRA Da Great bounces jdcurt off the ropes and clotheslines him.
jdcurt gets back to his feet.
jdcurt executes a belly-to-belly suplex on JRA Da Great.
JRA Da Great gets up.
jdcurt rakes his fingers across JRA Da Great's back.

Suniversal - jdcurt with a back rake.

[JRA Da Great bounces jdcurt off the ropes and clotheslines him.
jdcurt climbs to his feet.
jdcurt with an Aztecan suplex on JRA Da Great sends him to the mat.
jdcurt is up again.
JRA Da Great gets up.
JRA Da Great bounces jdcurt off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great clotheslines jdcurt.

Gizmo The Cat - JRA Da Great executes a weak move.

[John2st bounces 22Styles off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat.
22Styles stands up.
John2st gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.

had pants - 22Styles executes a boot choke.

[John2st uses a closed fist on 22Styles.
John2st executes a huge gutbuster on 22Styles.
22Styles moves back to his feet.
John2st tackles 22Styles.
John2st gets back to his feet.
22Styles gets back to his feet.
22Styles executes the brain buster on John2st.
22Styles climbs to his feet.

had pants - Is this a great match or not?

†Cxé - Yeah, you know it.

[22Styles puts John2st in an arm grapevine submission.

Gizmo The Cat - 22Styles with a arm grapevine.

[John2st gets back to his feet.
John2st superkicks 22Styles.
John2st executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of 22Styles.
John2st executes a corkscrew legdrop on 22Styles.

Gizmo The Cat - corkscrew legdrop!

[John2st climbs to his feet.
22Styles climbs to his feet.
GHIMS hits Green Rhino with a running powerbomb on to the mat.
Now That Dude Chris standing.
That Dude Chris low blows Degenerate.
Degenerate moves back to his feet.
Degenerate hits That Dude Chris with a heart punch.
Now That Dude Chris standing.
That Dude Chris short clothslines Degenerate.
That Dude Chris puts Degenerate in an arm grapevine submission.
Now Degenerate standing.
Degenerate hits That Dude Chris with the double arm DDT into the mat.
That Dude Chris gets back to his feet.
Degenerate executes a jawbreakeron That Dude Chris.
That Dude Chris gets back to his feet.
Degenerate gets tiger suplexed by That Dude Chris.
That Dude Chris rolls onto Degenerate connecting with a knee.
Degenerate gets knocked on the ground and That Dude Chris flips onto him.
That Dude Chris is up again.
Degenerate is back on his feet.
DCAllAmerican moves back to his feet.
CelticsPride is driven further into the mat by DCAllAmerican with a diving elbow smash.
CelticsPride moves back to his feet.
DCAllAmerican hits a flying karate chop right to CelticsPride 's neck.
DCAllAmerican elbow smashes CelticsPride in the nose.
A flying bodypress by DCAllAmerican takes CelticsPride to the mat with authority.
CelticsPride stands up.
CelticsPride throws the chair to DCAllAmerican...CelticsPride kicks the chair into DCAllAmerican's face!!
Flying somersault drop kick by DCAllAmerican puts him back in the match.
DCAllAmerican gets up.
DCAllAmerican hits CelticsPride with an elbowdrop.
DCAllAmerican moves back to his feet.
DCAllAmerican hits CelticsPride with an elbowdrop.
DCAllAmerican is up again.
DCAllAmerican attempts to kick CelticsPride , but CelticsPride catches his leg. DCAllAmerican flips around and kicks CelticsPride .
DCAllAmerican is up again.
CelticsPride lifts up DCAllAmerican and drops him with a Samoan Drop right on the chair!!
CelticsPride moves back to his feet.
John2st takes jcmojica down with an Arabian Facebuster.
John2st is back on his feet.
John2st hits jcmojica with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
John2st is back on his feet.
John2st rakes the face of jcmojica in attempt to make a come back.
jcmojica brings John2st down with a Mexican armdrag takedown.
John2st gets back to his feet.
John2st monkey flips jcmojica onto the mat.
John2st is back on his feet.
jcmojica stands up.
jcmojica with an impressive flying spinning leg lariat on John2st.
jcmojica gets back to his feet.
jcmojica hits John2st with a Baba chop.
B Sox knee drops MeanGene.
B Sox gets up.
B Sox knees MeanGene and rolls back to his feet.
MeanGene gets hit with a diving elbow smash from B Sox.
B Sox measures MeanGene up and drops a closed fist.
MeanGene is up again.
MeanGene dropkicks B Sox.
MeanGene stands up.
Green Rhino moves back to his feet.
Green Rhino bites DragonFly's arm out of desparation.
DragonFly pins Green Rhino against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
Green Rhino hits him with a back fist.
DragonFly punches Green Rhino in the gut.
DragonFly executes the jumping sidekick on Green Rhino.

had pants - DragonFly with a jumping sidekick.

[Green Rhino is back on his feet.
DragonFly pulls Green Rhino's hair.
DragonFly hits Green Rhino with a heart punch.
Green Rhino climbs to his feet.
Green Rhino trys for a exploder suplex but DragonFly avoids it.
Green Rhino executes a belly-to-belly suplex on DragonFly.
Green Rhino chokes DragonFly.
Now DragonFly standing.
DragonFly hits a spinning leg lariat on Green Rhino sending him to the mat.
DragonFly rolls onto Green Rhino connecting with a knee.
Green Rhino is back on his feet.
DragonFly gets drilled with an inverted back breaker.
DragonFly gets up.
Green Rhino picks up DragonFly and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker.

Gizmo The Cat - Good shoulderbreaker by Green Rhino.

[DragonFly is up again.
Green Rhino pins DragonFly against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
Green Rhino get nailed with a double axhandle chop from DragonFly.
DragonFly takes Green Rhino off his feet with a short-arm clothesline
Green Rhino gets back to his feet.
Green Rhino gives DragonFly a reverse neckbreaker.
DragonFly moves back to his feet.
Green Rhino gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
jcmojica executes a flying sommersault bodyblock on JRA Da Great from off the top rope.
jcmojica grabs JRA Da Great and applies an arm wrench.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
They lockup. JRA Da Great sends jcmojica to the corner of the ring.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
jcmojica is back on his feet.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great clotheslines jcmojica.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
jcmojica climbs to his feet.
jcmojica trys for a side suplex but JRA Da Great avoids it.
jcmojica executes a jawbreakeron JRA Da Great.

Suniversal - jcmojica with a jawbreaker.

[jcmojica gets back to his feet.
JRA Da Great is back on his feet.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great clotheslines jcmojica.
jcmojica trys for a belly-to-back suplex but is unable to lift JRA Da Great.
JRA Da Great gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.

had pants - jcmojica with a corkscrew armdrag.

[JRA Da Great gets hit with a diving elbow smash from jcmojica.
jcmojica moves back to his feet.
jcmojica hits JRA Da Great with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
Now jcmojica standing.
JRA Da Great is up again.
jcmojica gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on JRA Da Great.
JRA Da Great lifts jcmojica and delivers a back breaker.

Gizmo The Cat - back breaker!

[22Styles executes a neck scissors on MeanGene.
22Styles is back on his feet.
MeanGene's arm is just being TWISTED by an arm grapevine by 22Styles.
22Styles puts MeanGene in an arm grapevine submission.
22Styles grabs MeanGene's arm, drops down, and has him in an arm grapevine.
MeanGene's arm is just being TWISTED by an arm grapevine by 22Styles.
Big Ego gets up.
i Hustle gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Big Ego.

Suniversal - diving elbow smash!

[Big Ego puts i Hustle in an arm grapevine submission.
i Hustle is up again.
Big Ego gets elbowed to his midsection by Big Ego.
Big Ego hits i Hustle with the back of his elbow.
Big Ego punches i Hustle in the gut.
i Hustle with a jumping DDT on Big Ego.
i Hustle gets up.
i Hustle hits Big Ego with an elbowdrop.

Gizmo The Cat - i Hustle executes a elbowdrop.

[i Hustle is back on his feet.
i Hustle hits Big Ego with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.

Suniversal - elbow drop!

[i Hustle jumps and elbow smashes the lying Big Ego.
i Hustle is back on his feet.
Big Ego climbs to his feet.
jdcurt dropkicks Green Rhino to the face.
jdcurt is back on his feet.
Green Rhino gets hit with a diving elbow smash from jdcurt.
jdcurt gets back to his feet.
Green Rhino is up again.
jdcurt bounces Green Rhino off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat.
jdcurt gets back to his feet.
jdcurt goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Green Rhino.
jdcurt puts Green Rhino in an arm grapevine submission.
jdcurt jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Green Rhino.
jdcurt stands up.
Green Rhino moves back to his feet.
Green Rhino gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
jdcurt with an impressive flying spinning leg lariat on Green Rhino.
Green Rhino moves back to his feet.
Green Rhino dropkicks jdcurt to the knee.

had pants - Green Rhino executes a dropkick.

[Green Rhino is up again.

had pants - Green Rhino is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[Green Rhino with a falling splash on jdcurt.

Suniversal - Good falling splash by Green Rhino.

[Green Rhino gets back to his feet.
Now Frank And Beans standing.
Frank And Beans goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on jcmojica.
jcmojica climbs to his feet.
jcmojica grabs Frank And Beans's arm and strkes his chest.
Frank And Beans nails jcmojica with a belly-to-back suplex.
Frank And Beans gets back to his feet.
Frank And Beans puts jcmojica in an arm grapevine submission.

Suniversal - Frank And Beans executes a arm grapevine.

[jcmojica get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Frank And Beans.

Gizmo The Cat - Frank And Beans executes a double axhandle chop.

[Frank And Beans applies an arm wrench to jcmojica.
Frank And Beans knees jcmojica and rolls back to his feet.
Frank And Beans executes a corkscrew legdrop on jcmojica.
Frank And Beans gets back to his feet.
jcmojica moves back to his feet.
jcmojica picks up Frank And Beans and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker.
That Dude Chris goes for a crotch chop but Rob P Zee dodges the attack.
22Styles chokes Frank And Beans with his boot.
Frank And Beans's arm is just being TWISTED by an arm grapevine by 22Styles.
22Styles puts Frank And Beans in an arm grapevine submission.
Frank And Beans stands up.
Frank And Beans with an Aztecan suplex on 22Styles sends him to the mat.
Frank And Beans moves back to his feet.
22Styles stands up.
Frank And Beans gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
22Styles holds Frank And Beans in the corner, choking him with his forearm.

had pants - forearm choke!

