Wrestling Thread June 1-14 | 6/14 WWE Money in the Bank PPV Prediction Contest Open!

Does the MITB Winner cash in tonight during the PPV?

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  • No

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Celtics let me know the name of your friend if you want me to shout him out next week.

Newest episode of my sports podcast is live.

How was smackfest?
Some hard times we going to go through now when it comes to creativity

Rip Dream. The common man has now become a common angel.
gotta say neville didnt look too bad standing next to reigns and orton.

the masked mans points on why kofi should win mitb were great.only wish wwe would get behind that idea and let kofi cook with the briefcase and win a title down the road.know it wont happen,but would be a good mix up.
Brian Cage is amazing in the ring. The man moves like a cruiserweight and hits like a pissed-off mule. I have watched him in Lucha Underground and indie shows. Skill wise there are very few with his game on the indie Scene.
Cage is running some dates in Mexico with TripleA worldwide, but once Lucha Underground starts recording again u will be able to see more in the US of his awesome skill set.

The man pulled a Moonsault from the 3rd rope at Lucha lik it was chump change. Only second in SPOT in my opinions to Angelico's drop kick from the second floor.

Highly recommend the Lucha underground shows for the last 5 eps.. Tons of good matches, with about 10 highlight worthy spots.

That dude Angelico knows no fear
Lucha Underground has been money these past few episodes, but really the majority of it's run. Every match has a point to it, and it's just flat out entertaining.

Ditto to the idea of Kofi winning the mitb. I was thinking a couple days ago that I would choose him for the prediction contest :lol:
Lucha Underground has been money these past few episodes, but really the majority of it's run. Every match has a point to it, and it's just flat out entertaining.

Ditto to the idea of Kofi winning the mitb. I was thinking a couple days ago that I would choose him for the prediction contest :lol:

Yeah I said that too a few days ago. I think he's gonna receive a big push soon.
Lucha Underground has been money these past few episodes, but really the majority of it's run. Every match has a point to it, and it's just flat out entertaining.

Ditto to the idea of Kofi winning the mitb. I was thinking a couple days ago that I would choose him for the prediction contest :lol:

Yeah I said that too a few days ago. I think he's gonna receive a big push soon.
He's got to be.

There's absolutely ZERO reason for him to be fighting Brock in Japan otherwise. :lol:
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