Wrestling Thread Jul 2-8 | 7/5 TNA Impact LIVE 8p et- Destination X Go Home Show, More CLAIRE LYNCH

"show me your papers"
Just got back from the gym.  A few minutes behind.  Need to catch up on the DVR and the drinks.
Take it easy to start....


Then we can really get the Loko Lifestyle going....


Time for the Great American Bash 

Christ, Khali can barely walk to the ring.

This is my first time seeing Cesaro in action in WWE. Sucks it's against Khali.
Am I the only one who thinks Christian had so much swaggg when he wore his jumpsuit hoodie ?
USA Network, not WWE, produced to the Raw 1000 commercial that aired after Raw last night. Maybe USA Network should start producing Raw as well.
Originally Posted by Mcflyy

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Layla got new music! �Too bad it's awful.

More like recycled music

Damn!  Divas Champ can't even get her own music.  Tiffany of all people.
It's also sad that you knew Tiffany's theme music.
Watching American History X totally forgot about Smackdown tonight. 
Hornswoggle is disturbingly fat.
And Alicia Fox needs to unleash the twins much more often.
Originally Posted by 3dgarfly23

Am I the only one who thinks Christian had so much swaggg when he wore his jumpsuit hoodie ?

THIS. Christian has potential to be something else but he'll never push him the right way. 
Ziggler loses 6 straight matches to Sheamus (7 if you include last night's tag).  Might as well put him in MITB.  Who is on a worse losing streak?  Ziggler or Rhodes?  They have to be the favorites based on that.
Damn, I know Vince gets a boner humiliating Vickie, but this woman has got to go..
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