Wrestling Thread March 1st-31st/ NTWT Mania Survey In OP/ WrestleMania This Sunday/ WWE Hall Of Fam

What's two more months waiting for Joe? They will need some type of Post WM surprise and Joe is perfect.
I don't have a problem with Reigns, but he's clearly not the type of guy they're trying to push him as. He LOOKS like a star and a badass, but doesn't have the personality of The Rock, nor can cut a promo to make you feel like you're heading into a big match like even Cena can. They want him to be some brash mega star so bad when he's really 94 Diesel
No charisma. Has he contributed to a good match without being carried? He's also being forced down everyone's throats.
Roman and Cena are the same guy..They can't have good matches unless the person they're facing is elite level competition..Like Seth, AJ, HBK, Flair, Savage, Steamboat, Austin, and Sting can have great matches with small guys, giants, technical specialists, and brawlers..They have the ability to go with anyone put in front of them..Cena and Roman can't have good matches with big dudes or brawlers or technical wrestlers unless those particular guys are very good at their job..John and Roman can't carry matches or make other people look like a million bucks..Other people have to do that for them..
Insert Cena smile gif or Roman wink gif
What's two more months waiting for Joe? They will need some type of Post WM surprise and Joe is perfect.

Joe literally has nothing else to do in NXT man, it would be dumb keeping him there for any longer :lol:

I'm fine waiting till after WM for Shinsuke though
We seriously should have stuck with the original formula from previous years.

One pool for the regulars and another for the lurkers/non-regulars
Yeah I didnt get a spot in the NT one so I just made one at home with some friends and family

Turns out I picked Randy Orton in that one 
I feel like you guys hate everything

is 4W still lonely?

I thought it was an entertaining show but the thing is I have slowed down on watching week to week since Summerslam. I feel like you enjoy big PPVs more if you don't follow wrestling religiously weekly.
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Smackdown side of WM can be pretty awesome 

Orton vs Cena vs AJ triple threat

Bray vs Luke

Dean vs Corbin

I dont know how Miz would fit into it
I thought it was an entertaining show but the thing us I have slowed down on watching week to week since Summerslam. I feel like you enjoy big PPVs more if you don't follow wrestling religiously weekly.

I only watch the big PPV's which I think would be a bad thing for the WWE

thing I notice is Orton isn't even in Orton shape, rewarded for being there for the long run
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What's two more months waiting for Joe? They will need some type of Post WM surprise and Joe is perfect.
Joe literally has nothing else to do in NXT man, it would be dumb keeping him there for any longer

I'm fine waiting till after WM for Shinsuke though
Joe hasn't been on recent NXT tapings, so they're definitely debuting him soon.

Rumors of Cena/Joe at WM33 too
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A lurker really won the pool
ntwt booking worse than wwe's lmao
It's probably Edgar's alternate account.
Roman and Cena are the same guy..They can't have good matches unless the person they're facing is elite level competition..Like Seth, AJ, HBK, Flair, Savage, Steamboat, Austin, and Sting can have great matches with small guys, giants, technical specialists, and brawlers..They have the ability to go with anyone put in front of them..Cena and Roman can't have good matches with big dudes or brawlers or technical wrestlers unless those particular guys are very good at their job..John and Roman can't carry matches or make other people look like a million bucks..Other people have to do that for them..
I don't understand how @DCAllAmerican doesn't see this.
when mark henry music hit at #6 i was kinda hoping seth came out and steal his spot

Seth really didnt even get anytime at the rumble. does he have backstage heat? :lol: such a big event he missed
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