Wrestling Thread June 5th-30th/TGIF Edition/G1 Special In US Saturday 8PM ET Okada vs Cody

The other day I watched some of the match where she teamed with Marufuji against Suzuki and Meiko :x

Good work from all the competitors, but I just can't get comfortable with intergender wresting

I can totally understand that. There are a couple of arguments to be made that the females probably don't get as badly handled by the men because of the cultural reaction to pull force against them, now Japanese workers go stiff so no guarantee there, but a possibility.

to me there is a sick interest in seeing women beat the piss out of dudes in the way Joshi performers do, so I'm all for it. But I understand why in the E probably stopped it, and in this day and age, most companies don't really do it at all anymore. I do think howeverthay creating segregated federations and such does damage however in terms of equality issues because you are now demarcating that there is a difference between the talent, and that isn't right nor fair.

I was behind the dropping the divas terminology and belt for the now women's title, but I would like to see a woman wrestler be seen as just a wrestler. If Chyna could hold a "mens" title, why not Asuka or Charlotte or whoever.
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Listening to this Meltzer/Cornette discussion and Meltzer is so irritating not letting anyone talk.

Around 19:30 is probably the most notorious part from this match

My understanding is that Kana was the booker here so I guess it's what she wanted, but it is certainly not something that I like to see
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@PLVN  Yeah, I cringe everytime I see that match or it gets brought up. Suzuki is widely known as an effing madman, and Kana booking or not, that headbutt and then the first couple open hands are rough to watch. Now, it is totally a double standard and hypocritical on my part to want to see her throw hands that way on a man (or me haha) but the reality is to be a safe worker with WHOEVER you are with, and I cannot in good conscience say that was safe work. 

Also, Kenta (Hideo) looked like he was ready after the ref stopped the match. I mean, Oney stiffed him hard unexpectedly, but Kenta has had worse elsewhere. Didn't even look remotely phased. 
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 Yeah, I cringe everytime I see that match or it gets brought up. Suzuki is widely known as an effing madman, and Kana booking or not, that headbutt and then the first couple open hands are rough to watch. Now, it is totally a double standard and hypocritical on my part to want to see her throw hands that way on a man (or me haha) but the reality is to be a safe worker with WHOEVER you are with, and I cannot in good conscience say that was safe work. 

Also, Kenta (Hideo) looked like he was ready after the ref stopped the match. I mean, Oney stiffed him hard unexpectedly, but Kenta has had worse elsewhere. Didn't even look remotely phased. 

drewdioxin2345 drewdioxin2345
Not much Dfly. Eating dinner and watching Asuka beat up Nikki Cross again because I have a sick obsession with my waifu. You?

In a crapton of pain but I'm chillin. Might do a lil gaming(prolly Fire Pro or Tekken 7) and watch that Asuka/Nikki match before bed.
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