Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

Is john cena the goat? He carried wwe for the past 10 years and is putting over the next generation to carry the company when he's gone, something hogan or austin never did
I've come in here frequently but never really posted til last night and obviously now, lol. Just recently started getting into wrestling again - I think if you treat it as much of a joke as creative does, it's some of the best entertainment around..err, "sports entertainment" at least.  Haven't had a whole lot of exposure to NXT yet, but KO seems legit and that powerbomb on Cena was dope!

Anyway, I saw a few posts last night about someone else that was new in the thread, so maybe I need to be shown the ropes?
Welcome man. Just be yourself, engage in our conversations/debates and dont report people when we go into NTWT promo mode and all will be well.
Morning my NTWT peeps, my baby girl was born at 6:43pm May 18 at 7 lbs even. Lauryn Rose.
Congrats homie... :pimp:
Is john cena the goat? He carried wwe for the past 10 years and is putting over the next generation to carry the company when he's gone, something hogan or austin never did

You're only as good as your rivals and the only ones that ever comes to mind is Edge and Randall. He's like a tv show where he gets a new villain of the week. Not to mention he doesn't even have any "classic" matches that are in any GOAT match discussions *shrugs*
Cener has 3 great feuds in 10 years:


can anyone think of anything else?

he is who he is. a great money maker that we all hate.
First off, welcome to NTWT. Secondly, our resident thread adviser DC will be with you momentarily for a quick wrestling evaluation. Specifically, if you listen to Podcasts, then you are golden.
Welcome man. Just be yourself, engage in our conversations/debates and dont report people when we go into NTWT promo mode and all will be well.
Thanks, fellas. Sounds simple enough. Curious about this "wrestling evaluation" haha.  Currently listening to the self-proclaimed global icon & national treasure's podcast with Ted Fowler from last week. Hilarious to picture Stone Cold in LA with his wife getting him to eat all her health food ****
You're only as good as your rivals and the only ones that ever comes to mind is Edge and Randall. He's like a tv show where he gets a new villain of the week. Not to mention he doesn't even have any "classic" matches that are in any GOAT match discussions *shrugs*

But isn't the point of wrestljng to become champion and as a face take on any and all challengers? The lack of rivals isn't really his fault I don't think. Plus what he does outside of the ring impresses.
Cener has 3 great feuds in 10 years:


can anyone think of anything else?

he is who he is. a great money maker that we all hate.
Brock lesnar, the rock, jbl. The authority? From what I've hearing from everyone else is they like the open challenge cena the best. No storyline or feuds needed. But I guess it may be because of the guys he's facing idk.

Who do you guys think is the greatest?
You're only as good as your rivals and the only ones that ever comes to mind is Edge and Randall. He's like a tv show where he gets a new villain of the week. Not to mention he doesn't even have any "classic" matches that are in any GOAT match discussions *shrugs*


You're only as good as your rivals and the only ones that ever comes to mind is Edge and Randall. He's like a tv show where he gets a new villain of the week. Not to mention he doesn't even have any "classic" matches that are in any GOAT match discussions *shrugs*

But isn't the point of wrestljng to become champion and as a face take on any and all challengers? The lack of rivals isn't really his fault I don't think. Plus what he does outside of the ring impresses.
Cener has 3 great feuds in 10 years:


can anyone think of anything else?

he is who he is. a great money maker that we all hate.
Brock lesnar, the rock, jbl. The authority? From what I've hearing from everyone else is they like the open challenge cena the best. No storyline or feuds needed. But I guess it may be because of the guys he's facing idk.

Who do you guys think is the greatest?
won't count the authority but the other 3 i'll give u. authority really has only had a good program with bryan. rest of the people it's been flat.
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You're only as good as your rivals and the only ones that ever comes to mind is Edge and Randall. He's like a tv show where he gets a new villain of the week. Not to mention he doesn't even have any "classic" matches that are in any GOAT match discussions *shrugs*


I don't know, guys. I just don't feel like there was ever a real rivalry with Punk, just a rushed program that was over in a couple months. And I think this match was more of a CM Punk vs. the WWE company-thing rather than a John Cena match. Different views, I guess.
No way Rusev is comfortable with his REAL girl being that close to THAT dude. I guess that is why you shouldn't be with  a female performer

You know he was behind the scenes like...

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Morning my NTWT peeps, my baby girl was born at 6:43pm May 18 at 7 lbs even. Lauryn Rose.

Congrats homie!

Is john cena the goat? He carried wwe for the past 10 years and is putting over the next generation to carry the company when he's gone, something hogan or austin never did

Has he really carried it for 10 years though?..I don't personally think so..I feel like Sammartino, Hogan, Austin, and Rock carried the WWE..But to me Cena hasn't cause it's not been til recently that they've had just 1 title..So how can you have 2 world titles but only give credit to 1 man for carrying the company?..I know he's the most popular over his span (Even though He Who Shant Be Named could have a good argument)..

Who do you guys think is the greatest?

Ric Flair will always be the GOAT..
HBK's last run propelled him to the top for me. I always knew HBK would come back somehow when I
was younger.
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