Wrestling Thread Mar 22-28 | 3/23 WWE NXT - Bryan/Tarver vs Young/Otunga

goldberg back would be really good, but if hes on smackdown....

the feud with hhh was horrible.....would like to see him feud with taker, punk, jericho....if he does sign, i expect him to show up during the draft or sumthin

i read he want merriman to show up with him....btw, merriman n otunga look like twins
News & Notes

Latest update on The Rock and when he might return to the WWE.

The current word regarding Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is he will guest host the June 7, 2010 edition of WWE Raw from the American Airlines Arena in Miami, Florida. There are still a lot of variables for this to happen. It depends on Johnson's desire to participate, his schedule being clear and that WWE sticks with the guest host concept long enough for it happen. Vince McMahon told WWE creative to tweak the format of guest hosts several weeks ago, but despite reports indicating the concept was over, it continued because McMahon is still a fan of it. Johnson is not scheduled to do anything more than guest host an edition of Raw in WWE.

Details on Bret Hart's status with WWE after Wrestlemania and his interaction with HHH.

Bret Hart's short-term WWE contract runs through the length of WWE's upcoming post-Wrestlemania XXVI tour of the United Kingdom. He will appear on selective Raw brand shows and has been included in local advertisements, proclaiming it his first tour of the UK in 13 years. Hart has enjoyed his limited schedule with WWE and his time back. He has remained low key backstage and has steered away from people he doesn't get along with such as Triple H. Hunter and Bret are not friends but have remained professional when in contact.

Full details on this week's RAW and TNA ratings.

This week's edition of TNA iMPACT! scored a 0.86 (.9) cable rating, slightly up from last week's 0.84 rating. The show did 1.2 million viewers, an improvement over last week's 1.1 million viewers. The rating is up 2% from the previous week. The demos were all up as well: -- M18-49 did a 0.86, up +18% -- M18-34 did a 0.86, up +37% -- P18-49 did a 0.53, up +15%.

Here's the quarter-hour breakdown for Impact: The show's first hour did 0.83, rising to 0.87 for the second hour. The opening segment with Bischoff and Jarrett was the second-lowest quarter hour of the show at 0.79. This picked up to 0.93 for Q3 with the announcement of Team Hogan vs. Team Flair for Lockdown. There was a big drop to 0.76 for the Tomko-Rob Terry match, the lowest quarter of the night, but by Q6 had peaked at 0.97 with the end of the Jarrett-Foley match, RVD and Jeff Hardy's promo, and Hogan and Bischoff backstage. After that high, the show went downhill, with 0.85 in Q8 and a 0.81 rating for the overrun.

This week's edition of WWE Monday night RAW scored a 3.24 (3.2) cable rating, down from last week's 3.7 rating. That is a bad number for the WrestleMania go-home show. WWE was down over 1 million viewers, down 19%.

averaged a 2.67 among the M18-49 demo (down -12% vs. last week), with a 2.35 in M18-34 (down -7%) . A total of 4.5 million viewers tuned in (down -19%).

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]WWE officials can't be pleased with that number. Hindsight is 20/20 and maybe there was scheduling issues or w/e but Austin should have guest hosted THIS week's RAW, not last. Dumb move on their part. On TNA's side, numbers picked up a bit but they're still not good. I guess they're now seeing the light with rumblings about them making the 8-10 PM switch.[/color]

WWE being "very strict" with their talent during Wrestlemania week.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]WWE is reportedly being very strict with their talent during WrestleMania 26 week in Phoenix.

They want talent to be kept as busy as possible and don't want the wrestlers wandering off to ROH or Dragon Gate USA events. Wrestlers have been told specifically to not attend these events.

They were also informed to expect TMZ cameras everywhere and told not to break character too much.

Bret Hart speaks on hanging out with Stone Cold on RAW.

Bret Hart has posted a new blog update on his Facebook.com page talking about working with "Stone Cold" Steve Austin at last week's RAW and says he's "totally pumped up" for his match with Vince McMahon this weekend at WrestleMania.

