Wrestling Thread June 2-15 | 6/12 WWE Releases 10 Talents, JTG Still Employed

i got a notification earlier that adam rose wasnt on raw cause the big guys arent sold on his character, its doo doo, bring up someone else that isnt that *** wipe tyler breeze
Naw bruh, Breeze is money :pimp:

They should throw Lesnar in there.

Lesnar as WWE Champ. Hell, go full steam with heel Rollins..throw the Big Gold on him.

Rollins vs. Ambrose for the WHC(Rollins retains), Cesaro vs. Lesnar for the WWE Title at Summerslam(Cesaro wins) :pimp:

Then have Bryan try to pull a Jericho upon returning and re-unify the belts.

That's how I'd book it in EWR anyway. :lol:
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i got a notification earlier that adam rose wasnt on raw cause the big guys arent sold on his character, its doo doo, bring up someone else that isnt that *** wipe tyler breeze

I read that he was injured the same night as Cena, but his was just a ready bad cut and the match had to be stopped early.

As far as the MITB, it would be silly to abandon the unified belts already since they spent so much time placing emphasis on them, but it's not like that would surprise any of us. Disregarding the other matches on the card (and who's in the MITB already), Reigns and Ambrose should be grabbing at both belts, and then Rollins springs off the ropes, kneeing Ambrose off the ladder, then mushing Reigns off the other side and grabbing both belts. Problem solved and he can have feuds with Reigns, Ambrose, Sheamus :rolleyes :rolleyes and some side feuds with Ziggler and maybe Christian until Bryan comes back.
I'd hate for them to split the belts back up again. What purpose does it serve? If they went through with a roster split it wouldn't really help considering talent is wasted either way. And we all know the WHC has never really been seen as a top tier belt.

I'd really wish they'd give it to an up and comer like Cesaro or Wyatt (or BNB or Ambrose/Reigns/Rollins) but I'd figure they go the safe route with Orton or Sheamus...more likely that they're a transitional champ who will drop the belt to one of the new guys. Hopefully.
I'd hate for them to split the belts back up again. What purpose does it serve? If they went through with a roster split it wouldn't really help considering talent is wasted either way. And we all know the WHC has never really been seen as a top tier belt.

I'd really wish they'd give it to an up and comer like Cesaro or Wyatt (or BNB or Ambrose/Reigns/Rollins) but I'd figure they go the safe route with Orton or Sheamus...more likely that they're a transitional champ who will drop the belt to one of the new guys. Hopefully.

from what I gathered whoever wins this belt isn't going to be a long term champ. just someone to hold the title till d bry is healthy. which is why I rather Orton or cena win. just so it doesn't hurt someone's rise to fame like it did dolph.

can everyone else agree that if del rio wins we boycott? he has to be the person with the worse odds of winning.

View media item 1021760Reigns knows what's up
anyone watch any of these kayfabe commentaries guest booker or wrestling timelines? I watched the trailers but I can't jump the gun on buying. I feel like it's going to be all stuff I've already heard from other sources. I know their you shoots are really good. I am just bored as ish and can't figure out what to watch on the network. I hate being an insomniac it blowwsssss
I love listening to review-a-wai reviews on the later years of wcw ppv's

starrcade '99 :lol:

straight comedy :rofl:

Can't seem to find the starcade or the UFC game ideas. Anyone point me in the right direction? Listening to 99 thunder. :smh: at Nash
Is there a way for me to view archives on the podcast app? The furthest I can go is august 2013 for the LAW. I actually want to listen to their review of wm x-7 and starcade 99
why did "WWF New York" close down? Always wanted to go as a child :frown:

Went there in 2000, was part of a Q & A session with Lillian Garcia and got my pic taken with her. A majority of those themed restaurants never last long in Times Square. The Q&A session was a work, they gave us questions to ask Lillian. Damn, that was 14 years ago?

