Wrestling Thread March 1st-31st/ NTWT Mania Survey In OP/ WrestleMania This Sunday/ WWE Hall Of Fam

WMX-8 tonight

X-7 is always spectacular to watch.

Love how Jeff just went for that walk across the ladders to grab and swing on the belts spot and fell off only to fix the last ladder and climb up

I feel like he called an audible to bubba to grab that ladder too and pull it to the turnbuckle as to give me some momentum on the swing
Psicosis and Octagon were my Hulk Hogan and Macho man

You have any Mexican match recommendations for me? I've been trying to educate myself on the whole lucha culture lately

( feud of the year in Mex ) Rush vs LA Park ( fans were going nuts )

( future of Lucha Libre ) DRAGON LEE

( CMLL's version of the Undertaker WM streak ) Atlantis ( Legend ) vs La Sombra ( NXT Cien Almas ) Mask vs Hair

( Most Famous Lucha match ever ?) dave meltzer 5 * match


But try to find any OG Mistico matches , he was a beast in CMLL / NJPW
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Don't say that...when I win that means The Collective would self implode as we would have to battle each other Case. Unless we do some Fingerpoke of Doom type angle... :nerd:

Not gonna happen..We'll compete against each other and when the dust settles we'll shake hands and go right back to dominating the industry..You know I got nothing but #respek for you Biggest of Egos..I look forward to a match with you..

I am nothing compared to green rhino123 green rhino123 and Case Case

They give me history lessons on the daily

Not sure if serious..
Appreciate the recommendations DC and Edgar

3dgarfly23 3dgarfly23 what do you think of Volador Jr? I haven't seen much of him outside of Fantastica Mania, but I hear nothing but overwhelming praise for the guy.

About to watch this Rush v LA Park now
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La Mascara is the most basic name Luchador could have [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
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