Wrestling Thread March 1st-31st/ NTWT Mania Survey In OP/ WrestleMania This Sunday/ WWE Hall Of Fam

Enzo ---> Samoa Joe

Roman ---> Seth

Ellsworth ---> HHH

Just have HHH eliminate Seth or vice versa to fuel their feud
Have the young guys eliminate HHH, Taker, etc to help elevate them
and NOT have Orton win especially since his blowoff match with Bray doesn't need the title. 

If AJ faces Shane...bruh 2017 is booty

Imma be PO'd if AJ shane happens. AJ should get a 1-on-1 rematch at least!
It is really crazy that they just didn't have any Seth at all at their 2nd biggest PPV.

I couldn't fathom that either. That's their #1 draft pick, too :lol:

steph gonna address that on Raw :lol:

hhh/seth is already booking itself. they really didnt need to be in the rumble but still crazy that he fell off their radar

Enzo music hitting was kinda funny. Vince rewarding him for pushing merch
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I don't have a problem with Reigns, but he's clearly not the type of guy they're trying to push him as. He LOOKS like a star and a badass, but doesn't have the personality of The Rock, nor can cut a promo to make you feel like you're heading into a big match like even Cena can. They want him to be some brash mega star so bad when he's really 94 Diesel

I have been enlightened. He's Diesel.

But since he didn't debut as a bodyguard for some charismatic heel like HBK, WWE should have gone the Evolution route: muscle for a heel faction, turn face ala-Batista, win the world title off the leader, then maybe things would be a lot different today.
The Beast is about to clear the ring!!

******* Brock! :smh:

Lesnar is living the life, show up, do a couple German Suplexes and a couple F5 then leave

These bums costing me money by getting eliminated like this by Brock

**** Goldberg

Brock just let himself get jobbed out again :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Brock Gone! :wow:

Brock washed

LENSAR WASHED!!!!!!!!!!!



So ******* stupid

Bork is Greenberg's ***** lol

Lesnar jobbing AGAIN

And Goldberg is officially in lesnars head

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WM Card

Brock vs Goldberg
HHH vs Seth
Roman vs Undertaker
WWE Championship- Bray Wyatt vs Randy Orton
WWE Universal Championship- KO vs Jericho
Cena vs Samoa Joe
Corbin vs Strowman (Might just have both in Andre Battle Royal)
Raw Womens Championship- Charlotte vs Sasha vs Bayley vs Nia

Don't know about Smackdown womens, tag teams, or IC or US belts...
WM Card

Brock vs Goldberg
HHH vs Seth
Roman vs Undertaker
WWE Championship- Bray Wyatt vs Randy Orton
WWE Universal Championship- KO vs Jericho
Cena vs Samoa Joe
Corbin vs Strowman (Might just have both in Andre Battle Royal)
Raw Womens Championship- Charlotte vs Sasha vs Bayley vs Nia

Don't know about Smackdown womens, tag teams, or IC or US belts...

What about AJ?..Can't let the best wrestler on the main roster be left off the Mania card..
They need to just let Roman get as much heat on him as possible going into his match with Taker. Have him retire Taker at Mania and make him full heel...
What about AJ?..Can't let the best wrestler on the main roster be left off the Mania card..
Yeah my bad. Haven't figured him out yet. Feel like some guys are going to get screwed out of spots....Triple threat with Cena/Styles/Joe would be dope.
Yeah my bad. Haven't figured him out yet. Feel like some guys are going to get screwed out of spots....Triple threat with Cena/Styles/Joe would be dope.

Dean and AJ carried the company in 2016 and now they strugglin to get premiere matches at Mania? Thats foul
They need to just let Roman get as much heat on him as possible going into his match with Taker. Have him retire Taker at Mania and make him full heel...

This would be the best possible outcome for the both of them
I'll have the Rumble Survey results hopefully done by Tuesday.

I gotta figure out if Enzo or Ellsworth was shortest time in the match.
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