Wrestling Thread Mar 5-11 | 3/9 Smackdown - A Night of Craziness

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

NTWT Returns Tonight...

With the unveiling of NT Mania 2 Logo. 9:30 Pacific
You're the roster? Well, NTSuperstars was filmed early this morning, so I wouldn't doubt it.
I didn't watch it though since it was purely on line, and I'm THE man on the main show.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

You're the roster? Well, NTSuperstars was filmed early this morning, so I wouldn't doubt it.
I didn't watch it though since it was purely on line, and I'm THE man on the main show.

Don't make me pull out the gif. 
Originally Posted by hymen man

Originally Posted by Peep Game

You're the roster? Well, NTSuperstars was filmed early this morning, so I wouldn't doubt it.
I didn't watch it though since it was purely on line, and I'm THE man on the main show.

Don't make me pull out the gif. 

Don't make me remind you of these:

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But more importantly, your highpoint:

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Sexy red leather pants
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Welcome back the NTWT

ElCubano vs. Peep_Game (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)
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Howard Finkle - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 268 pounds,, Peep_Game!!! (crowd cheers ***********)

[BALLLLLLIN'! +Beat Hits on PA+ "Holla to the world" plays through out the arena as he walks down the isle ]

Howard Finkle - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds, from Mexico, ElCubano!!!

[ElCubano walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Peep_Game executes a pumphandle suplex on ElCubano. ElCubano drops Peep_Game with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (the bell rings) Peep_Game hits a flying karate chop right to ElCubano's neck. Peep_Game gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Peep_Game applies the clawhold on ElCubano. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Follows up with a clawhold.

[Peep_Game kicks ElCubano in the groin. ElCubano with a jumping DDT on Peep_Game. ElCubano climbs to his feet. ElCubano measures Peep_Game up and drops a closed fist. ElCubano stands up. Peep_Game gets hit with the shooting star press from ElCubano. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 Peep_Game kicks out. ]

Howard Finkle - Not even close!

[Peep_Game is up again. Peep_Game bounces ElCubano off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. Peep_Game climbs to his feet. ElCubano neck snaps Peep_Game. ElCubano spinning mule kicks Peep_Game. Peep_Game hits ElCubano with a heart punch. ElCubano climbs to his feet. ElCubano lifts Peep_Game into the air and delivers a spine buster. ElCubano knees Peep_Game and rolls back to his feet. ElCubano grabs Peep_Game and applies an arm wrench. Peep_Game jabs ElCubano. Peep_Game hits him with a back fist. ]

Michael Cole - Peep_Game with a back fist.

[ElCubano hits a koppo kick on Peep_Game. Peep_Game bounces ElCubano off the ropes and hits him with a jumping clothesline. Peep_Game chants start. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - ElCubano is getting the crap kicked out of him!

[Peep_Game hits ElCubano with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Peep_Game climbs to his feet. ElCubano is up again. ElCubano gouges Peep_Game's eyes out. Peep_Game gets hit with a dragon scerw from ElCubano. Peep_Game comes from behind and bulldogs ElCubano. Peep_Game moves back to his feet. ElCubano gets hit with the shooting star press from Peep_Game. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 ElCubano escapes. ]

Howard Finkle - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[ElCubano moves back to his feet. Peep_Game hits ElCubano with the back of his elbow. ]

Jim Ross - Peep_Game executes a back elbow.

[ElCubano gets snap suplexed by Peep_Game. Peep_Game is back on his feet. Peep_Game drags ElCubano to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Peep_Game chokes ElCubano with a microphone cable. (..2) Peep_Game executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of ElCubano. Peep_Game is up again. ElCubano is up again. (...3) ElCubano hits Peep_Game with a heart punch. (....4) ElCubano puts Peep_Game in an arm grapevine submission. ]

Michael Cole - Peep_Game takes a arm grapevine.

[(.....5) ElCubano and Peep_Game move back into the ring. Peep_Game gets hit with a diving elbow smash from ElCubano. ElCubano is back on his feet. Peep_Game rakes the face of ElCubano in attempt to make a come back. Peep_Game hits ElCubano with a Baba chop. Peep_Game grabs ElCubano by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. ElCubano gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Peep_Game. Peep_Game jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on ElCubano. Peep_Game gets back to his feet. Peep_Game rolls onto ElCubano connecting with a knee. Peep_Game executes a corkscrew legdrop on ElCubano. Peep_Game gets back to his feet. ElCubano climbs to his feet. ElCubano powerbombs Peep_Game. ]

Jim Ross - If ElCubano keeps using moves like that power bomb he could win the match!

