Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

Just saw Raw. Not bad. Owens :smokin

Not getting my hopes up of him beating Cena but if he does :nthat:

Rollins still>>>>
I'm drunk... I love you guise... Except cats... **** cats....


Wearing my KO shirt... Thank you so much... 5 months later... You pandering slow *******...

I miss anything tonight?...

Case Case

Hope you're in good spirits... But still, **** the Yanks....

Thanks bruthuh..But sti.., **** the Northeast..
That ref looks like he regrets that his suicide attempt was unsuccessful.
No way Rusev is comfortable with his REAL girl being that close to THAT dude. I guess that is why you shouldn't be with  a female performer
Man Raw was a good show. Only thing that held it back was the crowd going mild for pretty much everything

- ok..I'm kinda tired of Sheamus already. I realllly hope he doesn't win the IC Title :smh: that would be lame as hell...

- I like Ryback, but...how does he get an IC title shot after getting washed by Bray?

- cot damn Lana was looking sexy :evil: let's see what they do with her as a face

- Rusev will be teaming with Cesaro in 3 months as Roman & Niko Bellic. Featuring Miz as Brucie.

- ...why are the bullfighter guys in the tag team chamber and not Harper & Rowan? ffs :smh:

- Owens coming out and destroying Cena was crazy :wow: plus Cena/Owens on PPV in 2 weeks :wow: :pimp: guess he's getting called up after Takeover.

- Naomi is so f'n stacked bruh :smh: :smh: :pimp: makes no cot damn sense. And Paige can get it..sorry BDB

- and for some reason whenever I see Tamina now, I just see:


- Didn't really watch the rest of Payback, so Seth using the Pedigree kinda caught me off guard :lol: I LOVE it if that's his new permanent finisher.

I've come in here frequently but never really posted til last night and obviously now, lol. Just recently started getting into wrestling again - I think if you treat it as much of a joke as creative does, it's some of the best entertainment around..err, "sports entertainment" at least.  Haven't had a whole lot of exposure to NXT yet, but KO seems legit and that powerbomb on Cena was dope!

Anyway, I saw a few posts last night about someone else that was new in the thread, so maybe I need to be shown the ropes?
I've come in here frequently but never really posted til last night and obviously now, lol. Just recently started getting into wrestling again - I think if you treat it as much of a joke as creative does, it's some of the best entertainment around..err, "sports entertainment" at least.  Haven't had a whole lot of exposure to NXT yet, but KO seems legit and that powerbomb on Cena was dope!

Anyway, I saw a few posts last night about someone else that was new in the thread, so maybe I need to be shown the ropes?

First off, welcome to NTWT. Secondly, our resident thread adviser DC will be with you momentarily for a quick wrestling evaluation. Specifically, if you listen to Podcasts, then you are golden.


furiousstylezz furiousstylezz

Congrats 8)
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