Wrestling Thread July 15 - Aug 4 | 8/2 TNA - Where MMA Fighters Not Named Brock Go - TITO, Rampage,


Going to be in Vegas the weekend before but if I win big $ I'm buying a ticket on the way home from work.
This reminds me of when Mick Foley won and DX was on the outside when he beat, I can't remember who, but then lifted they him on their shoulders. Was that the match Bischoff spoiled on Nitro?

I remember silently watching the match, hoping not to wake up my parents. When Austin came out, I lost it :lol: .

Anyone have the info on the ratings for that Foley match :nerd: ?

Just got the Chills watching that Mankind vs Rock match.

Those were the good ol days. :frown:

The crowds were so live back then, the comentating was so real and those chair shots were just so :x
Just got the Chills watching that Mankind vs Rock match.

Those were the good ol days. :frown:

The crowds were so live back then, the comentating was so real and those chair shots were just so :x

Cole was going nuts :rofl:
Yo has anyone been to a Raw or an any event in Honda center? Are the Nosebleeds bad? Only been once for the CIF playoffs in like 05 :lol:
WWE 2k14 Gameplay Improvements:
  • The entire navigation system has been overhauled and reanimated including all walking, running, and dragging motions to give the game a more fluid and life-like feel and look.
  • Overall Superstar movement has been accelerated, meaning the action is faster-paced and more like what you see on WWE television.
  • There is now a "starting up" animation for when Superstars begin running. This leads to a more natural-looking match, where it is more difficult to "spam" running attacks.
  • Animation gestures have been added such as adjusting wrist bands, motioning for your opponent to get up, and many more to give a human-like appearance to the navigation system.
  • Strikes and strike combos are now quicker and snappier, making them faster and harder to reverse.
  • Successfully landing a strike combo now puts your opponent in a groggy state, making groggy grapples appear earlier and more frequently.
  • Reversing a grapple move now causes the reverser to do a move of his/her own automatically.
  • This cuts down on the endless back-and-forth "reversal fest" some users complained of in WWE '13 while also making the match move faster.
  • Catching Finishers can now be executed offensively, by Irish Whipping your opponent to the ropes with a finisher stored or catapulting your opponent up when they run towards you.
  • Select finisher moves give you the ability to launch an opponent into the air and then hit them with a Catch Finisher on the way back down.
  • New multi-man OMG Moments added to help you gain the upper-hand in multi-man matches. One OMG move can take out two opponents in one shot making it easier to get the win against multiple opponents.
    • Double Attitude Adjustment
    • Double Shellshock
    • Double Chokeslam
  • New OMG Moments added to allow you to dole out even more damage using the ring environment.
    • Boot-to-head on outside ringpost
    • DDT on the apron
    • One of the most reviled bugs in WWE '13 was the dearth of two-counts. This issue has been addressed, bringing back the dramatic near falls you know and love.
Yo has anyone been to a Raw or an any event in Honda center? Are the Nosebleeds bad? Only been once for the CIF playoffs in like 05
I've been to a taping there in 2011 and we sat in the club area. The view was pretty decent but the Raw was forgettable (John Cena, Kane, Ryder storyline)
Flair's daughter seems to be pretty damn good.. from those gifs at least..

When is NXT usually on deek?
From WWE.com

View media item 504431
It was R-Truth who suffered a beating at the hands of The Wyatt Family Monday night on Raw, but it was clear Bray Wyatt’s attention was devoted to another Superstar: Kane.

The giveaway came after Wyatt viciously downed Truth and instructed Kane to “follow the buzzards” — a recurring command uttered by the menacing newcomer. (Wyatt indeed repeated the message two nights later on WWE Main Event.)

Yet, a closer examination of Wyatt’s words Monday night — even before he called out The Big Red Machine by name — suggests the entire sermon may have been directed at the Superstar who Wyatt Family members Erick Rowan and Luke Harper brutally attacked one week earlier. Since he and his two disciples began appearing in vignettes last month, Wyatt has spellbound and confounded the WWE Universe in equal measure with his inscrutable rants.

A line-by-line breakdown of his speech on Raw may help decode the riddle and give clues as to what Wyatt is trying to accomplish in targeting The Devil’s Favorite Demon.

Take a look and decide for yourself:

“They've been lying to you, man. There ain’t no such thing as a hero, not anymore. But you … have become addicted to the illusion of what a hero is. … You think you need someone to pat you on the back.”

By dismissing heroism off the bat, could Wyatt have been zeroing in on Kane’s apparent interest in maintaining a fan-friendly image of late? The “pat on the back,” meanwhile, could refer to Kane seeking approval from either his peers (e.g., Bryan) or the WWE Universe more broadly.

“What if I was to tell you that the man who made you is a liar?”
This line might be a callous — albeit not wholly inaccurate — allusion to Kane’s father, the late Paul Bearer. The legendary manager, who passed away March 5, is a beloved figure in WWE lore. Still, there’s no denying Bearer played his share of head games while in WWE, even waging some of those psychological battles against his very own son. A more ominous interpretation suggests Wyatt was simply undermining all that Bearer taught Kane.

“What if I was to tell you that your own flesh and blood turned his back on you?”

Any reference to Kane’s “flesh and blood” immediately brings to mind one name: The Undertaker. The Phenom and his half-brother have fought each other in some of the most hellish battles ever witnessed in WWE, but last we saw of The Undertaker, he was firmly on Kane’s side. Then again, following an ambush by The Hounds of Justice in April, The Undertaker has gone MIA. Perhaps Wyatt is wise to something that remains hidden from the rest of us.

“I will never turn my back on you, and maybe, maybe the answers you seek have been slapping you right in the face.Maybe, just maybe, I — Bray Wyatt, the eater of worlds — have been the answer all along.”

Considering what transpired between Kane and The Wyatt Family on the July 8 edition of Raw, this comment — coupled with Wyatt’s admission that R-Truth was “not the truth we seek” — only fuels speculation that Wyatt was speaking to The Big Red Machine all along. By telling Kane to “follow the buzzards,” was the lantern-carrying enigma offering Kane salvation, or a future of decay?

One thing seems for certain: There’s way more to Bray Wyatt than meets the eye.

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