[ElCubano comes from behind and bulldogs Peep_Game. ElCubano climbs to his feet. Peep_Game climbs to his feet. Peep_Game executes a huge gutbuster on ElCubano. Peep_Game puts ElCubano in an arm grapevine submission. ]

Michael Cole - arm grapevine!

[Peep_Game goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on ElCubano. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - ElCubano takes a flying sitdown splash.

[Peep_Game gets up. ElCubano gives Peep_Game the cobra clutch suplex onto the mat. ElCubano and Peep_Game go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) ElCubano executes a corkscrew legdrop on Peep_Game. Peep_Game stands up. ElCubano uses a running lariat to take Peep_Game down. ElCubano and Peep_Game move back into the ring. ElCubano chokes Peep_Game with his boot. ElCubano stomps Peep_Game's head. Peep_Game gets up. ElCubano uses a legsweep faceslam to bring Peep_Game down. ElCubano rolls him up with a backflip cradle. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Jim Ross - ElCubano has won the match! Outstanding! The Gangsta one approves.

Howard Finkle - The winner of this match, ElCubano!!!

Generated by Zeus Pro
Copyright 2000
Previously on NTWE:
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JNSQ wrote:

Clubito, Clubito, Clubito...my dear, little Clubito...
I appreciate the kind words, but I don't take advice from a man as delusional as you.
 Bigger fish to fry? You have not proved yourself as a main-event talent with wins...just words.
 I acknowledge your participation in last year's NTWM main-event, but that was when it was new and the roster was too few.
 You were a jobber...to 4w...a sacrificial lamb.
This is a win-win situation for you.
 If The grace of Steiner is on your side, you may beat me, take my belt, and end my e-career...doubtful, but possible.
 If I win, you can finally be a big fish in a small pond.
 Hell, I'll talk to the brass and get an NT Lightweight Championship belt so you can compete for it.
You'll be the Chavo to my Eddie.
Take the challenge Club. Be great for once.
 Then again, you've always played second fiddle to 4w here...and Diego out of this thread.




Jen! JEN! HILARIOUS STUFF! You're doing it, man!

Look at you, with your "no glass ceiling is gonna stawp meh!" attitude and your laughable career-ending stipulations, you've built yourself up here bud!
AND the double-whammy 4w/Diego jokes! Bringing up some dork from Philly and a dude with possibly the biggest case of Little Brother Syndrome ever witnessed on a sneaker-based website. Solid material, original too!

I like it, i like it alot.

With this undoubted momentum that you have rolling behind ya, Can you imagine the attention we'll bring to this in August at NTSlam? When the markee rightfully reads



because you see Jen you were wrong when you said that im not a main-event talent based on wins because that couldnt be further from the truth and I think we both know that.

I did indeed do what was right for our little "company" at the time and lost at NT Mania 1

But guess what?

I've literally main evented and won everything since.

You know why I was main eventing? Because I deserved it. Because Im better than you. All of you.

We got our team of higher-ups, but I carry this place on my back.

I've made big-name participants out of some of you, and have the ability to really bring out  real feelings in this harmless fantasy world we live in.

And throughout my success around here, what were you up to?

floating around, doing jobs to the living running-gag himself, BKMac.

only until recently proving yourself as the.....best mid-carder. Cool. That's like being the most attractive virgin.

and why would i "post with the lightweight posters and leave the heavyweight division." What? What does that even mean?

Who makes up this supposed "Heavyweight Division" exactly?

In the end its all just a silly game, but its a competitive one, and I know im not the only one who feels that way.

I did what was right a year ago. I've been patient for my shot, this is my shot.

Veintisiete, Club, whatever you want to call me.

None of you can tell me that im not the uncrowned king around here.

But if my theory is right and the NTWE title is not an accolade based on competition, not a symbol of superiority amongst peers,

but merely a Lifetime Achievement Award, an 'Atta boy!' prize, a massive jerkfest of the feline-loving face around here

then let the headline read:


For, appparently, the most prestigious singles title in NTWE

But if there is indeed a third person added to match per BAWWSSSEESS ORDAHHSS, then you can step off into a little fued with the vengeful GHIMS or something while I take what undoubtedly belongs me and has for a nearly a year.

Oh, and ROGER? Go get my f****** bags.
TheDeek vs. YardHouse vs. "Masked Man" (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)
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Howard Finkle - This match is a Standard Match. Coming to the ring first, weighing in at 213 pounds, he holds the United States Championship title belt, TheDeek!!! (crowd cheers *******)

[TheDeek's music plays as TheDeek walks down the isle dancing ]

Howard Finkle - The second in this three way match, weighing in at 252 pounds,, YardHouse!!! (crowd cheers ****)

["Don't step on my yard" hits as the crowd errupts chearing while YardHouse walks into the ring ]

Howard Finkle - And third, weighing in at 497 pounds, from Parts Unknown, "Masked Man"!!!

