Wrestling Thread March 1st-31st/ NTWT Mania Survey In OP/ WrestleMania This Sunday/ WWE Hall Of Fam

Yeah my bad. Haven't figured him out yet. Feel like some guys are going to get screwed out of spots....Triple threat with Cena/Styles/Joe would be dope.

Dean and AJ carried the company in 2016 and now they strugglin to get premiere matches at Mania? Thats foul

vince stays rewarding guys that carried the company for the past 10 yrs

have a strong feeling shane/aj and dean/miz

WM going to be a close to 8 hours this year
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Really don't want to see Shane/AJ. Hoping for some kind of multi-man SD match. Maybe a ladder match?
RR WINNER $250 - ORTON - @Pedrocerrano

Told yall yall were gonna give some jobber the prize money 
NTWT Mania summit just gonna be a bunch of grumpy drunk guys [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128530[/emoji][emoji]128553[/emoji]

What a pile of **** the Rumble match ending was.....

So many better ways to book that

Roman was booed out of the building, don't let the fake noice fool you.

Absolutely murdered at #30 and eliminating Taker
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