[Frank And Beans gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
A forearm choke by 22Styles nearly gets him disqualified.
Frank And Beans gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
22Styles holds Frank And Beans in the corner, choking him with his forearm.
22Styles pins Frank And Beans against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
Frank And Beans gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.

Suniversal - Frank And Beans takes a boot choke.

[DCAllAmerican uses an elbow drop from off the top rope to hurt 4wrestling even more than he already has.
DCAllAmerican climbs to his feet.
4wrestling is up again.
Satalitte scissors by DCAllAmerican throw 4wrestling across the the ring.
DCAllAmerican gets back to his feet.
4wrestling is back on his feet.
4wrestling gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.

Gizmo The Cat - 4wrestling takes a elbowsmash.

[4wrestling holds his mouth after recieving an elbow smash to the face.
DCAllAmerican hits a jumping elbow hrust on 4wrestling.
DCAllAmerican flies from the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop.
DCAllAmerican gets back to his feet.
4wrestling gets hit with a diving elbow smash from DCAllAmerican.

had pants - 4wrestling takes a diving elbow smash.

[DCAllAmerican is back on his feet.
4wrestling trys for a German suplex but is not strong enough to lift DCAllAmerican.
That Dude Chris is hooked in a full nelson.

Suniversal - That Dude Chris takes a full nelson.

[Sad Gosling gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on That Dude Chris.

had pants - That Dude Chris takes a jumping neck snap.

[Sad Gosling executes a headlock takedown.
That Dude Chris is up again.
That Dude Chris with a high crossbody on Sad Gosling.

Suniversal - That Dude Chris with a high cross body.

[That Dude Chris gets back to his feet.
That Dude Chris hits Sad Gosling with an elbowdrop.
That Dude Chris is back on his feet.
Sad Gosling moves back to his feet.
Sad Gosling with an illegal chokehold on That Dude Chris.
Sad Gosling knees That Dude Chris and rolls back to his feet.
That Dude Chris climbs to his feet.
That Dude Chris nails Sad Gosling with a double underhook suplex.

Gizmo The Cat - Nice double underhook suplex by That Dude Chris.

[That Dude Chris trys for a flying senton but Sad Gosling avoids it.
That Dude Chris goes for a somersault splash but Sad Gosling dodges the attack.
Sad Gosling climbs to his feet.
4wrestling bounces John2st off the ropes and hits him with a jumping clothesline.
4wrestling climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on John2st.
4wrestling is up again.
John2st stands up.
4wrestling kicks John2st in the stomach and executes the sitdown face slam.
4wrestling gets up.

Suniversal - John2st could use some help about now.

[Now Peep Game standing.
Peep Game connects with a flying knee. DragonFly goes down.
DragonFly executes a swinging bulldog on Peep Game driving Peep Game's face into the mat.
DragonFly is back on his feet.
DragonFly hits Peep Game with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
Peep Game gets hit with a diving elbow smash from DragonFly.

Gizmo The Cat - Peep Game takes a diving elbow smash.

[DragonFly is back on his feet.
Now Peep Game standing.
DragonFly takes Peep Game down with a knee.
Peep Game gets back to his feet.
DragonFly gets bounced off of the ropes and hit with a backdrop diver by Peep Game.
Peep Game is up again.
Peep Game hits the handspring moonsault on DragonFly.
Peep Game chants start.
Peep Game stands up.
DragonFly gets up.
Peep Game short lariats DragonFly.
DragonFly climbs to his feet.
Peep Game hits DragonFly with an earringer.

Suniversal - earringer!

[Peep Game hiptosses DragonFly.

Gizmo The Cat - DragonFly takes a hiptoss.

[DragonFly gets up.
DragonFly double underhook faceslams Peep Game hard to the Peep Game.
Peep Game is back on his feet.
DragonFly gets elbowed to his midsection by DragonFly.
DragonFly chops Peep Game.
DragonFly takes a slap to the face from Peep Game.
Peep Game is back on his feet.
DragonFly nails Peep Game with a double underhook suplex.
DragonFly applies an arm wrench to Peep Game.

Gizmo The Cat - DragonFly with a arm wrench.

[DragonFly stomps Peep Game.
Peep Game moves back to his feet.
DragonFly with a high crossbody on Peep Game.
DragonFly gets up.
Peep Game gets back to his feet.
Peep Game hits a kneeling headbutt to DragonFly's groin.
DragonFly rakes his fingers across Peep Game's back.
Peep Game gets hit with a dragon scerw from DragonFly.
DragonFly gets back to his feet.
DragonFly puts Peep Game in an arm grapevine submission.
DragonFly knees Peep Game and rolls back to his feet.
DragonFly gets hit with a running powerslam by Peep Game

had pants - Peep Game's momma would be proud!

[Peep Game applies an arm wrench to DragonFly.
DragonFly hits a jumping elbow hrust on Peep Game.
Peep Game is back on his feet.
Peep Game executes a ropeflip hiptoss on DragonFly.
DragonFly gets back to his feet.
Peep Game is hit with a backward kick.
Peep Game climbs to his feet.
Peep Game hits DragonFly with a baba chop.

had pants - baba chop!

[Peep Game pokes DragonFly in the eye with his thumb.
DragonFly spinebuster bombs Peep Game onto the mat.
DragonFly goes for a slingshot elbow drop but Peep Game dodges the attack.
Frank And Beans trys for a Samoan drop but Sad Gosling avoids it.
BDB is up again.
BDB executes a ropeflip hiptoss on That Dude Chris.
That Dude Chris gets up.
BDB tries to even the match with a flying shoulder block.
BDB gets up.
That Dude Chris is back on his feet.
That Dude Chris uses a lariat on BDB.
That Dude Chris goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on BDB.
BDB climbs to his feet.
That Dude Chris gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.

Suniversal - elbowsmash!

[That Dude Chris connects with a somersault slam on BDB.
Now That Dude Chris standing.
BDB moves back to his feet.
BDB is hit with a backward kick.
BDB gets up.
BDB gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on That Dude Chris.
BDB gets hit with a flying forearm right to the face.
That Dude Chris executes a corkscrew legdrop on BDB.
That Dude Chris is back on his feet.
That Dude Chris grabs BDB and applies an arm wrench.
BDB jumps from the second turnbuckle, kicking That Dude Chris in the head, taking him down.
Now That Dude Chris standing.
John2st gets back to his feet.
John2st executes a jawbreakeron JRA Da Great.
John2st is back on his feet.
JRA Da Great is back on his feet.
JRA Da Great bounces John2st off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great clotheslines John2st.
JRA Da Great bounces John2st off the ropes and clotheslines him.
John2st stands up.
John2st throws JRA Da Great off the ropes, rolls on the ground, comes back up and delivers a clothesline.
John2st climbs the turnbuckle and nails JRA Da Great with a flying bulldog.

had pants - The WWF is the only place for entertainment like this!

[John2st puts JRA Da Great in an arm grapevine submission.
JRA Da Great gets hit with a diving elbow smash from John2st.
John2st gets back to his feet.
John2st kicks JRA Da Great on the mat.
JRA Da Great is up again.
JRA Da Great bounces John2st off the ropes and clotheslines him.
They lockup. JRA Da Great sends John2st to the corner of the ring.
John2st with an illegal chokehold on JRA Da Great.
JRA Da Great bounces John2st off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great punches John2st repeatedly.
JRA Da Great gets hit with a fisherman suplex by John2st.
John2st stands up.
JRA Da Great gets knocked on the ground and John2st flips onto him.
JRA Da Great gets up.
JRA Da Great bounces John2st off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Now John2st standing.
JRA Da Great bounces John2st off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great bounces John2st off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great clotheslines John2st.
JRA Da Great bounces John2st off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great bounces John2st off the ropes and clotheslines him.
John2st is up again.
JRA Da Great bounces John2st off the ropes and clotheslines him.
John2st with an exploder suplex on JRA Da Great.
John2st moves back to his feet.
jdcurt spins aroround Sad Gosling's back and DDT's him into the mat.

had pants - That backspin DDT was very good.

[jdcurt gets back to his feet.

had pants - Did you see that last move?

†Cxé - Oh yeah!

[Casekicks goes up to the top and comes down on CelticsPride with an asai leg lariat.
Casekicks is up again.
Casekicks executes a corkscrew legdrop on CelticsPride .
Casekicks gets up.
Casekicks stomps CelticsPride .
CelticsPride climbs to his feet.
Casekicks in a waist lock, and he gets planted with a Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!!
They lockup. CelticsPride sends Casekicks to the corner of the ring.
CelticsPride throws the chair at Casekicks...CelticsPride spins around and kicks the chair in his face!!
CelticsPride gets back to his feet.
Now Casekicks standing.
Casekicks discus punches CelticsPride .
CelticsPride gives Casekicks the chair...CelticsPride climbs to the top..CelticsPride dropkicks the chair into his face!
Casekicks climbs to his feet.
Casekicks nails CelticsPride with a double underhook suplex.

Gizmo The Cat - That double underhook suplex was very good.

[Casekicks leg drops CelticsPride .
GHIMS gives MeanGene the cobra clutch suplex onto the mat.
GHIMS gets up.
MeanGene is back on his feet.
GHIMS bounces MeanGene off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat.
GHIMS gets up.
GHIMS hits MeanGene with an elbowdrop.

Suniversal - GHIMS executes a elbowdrop.

[GHIMS is back on his feet.
GHIMS goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on MeanGene.
MeanGene moves back to his feet.
MeanGene is hooked in a full nelson.
EdgarFly gets back to his feet.
Out of desperation, EdgarFly dives from the second turnbuckle, shoulder blocking jcmojica.
EdgarFly is hooked in a full nelson.
jcmojica monkey flips EdgarFly onto the mat.

