Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

Mic skills aren't the only factor. Everytime this guy came in the ring he impressed.. and not just with power moves (i.e. the swing, the uppercuts)

If that's the case Shelton Benjamin and John Morrison would be HOFers.

They were also given multiple chances to show whether they had those skills or not. Cesaro rarely ever gets promo time, and when he does, it's in a very passing nature, or yodeling.
They were also given multiple chances to show whether they had those skills or not. Cesaro rarely ever gets promo time, and when he does, it's in a very passing nature, or yodeling.
Right. And what are you going to do in the meantime while building up wrestlers' mic skills, laying foundation for future feuds, etc.? You still have to put on good/great matches and have a good product
And they put on great matches and moments too despite their lack of charisma (Morrison picked it up later) and bad gimmicks (gold standard, SB's aunt or mom whatever). HOF? Probably not, I agree with that
none of them lacked any charisma as Team Angle you couldn't help but look at shelton and when he beat HHH the best tag team etc and Johnny kinda always had charisma
I think it's underrated the story being told in the ring. Dudes like Christian, Benjamin, Morrison told stories inside the ring and I want to see those stories told as well. Not everyone is going to be Punk, Austin, Rock, Angle, etc. on the mic, and some are better just telling it in the ring. I think that's what's so dope about NXT - all the characters get promo time (even dudes like Corbin)
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