["Masked Man" walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. TheDeek walks around the ring. YardHouse drops "Masked Man" with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. TheDeek gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from "Masked Man". (ring, ring, ring) TheDeek executes a ropeflip hiptoss on YardHouse. YardHouse is back on his feet. YardHouse hits a flying karate chop right to TheDeek's neck. YardHouse bites TheDeek's arm out of desparation. YardHouse hiptosses TheDeek. Now TheDeek standing. A springboard dropkick by TheDeek sends YardHouse to the mat. TheDeek chants start. ]

Jim Ross - springboard dropkick!

[TheDeek hits YardHouse with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. TheDeek is back on his feet. YardHouse is driven further into the mat by TheDeek with a diving elbow smash. TheDeek moves back to his feet. TheDeek hits YardHouse with an elbowdrop. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - elbow drop by TheDeek.

[TheDeek hits YardHouse with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. ]

Howard Finkle - YardHouse takes a elbowdrop.

[TheDeek is back on his feet. YardHouse goes for a leaping swinging DDT but TheDeek dodges the attack. YardHouse goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps TheDeek. YardHouse gets up. YardHouse stomps TheDeek's head. YardHouse puts TheDeek in an arm grapevine submission. ]

Michael Cole - TheDeek takes a arm grapevine.

[Now TheDeek standing. "Masked Man" nails YardHouse with a springboard dropkick. "Masked Man" climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on YardHouse. ]

Howard Finkle - That diving headbutt was very good.

["Masked Man" climbs to his feet. "Masked Man" executes a leg hammerlock on YardHouse. The referee is checking the situation. ... "Masked Man" tightens the hold. ... YardHouse is fighting the hold. ... "Masked Man" tightens the hold. TheDeek attacks "Masked Man" breaking the hold. "Masked Man" drags YardHouse to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) "Masked Man" picks up YardHouse and hits him with a Back Suplex. "Masked Man" stands up. Now YardHouse standing. (..2) "Masked Man" hits a jumping elbow hrust on YardHouse. YardHouse is up again. "Masked Man" executes a swinging bulldog on YardHouse driving YardHouse's face into the floor. "Masked Man" gets up. "Masked Man" and YardHouse move back into the ring. YardHouse brings a chair to the ring. Earl Hebner warns him not to use it. YardHouse shoves Earl Hebner. ring, ring, ring! Earl Hebner calls for the bell. YardHouse was disqualified. ]

Jim Ross - "Masked Man" has won the match! Outstanding! The Gangsta one approves.

Howard Finkle - The winner of this match, "Masked Man"!!!

Generated by Zeus Pro
Copyright 2000
CaseKicks vs. BrasilianMami (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Pizza Hut Brawl)
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Howard Finkle - This match is a Pizza Hut Brawl. On his way to the pizza hut main area at this time, weighing in at 275 pounds,, BrasilianMami!!! (crowd cheers ********)

[B-B-B Braaaaaaaasilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll... Brasilian's music plays as he walks down the isle and into the ring ]

Howard Finkle - and his opponent, weighing in at 315 pounds,, CaseKicks!!! (crowd boos ********)

[CaseKicks' music plays as he walks down to the ring BrasilianMami executes a pumphandle suplex on CaseKicks. CaseKicks places BrasilianMami on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. (the bell rings) BrasilianMami knifehand chops CaseKicks. CaseKicks gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on BrasilianMami. ]

Michael Cole - CaseKicks with a jumping neck snap.

[BrasilianMami double underhook faceslams CaseKicks hard to the CaseKicks. BrasilianMami hits CaseKicks with an elbowdrop. CaseKicks climbs to his feet. CaseKicks climbs the turnbuckle and nails BrasilianMami with a flying bulldog. BrasilianMami gets back to his feet. CaseKicks cuts BrasilianMami with a broken bottle of ketchup. BrasilianMami is bleeding as a result. CaseKicks hiptosses BrasilianMami. BrasilianMami gets hit with a diving elbow smash from CaseKicks. CaseKicks gets up. BrasilianMami is back on his feet. Flying side kick by BrasilianMami takes CaseKicks off his feet. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Follows up with a flying side kick.

[CaseKicks gets knocked on the ground and BrasilianMami flips onto him. BrasilianMami moves back to his feet. CaseKicks climbs to his feet. CaseKicks hits BrasilianMami with the back of his elbow. ]

Michael Cole - back elbow!