Gizmo The Cat - EdgarFly takes a monkey flip.

[jcmojica stands up.
EdgarFly is up again.
jcmojica bends over as EdgarFly elbows him in the midsection.
Flying kick by jcmojica takes EdgarFly down.
EdgarFly gets back to his feet.
EdgarFly hits a flying karate chop right to jcmojica's neck.
EdgarFly hits jcmojica with an earringer.
jcmojica pins EdgarFly against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
EdgarFly pulls off a standing moonsault.
EdgarFly sucks chants start in the crowd.

Suniversal - The WWF is the only place for entertainment like this!

[CelticsPride is back on his feet.
CelticsPride opens up the chair...EdgarFly is thrown into the ropes...Drop Toe Hold onto the open chair!
CelticsPride moves back to his feet.
They lockup. CelticsPride sends EdgarFly to the corner of the ring.

Gizmo The Cat - EdgarFly takes a weak move.

[EdgarFly kicks CelticsPride 's head out of desperation because CelticsPride blocked EdgarFly's first kick.
EdgarFly gets up.
CelticsPride gets hit with a diving elbow smash from EdgarFly.
EdgarFly stands up.
EdgarFly flies from the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop.
EdgarFly hits CelticsPride with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
EdgarFly is back on his feet.
CelticsPride is back on his feet.
CelticsPride grabs ahold of EdgarFly's waist....Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!!!
EdgarFly moves back to his feet.
EdgarFly climbs to the top and hits CelticsPride with a flying clothesline.

had pants - EdgarFly with a flying clothesline.

[Now EdgarFly standing.

Suniversal - EdgarFly's momma would be proud!

[EdgarFly hits CelticsPride with an elbowdrop.

Gizmo The Cat - elbowdrop!

[EdgarFly climbs to his feet.
CelticsPride gets up.
CelticsPride gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex sends EdgarFly onto the chair by CelticsPride !!!!
EdgarFly stands up.
EdgarFly hits a jumping elbow hrust on CelticsPride .
CelticsPride is up again.
CelticsPride opens up the chair...EdgarFly is thrown into the ropes...Drop Toe Hold onto the open chair!
CelticsPride is back on his feet.
EdgarFly stands up.
EdgarFly gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on CelticsPride .
A side kick by EdgarFly turns the match around by knocking CelticsPride to the mat.
EdgarFly is back on his feet.
CelticsPride climbs to his feet.
CelticsPride executes a piledriver on EdgarFly and the chair!!!
CelticsPride stands up.
EdgarFly gets up.
CelticsPride throws the chair to EdgarFly...CelticsPride kicks the chair into EdgarFly's face!!
EdgarFly in a waist lock, and he gets planted with a Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!!
EdgarFly climbs to his feet.
EdgarFly executes a ropeflip hiptoss on CelticsPride .
EdgarFly hits CelticsPride with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.

Gizmo The Cat - EdgarFly with a elbow drop.

[EdgarFly climbs to his feet.
CelticsPride is driven further into the mat by EdgarFly with a diving elbow smash.

had pants - EdgarFly executes a diving elbow smash.

[CelticsPride is driven further into the mat by EdgarFly with a diving elbow smash.

Gizmo The Cat - diving elbow smash!

[EdgarFly stands up.
CelticsPride moves back to his feet.
CelticsPride throws EdgarFly the chair..CelticsPride goes up top..CelticsPride dropkicks the chair into his face!
CelticsPride climbs to his feet.
EdgarFly moves back to his feet.
EdgarFly with an impressive flying spinning leg lariat on CelticsPride .
EdgarFly sucks chants start in the crowd.
EdgarFly moves back to his feet.
CelticsPride gets back to his feet.

Suniversal - I wish every match could be like this!

[Flying somersault drop kick by EdgarFly puts him back in the match.
EdgarFly is back on his feet.
EdgarFly hits CelticsPride with an elbowdrop.
CelticsPride stands up.
CelticsPride gives EdgarFly the chair...CelticsPride spins around and nails the chair into EdgarFly's face!!
CelticsPride is up again.
CelticsPride punches EdgarFly repeatedly.
CelticsPride gives EdgarFly the chair...CelticsPride spins around and nails the chair into EdgarFly's face!!
CelticsPride moves back to his feet.
EdgarFly pulls out a sitdown faceslam from his back pocket, taking CelticsPride face first into the mat.
EdgarFly climbs to his feet.
CelticsPride gets up.
EdgarFly whips CelticsPride into the corner and follows up with a huge splash.
Now CelticsPride standing.
A flying bodypress by EdgarFly takes CelticsPride to the mat with authority.
EdgarFly moves back to his feet.
EdgarFly hits CelticsPride with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
EdgarFly is back on his feet.
CelticsPride gets back to his feet.
EdgarFly in a waist lock, and he gets planted with a Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!!
EdgarFly gets up.
CelticsPride gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
CelticsPride opens up the chair...EdgarFly is thrown into the ropes...Drop Toe Hold onto the open chair!
CelticsPride stands up.
CelticsPride punches EdgarFly repeatedly.

Gizmo The Cat - EdgarFly takes a weak move.

[CelticsPride applies a headlock... BOOM! DDT!

Suniversal - Nice DDT by CelticsPride .

[CelticsPride is up again.
Green Rhino locks MeanGene in a full nelson and slams him to the mat.
MeanGene gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Green Rhino.
Green Rhino is up again.
Green Rhino executes a corkscrew legdrop on MeanGene.

Gizmo The Cat - corkscrew legdrop!

[MeanGene gets up.
MeanGene gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Green Rhino.
Green Rhino delivers a kick to the head of MeanGene.
Green Rhino puts MeanGene in an arm grapevine submission.
Green Rhino hits MeanGene with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
Green Rhino moves back to his feet.
MeanGene is up again.
JohnnyRedStorm is back on his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm grabs Big Ego's head and hites him in the face.
JohnnyRedStorm grabs Big Ego's leg and takes him down.
JohnnyRedStorm grabs Big Ego and applies an arm wrench.
Big Ego gets hit with a diving elbow smash from JohnnyRedStorm.
JohnnyRedStorm gets up.
Big Ego gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
Big Ego moves back to his feet.
Big Ego with a jumping DDT on JohnnyRedStorm.
Big Ego gets back to his feet.
Big Ego goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on JohnnyRedStorm.
Big Ego gets back to his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm is back on his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm gets hit with a dragon scerw from Big Ego.
Now JohnnyRedStorm standing.
JohnnyRedStorm connects with a low blow. Big Ego goes down.
Big Ego climbs to his feet.
Big Ego pulls JohnnyRedStorm's hair.
JohnnyRedStorm is hit with a backward kick.
Big Ego stomps JohnnyRedStorm's head.
JohnnyRedStorm gets up.
BDB leg drops B Sox.
B Sox moves back to his feet.
BDB trys for a standing moonsault but B Sox avoids it.
Green Rhino picks up DCAllAmerican and hits him with a Back Suplex.
Green Rhino leg lariats DCAllAmerican, sending him to the mat.
Green Rhino piledrives DCAllAmerican into the mat.
DCAllAmerican moves back to his feet.
After fight Green Rhino hits a jumping elbow hrust on DCAllAmerican.
Green Rhino jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on DCAllAmerican.
Green Rhino pokes DCAllAmerican in the eyes.
Flying sommersault drop kick by Green Rhino puts him back in the match.
DCAllAmerican stands up.
Green Rhino throws DCAllAmerican to the floor.
DCAllAmerican was elimintated by Green Rhino. ]

Gizmo The Cat - DCAllAmerican is out of here!!

[John2st sets Casekicks up DDTs him into the mat.
John2st rolls onto Casekicks connecting with a knee.
Casekicks stands up.
Casekicks gives John2st a reverse neckbreaker.
Casekicks gets up.
John2st is hooked in a full nelson.

Suniversal - Casekicks with a full nelson.

[John2st rakes his fingers across Casekicks's back.

had pants - Casekicks takes a back rake.

[Casekicks hits a jumping elbow hrust on John2st.
John2st gets back to his feet.
John2st hits Casekicks with a slingshot bodyblock.
John2st gets up.
Running neckbreaker drop executed by John2st takes Casekicks down hard.

Gizmo The Cat - Good running neckbreaker drop by John2st.

[Casekicks gets up.

Gizmo The Cat - Did you see that last move?

Suniversal - Yeah, you know it.

[Casekicks is hit with a backward kick.
John2st goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Casekicks.
John2st is back on his feet.
John2st jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Casekicks.
John2st gets up.
Now Casekicks standing.
Casekicks tackles and begins punching John2st.
John2st gets up.
John2st double underhook faceslams Casekicks hard to the Casekicks.
Casekicks grabs John2st's head and DDT's him on the mat.
After fight Degenerate puts John2st in an arm grapevine submission.
Degenerate knee drops John2st.
John2st gets up.
Degenerate executes an over the shoulder stomachbreaker on John2st.
Degenerate with a headscissors takeover on John2st.
Degenerate stands up.
Degenerate throws John2st over the ropes.
John2st was elimintated by Degenerate. 22Styles executes a neck scissors on Casekicks.
22Styles is back on his feet.
22Styles holds Casekicks in the corner, choking him with his forearm.
Casekicks gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
Casekicks gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
22Styles catches Casekicks leg, but Casekicks reverses it with an enzuigiri to 22Styles's head.
22Styles moves back to his feet.
A forearm choke by 22Styles nearly gets him disqualified.

had pants - 22Styles executes a forearm choke.

