Wrestling Thread Mar 14-20 | 3/18 Smackdown - Del Rio v Christian - Cage Match | Sheamus v Kofi

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Originally Posted by sammietheboss

Wizards323 wrote:
Hoping the Miz comes out outfitted as the Rock.
How did u know

These last two weeks have done a lot to add credibility to Miz as WWE champion.

Hopefully this weekly destruction of  Cena isn't leading to him burying Miz at Mania.
Originally Posted by toine2983

Hopefully this weekly destruction of  Cena isn't leading to him burying Miz at Mania.
Most likely. One sided feuds usually only mean one thing.
Originally Posted by toine2983

These last two weeks have done a lot to add credibility to Miz as WWE champion.

Hopefully this weekly destruction of  Cena isn't leading to him burying Miz at Mania.

JNSQ got a better chance of smushing Snooki than Miz not getting buried by Cena at Mania.
all i want for mania is cm god winning and the rock laying the smackdown on cena

i still wont purchase the ppv tho
Originally Posted by theDEEK

I must say, it was a good move taking Riley away from the Miz.

he was "re-hired" by the miz at a house show this past weekend
Wow...what a Raw. Still the biggest build for WM has got to be Cole Vs. The King.

a few notes about tonight..
-Rock's segment

-Sheamus over Daniel Bryan Danielson clean.
(sorry, but Daniel Bryan fan)
-J.R.'s return.

-Grandmaster Sexay's return.

-Cole's Cole Mine.

-Miz's impersonation/making statements.

WWE had an opportunity for a great main event with Del Swag vs. Superman but I understand the reason they went the way it went. Either way, great episode. I am anticipating every Raw from now on since Rocky said he'll make a return before WM.

I was talking with my cousin and WWE should really think about putting Miz over Cena.
He also mentioned a storyline where Rock returns and helps a Cena heel turn which could be
I think Cena turns at Wrestlemania and leads to a match vs. the Rock at Summerslam

the Cena heel turn may only last one PPV like HBK did with Hogan but I really see the heel turn happening this year
There was a spot taped at tonight’s TNA Impact taping where Kurt Angle hit Jeff Jarrett over the head with a guitar and busted him open hardway. I’m told Jarrett was busted open in multiple places and was “bleeding profusely.
at me for really thinking JR was bout to say that he would be announcing at WM since Cole/Lawler had a match.

A Booker/Josh Matthews/JR team woulda been
. Oh well.
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