Wrestling Thread Mar 9-15 | Andrew 'Test' Martin Passes Away

Yo I just got to the Vickie/Edge/Big Show segment...

I'm dying over here.

Big Show was trying his HARDEST not to laugh...dude had a weird face going on...and someone needs to make a .GIF of Edge's reaction, his expression waspriceless...
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Christian has qualified for the Money in the Bank Ladder
Match at WrestleMania XXV after winning the Tri-Branded Money in the Bank Qualifying Match taped prior to tonight's Raw for tomorrow night's edition of ECW on Sci Fi.

CM Punk, Mark Henry, Kane, MVP, Shelton Benjamin and Finlay have also qualified for the Money in the Bank Match at WrestleMania. Finlay qualified in a match that will air on this week's edition of Friday Night SmackDown.

As seen on tonight's Raw, Kofi Kingston defeated Chris Jericho to take the last spot in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match.

To recap, the match will feature CM Punk, Kane, Mark Henry, United States Champion Shelton Benjamin, Montel Vontavious Porter, Kofi Kingston, Christian and Finlay.
Those screams were funny as hell

It may be bad acting, but these little cut scenes out of the ring have been cracking me up these last few weeks

I thought it couldn't get worse than a few weeks ago but these dudes outdid themselves...what the *!*%.

I don't even know what to say....Ugh.

Originally Posted by chillainvillain

Imma be heated if Trips wins at WM..
The sad part is I'm 99% sure he will with a clean Pedigree in the middle of the ring...
Originally Posted by jdcurt2

Originally Posted by Agthekid

Damn good think I didn't pay for those tickets lol.

Was there a dark match afterwards?
I wanna say John Cena vs. Chris Jericho but I never stick around for the dark matches.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

Samantha huh?

Good job RKO
I'm watching 24 right now instead (DVR FTW), but did they totally disregard the affair Randy had with Kelly Kelly a few months ago

@ the final segment...I couldn't contain myself after the screaming

.......then the random screaming woman.

HHH HBK'ed Randy out the window

The cops
Horrible Horrible Horrible
Jericho will either face Flair or Rourke I am 99% positive. If you have read any of Flairs recent interviews, he always says he will never wrestle againUNLESS HE GETS HBK'S BLESSING. So either Flair is wrestling Jericho, or he will be in Rourke's corner.
I thought Raw was pretty good tonight, could have been better, but still not bad.

-Cena/Big Show/Edge took a good turn tonight. With Vickie being a romantic interest in the WWE, it will always give some good humor and I didn't mind it.That slap on the #*! on Big Show was hella #+#!!%# funny
. Cena will pullit off at Wrestlemania and Edge will leave the championship to pursue other stuff, but if Edge wins then Cena and Edge will go on to probably do a mini feud.Big Show has no chance at all.
-It looks like Jericho will be facing Rourke at Wrestlemania. Flair will not wrestle again, but he obviously is gonna play an active role in the match. I thinkthis is the wrong thing to do, but I really don't want to see Hogan/Jericho either.
-HHH/RKO. I think this was actually a good continuation of the feud. You may say it was corny, which it was, but it is supposed to be the level of animositybetween these two guys that pushes HHH to want to sledgehammer RKO and go to his house to find him an beat him. To me it makes sense, but I think he shouldhave pedigreed RKO's wife as revenge. Oh yeah, and RKO's wife was hella fine

-JBL. I like the idea of bringing prestige back to the IC title to give it to someone like JBL who can hype it up unlike Regal could do and CM Punk has biggerand better things to go on to do than be stuck with the IC title. I think it needs to be defended at Wrestlemania, but I don't like the idea of facingKozlov because it would make JBL the face and he is really a much better heel.
-HBK/Undertaker. Great promo tonight Undertaker may not have been the cleanest on the mic, but he brought that aura that surrounds him into it now and hereally started to question HBK as a wrestler. Also, HBK is getting back into a better role in my opinion with bringing some of that attitude stuff back. Ithink this can only get better too.
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Christian is winning Money In the Bank...he needs it to develop himself as a main eventer again. Once he wins he can use it to get a lot of camera time on at least 2 shows a week and to me it will push him up so that he could probably get a title match even without it.
Originally Posted by therenegade23

I'm a big HBK but HBK it's trippin', Taker has beaten him. Right? All I know is HBK never won the HITC and Casket match fair and square.
HBK has a 2-0 record against taker..

One via pinfall HIAC and the other in a casket match

both times kane interfered.
Originally Posted by masterhammy23

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Christian is winning Money In the Bank...he needs it to develop himself as a main eventer again. Once he wins he can use it to get a lot of camera time on at least 2 shows a week and to me it will push him up so that he could probably get a title match even without it.
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i have a feeling mvp is gonna win, but since the MITB winner always tends to be a young dude, i wouldnt be shocked if its christian, kofi or cm punk win it..
those are the only young dudes in the match
Undertaker/HBK promo was nice. I love the fact Taker is saying more than just three words (RIP) and actually sounds like an actual human being.

