Wrestling Thread Jul 2-8 | 7/5 TNA Impact LIVE 8p et- Destination X Go Home Show, More CLAIRE LYNCH

- During tonight's WWE RAW in the St. Louis area local advertisements listed Bret Hart for the upcoming 1000th RAW episode from the Scottrade Center.

- PWInsider.com reports that "The Brooklyn Brawler" Steve Lombardi played Doink the Clown on tonight's RAW. Lombardi has played the character many times in the past.

- According to a WWE source, the company are planning to bring in numerous former talents for the 1,000th RAW. The show will be stacked from top to bottom and is being treated like a free pay-per-view event.

- A new advertisement promoting RAW's move to three hours starting July 23rd is online at EW.com. Expect to see WWE in more media on this in the coming weeks.
Originally Posted by PedoSocks

- During tonight's WWE RAW in the St. Louis area local advertisements listed Bret Hart for the upcoming 1000th RAW episode from the Scottrade Center.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)][/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]GOAT... those damn Jorts though. [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]random... [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Would not at all mind seeing a first ever Triple Threat Iron Man Match between Jericho/BD/Punk. Book It.[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]ha ha... cena botch. gotta love being the top guy and getting carried constantly.[/color]
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Another Change to the WWE Title Money in the Bank Ladder Match?

WWE announced last week that only former WWE Champions will be allowed to compete in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match for a title shot at the WWE Title. John Cena, Big Show, Kane and Chris Jericho were announced for the match and WWE gave the impression that just those 4 Superstars would be participating in the match.

WWE is now teasing that more former WWE Champions may be added to the match and we may find out more names on tonight’s RAW Supershow. They wrote:

“It was mandated last week that the WWE Title Contract Money in the Bank Ladder Match will only feature Superstars who have previously hoisted the WWE Championship itself. Thus far, John Cena, Big Show, Chris Jericho and Kane are the only competitors announced for the contest, but we’d be surprised if a former champion or two didn’t rear his head from an unexpected location and throw his hat (so to speak) into the mix.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks


Really ITO?!

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Aye... if the sock fits. I'm juss sayin.[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]bad beginning, eh ending... ok middle. much better then last week at least.[/color]
This dude ITO keeping it real as usual

But I can see where he's coming from.

idk..just find her cute *CM Punk shrug*

Layla is still >>>>> AJ tho. No contest.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

The quickest and easiest way to get some heat on this program is with both Lesnar and Shawn Michaels being at the 1000th Raw, have Lesnar break HBK's arm with the kimura.
When I saw both were advertised on the same show...I had the same thought. I'd honestly be surprised if it didn't happen.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

  • The next step of the Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, AJ love saga.  AJ has been made the special guest referee for Punk and Bryan's match at Money in the Bank.  Kane seems to be finished with this program, thankfully.  I expect AJ to turn on Punk, making him look like an incredibly stupid babyface, and helping Bryan win the title.
Count me for that too. Even before she was made special guest ref, the storyline was set up so she'd have some type of role in the outcome. We know they've been close to placing the strap on Bryan the last two PPV's (and the dooming statistics from Cole on Punk's reign continued on RAW) so everything points to Punk losing.

Not mad at that though...all things considered, Punk has had a pretty damn good title reign and the Bryan + AJ tandem evolves again.
@RealKurtAngle: I Love Both Tna and Wwe! I Will Make My Retirement Decision Next Year. Tna or Wwe. Hmmmm
I wouldn't be surprised if Punk retained and Cena won the MITB.. they hinted them two starting a feud with Punk's 'follow my lead' line.. so maybe that's what they have planned for Summerslam. Unless they wanna give it to Bryan (we can hope, even though I like Punk as champ as well) and make it a TRIPLE TRHET.
Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Another Change to the WWE Title Money in the Bank Ladder Match?

WWE announced last week that only former WWE Champions will be allowed to compete in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match for a title shot at the WWE Title. John Cena, Big Show, Kane and Chris Jericho were announced for the match and WWE gave the impression that just those 4 Superstars would be participating in the match.

