Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

Cesaro's not perfect but he's good enough to get over on sheer wrestling ability like Bryan did. He's too good of a worker to be doing nothing. His charisma isn't that bad where he deserves to be buried. Roman has no charisma either but he's being billed as the next Hogan.
Cesaro's not perfect but he's good enough to get over on sheer wrestling ability like Bryan did. He's too good of a worker to be doing nothing. His charisma isn't that bad where he deserves to be buried. Roman has no charisma either but he's being billed as the next Hogan.
This right here! At the end of everything, when the promos are over, when the buildup packages play, we want to see a match. And guys like Cesaro shouldn't be wasted and given the opportunity to put on great matches
Mic skills aren't the only factor. Everytime this guy came in the ring he impressed.. and not just with power moves (i.e. the swing, the uppercuts)

If that's the case Shelton Benjamin and John Morrison would be HOFers.
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That's the exact thing.. I really think Vince likes Punk.. but HHH/Steph HATE Punk, and he hates them.
Mic skills aren't the only factor. Everytime this guy came in the ring he impressed.. and not just with power moves (i.e. the swing, the uppercuts)

If that's the case Shelton Benjamin and John Morrison would be HOFers.
Cesaro has more charisma and mic ability than those two. Shelton sounded like Derrick Rose trying to read and Morrison was a ****old.
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