"It was great seeing my pal, Stone Cold, last week on Raw. We talked for some time about our old WrestleMania 13 match and how great it was. Steve looked terrific and was excited about his acting career," Hart said. "I also had a long look back with Kevin Dunn and Pat Patterson after Raw last week. We had some nice reflections on Owen that reminded us all what a tragic loss his passing was. We had some laughs too, and Pat laughed until he cried. All in all, it as a great night for me in San Diego last week."

Bret also thanked his fans for being in his corner over the past 3 months since his return to WWE. "I'll never forget it nor will I let you down next Sunday. WrestleMania, here I come!"

WWE announces Wayne Brady as a guest host; updated upcoming list.

WWE has announced Wayne Brady as the guest host of the May 3rd edition of WWE Raw from Jacksonville, Florida. Below is the updated guest host schedule

* March 29, 2010 - Rob Corddry & Clark Duke
* April 12, 2010 - David Hasselhoff
* April 19, 2010 - Will Forte, Kristen Wigg & Ryan Rhillippe
* May 3, 2010 - Wayne Brady

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]END THIS %$*$ ALREADY![/color]

Hart Dynasty speak on not being involved with Bret Hart.

SmackDown's Hart Dynasty faction recently spoke to Slam.Canoe.ca about Bret Hart's return to WWE. DH Smith said he doesn't know why their act hasn't appeared on camera with Bret, despite the family connections. "I think it would have made perfect sense," he said. "Why it didn't happen, I couldn't exactly tell you."

When asked whether they might work with Bret after his angle with Vince McMahon is over, Natalya said, "We really don't know any of those plans after Mania. In WWE, we go show to show, day to day. In our industry, WWE, it's always 'card is subject to change', whether it's injury or whatever. Things change by the day."

Daniel Bryan still slated to go over to RAW.

Despite the continued "humbling" on WWE NXT, there are still plans for Bryan Daniel to get "voted in" for a contract on Raw in a couple of weeks. This could always change but apparently several in the company are pushing for him to make it to a major brand.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]They'd utilize him better on Smackdown...he's gonna get lost in the shuffle on RAW.

Disappointment over NXT ratings.

Speaking of WWE NXT, there is a lot of disappointment regarding the ratings the show has been doing. The show premiered with a stronger 1.3 cable rating but dropped off the next week with a 1.0 rating and posted its lowest rating last week with a 0.8. There is legitimate fear WWE could lose their slot on SyFy if ratings do not improve.

Top talents in TNA not given full promo scripts.

The Wrestling Observer is reporting that top talents in TNA like Ric Flair, Mr. Anderson and Hulk Hogan are not receiving full promo scripts when they tape TV. Instead, top talents who are said to be at a level above others in terms of promo ability are given bullet points that they need to hit, but are free to make up the rest of the promos as they wish.

Stone Cold didn't clear drinking beer before RAW.

Vince McMahon did not clear Steve Austin to drink beer in the ring on the opening segment of last Monday's Raw from San Diego. Austin just went out and did it. He was, however, told to watch his language to comply with their PG programming.

John Cena speaks on WWE's Wellness Program and the strenuous road schedule.

In an interview with Sky Sports, John Cena is asked to comment on WWE's Wellness Program, which most notably includes drug testing. While he feels the creation of the program was the right move on the company's part, he doesn't feel it was a necessary one as WWE Superstars are regarded as entertainers rather than organized athletes.

"It's nothing but a positive. I'll be quite honest with you, it's a company move that didn't need to be made," said Cena. "This is the entertainment industry, we're not organized athletics. But the WWE made a positive effort to look after its athletes and I'm very, very happy. It was the right move."

Cena is also asked to comment on his strenuous road schedule and whether it hurts to "fight at least 250 times a year."

"I guess it depends on how good you do," he said. "On average, I would actually compare it to an American football game. It's very intense. The action is in spurts. We fight every night. We fight Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. So, it's like playing five American football games in five straight days. I've been doing it for eight years and I feel as strong as the day I started."

