Wrestling Thread Nov 21-27 | 11/24 Happy Thanksgiving to NTWT!

watching Raw now

- CM Punk clowning Laurenitis is cool, I wanna see the heelish promos come back from Punk

- I still wanna know who was the anonymous Raw GM

- Ryder is such a fan favorite its crazy

- Punk vs Ziggler should be a major feud, I'd love to see them in a big main event like a TLC or falls count anywhere, I feel like these two can put on a half hour match that really goes well because they can sell moves well.

- Punk and Ziggler match is great...what a drop kick!! Punk is bleeding!! OMGZZZ PG RAW and there is blooooooood...WOAH what was that reverse backwards power slam by Ziggler?!!?...knew Punk would win but that was awesome.

- So The Awesome Truth loses at SS, and thus get turned against each other and now the tag team is over, they will end up facing each other at TLC right?

- No Jonah Hill today, no HHH...shucks.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

– Regarding John Morrison’s contract status with WWE, his original deal has expired. He agreed to an extension through the end of November. His last announced appearance takes place at next Monday’s Raw SuperShowin Columbia, South Carolina.

Dave Meltzer indicated during Sunday’s edition of Wrestling Observer Radiothat Morrison’s feelings towards WWE are somber. “His heart is broken,
just watching raw on youtube, that ziggler/punk match is the best match i've seen on raw since probably shawn michaels/cena rematch after wrestlemania 23. 5 star match, and ziggler has been ready, but this match proved he is DEFINITELY ready for the world or wwe title picture.
Going to reply to things from last week's thread that I missed while @ Survivor Series.
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

  • Why exactly should we pay for Survivor Series on Sunday?  Because remember, that's the whole point of PPV.  Actually paying for it.  I don't care how many millions of people stream it.  If you don't get people to pay for it, WWE has failed.  And WWE has failed because we've seen Rock cut his promos.  We've seen Rock deliver the Rock Bottom, multiple times.  We've seen both Cena and Rock completely destroy Miz and Truth with little to no effort.  So unless you are paying $55 to see The Rock in a speedo, there is no good reason to buy this PPV.
You raised fair points and I don't wanna go back and forth but I'll focus on this bulletpoint. It's brutally simple: Rock is having his 1st wrestling match in 8 years. At one of WWE's big 4 "A" level PPV's. In MSG. 

This is their selling point. 

Is it good reasoning? Maybe not but that's what they are banking on. People paying STRICTLY to see Rocky back in action.

The who actually shell money out for these special events and bring the extra buys don't care about Miz & Truth. They don't care about Awesome Truth looking strong or who went over this week/got buried last week or w/e. WWE adheres to these people. WWE does not adhere to Internet smarks like us that do NOT pay for !**+ and rant and rave against their product each week. 

I'm with you on most of your complaints but IDK man, you gotta look at it from their POV.

It's funny...there are those (most of whom don't even follow wrestling on a consistent basis) that always claimed they'll give WWE their money if they bring Rock back for a match. Doesn't matter what else is going on, what the undercard is, who he's facing, blah blah blah.......as long as he wrestled again, they'll pay for it. All I'm saying is those people got what they wanted today. 
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Correction to something I posted a few weeks ago.
The WWE Youtube Channel and WWE Network are two separate projects.
I told you that like 5 posts after you made yours in that thread. 

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

4w, i dont want to complain but some ppl on here are right about ranking lurkers on your prediction contest rankings 

they never contribute to the threads like the rest of us do so why even acknowledge them.
[Miz] Really? REALLY? [/Miz] You've let this NTWT business get to your head. 

Not their fault you are as good at making predictions as you are at being the NTWT booker.

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Being up for nearly 22hrs + clubhopping + getting to sleep at 5am = a solid mix of 
WOW you just described my day yesterday. 
  Awake for 23 hours, bouncing all over the city w/ the crew @ night, everyone wasted, IHop after we got home, dead when I got to the crib @ 5am.  

Good times.

I know a lot (a lot in relative terms for WWE in 2011) bought the PPV to see The Rock's first match back, but all I'm saying is that if WWE would have done a better job of building this match, it could have really done a lot of buys.  In my opinion, Survivor Series would have done MORE buys if they just announced it as The Rock's first match back with zero build as compared to what they actually did on TV, because I think their "build" did nothing but hurt the PPV.

And as for the Prediction Contest.... it's open to anyone who wants to participate.  Everyone can relax.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

- For what it’s worth, more than one source has reported in the last 2 months that Vince McMahon has seemed a lot more tired than usual. Lots of people are wondering how Vince’s age is affecting the product and how much longer he will continue to work the schedule that he does.

- On a related note, it’s said that Vince’s focus is 100% on RAW right now. One source noted that SmackDown always comes off better on TV because head writer Ed Koskey is pretty much left to do his job without having to do so many re-writes. RAW has more re-writes every week and has Vince putting in a lot more input than on SmackDown.