WWE is now teasing that more former WWE Champions may be added to the match and we may find out more names on tonight’s RAW Supershow. They wrote:

“It was mandated last week that the WWE Title Contract Money in the Bank Ladder Match will only feature Superstars who have previously hoisted the WWE Championship itself. Thus far, John Cena, Big Show, Chris Jericho and Kane are the only competitors announced for the contest, but we’d be surprised if a former champion or two didn’t rear his head from an unexpected location and throw his hat (so to speak) into the mix.
I think Punk retains the title at MITB and John Super Saiyan 4 Cena wins MITB and cashes it in at Summerfest against Punk.

AJ being guest referee throws me off a bit though. I think she's gonna potentially screw Punk over too and cost him the title at MITB, but that would mean it would be Dat Boy D. Bryan and Cena at Summerfest which isn't as marquee as Punk/Cena.

If Bryan does win at MITB, he'll probably drop the title to Punk prior to Summerfest; probably on the Raw after MITB.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

It was an interesting ending to Raw but I'm so ready for the AJ storyline to end. Pair her with someone and make them the top heel duo in WWE.

AJ and Dolph!!!!!!
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Another Change to the WWE Title Money in the Bank Ladder Match?

WWE announced last week that only former WWE Champions will be allowed to compete in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match for a title shot at the WWE Title. John Cena, Big Show, Kane and Chris Jericho were announced for the match and WWE gave the impression that just those 4 Superstars would be participating in the match.

WWE is now teasing that more former WWE Champions may be added to the match and we may find out more names on tonight’s RAW Supershow. They wrote:

“It was mandated last week that the WWE Title Contract Money in the Bank Ladder Match will only feature Superstars who have previously hoisted the WWE Championship itself. Thus far, John Cena, Big Show, Chris Jericho and Kane are the only competitors announced for the contest, but we’d be surprised if a former champion or two didn’t rear his head from an unexpected location and throw his hat (so to speak) into the mix.

Tonight is a special live edition of Smackdown being marketed as The Great American Bash.  The Great American Bash obviously goes back to the Crockett NWA and WCW days.  It started as an annual NWA event in 1985.  WCW took control in 1991 and ran the show annually (minus 93/94) until 2000.  The show often took place from Baltimore.  After WWE acquired WCW, they chose to run it as an annual PPV from 2004-2008.  They also ran a PPV in 2009, but it was just called The Bash.  This is the first resurrection of the show since then.



There will be a 20 man battle royal on tonight's show featuring most of the big stars in WWE including Cena, Punk, Sheamus, Big Show, Daniel Bryan, Del Rio, and others.  The winner of this match will be the special guest GM on Smackdown next week.

There will be four Smackdown Money in the Bank qualifying matches.  Even though Cody Rhodes lost last week, the thought is he will get another shot tonight.  Tensai's attack of Tyson Kidd last night may have been an injury angle allowing Rhodes the opportunity to get back in the match.  That would be a real shame for Kidd.  Of course he wouldn't win, but he could have really put on a show in the MITB match.  And with how badly Rhodes has been buried in 2012, he's probably the favorite to win the match.

The Great Khali and Layla will take on Antonio Cesaro and Aksana.  This match was put together by Teddy Long as a punishment for Cesaro and Aksana.  This has potential worst match of the year written all over it.

Who's drinking with me tonight?
^^ Im down, is been a f#%$ up weekend for me 
didnt have power in my house since Friday
Don't know if I'm in or not yet, were taking off to Vegas tonight (I'm not driving
) and it just kinda depends on what time I'm leaving to meet everyone
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Take back what I said about Armando Estrada managing Tyson Kidd. Estrada was released by WWE today.
I guess that was a nod to Tiger Ali Singh since they took 2 years to release him from his contract.
wwe is doing this tonight on the opening of the amazing spiderman?

but they should stick to this format, less gimmicky ppv a year and more special Raw Smack-down events on Tv
Hacksaw looks like a creepy bearded lady from some backwoods carnival.

I hate his stupid cookie jar head.
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