[Casekicks gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
JRA Da Great climbs to his feet.
JRA Da Great bounces Casekicks off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great bounces Casekicks off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great punches Casekicks repeatedly.
Casekicks hits JRA Da Great with an earringer.
JRA Da Great bounces Casekicks off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Casekicks trys for a Scorpion Death Drop but JRA Da Great avoids it.
JRA Da Great gets hit with a dragon scerw from Casekicks.
Casekicks gets back to his feet.
JRA Da Great gets up.
JRA Da Great bounces Casekicks off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Casekicks is back on his feet.
Casekicks hits JRA Da Great with a Baba chop.
Casekicks applies the clawhold on JRA Da Great.
JRA Da Great bounces Casekicks off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Casekicks puts JRA Da Great on the top rope and executes a superplex.
Casekicks moves back to his feet.
JRA Da Great stands up.
Big Ego goes for a flyind dropkick but DragonFly dodges the attack.
Big Ego executes the front-layout suplex on DragonFly.
Big Ego chants start.
DragonFly climbs to his feet.
After fight CelticsPride with a Russian Leg Sweep onto the chair!!!
DragonFly gets back to his feet.
CelticsPride with a chairshot directly to DragonFly's knee!! DragonFly is wobbly!!
CelticsPride sets up DragonFly and drops him with the Double Underhook Suplex on the chair!!
CelticsPride sucks chants start in the crowd.
CelticsPride gives DragonFly the chair...CelticsPride spins around and kicks the chair into DragonFly's face!!
CelticsPride tosses DragonFly to ringside.
DragonFly was elimintated by CelticsPride . ]

Gizmo The Cat - That will do it for DragonFly. He's been eliminated!

[Big Ego gives 4wrestling the cobra clutch suplex onto the mat.
Now Big Ego standing.
Big Ego goes for a flying legdrop but 4wrestling dodges the attack.
4wrestling gets back to his feet.
Big Ego applies the clawhold on 4wrestling.
Big Ego hits a koppo kick on 4wrestling.
Big Ego jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on 4wrestling.
Big Ego executes the jumping sidekick on 4wrestling.
4wrestling stands up.
B Sox dropkicks Big Ego to the knee.

had pants - Big Ego takes a dropkick.

[B Sox knees Big Ego and rolls back to his feet.
Big Ego gets hit with a diving elbow smash from B Sox.
B Sox climbs to his feet.
B Sox executes a corkscrew legdrop on Big Ego.
B Sox gets up.
Big Ego gets hit with a diving elbow smash from B Sox.
B Sox is back on his feet.
B Sox knees Big Ego and rolls back to his feet.
Big Ego is back on his feet.
Big Ego uses a running lariat to take B Sox down.
Big Ego chants start.

Gizmo The Cat - Big Ego's momma would be proud!

[Big Ego measures B Sox up and drops a closed fist.
Big Ego is back on his feet.
B Sox moves back to his feet.
Big Ego jumps from the top and nails B Sox with a flying axhandle smash.
B Sox hits Big Ego with the back of his elbow.
B Sox legsweeps Big Ego.
B Sox executes a corkscrew legdrop on Big Ego.
B Sox stands up.
Big Ego is back on his feet.
B Sox superkicks Big Ego.
Big Ego moves back to his feet.
B Sox hits a koppo kick on Big Ego.
B Sox measures Big Ego up and drops a closed fist.
B Sox is back on his feet.
B Sox executes a corkscrew legdrop on Big Ego.
B Sox stands up.
Now Big Ego standing.
Powerslam on the chair by CelticsPride ! 22Styles is hurting badly!!!
CelticsPride is back on his feet.
22Styles gets back to his feet.

Gizmo The Cat - CelticsPride is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[CelticsPride gives 22Styles a Suplex right into the chair!!
Now 22Styles standing.
CelticsPride goes for a Standing Piledriver but 22Styles dodges the attack.

Suniversal - Did you see that last move?

†Cxé - Yeah, you know it.

[CelticsPride grabs ahold of 22Styles's waist....Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!!!
CelticsPride punches 22Styles repeatedly.
CelticsPride throws 22Styles the chair..CelticsPride goes up top..CelticsPride dropkicks the chair into his face!
CelticsPride climbs to his feet.
They lockup. CelticsPride sends 22Styles to the corner of the ring.
22Styles executes the brain buster on CelticsPride .
22Styles chants start.
22Styles climbs to his feet.
22Styles grabs CelticsPride 's arm, drops down, and has him in an arm grapevine.
CelticsPride gets up.
CelticsPride gives 22Styles the chair...CelticsPride spins around and nails the chair into 22Styles's face!!
CelticsPride moves back to his feet.
22Styles is up again.
22Styles pins CelticsPride against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
CelticsPride gives 22Styles the chair...CelticsPride climbs to the top..CelticsPride dropkicks the chair into his face!
CelticsPride is up again.
JRA Da Great powerbombs Frank And Beans.
JRA Da Great dropkicks Frank And Beans to the knee.
JRA Da Great chants start.

had pants - JRA Da Great with a dropkick.

[JRA Da Great moves back to his feet.
Frank And Beans climbs to his feet.
JRA Da Great with a powerful choke lift on B Sox.

Gizmo The Cat - If JRA Da Great keeps using moves like that chokelift he could win the match!


had pants - This is how wrestling should be!

[JRA Da Great bounces B Sox off the ropes and clotheslines him.
B Sox is back on his feet.
B Sox uses a closed fist on JRA Da Great.
B Sox hits him with a back fist.
JRA Da Great bounces B Sox off the ropes and clotheslines him.
They lockup. JRA Da Great sends B Sox to the corner of the ring.
JRA Da Great bounces B Sox off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great bounces B Sox off the ropes and clotheslines him.
B Sox is up again.
B Sox kicks JRA Da Great in the gut, takes a few steps back, and scissor kicks him to the mat.
Big Ego executes the brain buster on jdcurt.
Big Ego chants start.

Gizmo The Cat - That brain buster was very good.

[Big Ego goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on jdcurt.
Big Ego stands up.
Big Ego executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of jdcurt.

had pants - jdcurt takes a flying knee drop.

[Big Ego is back on his feet.
jdcurt climbs to his feet.
Flying sommersault drop kick by Big Ego puts him back in the match.
Now Big Ego standing.
Casekicks executes a flying headbutt on Peep Game.
Casekicks stands up.
Casekicks goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Peep Game.
Now Casekicks standing.
Peep Game is up again.
Peep Game rakes his fingers across Casekicks's back.

Gizmo The Cat - Peep Game executes a back rake.

[Casekicks pulls Peep Game's hair.
Casekicks gets taken down with an armdrag takedown.
Peep Game measures Casekicks up and drops a closed fist.
Peep Game hits Casekicks with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
Peep Game stands up.
Casekicks gets back to his feet.
Casekicks hiptosses Peep Game.
Casekicks drives a forearm into the head of Peep Game.

Suniversal - Peep Game takes a forearm smash.

[Peep Game with a huge fisherman buster on Casekicks.
Peep Game stands up.
Peep Game rolls onto Casekicks connecting with a knee.
Flying sommersault drop kick by Casekicks puts him back in the match.

had pants - Peep Game takes a flying sommersault dropkick.

[Casekicks fist drops Peep Game on the mat.
Now Casekicks standing.
Peep Game stands up.
Peep Game hits a koppo kick on Casekicks.
Casekicks stands up.
Casekicks short lariats Peep Game.
Peep Game gets up.
Peep Game trys for a neck scissors but Casekicks avoids it.

Gizmo The Cat - The World Wrestling Federation is the number on wrestling program on television.

[Peep Game double underhook faceslams Casekicks hard to the Casekicks.
Now Casekicks standing.
Casekicks goes to the top and executes a flying hip attack on Peep Game.

Suniversal - Casekicks with a flying hip attack.

[Casekicks moves back to his feet.
Casekicks measures Peep Game up and drops a closed fist.
Casekicks applies an arm wrench to Peep Game.

had pants - Casekicks with a arm wrench.

[Casekicks knees Peep Game and rolls back to his feet.
Peep Game climbs to his feet.
Casekicks legsweeps Peep Game.

Gizmo The Cat - Casekicks executes a legsweep.

[Peep Game climbs to his feet.
Casekicks with an illegal chokehold on Peep Game.
Peep Game moves back to his feet.
Peep Game with a headscissors takeover on Casekicks.
GHIMS executs the slingshot facebuster, slamming Frank And Beans's face to the mat.
A springboard bulldog by i Hustle sends That Dude Chris's head crashing into the mat.
i Hustle gets up.
i Hustle hits That Dude Chris with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
i Hustle is back on his feet.
That Dude Chris stands up.
That Dude Chris chops i Hustle.
That Dude Chris takes i Hustle off his feet with a short-arm clothesline
i Hustle gets back to his feet.
i Hustle on the turnbuckleThat Dude Chris rising from the mat,i Hustle leaps from the top rope with a bodypress.
That Dude Chris gets hit with a diving elbow smash from i Hustle.
i Hustle stands up.
Now That Dude Chris standing.
That Dude Chris throws i Hustle off the ropes, rolls on the ground, comes back up and delivers a clothesline.
That Dude Chris leg drops the throat of i Hustle.

had pants - leg drop!

[i Hustle gets up.
jcmojica grabs his hand and flips him to the mat.
CelticsPride is up again.
jcmojica leaps up, swings around CelticsPride and DDT's him onto the mat.
jcmojica measures CelticsPride up and drops a closed fist.
jcmojica in a waist lock, and he gets planted with a Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!!
jcmojica is up again.
jcmojica with an illegal chokehold on CelticsPride .
CelticsPride grabs ahold of jcmojica's waist....Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!!!
jcmojica gets back to his feet.
CelticsPride opens up the chair...jcmojica is thrown into the ropes...Drop Toe Hold onto the open chair!
CelticsPride stands up.
jcmojica uses a belly-to-belly suplex. CelticsPride is down.
Rob P Zee gets up.
After fight Rob P Zee executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Frank And Beans.
Rob P Zee gets up.
Rob P Zee climbs to the top rope and nails Frank And Beans with a reverse flying elbow drop.
Rob P Zee climbs to the top turnbuckle and jumps off with an Air Sabu on Frank And Beans.
Rob P Zee stands up.
Rob P Zee chokes Frank And Beans with his boot.
Rob P Zee tosses Frank And Beans to ringside.
Frank And Beans was elimintated by Rob P Zee. After fight Sad Gosling trys for a power move but is unable to lift CelticsPride .
Now Sad Gosling standing.
Sad Gosling leg drops the throat of CelticsPride .
Sad Gosling puts CelticsPride in an arm grapevine submission.
CelticsPride gets up.
Sad Gosling connects with a flying knee. CelticsPride goes down.
Sad Gosling throws CelticsPride over the ropes.
CelticsPride was elimintated by Sad Gosling. ]

Gizmo The Cat - CelticsPride is out of here!!