To read the interview in its entirety, go to http://www.skysports.com/

Major WWE drug testing takes place.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]World Wrestling Entertainment conducted their latest round of drug testing this past week, including wrestlers advertised to compete at Wrestlemania 26 later this month.

If any wrestler were to fail these tests, they would be taken off WrestleMania.

No wrestler has been suspended due to a violation of the company's drug testing violation in over six months, with the last punishment being handed out on August 27, 2009 to Rey Mysterio.

Bobby Lashley speaks on his status with TNA and MMA career.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Former WWE & TNA star and current Strikeforce MMA heavyweight contender Bobby Lashley spoke to FightLine.com last week about his transition from wrestling to MMA, the opening of his new MMA gym in Colorado and more. Some highlights:

His Status with TNA: “As far as I know, I’m not working with them. At the time things started getting really built up with fighting and signing with Strikeforce and everything, it was just kind of hard doing both at the same time. We tried to work something, but I guess it didn’t work. So as far as I know, I’m on the future endeavored lists (laughs).
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

im guessin over the limit theme will be iron man matches?

I was thinking that or bringing that Beat The Clock stuff to PPV. Don't know how much I'd like that though.
Originally Posted by Captain Charisma85

Dave Meltzer is reporting that the reason why WWE decided against doing a CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio "hair vs. mask" match was because the company felt it would be too predictable. According to Meltzer, the creative team felt that fans wouldn't believe Mysterio could lose his mask. Apparently, WWE doesn't feel people would want to see the match "knowing" that CM Punk would get his head shaved.

The idea for Mysterio's daughter Alliyah to be involved in the storyline was not WWE's idea, but rather from another wrestler.

A couple of ideas for Alliyah ended up being shot down. One idea was similar to Raven/Sandman storyline in ECW where CM Punk would slowly try to turn Alliyah against her father. Another idea that was nixed was where CM Punk would cut Alliyah's hair short.

The feud is expected to continue past Wrestlemania, depending on how long Mysterio holds out on getting knee surgery that he needs.
  This would have been absolutely epic.

ummmm..... what the hell??? the fans would feel rey wouldnt lose the mask??? he lost it already in wcw!

as far as the raven sandman angle, its been done to death....

^when rey lost the mask in wcw rey was pissed off by it, the mask is very important to mexican wrestlers

it was either lose it or be fired
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

goldberg back would be really good, but if hes on smackdown....

the feud with hhh was horrible.....would like to see him feud with taker, punk, jericho....if he does sign, i expect him to show up during the draft or sumthin

i read he want merriman to show up with him....btw, merriman n otunga look like twins
i would love to see goldberg back in wwe. thing is his gimmick is pretty much an unbeatable character ie ultimate warrior or undertaker. so he is a hard character to handle and keep fellow wrestlers happy.

i hope sting signs to wwe before next year's wrestlemania. he should be the main hof inductee if its gonna be wcw themed then have an undertaker/sting dream match at wm or afterwards...

^i dont see sting signing wit wwe but if goldberg signs, he could headline next years mania, most likely against cena

if undertakers streak doesnt end sunday, i see it end at wm27

there were talks of debiadr jr endin it this yearbut who knows, maybe next year
- It’s being planned to have Sting join the Wolfpac with Scott Hall, Kevin Nash and Sean Waltman soon.

There was some damage recently to the TNA World Heavyweight Title belt. At the Destination X pay-per-view, AJ Styles was wearing a replica of the actual belt as it’s being fixed. There may be a new World Title design introduced soon.
Originally Posted by chillainvillain

The following is a recent tweet from the official Twitter page of Bill Goldberg:

"Yes, I am in negotiations with the WWE.  Looks like ole Hogan and TNA missed the boat.  Shame for the fans they didn't even try.  Anyone got any issues on the TNA side I suggest you bring it up with them.  Truth is I never thought I'd even consider it...then came my son.  No one said I'd wrestle but the door is open to again."


