Wrestling Thread July 15 - Aug 4 | 8/2 TNA - Where MMA Fighters Not Named Brock Go - TITO, Rampage,

Interested to see the Punk/Heyman storyline continue tonight... is Brock scheduled to be there?
Did we mention that miz is HOSTING Summerslam?  God is punishing me.  A 5 minute match is bad enough, but now we have to hear from him all show long.
Can anyone explain how the miz fell off so badly? The fans have also disliked him now. I remember a few years ago the miz was the hottest superstar now people can't even stand 5 minutes of him in the ring. Anyone explain? (Not a miz fan just curious as to how he fell off so much)
Can anyone explain how the miz fell off so badly? The fans have also disliked him now. I remember a few years ago the miz was the hottest superstar now people can't even stand 5 minutes of him in the ring. Anyone explain? (Not a miz fan just curious as to how he fell off so much)

He kinda crap in the ring and no matter what he does, dude is just has a douche bag personality. While as a heel that works, he was never able to back that up in the ring. He doesn't have to be Daniel Bryan, but dudes just doesn't look right in the ring IMO. Plus people still remember him from the MTV years and how he really is just playing a version of the Miz on Real World/Road Rules. Add that to he's just never been believable as a threat to anyone in the ring. Alot of NTers could give Miz a two piece special :lol:
Anybody else get a kick out of Darren Young doing the RVD chant but saying Prime Time Players on Smackdown?
The Miz was tolerable in mid card but that main even push he had from summer 2010-to spring 2011 really showed have average he was
Take this for what you will, but last night Dave Meltzer said that Paige "did herself a disservice this past week" and "to not expect to see her on the main roster anytime soon".
she turn down someone's advances? girl looks like a freak, wouldn't mind tapping out to her.

Enjoy Raw tonight.  I will be watching live (and drinking) as I don't have access to a DVR at the beach.
How do you host a PPV?

By making mediocre appearances throughout the show with no real relevance until the main event. Where you participate an awful match with two awful wrestlers with an awful double count out finish by restarting the match in an awful fashion and interfere to cause an even more awful finish to an ultimately awful show.

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Enjoy Raw tonight.  I will be watching live (and drinking) as I don't have access to a DVR at the beach.
If you happen to see Bobby Eaton or Greg Valentine or something, snap pics of him drinking and follow him around the beach and snap some pics of him. Thanks
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