[That Dude Chris places i Hustle on the turnbuckle and executes the belly-to-back superplex.
That Dude Chris stomps i Hustle.
That Dude Chris executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of i Hustle.
That Dude Chris stands up.
i Hustle goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps That Dude Chris.
i Hustle is back on his feet.
That Dude Chris pokes i Hustle in the eyes.
i Hustle gets taken down with an armdrag takedown.
That Dude Chris measures i Hustle up and drops a closed fist.
i Hustle stands up.
That Dude Chris tackles i Hustle.

Gizmo The Cat - i Hustle takes a football tackle.

[i Hustle picks up That Dude Chris and delivers a tilt-a-whirl suplex.
i Hustle sucks chants start in the crowd.
i Hustle gets up.
i Hustle trys for a flying somersault headbutt but That Dude Chris avoids it.

Suniversal - This is how wrestling should be!

[i Hustle hits That Dude Chris with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.

had pants - i Hustle executes a elbowdrop.

[That Dude Chris climbs to his feet.
i Hustle gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on That Dude Chris.
i Hustle slaps both sides of That Dude Chris's head out of desperation.
That Dude Chris gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
That Dude Chris hits a dragon suplex on i Hustle.
That Dude Chris chants start.

Gizmo The Cat - That dragon suplex was very good.

[That Dude Chris gets up.

Suniversal - I wish every match could be like this!

[That Dude Chris hits i Hustle with the back of his elbow.
Flying somersault drop kick by i Hustle puts him back in the match.
That Dude Chris gets back to his feet.
That Dude Chris hiptosses i Hustle.
That Dude Chris jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on i Hustle.
That Dude Chris is up again.
i Hustle gets back to his feet.
That Dude Chris brings i Hustle down with a Mexican armdrag takedown.
i Hustle gets hit with a diving elbow smash from That Dude Chris.
That Dude Chris is up again.
i Hustle gets knocked on the ground and That Dude Chris flips onto him.
That Dude Chris gets back to his feet.
i Hustle gets hit with a diving elbow smash from That Dude Chris.
That Dude Chris is up again.
i Hustle sets That Dude Chris up on the top turnbuckle, then hooks him up and slams him with a DVD off the top.
That Dude Chris climbs to his feet.
That Dude Chris is sent to the mat by a flying kick from i Hustle.
Rob P Zee throws MeanGene off the ropes, rolls on the ground, comes back up and delivers a clothesline.
Rob P Zee hits MeanGene with an elbowdrop.
Rob P Zee moves back to his feet.
Rob P Zee stomps MeanGene's head.
MeanGene climbs to his feet.
Rob P Zee knifehand chops MeanGene.
MeanGene gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Rob P Zee.
Rob P Zee jumps from the top and nails MeanGene with a flying axhandle smash.
MeanGene gets back to his feet.
MeanGene hits Rob P Zee with an inverted atomic drop.
MeanGene sucks chants start in the crowd.

Suniversal - If MeanGene keeps using moves like that inverted atomic drop he could win the match!


Gizmo The Cat - MeanGene is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[MeanGene applies an arm wrench to Rob P Zee.
MeanGene gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Rob P Zee comes over and smashes MeanGene's head into it.

Suniversal - Rob P Zee executes a headsmash into turnbuckle.

[Rob P Zee executes a headlock takedown.
Rob P Zee jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on MeanGene.
Now Rob P Zee standing.
MeanGene is up again.
Rob P Zee hits MeanGene with the back of his elbow.
Rob P Zee puts MeanGene on the top rope and executes a superplex.
Now Rob P Zee standing.
Rob P Zee puts MeanGene in an arm grapevine submission.
MeanGene climbs to his feet.
MeanGene gets hit with a back heel kick.

had pants - Rob P Zee executes a back heel kick.

[MeanGene gets back to his feet.
Green Rhino takes Rob P Zee down with an Arabian Facebuster.
Green Rhino climbs to his feet.
Green Rhino gives Rob P Zee a crotch chop.

Gizmo The Cat - Green Rhino with a crotch chop.

[Rob P Zee gets up.
Green Rhino trys for a flying sommersault neckbreaker but Rob P Zee avoids it.
Green Rhino delivers a stiff inverted powerbomb send Rob P Zee hard to the mat.
jdcurt hits a running forearm smash on JohnnyRedStorm's face.
MeanGene climbs to the top turnbuckle and jumps off with an Air Sabu on JRA Da Great.
MeanGene moves back to his feet.
JRA Da Great moves back to his feet.
MeanHova clotheslines JRA Da Great.
After fight MeanGene trys for a belly-to-back suplex but is unable to lift JRA Da Great.
MeanGene trys for a fisherman suplex but is unable to lift JRA Da Great.
MeanGene trys for a exploder suplex but is unable to lift JRA Da Great.
MeanGene trys for a Death Valley Driver but is unable to lift JRA Da Great.
MeanGene tosses JRA Da Great to ringside.
JRA Da Great was elimintated by MeanGene. GHIMS executes an over the shoulder stomachbreaker on Big Ego.

Suniversal - Good over the shoulder stomachbreaker by GHIMS.

[Big Ego climbs to his feet.
GHIMS kicks Big Ego in the back of the leg.
GHIMS puts Big Ego in an arm grapevine submission.
Now Big Ego standing.
Big Ego bounces GHIMS off the ropes and clotheslines him.
GHIMS stands up.
Big Ego pokes GHIMS in the eyes.
Big Ego uses a snap mare takeover on GHIMS.
Big Ego executes a corkscrew legdrop on GHIMS.
Big Ego moves back to his feet.
GHIMS stands up.
EdgarFly off the top rope with a somersault legdrop onto Casekicks's chest.
EdgarFly executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Casekicks.
EdgarFly sucks chants start in the crowd.
EdgarFly is back on his feet.
Casekicks gets back to his feet.
EdgarFly goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Casekicks.
EdgarFly is back on his feet.
Casekicks gets hit with a diving elbow smash from EdgarFly.
EdgarFly stands up.
EdgarFly hits Casekicks with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
EdgarFly is up again.
Casekicks stands up.
Casekicks bites EdgarFly's arm out of desparation.

Gizmo The Cat - Casekicks with a arm bite.

[Flying Tomahawk by Casekicks sends EdgarFly down to the mat.
EdgarFly gets back to his feet.
EdgarFly hits a jumping elbow hrust on Casekicks.

had pants - EdgarFly with a jumping elbow thrust.

[EdgarFly hits Casekicks with an elbowdrop.

Suniversal - elbow drop!

[EdgarFly gets back to his feet.
4wrestling climbs the turnbuckle and nails jcmojica with a flying bulldog.
Now 4wrestling standing.
4wrestling runs and tackles jcmojica. 4wrestling punches him in the head.
jcmojica pulls 4wrestling's hair.
jcmojica drives a forearm into the head of 4wrestling.

Gizmo The Cat - jcmojica with a forearm smash.

[4wrestling comes from behind and bulldogs jcmojica.
4wrestling gets up.
4wrestling knees jcmojica and rolls back to his feet.
jcmojica gets up.
jcmojica connects with a somersault slam on 4wrestling.
jcmojica executes a corkscrew legdrop on 4wrestling.
4wrestling moves back to his feet.
jcmojica gets taken down with an armdrag takedown.

Gizmo The Cat - backspin armdrag!

[jcmojica moves back to his feet.
jcmojica with an Aztecan suplex on 4wrestling sends him to the mat.
jcmojica gets up.
4wrestling is up again.
4wrestling jumps from the top and nails jcmojica with a flying axhandle smash.
Now jcmojica standing.
jcmojica legsweeps 4wrestling.

had pants - jcmojica executes a legsweep.

[4wrestling moves back to his feet.
4wrestling hits him with a back fist.

Suniversal - jcmojica takes a back fist.

[jcmojica gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 4wrestling.
jcmojica uses a lariat on 4wrestling.
4wrestling gets up.
That Dude Chris neck snaps B Sox.

had pants - B Sox takes a neck snap.

[B Sox kicks That Dude Chris in the stomach.
Now That Dude Chris standing.
That Dude Chris comes from behind and bulldogs B Sox.
B Sox uppercuts That Dude Chris.
B Sox gets elbowed to his midsection by B Sox.
B Sox kicks That Dude Chris in the back of the leg.
B Sox knees That Dude Chris and rolls back to his feet.
That Dude Chris climbs to his feet.
That Dude Chris trys for a full nelson faceslam but B Sox avoids it.
That Dude Chris trys for a flyind dropkick but B Sox avoids it.
That Dude Chris does a handspring and hits B Sox with a bodyblock, what a move!

Gizmo The Cat - The World Wrestling Federation is the number on wrestling program on television.

[That Dude Chris knees B Sox and rolls back to his feet.
B Sox legsweeps That Dude Chris.

Gizmo The Cat - That Dude Chris takes a legsweep.

[Now That Dude Chris standing.
That Dude Chris punches B Sox in the head.

Suniversal - That Dude Chris executes a punch.

[B Sox jabs That Dude Chris.
B Sox hits him with a back fist.
That Dude Chris gets hit with a back heel kick.

Gizmo The Cat - back heel kick!

[GHIMS connects with a somersault slam on That Dude Chris.
Now GHIMS standing.

Gizmo The Cat - What an outstanding match! After fight

[GHIMS executes a corkscrew legdrop on That Dude Chris.
GHIMS with a falling splash on That Dude Chris.
GHIMS gets up.
GHIMS punches That Dude Chris in the gut.
GHIMS powerbombs That Dude Chris.
GHIMS tosses That Dude Chris to ringside.
That Dude Chris was elimintated by GHIMS. ]

had pants - That Dude Chris has been eliminated!!

