Wrestling Thread March 1st-31st/ NTWT Mania Survey In OP/ WrestleMania This Sunday/ WWE Hall Of Fam

They never fought at Wrestlemania..
shane looking like he could be james elsworth dad

how can anyone take the cruiserweight division seriously with little richard vs scrooge mcduck?

"his young boy?' are they serious? lol
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Taker needs to call it quits.

Goldberg continues to squash Lesnar. I wonder how this is going to play out.

Bayley should be chasing until WM. That will be dope to see her win there.
The Rumble match itself was poorly booked.

Clearly just to set up Reigns/Deadman and more Brock/Goldberg.

Oh yeah and Orton won...because he needed that rub.

Seemed a lot of wasted spots. No surprises except Dillinger. Other than 10 why should I care about him?
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my man the undertaker had a body wrap around that gut!

who in the hell would sign off to this? who in that office would think this looked good? :lol:

jesus he should have stayed retired
I still can't get over how long the rampway was.

How long elapsed between Goldberg entering and Undertaker entering? Seemed longer than prior intervals.
i dont mind the orton win. gives smackdown another big name in the title picture

where is samoa joe and bully ray tho?
Cena champ again and Orton winning a Rumble in 2017.


Last night was a perfect chance for a guy like Samoa Joe to come in and win.
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