[BrasilianMami puts CaseKicks on the turnbuckle and executes a belly-to-belly superplex. BrasilianMami gets up. BrasilianMami stands on top of the table with CaseKicks BrasilianMami Powerbombs CaseKicks through the table! ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - It was a smart move to the table. CaseKicks no longer has to watch out for weapons. BrasilianMami takes CaseKicks off the table.

[BrasilianMami swings a broken bottle of ketchup and hits CaseKicks. CaseKicks is bleeding as a result. ]

Howard Finkle - This is how wrestling should be!

[CaseKicks nails the bridging back suplex on BrasilianMami. CaseKicks brings BrasilianMami to the salad bar! CaseKicks swings a pizza box and hits BrasilianMami. CaseKicks applies an arm wrench to BrasilianMami. BrasilianMami hits CaseKicks with a Baba chop. ]

Jim Ross - CaseKicks takes a Baba Chop.

[BrasilianMami delivers a kick to the head of CaseKicks. BrasilianMami jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on CaseKicks. BrasilianMami moves back to his feet. CaseKicks with a powerful choke lift on BrasilianMami. ]

Howard Finkle - Nice choke lift by CaseKicks.

[CaseKicks throws a salt shaker at BrasilianMami. CaseKicks knee drops BrasilianMami. CaseKicks sucks chants start in the crowd. ]

Michael Cole - CaseKicks with a knee drop.

[CaseKicks climbs to his feet. CaseKicks throws a jar of parmesan cheese at BrasilianMami. ]

Howard Finkle - I wish every match could be like this!

[BrasilianMami gets knocked on the ground and CaseKicks flips onto him. CaseKicks climbs to his feet. BrasilianMami executes a headlock takedown. CaseKicks comes from behind and bulldogs BrasilianMami. Now CaseKicks standing. BrasilianMami gets back to his feet. BrasilianMami grabs CaseKicks by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. BrasilianMami pokes CaseKicks in the eyes. BrasilianMami shoulder tackles CaseKicks. Now BrasilianMami standing. CaseKicks gets hit with the shooting star press from BrasilianMami. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 CaseKicks escapes. ]

Michael Cole - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like CaseKicks.

[Now CaseKicks standing. CaseKicks nails BrasilianMami with a double underhook suplex. CaseKicks hooks BrasilianMami in an armlock leglock submission. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... BrasilianMami is fighting the hold. BrasilianMami escapes. CaseKicks drags BrasilianMami back to the main pizza hut area. CaseKicks swings a spatula and hits BrasilianMami. CaseKicks leg drops the throat of BrasilianMami. CaseKicks sucks chants start in the crowd. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - leg drop by CaseKicks.

[CaseKicks throws a chair at BrasilianMami. CaseKicks with a gut-wrench suplex on BrasilianMami. CaseKicks is up again. CaseKicks stomps BrasilianMami's head. CaseKicks and BrasilianMami begin fighting in the restroom! CaseKicks executes a flying headbutt on BrasilianMami. CaseKicks climbs to his feet. CaseKicks hits an electrifying flying sommersault headbutt on BrasilianMami. CaseKicks is back on his feet. CaseKicks climbs to the top and hits BrasilianMami with the 5 Star Frog Splash. CaseKicks goes for a pin. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Howard Finkle - We've got ourselves a winner!

Howard Finkle - The winner of this match, CaseKicks!!!

Generated by Zeus Pro
Copyright 2000
@ Club

u forget 1 thing though, that apple-a-day suck up JNSQ has unfinished business with me.

i get my NTIC rematch
DragonFly vs. GHIMS (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)
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Howard Finkle - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 401 pounds, he holds the NTercontinentel Championship title belt, GHIMS!!! (crowd boos ****)

[GHIMS comes to the ring. ]

Howard Finkle - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds, from the Northern Regions of Japan, DragonFly!!!

[DragonFly walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. DragonFly gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from GHIMS. DragonFly tests out the ropes. (the bell rings) GHIMS uses a snap mare takeover on DragonFly. GHIMS covers DragonFly. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 DragonFly kicks out. ]

Howard Finkle - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like DragonFly.

[DragonFly gets back to his feet. GHIMS tackles DragonFly to the mat. GHIMS stomps DragonFly's head. GHIMS puts DragonFly in an arm grapevine submission. DragonFly gets up. A springboard bulldog by DragonFly sends GHIMS's head crashing into the mat. ]

Howard Finkle - If DragonFly keeps using moves like that springboard bulldog he could win the match!

[DragonFly is back on his feet. ]

Howard Finkle - Are you enjoying this match?

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Oh yeah!