[22Styles goes for a neck scissors but EdgarFly dodges the attack.
EdgarFly gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
A forearm choke by 22Styles nearly gets him disqualified.
EdgarFly elbows 22Styles in the stomach, trying to even the match.
EdgarFly gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
22Styles pins EdgarFly against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
A forearm choke by 22Styles nearly gets him disqualified.
22Styles gets up off the ground and EdgarFly hits him with a flying dropkick.
EdgarFly goes off the turnbuckle with a flying somersault splash.

Suniversal - 22Styles could use some help about now.

[EdgarFly goes for a flying senton but 22Styles dodges the attack.
EdgarFly hits 22Styles with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
EdgarFly gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
22Styles gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
EdgarFly attempts to kick 22Styles, but 22Styles catches his leg. EdgarFly flips around and kicks 22Styles.

Suniversal - enzuigiri!

[EdgarFly stands up.
Now 22Styles standing.
22Styles executes the brain buster on EdgarFly.

had pants - What an outstanding match!

[EdgarFly's arm is just being TWISTED by an arm grapevine by 22Styles.
EdgarFly is back on his feet.
EdgarFly slaps both sides of 22Styles's head out of desperation.
EdgarFly gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
A forearm choke by 22Styles nearly gets him disqualified.

Suniversal - 22Styles with a forearm choke.

[22Styles holds his mouth after recieving an elbow smash to the face.
A side kick by EdgarFly turns the match around by knocking 22Styles to the mat.
EdgarFly climbs to his feet.
EdgarFly hits 22Styles with an elbowdrop.
EdgarFly gets back to his feet.
EdgarFly jumps and elbow smashes the lying 22Styles.
EdgarFly stands up.
22Styles trys for a brain buster but EdgarFly avoids it.
EdgarFly gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
EdgarFly goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps 22Styles.
EdgarFly gets up.
22Styles stands up.
EdgarFly executes a ropeflip hiptoss on 22Styles.
22Styles pins EdgarFly against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
EdgarFly tries to even the match with a flying shoulder block.
EdgarFly is back on his feet.
EdgarFly jumps and elbow smashes the lying 22Styles.
EdgarFly hits 22Styles with an elbowdrop.
EdgarFly stands up.
EdgarFly jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on 22Styles.
EdgarFly hits 22Styles with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
EdgarFly climbs to his feet.
22Styles executes a neck scissors on EdgarFly.
22Styles is back on his feet.
EdgarFly's arm is just being TWISTED by an arm grapevine by 22Styles.

Suniversal - 22Styles with a arm grapevine.

[EdgarFly's arm is just being TWISTED by an arm grapevine by 22Styles.
EdgarFly gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on 22Styles.
Flying somersault drop kick by EdgarFly puts him back in the match.

had pants - 22Styles takes a flying somersault dropkick.

[EdgarFly climbs to his feet.
EdgarFly hits 22Styles with an elbowdrop.

Gizmo The Cat - elbow drop!

[Now EdgarFly standing.
22Styles gets up.
EdgarFly hits a flying karate chop right to 22Styles's neck.
i Hustle goes for a flying dropkick but MeanGene dodges the attack.
22Styles executes a neck scissors on B Sox.
22Styles chants start.
22Styles climbs to his feet.
B Sox hits a spinning leg lariat on Green Rhino sending him to the mat.
Green Rhino is up again.
B Sox grabs Green Rhino by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
Green Rhino monkey flips B Sox onto the mat.
Green Rhino is back on his feet.
B Sox is back on his feet.
B Sox uppercuts Green Rhino.
B Sox does a cartwheel and kicks Green Rhino in the face.
Green Rhino gets back to his feet.
Green Rhino hits B Sox with a slingshot bodyblock.
Green Rhino is up again.
After fight Green Rhino executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of B Sox.
Green Rhino fist drops B Sox on the mat.
Green Rhino climbs to his feet.
Green Rhino hits a running forearm smash on B Sox's face.
Green Rhino stomps B Sox's head.
Green Rhino throws B Sox over the ropes.
B Sox was elimintated by Green Rhino. ]

Gizmo The Cat - B Sox is out of here!!

[Peep Game picks up MeanGene and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker.

Gizmo The Cat - Are you enjoying this match?

†Cxé - Yeah, you know it.

[Flying lariat by i Hustle takes jdcurt down.

Suniversal - i Hustle is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[i Hustle hits jdcurt with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
i Hustle hits jdcurt with an elbowdrop.
i Hustle is back on his feet.
jdcurt hits i Hustle with a Baba chop.
jdcurt uses a closed fist on i Hustle.
Flying sommersault drop kick by jdcurt puts him back in the match.
Now jdcurt standing.
jdcurt executes a corkscrew legdrop on i Hustle.
jdcurt gouges i Hustle's eyes out.

had pants - jdcurt executes a eye gouge.

[jdcurt rakes the face of i Hustle in attempt to make a come back.
jdcurt hits a kneeling headbutt to i Hustle's groin.
i Hustle runs towards the ropes, springboards off, and splashes jdcurt.
i Hustle jumps and elbow smashes the lying jdcurt.
i Hustle climbs to his feet.
jdcurt is back on his feet.
jdcurt hits i Hustle with the back of his elbow.

had pants - jdcurt executes a back elbow.

[jdcurt gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.

Suniversal - jdcurt takes a elbowsmash.

[A flying shoulder block send jdcurt to the mat.
i Hustle gets up.
i Hustle hits jdcurt with an elbowdrop.
i Hustle gets up.
jdcurt climbs to his feet.
jdcurt picks up i Hustle and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker.
jdcurt sucks chants start in the crowd.
After fight jdcurt executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of i Hustle.
jdcurt sucks chants start in the crowd.
jdcurt hits i Hustle with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
i Hustle moves back to his feet.
jdcurt executes the flying head scissors on i Hustle.
jdcurt is up again.
jdcurt goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on i Hustle.
jdcurt stands up.
jdcurt throws i Hustle to the floor.
i Hustle was elimintated by jdcurt. ]

Gizmo The Cat - i Hustle is out of here!!

[Casekicks picks GHIMS up in a fireman's carry and flapjacks him.
Now Casekicks standing.

Suniversal - This is quality sports entertainment!

[Big Ego hits EdgarFly with a single arm DDT.

had pants - If Big Ego keeps using moves like that single arm DDT he could win the match!

[Big Ego hits EdgarFly with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
Big Ego climbs to his feet.
EdgarFly hits Big Ego with an earringer.

Gizmo The Cat - earringer!

[Big Ego gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Flying side kick by EdgarFly takes Big Ego off his feet.
Now EdgarFly standing.
Now Big Ego standing.
Big Ego gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
EdgarFly gets sidewalk slammed by Big Ego.
Big Ego grabs EdgarFly and applies an arm wrench.
Big Ego rolls onto EdgarFly connecting with a knee.
EdgarFly gets knocked on the ground and Big Ego flips onto him.

had pants - flip!

[Big Ego moves back to his feet.
Big Ego jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on EdgarFly.
Big Ego is up again.
EdgarFly is up again.
jcmojica goes for a slingshot bodyblock but 4wrestling dodges the attack.
jcmojica shoulder tackles 4wrestling.
4wrestling trys for a dragon screw but is unable to lift jcmojica.
Flying Tomahawk by jcmojica sends 4wrestling down to the mat.
4wrestling climbs to his feet.
jcmojica grabs 4wrestling's leg and takes him down.
4wrestling stands up.
GHIMS is back on his feet.
GHIMS applies the clawhold on Casekicks.

Suniversal - clawhold!

[Casekicks hits a koppo kick on GHIMS.
Casekicks executes a corkscrew legdrop on GHIMS.
Casekicks is back on his feet.
Casekicks gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Flying side kick by GHIMS takes Casekicks off his feet.
Casekicks gets knocked on the ground and GHIMS flips onto him.

Gizmo The Cat - GHIMS with a flip.

[GHIMS stands up.
GHIMS grabs Casekicks and applies an arm wrench.
Casekicks gets up.
Casekicks gets thrown into the turnbuckle. GHIMS comes over and smashes Casekicks's head into it.
GHIMS goes to the top and executes a flying hip attack on Casekicks.

had pants - GHIMS executes a flying hip attack.

[GHIMS climbs to his feet.
Casekicks gets up.
Casekicks executes a back breaker on GHIMS.
GHIMS climbs to his feet.
MeanGene gets back to his feet.
MeanGene with an Aztecan suplex on jcmojica sends him to the mat.
Now MeanGene standing.
After fight MeanGene hits the mat.
jcmojica goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on MeanGene.
jcmojica stands up.
jcmojica puts MeanGene in an arm grapevine submission.
MeanGene gets back to his feet.
jcmojica delivers a spine buster to MeanGene.
jcmojica throws MeanGene over the ropes.
MeanGene was elimintated by jcmojica. ]

Gizmo The Cat - MeanGene has been eliminated!!

[Rob P Zee sets 22Styles up DDTs him into the mat.

had pants - If Rob P Zee keeps using moves like that power move he could win the match!

[Big Ego kicks jcmojica in the stomach and executes the sitdown face slam.

Suniversal - Nice sitdown faceslam by Big Ego.

[Big Ego stomps jcmojica's head.
Big Ego puts jcmojica in an arm grapevine submission.
jcmojica is up again.
Big Ego takes a slap to the face from jcmojica.
jcmojica gets back to his feet.
jcmojica gets hit with a back heel kick.
jcmojica puts Big Ego on the top rope and executes a superplex.
Now jcmojica standing.
GHIMS goes off the turnbuckle with a flying sommersault splash.

Suniversal - That flying sommersault splash was very good.

[22Styles moves back to his feet.
Big Ego gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
A forearm choke by 22Styles nearly gets him disqualified.
22Styles pins Big Ego against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
Big Ego throws 22Styles off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block.

Suniversal - My God!! What a match!

[Big Ego jumps off of the turnbuckle nailing JohnnyRedStorm with an Asai Moonsault.
Big Ego chants start.
Big Ego climbs to his feet.