Thank God!!! Goldberg is one of the most over rated wrestlers in history. Dude has no place in TNA
Originally Posted by 100PROOF

Originally Posted by chillainvillain

The following is a recent tweet from the official Twitter page of Bill Goldberg:

"Yes, I am in negotiations with the WWE.  Looks like ole Hogan and TNA missed the boat.  Shame for the fans they didn't even try.  Anyone got any issues on the TNA side I suggest you bring it up with them.  Truth is I never thought I'd even consider it...then came my son.  No one said I'd wrestle but the door is open to again."


Thank God!!! Goldberg is one of the most over rated wrestlers in history. Dude has no place in TNA
Seriously. I don't even know why people are happy about him coming back. His run in the E wasn't that great and he doesn't even like wrestling. Don't get me wrong, I know he's a big draw and would make the WCW theme for the HOF go way over if he were to actually compete in the mania that year. I just don't like the fact that he's blatantly starting a bidding war. Why mention TNA if you had no intention of going there? (or to come back to wrestling like he previously mentioned.) Ole John Cena of WCW lookin'..

But if the E can't get Sting for next year..I guess this guy is the next best thing.
Hold up...y'all are getting way ahead of yourselves with some of this talk.

- It's possible Sting might be inducted into the WWE HOF one day but as far as him stepping into a WWE ring and wrestling...nah. Vince won't sign him to a performer's deal because he does not like giving workers limited schedules...even though you can make the argument Sting has "earned" that by now. When Sting retires, they might try and get him on a Legends deal (which is different from a performer's contract) and doesn't have to involve wrestling. How boss would it be though to get inducted in their HOF as an American wrestler with a 20+ year career while never stepping foot in their ring? That's G.

- As far as Goldberg,

Bill is in negotiations with WWE but not for a performer's contract. He is negotiating with them on a Legend's deal in order for the company to have Mattel make a new Goldberg action figure. While anything is possible, it is unlikely he would return in a wrestling role. His comments geared towards Hulk Hogan and TNA stem from Hogan claiming he was negotiating with them when he wasn't.

So he's sort of in the same boat as Sting. Highly doubtful he's coming to back to wrestle at all, but if he does, it might be a one time retirement match or something. He's not gonna be there traveling with the guys every week. Might make a special appearance here and there and be an ambassador for the company, sort of like Stone Cold.

Goldberg had this comment the other day:

Do you ever miss the wrestling and wearing your underwear on national television?
I don’t miss the underwear part.[Laughs] [...] But absolutely, I miss the wrestling. I miss the ability to simply put a smile on a kid’s face — and granted, there’s no question I miss the ability to just smash somebody and not get put in jail for it. Other than that, I don’t miss anything about the politics, the stupidity and the long working hours of professional wrestling. And it’s not geared towards kids anymore. I don’t want to be associated with anything my 3½-year-old little boy can’t watch.

I don't know if he realizes his boy can watch PG WWE now but you get his point. He's not with all that wrestling stuff anymore.

J.R. commenting on Goldberg:

On Goldberg: Bill Goldberg reports that he is negotiating with WWE but my best guess is that it's not about a return to the ring. Bill is a smart entrepreneur and the former Tulsa Edison and University of Georgia football star likely is looking at doing a marketing deal with WWE that might include video games, possible WWE HOF Induction next year in Atlanta, and merchandise sales. It sounds like a win/win for both parties. I really don't know what the potential deal is as I found out about it from reading the internet which reported Goldberg's Twitter statement. Nonetheless after being involved in several of these type deals, I can see where both parties can benefit from an arrangement. Goldberg gets the opportunity to earn additional cash without putting his body through hell and he gets some nice exposure for his various TV vehicles. The WWE could monetize Goldberg's likeness in a variety of ways. Is it possible for Goldberg to come back and perform in a "farewell bout" in the Georgia Dome next year at WM27? It's possible one has to assume.
Originally Posted by 100PROOF

