Wrestling Thread June 1-14 | 6/14 WWE Money in the Bank PPV Prediction Contest Open!

Does the MITB Winner cash in tonight during the PPV?

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Naw... You guys are blind... There are 7 Black identifying people up there... So there's 7 black guys... And a black a guy...
was waiting for DC or brenda to bring up the racial disparity first lol

more surprising no Latino's considering they're looking for more Latino talent but what do you expect form a company that constantly displays racism. Chicks are busted also with the exception of maybe 1-2 hard to tell with them shots.
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Man, Lucha Underground is easily my favorite wrestling show on TV... So many reasons why... Y'all that don't know, really need to know... After the first 6-8 episodes ( 2-3 TV tapings), they really hit it right... And they haven't stopped or slowed down...

It's smart, and doesn't insult the intelligence of the viewer... Watching this week's episode, they referenced multiple things from the first few episodee, and expected the dedicated viewers to follow along... It's a big deal that EVERYTHING makes sense kayfabe...

And that's because it's treated as a comic book style show, as opposed to a shoot sport type show... A show with actual story lines and character development... That's so refreshing in today's wrestling world with most every major promotion trying to be "real"... It's so easy to get lost and suspend belief and not care that Drago just jumped off a 5 story building in the opening scene :lol:...

It's just the polar opposite of WWE... They build to next week's, the week's after, and 2 months away... All on the same episode and in the same scenes.. It makes you want to watch next week's show... Not "I better have some weed for Raw"... There's no backstage interviews with stupid girls and goofy guys... And being an hour long forces you to want more...

And with having just one hour, they do a great job of not making you forget who someone is... Everyone has a reason to be there, who is a big player for them...

I'll stop sucking LU's **** now...
I need a gif of Action Bronson and Killer Mike running on treadmills and rapping.... That's how I felt after typing that... :lol:
Thought that was TNA developmental up there.

Honestly I have no hope in GFW. I give JJ a couple of years.
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more surprising no Latino's considering they're looking for more Latino talent but what do you expect form a company that constantly displays racism. Chicks are busted also with the exception of maybe 1-2 hard to tell with them shots.

yeah really hard to tell from those 2 pics, but nothing too promising on the chicks
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