Suniversal - JohnnyRedStorm could use some help about now.

[GHIMS executes a neck-breaker on Casekicks.
Casekicks is back on his feet.
After fight Casekicks throws 22Styles off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block.
Casekicks gets back to his feet.
22Styles gets knocked on the ground and Casekicks flips onto him.
Casekicks is up again.
Casekicks goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on 22Styles.
Casekicks climbs to his feet.
Casekicks puts 22Styles in an arm grapevine submission.
Casekicks sucks chants start in the crowd.
Casekicks tosses 22Styles to ringside.
22Styles was elimintated by Casekicks. Sad Gosling hits Degenerate with the Asai moonsault bodyblock.
Sad Gosling chants start.
Sad Gosling is back on his feet.
Degenerate gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Sad Gosling.
Degenerate stands up.
Degenerate executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Sad Gosling.
Degenerate applies an arm wrench to Sad Gosling.
Degenerate hits a koppo kick on Sad Gosling.
Sad Gosling stands up.
Sad Gosling gets tiger suplexed by Degenerate.
Degenerate climbs to his feet.
Sad Gosling is back on his feet.
Degenerate executes a headlock takedown.
Sad Gosling stands up.
GHIMS trys for a fallaway slam but Green Rhino avoids it.
Big Ego goes for a diving headbutt but JohnnyRedStorm dodges the attack.
JohnnyRedStorm gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Big Ego.
Now Big Ego standing.
JohnnyRedStorm moves back to his feet.
Big Ego gets thrown into the turnbuckle. JohnnyRedStorm comes over and smashes Big Ego's head into it.
Flying sommersault drop kick by JohnnyRedStorm puts him back in the match.
JohnnyRedStorm gets up.
Big Ego climbs to his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm bounces Big Ego off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Big Ego gets back to his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm discus punches Big Ego.

had pants - Big Ego takes a discus punch.

[Big Ego stands up.
Big Ego catches JohnnyRedStorm leg, but JohnnyRedStorm reverses it with an enzuigiri to Big Ego's head.
JohnnyRedStorm hits Big Ego with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.

Gizmo The Cat - JohnnyRedStorm with a elbowdrop.

[JohnnyRedStorm gets up.
Big Ego gets up.
JohnnyRedStorm drives a forearm into the head of Big Ego.
JohnnyRedStorm kicks Big Ego in the head.
JohnnyRedStorm gets drilled with an inverted back breaker.

Suniversal - That inverted backbreaker was very good.

[Big Ego fist drops JohnnyRedStorm on the mat.
Now Big Ego standing.
JohnnyRedStorm gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Big Ego.
Big Ego stands up.
JohnnyRedStorm throws Big Ego off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block.

Gizmo The Cat - JohnnyRedStorm executes a diving shoulder block.

[Big Ego is back on his feet.
Big Ego tackles JohnnyRedStorm.
JohnnyRedStorm is back on his feet.
After fight Casekicks throws Sad Gosling off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block.
Sad Gosling is back on his feet.
Casekicks kicks Sad Gosling in the stomach.
Sad Gosling gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Casekicks.
Casekicks is up again.
Sad Gosling gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Casekicks sucks chants start in the crowd.
Casekicks tosses Sad Gosling to ringside.
Sad Gosling was elimintated by Casekicks. ]

Suniversal - Sad Gosling is out of here!!

[Green Rhino hits a power slam on jdcurt.
Green Rhino moves back to his feet.
Green Rhino short lariats jdcurt.
Green Rhino goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on jdcurt.
Green Rhino applies an arm wrench to jdcurt.
jdcurt is up again.
Rob P Zee with a gut-wrench suplex on Green Rhino.
Rob P Zee stands up.
After fight Casekicks executes a neck-breaker on EdgarFly.
EdgarFly climbs to his feet.
Casekicks does a handspring and hits EdgarFly with a bodyblock, what a move!
Casekicks is back on his feet.
Casekicks stomps EdgarFly.
Casekicks climbs to the top and moonsaults on to EdgarFly.
Casekicks throws EdgarFly to the floor.
EdgarFly was elimintated by Casekicks. ]

Gizmo The Cat - EdgarFly has been eliminated!!

[JohnnyRedStorm on the top rope, and BDB catches him in a reverse headlock, then drops down into a DDT.
BDB is up again.
After fight BDB flies from the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop.
BDB gets back to his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm gets back to his feet.
BDB elbow smashes JohnnyRedStorm in the nose.
Flying somersault drop kick by BDB puts him back in the match.
BDB climbs to his feet.
BDB hits JohnnyRedStorm with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
BDB gets up.
BDB throws JohnnyRedStorm over the ropes.
JohnnyRedStorm was elimintated by BDB. ]

Suniversal - That will do it for JohnnyRedStorm. He's been eliminated! After fight

[Casekicks executes a jawbreakeron BDB.
Casekicks goes off the turnbuckle with a flying sommersault splash.
Casekicks sucks chants start in the crowd.
Now Casekicks standing.
Casekicks chokes BDB with his boot.
Casekicks executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of BDB.
Casekicks sucks chants start in the crowd.
Casekicks is back on his feet.
Casekicks tosses BDB to ringside.
BDB was elimintated by Casekicks. After fight Green Rhino pulls Casekicks's hair.
Green Rhino hits Casekicks with the back of his elbow.
Green Rhino executes a neck scissors on Casekicks.
Green Rhino gets back to his feet.
Casekicks climbs to his feet.
Green Rhino hits a koppo kick on Casekicks.
Casekicks is back on his feet.
Green Rhino throws Casekicks to the floor.
Casekicks was elimintated by Green Rhino. ]

Suniversal - Casekicks is out of here!!

[Peep Game lifts jdcurt into the air and delivers a spine buster.
Peep Game chants start.
Degenerate goes for a reverse DDT but 4wrestling dodges the attack.
Green Rhino spins aroround GHIMS's back and DDT's him into the mat.
Green Rhino rolls onto GHIMS connecting with a knee.
GHIMS stands up.
GHIMS hits a jumping elbow hrust on Green Rhino.
Green Rhino hits GHIMS with a heart punch.
GHIMS gets knocked on the ground and Green Rhino flips onto him.
Green Rhino moves back to his feet.
GHIMS is up again.
Green Rhino delivers a short-arm clothesline to GHIMS.
GHIMS gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Green Rhino.
Green Rhino stands up.
jdcurt grabs Peep Game's head and hites him in the face.
jdcurt low blows Peep Game.
Peep Game climbs to his feet.
After fight jdcurt is t-bone suplexed by Peep Game.
Peep Game climbs to his feet.
jdcurt gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Peep Game.
Peep Game gets up.
Peep Game executes a piledriver on jdcurt.
Peep Game with a falling splash on jdcurt.
Peep Game is back on his feet.
Peep Game tosses jdcurt to ringside.
jdcurt was elimintated by Peep Game. ]

Suniversal - jdcurt has been eliminated!!

[GHIMS executes a belly-to-belly suplex on Big Ego.
Big Ego gets up.

had pants - My God!! What a match!

[Rob P Zee picks up Green Rhino and executes the cradle DDT.
Rob P Zee moves back to his feet.
jcmojica hits a dragon suplex on Green Rhino.
jcmojica connects with a flying knee. Green Rhino goes down.
jcmojica jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Green Rhino.
jcmojica climbs to his feet.
Green Rhino chops jcmojica.
Green Rhino nails jcmojica with a belly-to-back suplex.
Green Rhino moves back to his feet.
jcmojica gets up.
jcmojica hiptosses Green Rhino.
Green Rhino climbs to his feet.
Green Rhino with a gut-wrench suplex on jcmojica.
4wrestling throws Green Rhino off the ropes, rolls on the ground, comes back up and delivers a clothesline.
After fight 4wrestling jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Green Rhino.
4wrestling stands up.
4wrestling applies an arm wrench to Green Rhino.
4wrestling slingshot elbow drops Green Rhino.
4wrestling measures Green Rhino up and drops a closed fist.
4wrestling moves back to his feet.
4wrestling tosses Green Rhino to ringside.
Green Rhino was elimintated by 4wrestling. Degenerate picks up 4wrestling and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker.
Degenerate executes a corkscrew legdrop on 4wrestling.
Degenerate gets back to his feet.
4wrestling gets up.
Degenerate slaps 4wrestling.
Degenerate hits a kneeling headbutt to 4wrestling's groin.
Degenerate get nailed with a double axhandle chop from 4wrestling.
Degenerate is up again.
Degenerate short clothslines 4wrestling.
4wrestling gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Degenerate.
Degenerate moves back to his feet.
4wrestling is back on his feet.
4wrestling goes for a fisherman suplex but Degenerate dodges the attack.
GHIMS executes a spinning back suplex on Rob P Zee.
GHIMS climbs to his feet.
Rob P Zee stands up.
GHIMS low blows Rob P Zee.
Rob P Zee is back on his feet.
Rob P Zee uses a snap mare takeover on GHIMS.
Rob P Zee applies an arm wrench to GHIMS.

Suniversal - Rob P Zee with a arm wrench.

[Rob P Zee gets hit with a dragon scerw from GHIMS.
Rob P Zee gets hit with a diving elbow smash from GHIMS.
Rob P Zee is up again.
After fight 4wrestling trys for a inveted power bomb but is unable to lift Big Ego.
4wrestling slaps Big Ego in the face.
4wrestling moves back to his feet.
4wrestling takes Big Ego down with a full nelson faceslam.
4wrestling stands up.
Big Ego is up again.
4wrestling uses a snap mare takeover on Big Ego.
4wrestling tosses Big Ego to ringside.
Big Ego was elimintated by 4wrestling. ]

had pants - Big Ego has been eliminated!!