So we can rule out Cena/Hogan? Thank God!

Was there 0 fan reaction for Christian, again? Dude needs to win MTB. I swear Finley and Hore-swaggle got a better reaction.

I love how HGH brings a sledge hammer everywhere he goes and uses it to break furniture
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by chillainvillain

Imma be heated if Trips wins at WM..
The sad part is I'm 99% sure he will with a clean Pedigree in the middle of the ring...
You know what DSK, I totally agree with you on this. The sad part is that Orton just HAS to win this match because his heat as a heel would besomething to behold. However, if you look at it from the "marks" perspective, it would almost be cruel to have Orton go over at Wrestlemania. Thereis just this overwhelming build up to Triple H being the ultimate avenger, finally getting retribution over the man who has terrorized his family for months,which will probably increase seeing as yeah he may go to jail or face some sort of ban from Raw until Wrestlemania, or something like that. For a mark it wouldbe pretty damn sad to see Trips lose at Wrestlemania. Which is too bad for Orton because his past two title reigns weren't really something to behold. Thefirst was as a face, which he really didn't fit too well, and the second one, while it was long didn't really seem that way, yeah he beat Jericho,Michaels, Triple H & John Cena, but it just didn't seem to be clicking though, probably because a lot of his programs as WWE Champ, weren't themain focus of Raw at the time.

This time, it's different, Orton has finally "got it" as a heel and now he has a force, Legacy (even though they are treating them like crap),which can pretty much give him that untouchable aura as a heel, much like Triple H had with Evolution or to a lesser extant Edge had with "LaFamilia." If (although I should probably change it to when) Orton loses at Wrestlemania, all that potential goes to waste IMO and once again WWE will dropthe ball.

Moving on...

I feel I may be the only one who DOESN'T want to see Christian in the MITB match. Now before you look at me weird let me explain myself. Of all thecontestants in the MITB Christian maybe the only one who doesn't have to win it, to establish himself. Even though they are treating him as more of a debutthan a return he is already the top guy in ECW and personally I feel the battle royal should've determined the #1 contender to Swagger's title atWrestlemaina and the returning Evan Bourne could somehow qualify for MITB (hmmm maybe he'll challenge Swagger at Wrestlemania). Christian and Swagger havehad great in-ring chemistry in the past few weeks and having Christian go over at Wrestlemania would be better because he can still get himself over withoutMITB.... Look at everybody individually in the match:

CM Punk - Did you know he was a former World Heavyweight Champion? Ha! Probably took you awhile to remember because WWE and sadly the fans really don't seehim that way, so he would need to win MITB to re-establish himself as a main eventer (which I never really saw him as in the first place)

MVP - Here is a guy who has everything; the look, the mic work, the in-ring ability (when he wants to). He just needs that one push to get him over the hump sohe would NEED to win MITB to arrive on the main event scene (even though I still think he could do it on his own).

Finlay, Mark Henry, Kane - No shot(s)

Kofi Kingston- Still a little green in all aspects of wrestling, and say what you will I REALLY like Kofi Kingston, bad accent and all I think he is fun towatch I enjoy his matches, however winning MITB would be a big push too soon for the kid.

Shelton Benjamin - This is the guy who I really want to win it, and you know what if Christian wasn't in it, I'd go on a limb and actually say HE WOULDWIN IT (yes, I said i it and just hear me out). Since his debut the guy no question has all the ability in the world, just see his past MITB matches and his"Raw Gold Rush Tournament" match with HBK, for examples, but somehow just can not quite make it to the next level. Sure his mic-skills are lacklusterat best but hey at least he's not shouting "NO!" or calling people "BATHTURDS" like Bobby Lashley, and hey if Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardycan get over the average at best mic-work to get highly coveted singles belts, why can't Shelton? His run as the "Gold Standard" as been the bestgimmick during his tenure, and giving him the MITB could be the 'E's way of saying "alright kid, you have one year to prove you can climb themountain or remain a mid-carder your whole career.".... It's probably a reach, but hey in my world this would be the scenario.
Good post CC.

I've pretty much resigned to Orton losing at WM...this dude HHH just had to insert himself in the title picture, win the title and go on to main event WMand presumably win...after he had like a 6 month reign as champ recently.

That's the difference between Taker and HHH...HHH does it for himself, Taker does it for the business.

And people wonder why he gets so much hate...
It's really a shame. Orton was such a bad @!+ when he came back nobody could %%#+ with him, then HHH gets involved and he is chasing him around arenas andhis own house..

Cena/Edge/Show >> Orton/GOD
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