Wrestling Thread Mar 14-20 | 3/18 Smackdown - Del Rio v Christian - Cage Match | Sheamus v Kofi

He has cut one promo since his return 2 weeks ago in Houston. His actions have spoken a lot about the position he's in. He beat Del Rio last in the steel cage mask, won his tag match against del rio/clay, and clay one on one.

Prior to that Christian was owning Del Rio with the JBL rips, Enrique Iglesias rips, etc. He most notably lost to CM Punk due to interference from Del Rio. Prior to that he beat everyone on Smackdown he faced. (Rhodes, McIntyre, etc) Even if they got the initial win, he won the final matches they would have. (Besides Kofi in the IC title tourney)

He wasn't booked extremely strong prior to his return (ala ECW where he beat everyone, including Jericho and CM Punk), but he has been booked well.

His presence on Smackdown is huge right now. If they are going to push him to the next level, it's now or never IMO.
Christian deserves a push but he does not deserve to be pushed into the Edge and DelRio Match as that would take away from the prestiege of actually winning the Royal Rumble if anyone has the chance of just being shoved into the main event.

The only possible thing I see happening is E&C reuniting as a tag team again after wrestlemania, or them giving edge sometime off  and having Christian win the MITB match to end up facing DelRio for the title down the road. It would make NO SENSE for the WWE to have Christian face for one of the lower titles, or even feud with edge if they wanted to push him in a way where he is going for the title and not another family esq type feud.
Originally Posted by AquaGrape2345

Christian deserves a push but he does not deserve to be pushed into the Edge and DelRio Match as that would take away from the prestiege of actually winning the Royal Rumble if anyone has th echance of just being shoved into the main event.

The only possible thing I see happening is E&C reuniting as a tag team again after wrestlemania, becasue it would make NO SENSE for the WWE to have Christian face for one of the lower titles, or even feud with edge. This is becasue it would make no sense to push Chrisitina for a lower titleif they are going to build him up.
This bad enough two guys who havent wrestled in months are the real Main event, now ADR has  to be in a triple threat
The undertakers matches at Wrestlemania remind me of the Yokozuna challenge back in the 90's as every year its who can beat taker, and we all know no one will. They need to put that to rest already and come up with some real matches as opposed to banking on the Undertaker every year.
Honestly, I don't believe Christian will even be added to the match. But if he does I won't be mad. *shrugs*
Originally Posted by AquaGrape2345

The undertakers matches at Wrestlemania remind me of the Yokozuna challenge back in the 90's as every year its who can beat taker, and we all know no one will. They need to put that to rest already and come up with some real matches as opposed to banking on the Undertaker every year.

THIS....got old 4 years ago.
Originally Posted by AquaGrape2345

The undertakers matches at Wrestlemania remind me of the Yokozuna challenge back in the 90's as every year its who can beat taker, and we all know no one will. They need to put that to rest already and come up with some real matches as opposed to banking on the Undertaker every year.
Wait, is this real life? If Undertaker can produce a quality match this year I see no reason to put someone over until he can't go anymore (2-3 aprox IMO)
^ That is exactly my point they can not continue to rely on him all the time as he is aging, and they need to start establishing well thought out and planned feuds that will have us the fans wanting to see. Yeah I know that the WWE is predicatable but if they dedicated time to building superstars and giving them legitimate chances, then it would make for better matches and PPV buy rates.
I know Goldberg was only in the WWE for a very short time but if Lawler made it and he only really wrestled somewhat in the WWE (even though I know he's been a commentator forever), I think he still deserved a spot on the Top 50 list
Originally Posted by GenX

I know Goldberg was only in the WWE for a very short time but if Lawler made it and he only really wrestled somewhat in the WWE (even though I know he's been a commentator forever), I think he still deserved a spot on the Top 50 list
I have to disagree.  Goldberg didn't have the talent, promo skill, or staying power to make any top 50 list, WWE generated or not.
Originally Posted by GenX

I know Goldberg was only in the WWE for a very short time but if Lawler made it and he only really wrestled somewhat in the WWE (even though I know he's been a commentator forever), I think he still deserved a spot on the Top 50 list

no way he deserved it over lawler
, maybe I shouldn't put Lawler down in defense of Goldberg but Goldberg wasn't one of the biggest stars in wrestling history even though I know he wasn't really there that long? He had to be the biggest WCW star from 1997-1999 (one of the biggest of all-time) and who doesn't know who Goldberg is when he's mentioned?
Originally Posted by GenX

, maybe I shouldn't put Lawler down in defense of Goldberg but Goldberg wasn't one of the biggest stars in wrestling history even though I know he wasn't really there that long? He had to be the biggest WCW star from 1997-1999 (and of all-time) and who doesn't know who Goldberg is when he's mentioned?

Biggest WCW star of all time? Not sure if serious.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by GenX

, maybe I shouldn't put Lawler down in defense of Goldberg but Goldberg wasn't one of the biggest stars in wrestling history even though I know he wasn't really there that long? He had to be the biggest WCW star from 1997-1999 (and of all-time) and who doesn't know who Goldberg is when he's mentioned?

Biggest WCW star of all time? Not sure if serious.
  I hated the way they pushed him.
Made everyone lose to him. I was at the Starcade he lost to Kevin Nash in DC
Originally Posted by MJ All Day45

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by GenX

, maybe I shouldn't put Lawler down in defense of Goldberg but Goldberg wasn't one of the biggest stars in wrestling history even though I know he wasn't really there that long? He had to be the biggest WCW star from 1997-1999 (and of all-time) and who doesn't know who Goldberg is when he's mentioned?

Biggest WCW star of all time? Not sure if serious.
  I hated the way they pushed him.
Made everyone lose to him. I was at the Starcade he lost to Kevin Nash in DC
Nah mistake, meant one of the biggest stars.
WWE announced this afternoon on their website that Abdullah the Butcher will inducted into the organization’s Hall of Fame on Saturday, April 2 in Atlanta, Georgia.

WWE is branding The Butcher ‘as one of the most vicious competitors to ever enter the ring’. They also acknowledge The Butcher has battled every legend in nearly every promotion on the planet, with the exception of WWE.
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