Wrestling Thread June 2-15 | 6/12 WWE Releases 10 Talents, JTG Still Employed

Next Monday all 3 members of Evolution need to come out in suits, yes, even you Randy. Make this thing really legit.
i dont get what you people see in ziggler man.hes so wack,im so  glad he doesnt get a push,hes a solid b+ player variant billy gunn,he stole his whole swag.smh

anyway ready for full a hole rollins should be great.i hope they keep evolution around tho and its not just for  ppv.cuz i want rollins to be in the main picture.along with the rest of the shield and would hate for any of them to be buried,but there talented so i doubt it.

they need to hurry up and clear some roster spot from some of these old guys and weak talent and bring up a couple next guys and start cooking.
I don't get the confusion or questioning to Rollins being the one to turn. Throughout this whole time, they made Ambrose the one to be the breaking point of the group past the Rumble when he tried to eliminate Reigns. him and Reigns would have disagreements only for Rollins to hold everything together.

This would be great if this is the way to make Ambrose and Reigns singles guys in the long run and then HHH and Orton turning on Rollins when all said and done or Rollins and Orton turning on HHH
Next Monday all 3 members of Evolution need to come out in suits, yes, even you Randy. Make this thing really legit.
They shouldve hit Evolution's music instead of HHH's at the end. 
i dont get what you people see in ziggler man.hes so wack,im so  glad he doesnt get a push,hes a solid b+ player variant billy gunn,he stole his whole swag.smh

anyway ready for full a hole rollins should be great.i hope they keep evolution around tho and its not just for  ppv.cuz i want rollins to be in the main picture.along with the rest of the shield and would hate for any of them to be buried,but there talented so i doubt it.

they need to hurry up and clear some roster spot from some of these old guys and weak talent and bring up a couple next guys and start cooking.
His heel run in 2012 and 2013 was awesome.

Dude is crazy athletic. This dude does situps and headstands in the middle of matches man. He's very precise with his moves. And he's just "different". He's one of the very few people in the locker room who takes pride in their craft and doesn't just ride the check. Everything he does, there is a calculated effort and thought process. Dude TRIES.

That's why people love him. He goes out there and entertains
If Rollins comes out in all red attire, I will excommunicate myself from Ziggler and let Seth adopt me
If Rollins adopted the Best in the World gimmick and started dropping pipebomb promos, my goodness B......
From another forum:

"If Seth's going to be heel, go full force and give him a new heel gimmick.
He should come out in an all-green version of his Shield attire and reveal that Seth Rollins is no more, now's he's THE ROLLINION DOLLAR MAN and show a series of vignettes where Trips helps him buy swishy new clothes.

Seriously, if we don't get at least one 'Seth tries on a bunch of new hats' montage, then what's the ******* point?"

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl:
Only thing billy gun and Ziggy have in common is blonde hair and the fameasser nothing else. I see a bit of mr. Perfect and HBK in him. He's just a good worker with charisma
Don't forget Ric Flair :smokin :nerd:


Ziggler is the new age Billy Gunn... He does not, and had never "connected" with me... I enjoy his in ring work, and it very good... But I have no faith in him to have a long title run... He's a perfect guy for a top tag team tho...
Only thing billy gun and Ziggy have in common is blonde hair and the fameasser nothing else. I see a bit of mr. Perfect and HBK in him. He's just a good worker with charisma
Don't forget Ric Flair :smokin :nerd:


Ziggler is the new age Billy Gunn... He does not, and had never "connected" with me... I enjoy his in ring work, and it very good... But I have no faith in him to have a long title run... He's a perfect guy for a top tag team tho...

May as well be him and Kofi. Kofi is still popular 6 years removed from his last legit feud (I don't consider him and Barrett nor Miz feuds, those were just trading victories with a title happening to be involved).

Ziggler is the new age Billy Gunn... He does not, and had never "connected" with me... I enjoy his in ring work, and it very good... But I have no faith in him to have a long title run... He's a perfect guy for a top tag team tho...
thank you
Yup.. They're still there... You need the username and password again?...

I need the link, username, and password..I never deleted your message with the info, but for some reason it's gone from my inbox..Thanks CP..
Some updated numbers for the WMXXX buyrate came in and its at 690,000....400k domestic and 290k overseas. The domestic buyrate was always expected to go down with the network but I didn't think overseas would drop that much either. WM29 has 400k overseas and WM28 had 500k overseas buys. Vince bouta give Rock a blank check to come back

Also, today is the 20th anniversary of this little match

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