Wrestling Thread Mar 14-20 | 3/18 Smackdown - Del Rio v Christian - Cage Match | Sheamus v Kofi

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

There was a spot taped at tonight’s TNA Impact taping where Kurt Angle hit Jeff Jarrett over the head with a guitar and busted him open hardway. I’m told Jarrett was busted open in multiple places and was “bleeding profusely.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

The Woo Woo Guy made it on Raw!
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks
Supposedly during Hogan's opening segment, he used the line "Hogan has main eventers all around the world wanting to jump on his back and join in with the tsunami taking over wrestling."

If true.......

Just goes to show not only how out of tune these guys are with wrestling, but life as well. That's not even good cheap heat. That's just seriously offensive.
Just saw the Ryder segment. He really brought it tonight. His presence was through the roof. Woo Woo Woo!
Here is a vid of the TNA incident. You can clearly see Hardy is out of it, stumbles while trying to get in the ring as well. Tried to kick out but Sting wasn't selling it.
Raw was great tonight. Too bad they ain't letting Miz keep the belt, a few months of this and dude would be a monster
Originally Posted by StillIn729

I think Cena turns at Wrestlemania and leads to a match vs. the Rock at Summerslam

the Cena heel turn may only last one PPV like HBK did with Hogan but I really see the heel turn happening this year
I'm starting to think so more and more as well.  Cena is being made to look like a complete fool and second class act in this program with The Rock.  I think the only way you can save him is to turn him full on heel.

The problem is, how many times have we said this in the past and it's never happened?  If WWE were into logical booking, yes, 100% turn him heel.  But knowing Vince, Cena will win the title at WrestleMania, hug The Rock after the match, and be back to cutting awful comedy promos on Raw the next night.
There are conflicting reports as to whether Jim Ross will be announcing at WrestleMania.  Nothing has been determined, but there are talks of having Ross announce the show.
^ I don't see just Booker & Matthews calling the King / Cole match and the matches thereafter at Mania.


I guess I'm the only one who was praying for a Grandmaster Sexaay / R-Truth dance off last night
Pretty much yep. You and Tenn.....

side bar. Netflix has:
meth and fatass hardy dvd
wwe: top 50 superstars of all time
and The True Story of Wrestlemania (which came out today).
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Here is a vid of the TNA incident. You can clearly see Hardy is out of it, stumbles while trying to get in the ring as well. Tried to kick out but Sting wasn't selling it.
Think Sting regrets not taking Vince's offer now!?
Grandmaster Sexay vs R-Truth in a dance off would have been hilarious. 

Anyways...I'm so confused as to the direction WWE is going with the WHC. I know its Edge vs. Del Swag but what's the deal with E&C for tag champs? What kind of angles you guys have in mind here?
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