Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

I haven't watched nxt to hear the Tyler chants it's been trash since the year started but man please they know dam well what they doing chanting this at Sasha. Die rocky die was racist too but I was like 6 what the hell did I know back then
As someone who has fell victin to some blatant *** racist **** that chant aggravates me. But the Sasha Section seems to be growing with each taping recently and it's all colors and creeds. :pimp:
Oh :lol: don't listen to him so I wasn't sure where you were going with that..sitting here like my dude is on cloud 9 and **** :lol:

And yeah...that dude scares me no lie :smh: :wow: Real life Incredible Hulk
That track has a nice beat, lyrics not so much. :lol: How It Was is my **** though. The Mountain is indeed terrifying. Dude is freakishly huge and strong for no damn reason. :smh:
As someone who has fell victin to some blatant *** racist **** that chant aggravates me. But the Sasha Section seems to be growing with each taping recently and it's all colors and creeds. :pimp:
That track has a nice beat, lyrics not so much. :lol: How It Was is my **** though. The Mountain is indeed terrifying. Dude is freakishly huge and strong for no damn reason. :smh:

Don't matter How big of a fan base she has that chant gotta go. I bet she hates it too but goes with it cause it makes her over
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I've been hype for the entire Mesozoic era since I was 5 papa

Thanks DC
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How in the blue hell is Die Rocky Die racist?...

Worse wrestlers than rocky at the time with just as bad gimmicks but they wanted the man to die. Why?? I could think of one thing....

Actually Rocky Maivia was a pretty damn awful gimmick... He was a goody 2 shoes baby face as the attitude Era started to pop off... All he did was smile and was pushed down people's throats...

If anything... He didn't get any cheers until he joined the Militant African Gentleman stable...
Same here, could have sworn he was at least on the creative team.
Does it matter at this point?

TNA is about to go belly up. WWE should just get easy pickings for cheap.
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Valor v Owens

Owens did a 5 Knuckle Shuffle :rofl:

But missed, crowd went bananas
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Actually Rocky Maivia was a pretty damn awful gimmick... He was a goody 2 shoes baby face as the attitude Era started to pop off... All he did was smile and was pushed down people's throats...

If anything... He didn't get any cheers until he joined the Militant African Gentleman stable...

You just kinda agreed with me. The 95/96 roster had the likes of bad gimmicks like Adam bomb and terrible wrestlers pushed down people's throats like lex Luger yet noddy called for their heads.
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Tommy Dreamer always gets treated well by WWE no matter what he's doing in TNA :lol:... Last time he did something in WWE, he was on Impact the week before :lol:...
Tough week for deepsea, first ovi comes up short on a already empty promise then pierce jinxed the series for the Wizards
Actually Rocky Maivia was a pretty damn awful gimmick... He was a goody 2 shoes baby face as the attitude Era started to pop off... All he did was smile and was pushed down people's throats...

If anything... He didn't get any cheers until he joined the Militant African Gentleman stable...

You just kinda agreed with me. The 95/96 roster had the likes of bad gimmicks like Adam bomb and terrible wrestlers pushed down people's throats like lex Luger yet noddy called for their heads.

Lex was gone and it was at least 2 years after Adam Bomb... Just saying...

But Rocky was the perfect guy for those chants... Pretty boy, easily chantable name, dopey hair... He was easy to hate... I believe the first time Die Rocky Die was in Philly... They're known for chants...

You are literally the only person I've ever heard call Die Rocky Die racist.. It isn't racist and not even close...
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