Thank you CelticsPride, I'll watch this before I continue with "The Raid."
Anybody in the DC Area messing with this? - http://dcimprov.laughstub.com/event.cfm?id=307507&cart

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Thursday, June 19, 2014 07:30 PM
DC Improv, Washington, DC
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He's a three-time WWE champion, a hardcore legend and a member of the WWE Hall of Fame. Now, Mick Foley is unleashing the same trademark blend of wit and wisdom, wildness and warmth that made his books so beloved (five self-penned New York Times best-sellers) into his one-man spoken-word stage show, “Tales From Wrestling Past”. Foley has wowed both crowds and critics alike with his unique stage show – leading “Chortle”, the UK’s most respected comedy source to write “Foley himself is charm personified – eloquent, funny and self-effacing” and the decidedly non-wrestling publication “Broadway Baby” to muse, “if you’re interested at all in wrestling you’ll love it; if you’re not, you’ll like it.” Drawing from his 28 years of travel, Foley finds humor in the unlikeliest of places – the loss of an ear, the “dedication” of a porn-star working in a knee-brace, a United States President reciting his wrestling catch-phrase. Foley himself refers to “Tales From Wrestling Past” as “like being in the ring, without getting hurt” – a welcome distinction coming from a man who gave so much, to so many, for so long. Join the Hardcore Legend on his latest journey down life’s highway – an eclectic trip into the surreal world of the days of wrestling past.
More from Grantland. MailBag with the Masked Man - http://grantland.com/features/wwe-payback-mailbag/

Do you think the NXT crowd/development area is actually hurting younger wrestlers coming up? Does the NXT audience hinder wrestlers such as Adam Rose, Emma, and Bo Dallas? Or should more blame be put on WWE creative for not making the transition easier?
—Mike Germano

I love NXT. In months like this one, it ranks above Raw as my favorite WWE show. And Thursday’s NXT: Takeover is roughly 8 million times more interesting to me than Payback. But it’s true that many of the characters who have been called up to WWE haven’t translated. There’s a lot at play here: Broad gimmicks play better with small crowds (or, more precisely, crowds that are looking for instant gratification rather than the never-ending story lines of Raw); the NXT producers and the crowd are interested in old-school characters and story lines that would never fly on Raw (especially not in the Reality Era). It’s no accident that the Shield — the high-water mark for transitioning to the big time — were completely repackaged before they debuted.

I think the biggest problem for NXT talents making the leap to WWE is that a lot of what makes us care about wrestlers is their permanence. Almost nobody works immediately, and even the ones who do click get skeptical responses because fans aren’t sure if they’ll last. (The Shield came with such obvious high regard from upper management that they’re the exception that proves the rule.) Paige could be slap-boxing on Total Divas next year, Adam Rose is probably wishing he’d swapped gimmicks with the guy in the balloon suit, Rusev is praying for a Republican president to reignite the Cold War. Even Cesaro is a Vince temper tantrum away from being back in the indies. It’s reassuring that Sami Zayn and Adrian Neville have more regular-guy, real-athlete characters, and maybe they’ll register more strongly with the average fan. Hopefully they’ll stick around long enough for us to care.

After hearing “We Want Ziggler” chants during the Shield-Evolution brawl on Raw, I wondered if Dolph will ever get another serious push?
—Ben, St. Paul, Minn.

I got versions of this question from several readers. The Case of the Missing Ziggler could fill up all 120 pages of a Hardy Boys mystery. I think we can all agree that if he were four inches taller, he’d be an entrenched headliner and we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Dolph won the World Heavyweight Championship last year but then got concussed and his push fizzled to the point that he’s going in the Z File, not named for Dolph but for Tom Zenk, who I legitimately thought was the next big thing at some point in 1990. Anyway, the reasons given for Ziggler’s lack of push are various: vague character concerns, his inclination to run his mouth on Twitter, his concussion, the way he goes all out for every match despite being told not to. If I had to bet, I’d say that in some hour of WWE’s greatest need, Ziggler will get another push and he’ll run with it. We’ll be watching his Hall of Fame induction video package in 15 years and laughing about how we once wondered if he’d make it. But 12-year-old me would have said the same thing about Tom Zenk.
WWE has come to terms on the release of the following Superstars as of today, June 12, 2014:

Brodus Clay
Evan Bourne
Yoshi Tatsu
Teddy Long

Brodus nooooooooooooooooo
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Brodus Clay?? Damn :smh:....may as well finish him off and give that cool them to somebody else.

No need for Evan Bourne when you have Aaron Neville.

Sort of forgot Teddy wasn't there. Dude's had a hell of a long career
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