[GHIMS moves back to his feet. GHIMS kicks DragonFly in the groin. DragonFly slaps both sides of GHIMS's head out of desperation. GHIMS hits him with a back fist. GHIMS connects with a flying knee. DragonFly goes down. DragonFly is back on his feet. DragonFly trys for a top-rope powerbomb but is not strong enough to lift GHIMS.DragonFly and GHIMS go to the floor ]

Michael Cole - GHIMS is much safer at ringside. DragonFly can't get a pin there.

[Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) ]

Michael Cole - Is this a great match or not? Is it sauce or lamewad?

Jim Ross - Oh yeah! *Percy Watson Shake*

[DragonFly goes for a flying spinning leg lariat but GHIMS dodges the attack. They head back into the ring. ]

Howard Finkle - The mat is covered with blood from that injury.

[DragonFly attempts to kick GHIMS, but GHIMS catches his leg. DragonFly flips around and kicks GHIMS. DragonFly moves back to his feet. GHIMS climbs to his feet. GHIMS uppercuts DragonFly. ]

Michael Cole - DragonFly takes a uppercut.

[A side kick by DragonFly turns the match around by knocking GHIMS to the mat. DragonFly gets back to his feet. DragonFly hits GHIMS with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Follows up with a elbowdrop.

[DragonFly is back on his feet. GHIMS is driven further into the mat by DragonFly with a diving elbow smash. ]

Michael Cole - diving elbow smash!

[DragonFly is up again. DragonFly flies from the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop. GHIMS nails DragonFly with a springboard dropkick. DragonFly gets hit with a diving elbow smash from GHIMS. ]

Jim Ross - GHIMS executes a diving elbow smash.

[GHIMS is back on his feet. DragonFly climbs to his feet. DragonFly hits a jumping elbow hrust on GHIMS. DragonFly goes for a pin. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 GHIMS escapes. ]

Michael Cole - DragonFly should have known better than to try for a pin at this point in the match.

[GHIMS is back on his feet. GHIMS gives DragonFly a reverse neckbreaker. DragonFly gets sidewalk slammed by GHIMS. ]

Jim Ross - Blood is all over the ring.

[GHIMS grabs DragonFly and applies an arm wrench. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - arm wrench!

[DragonFly executes a ropeflip hiptoss on GHIMS. DragonFly goes for a pin. The ref starts the count. ...1 GHIMS escapes. ]

Howard Finkle - DragonFly should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.

[GHIMS gets up. GHIMS does a cartwheel and kicks DragonFly in the face. GHIMS hits DragonFly with an elbowdrop. GHIMS moves back to his feet. DragonFly gets up. Flying kick by DragonFly takes GHIMS down. An elbow submission by DragonFly brings GHIMS down to the mat. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... ... GHIMS trys to escape. GHIMS escapes. GHIMS is driven further into the mat by DragonFly with a diving elbow smash. GHIMS gets back to his feet. GHIMS executes a jawbreakeron DragonFly. GHIMS gets up. Now DragonFly standing. GHIMS hits DragonFly with an earringer. GHIMS bends over as DragonFly elbows him in the midsection. GHIMS gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. ]

Jim Ross - DragonFly with a elbow smash.

[GHIMS walks towards DragonFly,who is waiting on the top rope, and recieves a tornado DDT from DragonFly. ]

Howard Finkle - The mat is covered with blood from that injury.

[DragonFly hits GHIMS with an elbowdrop. DragonFly stands up. DragonFly hits GHIMS with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. DragonFly stands up. GHIMS chops DragonFly. GHIMS gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on DragonFly. DragonFly gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on GHIMS. GHIMS hits DragonFly with the double arm DDT into the mat. GHIMS sucks chants start in the crowd. ]

Jim Ross - If GHIMS keeps using moves like that double arm DDT he could win the match!

[GHIMS gets back to his feet. GHIMS and DragonFly go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Flying somersault drop kick by DragonFly puts him back in the match. GHIMS is up again. (...3) DragonFly hits a flying karate chop right to GHIMS's neck. (....4) GHIMS gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. GHIMS executes the brain buster on DragonFly. GHIMS is back on his feet. GHIMS rolls onto DragonFly connecting with a knee. DragonFly climbs to his feet. They head back into the ring. GHIMS bounces DragonFly off the ropes and clotheslines him. GHIMS sucks chants start in the crowd. DragonFly is back on his feet. GHIMS hits a koppo kick on DragonFly. GHIMS executes the Supper DDT on DragonFly! GHIMS covers DragonFly. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - GHIMS has won the match!

Howard Finkle - The winner of this match, GHIMS!!!

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