[jcmojica sets Peep Game up DDTs him into the mat.
Peep Game gets up.
Peep Game trys for a avalanche but Rob P Zee avoids it.
Rob P Zee gets tiger suplexed by Peep Game.
Peep Game gets up.
Peep Game executes a corkscrew legdrop on Rob P Zee.
Peep Game gets back to his feet.
Rob P Zee gets up.
Rob P Zee gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Peep Game.
Rob P Zee is back on his feet.
Peep Game hits jcmojica with the belly-to-belly suplex.
Peep Game is back on his feet.
After fight Degenerate goes off the top nailing jcmojica with a flying elbow drop to the gut.
Degenerate stomps jcmojica.
Degenerate takes jcmojica down with a knee.
Degenerate executes a flying headbutt on jcmojica.
Degenerate is up again.
Degenerate tosses jcmojica to ringside.
jcmojica was elimintated by Degenerate. ]

had pants - That will do it for jcmojica. He's been eliminated!

[Degenerate goes for a running powerslam but GHIMS dodges the attack.

had pants - Is this a great match or not?

†Cxé - Yeah, you know it.

[Degenerate does a handspring and hits GHIMS with a bodyblock, what a move!
Degenerate gets up.
GHIMS is up again.
Degenerate monkey flips GHIMS onto the mat.

Suniversal - GHIMS takes a monkey flip.

[Degenerate is back on his feet.
Now GHIMS standing.
GHIMS uses a lariat on Degenerate.
Degenerate stands up.
GHIMS takes a slap to the face from Degenerate.
Degenerate gets up.
Degenerate tackles GHIMS.
Degenerate gets back to his feet.
GHIMS gets up.
GHIMS goes for a spear but Degenerate dodges the attack.
GHIMS tackles Degenerate and pummels his head.
GHIMS stomps Degenerate.
Degenerate climbs to his feet.
GHIMS hits Degenerate with a rolling elbow smash to the face.
Degenerate is up again.
Rob P Zee gets sidewalk slammed by 4wrestling.

Gizmo The Cat - That sidewalk slam was very good.


had pants - The WWF is the only place for entertainment like this!

[4wrestling puts Rob P Zee in an arm grapevine submission.
4wrestling hits Rob P Zee with an elbowdrop.
Now 4wrestling standing.
Rob P Zee stands up.
Rob P Zee chops 4wrestling.
Rob P Zee uses a lariat on 4wrestling.
Rob P Zee knees 4wrestling and rolls back to his feet.
4wrestling gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Rob P Zee.
4wrestling executes a neck scissors on Rob P Zee.

Suniversal - If 4wrestling keeps using moves like that neck scissors he could win the match!

[4wrestling gets back to his feet.
After fight 4wrestling kicks Rob P Zee on the mat.
Rob P Zee is up again.
Rob P Zee gets bounced off of the ropes and hit with a backdrop diver by 4wrestling.
Rob P Zee is up again.
4wrestling connects with a low blow. Rob P Zee goes down.
4wrestling goes off the turnbuckle with a flying sommersault splash.
4wrestling throws Rob P Zee to the floor.
Rob P Zee was elimintated by 4wrestling. ]

had pants - Rob P Zee has been eliminated!!

[GHIMS kicks Degenerate in the gut, takes a few steps back, and scissor kicks him to the mat.
GHIMS jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Degenerate.
Degenerate stands up.
Degenerate with an illegal chokehold on GHIMS.
GHIMS moves back to his feet.
GHIMS rakes his fingers across Degenerate's back.
GHIMS goes for a flyind dropkick but Degenerate dodges the attack.
GHIMS uses a closed fist on Degenerate.
Degenerate bounces GHIMS off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat.
GHIMS climbs to his feet.
GHIMS goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Degenerate.
GHIMS gets up.
GHIMS knees Degenerate and rolls back to his feet.
GHIMS fist drops Degenerate on the mat.
GHIMS gets back to his feet.
Degenerate stands up.
GHIMS gets snap suplexed by Degenerate.
Degenerate gets back to his feet.
GHIMS hits Peep Game with the back of his elbow.
GHIMS hits a flying karate chop right to Peep Game's neck.
After fight Peep Game with spinning headscissors on GHIMS send him hard to the mat.
Peep Game chants start.
GHIMS is back on his feet.
Peep Game picks up GHIMS and drops him neck first on the ropes.
Peep Game kicks GHIMS in the gut, takes a few steps back, and scissor kicks him to the mat.
Peep Game chokes GHIMS with his boot.
Peep Game chants start.
Peep Game throws GHIMS to the floor.
GHIMS was elimintated by Peep Game. ]

Suniversal - GHIMS is out of here!!

[Peep Game uses a belly-to-belly suplex. Degenerate is down.
Peep Game chants start.

Suniversal - What an outstanding match!

[Peep Game kicks Degenerate in the stomach.
Degenerate legsweeps Peep Game.

Gizmo The Cat - Degenerate with a legsweep.

[Peep Game is back on his feet.
Peep Game pulls Degenerate's hair.
Peep Game gouges Degenerate's eyes out.

had pants - eye gouge!

[Peep Game grabs Degenerate's head and hites him in the face.
Peep Game slaps Degenerate.
Peep Game forearm smashes Degenerate.
Peep Game with a headbutt on Degenerate.
Peep Game mule kicks Degenerate.

Suniversal - Peep Game with a mule kick.

[Peep Game stomps Degenerate's head.
4wrestling trys for a choke lift but is not strong enough to lift Peep Game.
4wrestling trys for a running powerslam but is not strong enough to lift Peep Game.

Suniversal - Did you see that last move?

had pants - Yeah, you know it.

[4wrestling hits Peep Game with a slingshot bodyblock.
Now 4wrestling standing.
Peep Game gets knocked on the ground and 4wrestling flips onto him.
4wrestling is back on his feet.
Peep Game gets hit with a diving elbow smash from 4wrestling.

Suniversal - 4wrestling executes a diving elbow smash.

[4wrestling stands up.
Peep Game gets back to his feet.
4wrestling trys for a belly-to-back suplex but is unable to lift Peep Game.
Peep Game with an Aztecan suplex on 4wrestling sends him to the mat.
4wrestling is hit with a backward kick.
4wrestling moves back to his feet.
Peep Game knifehand chops 4wrestling.
Peep Game uses a lariat on 4wrestling.
Peep Game puts 4wrestling in an arm grapevine submission.
4wrestling is back on his feet.
4wrestling grabs Degenerate's head and DDT's him on the mat.

had pants - That DDT was very good.

[4wrestling gets back to his feet.
After fight 4wrestling climbs to the top turnbuckle and jumps off with an Air Sabu on Degenerate.
Degenerate is up again.
4wrestling jumps from the top rope and hits Degenerate with a flying armdrag.
4wrestling is up again.
Degenerate stands up.
Running neckbreaker drop executed by 4wrestling takes Degenerate down hard.
4wrestling drives a forearm into Degenerate.
4wrestling tosses Degenerate to ringside.
Degenerate was elimintated by 4wrestling. ]

Gizmo The Cat - That will do it for Degenerate. He's been eliminated!

[Peep Game body slams 4wrestling.

had pants - 4wrestling takes a body slam.

[4wrestling gets up.
Peep Game puts 4wrestling in the double underhook position and gives him a doubl underhook backbreaker.
Peep Game chants start.
After fight Peep Game hits a frog splash on 4wrestling.
Peep Game is up again.
Peep Game slingshot elbow drops 4wrestling.
Peep Game runs in and leg drops 4wrestling.
Peep Game chants start.
Peep Game climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on 4wrestling.
Peep Game throws 4wrestling over the ropes.
4wrestling was elimintated by Peep Game. ]

Gizmo The Cat - That will do it for 4wrestling. He's been eliminated!

Suniversal - Peep Game has won the match!

gunnascott - When are you gonna book me *****?

Gizmo The Cat - The winner of the battle royal, and NEW NTWT World champion, Peep Game Peep Game !!!

And that'll be it.

Be nice and I might do NTWT Fast Lane as well :wink:

Fired?... Because I told people how it is...

Who happy?... Because I was miserable every ******* day for a year now...

I dig it :smokin

I shouldn't have too awful if a time finding a job... I'm gonna write up/edit my resume tonight... I'm getting good references :nthat:... Being that place for 5 years tho :x... Slightly concerned about money, but that's it...

Well I just got fired... And I couldn't be happier...
I hope you get yourself clean man. Use this free time to get the help you need.

Hitting the vape pen now...
Gizmo The Cat - i Hustle takes a football tackle.

[i Hustle picks up That Dude Chris and delivers a tilt-a-whirl suplex.
i Hustle sucks chants start in the crowd.
i Hustle gets up.
i Hustle trys for a flying somersault headbutt but That Dude Chris avoids it.

i Hustle sets That Dude Chris up on the top turnbuckle, then hooks him up and slams him with a DVD off the top.

[GHIMS executes a corkscrew legdrop on That Dude Chris.
GHIMS with a falling splash on That Dude Chris.
GHIMS gets up.
GHIMS punches That Dude Chris in the gut.
GHIMS powerbombs That Dude Chris.
GHIMS tosses That Dude Chris to ringside.
That Dude Chris was elimintated by GHIMS. ]

had pants - That Dude Chris has been eliminated!!
@Dat Dude Chris
​ You got washed b

Me and @jdcurt2  real life rivals though 
So the $16 man who sits at home eating genetically modified frozen peas is the new Intercontinental Champion. Guess what you peasant, I want a match with you one on one at Wrestlemania for that belt, the belt no one in this company could take off of me, the belt I relinquished for the sake of the competition.

I'll think about it..Maybe if you beg like the pauper you truly are then I'll grant your wish..The Champ has spoken..
Only person begging will be you after I break what remains of your back with that aluminum exoskeleton of yours. #RedBaronRules

You ain't take me nowhere Casper..I was in a hard fought tag team match that I didn't get pinned or submitted in, then was in a 4 way dance for the IC title that I won, and then went to the Rumble where I eliminated the new US Champ, the saddest of Goslings, and 3dgar..So I'd say I came outta the ppv as the Slammy award winner for Most Successful NTWT Rumble..
Just being out of that hellhole makes me happy... I'll be fine... My biggest concern is that I have to trim my beard to respectable levels :smh:...
You can be my personal assistant. Starting pay is 5grand a week. Only thing is you got to be clean and your on the clock 24/7.
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