Wrestling Thread Jul 2-8 | 7/5 TNA Impact LIVE 8p et- Destination X Go Home Show, More CLAIRE LYNCH

"The most prestigious championship in the history of our business."  The same championship that hasn't headlined a PPV in 2012!
PAGING BRODUS CLAY..... See how Bryan and Punk are selling their injuries?

Punk and Bryan look like giants next to AJ. Damn she's tiny.
This is how Punk's car is gonna look like when AJ is done with it.
Punk and DBry both look like they strung out on the finest of crack..
Did anyone else notice Drew McIntyre chilling in the crowd talking to some hot chick?

Duggan had a real good interview on Observer Radio last week. His new book is supposed to be pretty good.
I seriously don't know who half the people are at this backstage bbq thing.

Eve musta pissed somebody off backstage.
4Wrestling: Yes they are, one of my AM95 gems I have had over the years.

Man, even as I watch Smackdown live for the first time in years...it's hard to watch. I do peruse the Wrestling threads on here and I'm entertained with everyone's banter on here.
civickid-keep perusing this thread because it's a sure bet to be more interesting than the weekly offering from wwe..
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by Mcflyy

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Layla got new music! �Too bad it's awful.

More like recycled music

Damn!  Divas Champ can't even get her own music.  Tiffany of all people.
It's also sad that you knew Tiffany's theme music.
It beats having Michelle McCool's soul-killing charisma negating music
CaseKicks: I have been for quite awhile. It's hilarious with the opinions I see on here but hey, I don't mind talking and watching wrestling as long as you guys have this thread.

As for the NT Wrestling stuff, you guys can have that.
Civickid - Very nice.  Are they actually a 10.5 or 11?  I usually only see them in much smaller sizes.

Ryback has a Twitter??? 
Time for Zzzzzzssss, It's Ryback.

This is NOT entertaining. As the crowd is chanting, this is the 2012 Goldberg. Would I give to see the real Goldberg give this jabroni the staredown.
4Wrestling: They are a 10.5

I'm about to pop in some Puroresu and just have this crap on mute.

I don't know if you guys remember, I posted a PWG DVD preview on here. Got over 20 DVDs that a friend burned for me that have matches by PAC, Steen, El Generico, Low-Ki, Ultimo Dragon and Kota Ibushi. Got to give them a watch sooner or later.
- Another WWE Legend is scheduled to return to RAW next week for the ongoing storyline with Heath Slater. Word is that there will be a big payoff to the angle here soon, likely on the 1,000th RAW episode.

- WWE officials are high on AJ Lee and feel that she is something like the next big thing.

- There are already rumors going around that WWE is interested in Angelina Love, who was released by TNA this week.

- There was a lot of speculation on Sin Cara after he was squashed by Alberto Del Rio on last night’s RAW Supershow. The feeling is they just brought him back to TV with a new look and gave him a few wins, only to have Del Rio take him out in a quick segment.

As of this writing, WWE has not posted a storyline injury update on Cara, which they usually do after an injury angle on RAW or SmackDown.

- It was reported on Monday by the Wrestling Observer that WWE officials reached out to Bruno Sammartino about being inducted into the 2013 Hall of Fame. Bruno issued a statement online Monday night that said he would not be entering the Hall.

In an update, the Observer reports that Triple H actually called Bruno and tried to sell him on the induction and the fact that he would get one more huge pop. Triple H tried to tell Bruno not to worry about Vince McMahon but Bruno wasn’t having it.

Not many other details are known but word is that Bruno was not impressed with Triple H’s approach.

- Wade Barrett is ready to return to action and WWE officials are working on how they want to bring him back. Barrett was inline for a major push before he went down with injury several months ago and sources report that he will get that push when he returns.

No word yet if Barrett will be at Money in the Bank but the talk a few months back was that he may win the match and then challenge for the World Heavyweight Title.

While away with injury, Barrett filmed a role in WWE Studios’ Dead Man Down with Colin Farrell. The movie comes out in time for WrestleMania 29 next year.
Next Tuesday’s SmackDown taping from the World Arena in Colorado Springs has been cancelled due to the ongoing wildfires in the area. WWE will now hold a double taping on Monday from the Pepsi Center in Denver.

- According to a new report, WWE is holding off on Rey Mysterio’s return, as well as Mark Henry’s, until the 1000th episode of RAW on July 23rd.

- As previously reported, Steve “Brooklyn Brawler
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