Yeah, this has been the case for a while now.  Vince has "the flu" which is not going away.  It is particularly bad on PPV weeks, since he is working three straight nights.  Often times there is only one script for Smackdown with very, very minor changes.  Vince ok's it with little review.  That is definitely not the case with Raw.
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by Agthekid

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

how do u figure

Can you imagine how crazy the crowd would have went if Ryder would have one the title or even been in the match tonight?

the longer the build, the bigger the pay off.
although i don't think that trying to build him is the reason why, i know vince doesn't like ryder.

but it pays off for us in an era where character/feud build is rare.
Looking at this post in hindsight, WWE dropped the ball on Sunday (which many of us said at the time anyway).  A) Just look at the difference in reaction that Ryder got @ MSG compared to Hershey, PA.  Not even comparable.  B) If Ryder won the title Sunday night, it would have been an atmosphere that WWE will not be able to match again.  The time and the place were right.  It needed to be done.  I don't know if WWE didn't want to overshine other things on the card, but they blew it.  And regardless, there were still LOUD Ryder chants all night long.  When Ryder eventually does win the US Title, it will be in some midwest city where the crowd sits on their hands.  And C) It was so stupid for Ryder to get squashed by Del Rio last night.  Absolutely no reason for it.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

- For what it’s worth, more than one source has reported in the last 2 months that Vince McMahon has seemed a lot more tired than usual. Lots of people are wondering how Vince’s age is affecting the product and how much longer he will continue to work the schedule that he does.

- On a related note, it’s said that Vince’s focus is 100% on RAW right now. One source noted that SmackDown always comes off better on TV because head writer Ed Koskey is pretty much left to do his job without having to do so many re-writes. RAW has more re-writes every week and has Vince putting in a lot more input than on SmackDown.

Yeah, this has been the case for a while now.  Vince has "the flu" which is not going away.  It is particularly bad on PPV weeks, since he is working three straight nights.  Often times there is only one script for Smackdown with very, very minor changes.  Vince ok's it with little review.  That is definitely not the case with Raw.
Meltzer was not given an exact #, but he was told that last night's Raw was re-written "over and over and over all day".
– SuperLuchas.net reports Sin Cara suffered the patella tendon rupture at Survivor Series as he was jumping over the ring ropes, not when he landed. His tendon snapped as he was gaining momentum to make the jump.

- CM Punk made a reference to former WWE star and friend Cliff “Domino
There is strong talk backstage that the Punk vs Del Rio match scheduled for this coming Monday's Raw may not actually take place.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

– SuperLuchas.net reports Sin Cara suffered the patella tendon rupture at Survivor Series as he was jumping over the ring ropes, not when he landed. His tendon snapped as he was gaining momentum to make the jump.

- WWE Diva Layla will be returning to the ring from injury soon. She did a chat on WWE’s website last night before RAW and was recently featured in a poll asking who should face Beth Phoenix for the Divas Title next. Layla won the poll with 55% of votes.
at Sin Cara landing on what was an already ruptured patella.
-NTWT all
with this Layla news.
Originally Posted by YardFather

God damn, no way anybody guessed red car.
7/63 picked red 

On a sidenote, only 6/63 picked The Big Show.

Prediction Contest results will hopefully be done later today.
TennHouse2 wrote:
Yo I'm just saying it would work have john lahrenitus announce the match then ryders music hits he gets a pop and is right before the main event and brodus IS an instant monster

Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

I have a question
At that one wrestlemania with yokozuna vs bret hart

Where hogan just pops in 

For all of you old enough to have seen it

Did it make sense?

It seems like the equivalent of punk losing this match

Then cena just popping in doing some moves and winning the belt
Eh... kind of but not really.  Hogan came out to check on Bret Hart after the match.  He didn't come out to face Yoko.  For whatever reason, Mr. Fuji challenged Hogan for a match on the spot.  Hogan accepted.  Fuji tried to throw salt into Hogan's eyes but instead hit Yoko, allowing for Hogan to get the win.
Originally Posted by YardFather

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Lol cdma with the monkey suplex after the "u can't wrestle chants" then "u still suck chants follow" 
 and screw boomers and fourlokos

John Cdma is my favorite wrestler.
TennHouse was on fire during the show 
Originally Posted by Mcflyy

Just when Mysterio was gonna come back to possibly have a Sin Cara vs. Mysterio match at WM it gets interrupted like that 
The last update I saw, which was about a month ago, was that Mysterio would likely not be ready for WM.
Sin Cara's injury is probably bad news for Hunico and Epico.  Without Cara around, I see WWE losing interest in both of them VERY quickly.  Also terrible news for Averno, who has been on call to come up for many months now to feud with Cara, but that's not happening now.
Originally Posted by biff lawson

just got back home

shouts to jdcurt for selling me that ticket...the show was AWESOME live...the crowd was epic...The Rock cut a dark match promo that was cool

that Sin Cara Botch was terrible live 

Biggest pops were:

1. The Rock
2. CM Punk
3. Ryder
4. Mark Henry (Entrance) 

shouts to 4W...dude is maddd cool :Hat
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Originally Posted by MoNeyLiCiouS

The NYC crowd was great until the end.

I thought the ovation for The Rock on his stand off with Cena was weak.

agreed, the ending pops were really weak
I completely agree.  The fans wanted more.  First, the match just kind of ended anticlimactically.  Many fans started to leave the arena at this point.  Then, the whole climb the ropes for dueling pops was a bit lame in my opinion, and I said it to Biff right as it was going on that it was the exact deal they did with Punk and Cena a few months back.  Then The Rock Bottom was cool, but it was just a quick spot with no real follow up.  Plus, Cena completely no selling it didn't help things.  I had an awesome time at the show, but the televised close was definitely underwhelming.  Thankfully, we got the awesome promo from The Rock after it went off the air.
For that 1/2/12 video from Raw last night...

Spoiler [+]
Y- Youtube
2- 2nd Day
J- January


"Thank me later Jeriholics, I'll be here, patiently waiting."
so are they really acting as though Brodus Clay did not end edge's career and that he is a new dude?
Masked Kane, can't wait to see how they pull this off, if he returns with the throwback outfit or just as is bald head and mask.
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