Wrestling Thread June 2-15 | 6/12 WWE Releases 10 Talents, JTG Still Employed

Idc I personally caught on to it but was still caught off guard by it. If that makes sense

Makes perfect sense..I saw what was about to happen coming, but yet I didn't expect for a Shield member to turn on tonight's show..
Makes perfect sense..I saw what was about to happen coming, but yet I didn't expect for a Shield member to turn on tonight's show..
Alright, I think we are actually on the same page. Once HHH mentoned Plan B, I knew it was going to be Rollins since he had the chair.
Just finished Raw. Damn, didn't think that Rollins would be the one but I'm down with it. Let's see where they take this now.
So I just got done watching Total Divas... and to know what happens just a few days/week after their wedding is sad man. :frown:
Where did Titty Master come from?
He had "Titty Master" on his wrist tape during a house show and the IWC caught wind of it resulting in this:

Could this all be a planned swerve by Rollins and he turns on Evolution and gets back with The Shield? Meh, it had to end eventually I guess, but I was a big fan of what they had with The Shield. Felt like they could keep them together and still give them meaningful singles careers.
OOOOOOOOOOOMG that one guys lone audible yell as Rollins was about to hit Reigns "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Thought I was the only one who caught this :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's easy..It's pretty much been known that 1 of the 3 was going to turn sometime in the near future..Most speculation was that it would be Ambrose, so that's who I thought it would be..It was a totally predictable segment..Go back and watch when dude gets in the ring with the chair..All 3 of them pretty much give it away that he's gonna use the chair on the other 2..So that, my good man, was how it was predictable..

Sorry man, but I thought it sucked..I mean Ambrose and Reigns both did a look back before he hit them with the chair, almost like they were braising for it..I am right there with you guys in that I was surprised that it was Rollins, but the execution of the spot was sloppy and obvious to me..

Ambrose never looked back. Reigns did his usual look to the right and left before they charge into battle. The only thing off was Rollins not stepping forward and you could charge that to him being fine with the numbers advantage they had. Rollins was the 2nd line of defense!!

Rolins turn legit shocked me and he brutalized Ambrose with that chair. That chair was crumbled up when he was done with it. The silence from the crowd to the commentators helped to sell it all as well. I'm interested to see where this goes.

It should have been Ziggler anyway but this works fine :lol:

The Past The Present The Future :smokin

Now Seth Rolllins I can see in VIP grabbing snow bunnies by the hair and popping some bottles of bubbly, defenitely not that pasty pale Irish red head
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Could this all be a planned swerve by Rollins and he turns on Evolution and gets back with The Shield? Meh, it had to end eventually I guess, but I was a big fan of what they had with The Shield. Felt like they could keep them together and still give them meaningful singles careers.

Wouldn't count anything out with this company but I don't see the point in doing that.. they just beat them pretty convincingly at two straight PPV's, no reason for a a double turn. But Rollin's man? I still don't get why they made him turn, esp. with his flying ability and connection he could (did) draw from the crowds whenever he did a big spot.

I can only imagine how the fan girls feel right now, i'll be devastated when Bo Dallas turns heel.
Wouldn't count anything out with this company but I don't see the point in doing that.. they just beat them pretty convincingly at two straight PPV's, no reason for a a double turn. But Rollin's man? I still don't get why they made him turn, esp. with his flying ability and connection he could (did) draw from the crowds whenever he did a big spot.

I can only imagine how the fan girls feel right now, i'll be devastated when Bo Dallas turns heel.


I asked yall whether I should watch the Main Event last night or fire up Breaking Bad.

Damn, damn, damn. And then I wake up to this news. Damn
What if this is all an elaborate swerve, where Rollins comes back to the SHIELD after eliminating Orton?

Ummmmm...no :lol: Paul Heyman isn't on the creative team, and this isn't 2004.

I'm not sure if Ziggler will ever reach anything again. Him and Del Rio had a very good reasonably lengthy match, and I'm not sure why Del Rio got the win, even those that's the first time I've seen him look motivated in months. Forget that disgruntled tag team, he should team with Curt Hawkins as NXT trainers.
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From another forum:

"If Seth's going to be heel, go full force and give him a new heel gimmick.
He should come out in an all-green version of his Shield attire and reveal that Seth Rollins is no more, now's he's THE ROLLINION DOLLAR MAN and show a series of vignettes where Trips helps him buy swishy new clothes.

Seriously, if we don't get at least one 'Seth tries on a bunch of new hats' montage, then what's the ******* point?"

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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