Goldberg is one of the most over rated wrestlers in history.
Agreed. He never really liked the business either...got into it late and did it more for the paycheck. Wasn't a terrible wrestler but was more of a brawler and could never carry a match. As long as he's not actively wrestling or it's one match...I'm good.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

there were talks of debiadr jr endin it this yearbut who knows, maybe next year
DiBiase Jr. was never in talks of ending the streak. What was brought up was IF they were to end it...what guy would they want to give that rub to? It's been reported Taker would prefer a young up-and-comer instead of an established vet because the vet wouldn't need that type of accomplishment. OK, then which young guy? Someone who they see staying in the business for a long time...not a guy like Brock Lesnar, who they pushed through the moon and left while he was at his prime. That's where DiBiase and guys like him might fit into that category...but it never materialized enough to even talk about picking a guy to end it. Most of that was speculation.
I really gotta get back to work so one last note on the Goldberg thing..

I know he wouldn't compete long (possibly just for Mania ala sorta kinda like Bret Harts current deal). IF he did compete. I'm sure the deal is going to be a legends deal. Nothing wrong with that. Bill the man himself is cool, I've talked to him at a MMA event a few years back..but it just bothered me that he took a shot at another company for NO reason at all. Why even bring up TNA? Makes no sense. And #2 that he's blatantly doing it for the money. Which is guess is whatever. I don't know.

I'm going to leave on the note that i'm bothered but at the end of the day I don't care about him.

But even though I know it won't happen but he can somewhat likely get a legend deal or just an appearance for the HOF Sting in a WWE ring would be the Holy Grail IMO for a WCW weekend.

Anyways...okay. I'm done ranting. I swear
. Back to work..
I'd be interested in seeing a Goldberg possible heel run. Go at Cena like Batista did. lol.

I was thinking on the way to work (partly because I am lame like that the other to keep my mind off the commute.) was that I'd like to see the member of legacy split up to diff brands and go after belts.

Either possibility for the IC and the US belts.

I mean I feel Drew is probably going to make his push on up to the big boys and the Miz got a good thing IMO with showmiz and the tag belts.
pope said this is sting's last year and he will retire. that would give him a few months to negotiate with the wwe.

you guys are way over your head if you think mcmahon has things set in stone. i could see him easily giving sting a light schedule maybe even just only 1 match at wm. have him lose to the undertaker or booker t. Sting in atlanta would be crazy and would make that wm way over the top....not to mention the hof

that sting joining the wolfpac idea is god awful..... that didnt work in wcw so why would they do that in tna? smh
sting could happen but i think ge would sign a short term contract like bret...

seeing as mania is gonna be in georgia it would make sense

wm 27 could have
sting vs taker in a dream match, and have sting lookin from the raftersand things like that, like when crow sting first came out....and u already have taker light goin out thing, would be great
and i also see a hhh vs hbk match, with some stipulation , maybe career vs career....i think this will happen because both never went 1 on 1 at mania and also because of something else but ill leave that for when we post our wm 26 predictions
you guys know wrestling is fake right??

as in scripted, not real, make believe.

just wanted to remind you guys.
There's a proposed Lockdown match list floating around the net, take a look at the teams for lethal lockdown

Lethal Lockdown
Team Hogan: Abyss, Jeff Hardy, RVD, Jay Lethal & Jeff Jarrett vs Team Flair: Sting, Desmond Wolfe Matt Morgan, & Beer Money.
I gotta see how this comes together
mark madsen

are u serious? its fake? damn here i am being a wrestling fan for 20 years thinkin its real....smh
Originally Posted by Mark Madsen

you guys know wrestling is fake right??

as in scripted, not real, make believe.

just wanted to remind you guys.

btw, have you heard of this Vince Carter dude the Raptor's just traded Antawn Jamison for? I heard he got a lot of potential.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

mark madsen

are u serious? its fake? damn here i am being a wrestling fan for 20 years thinkin its real....smh


you lost already baby boy.
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