Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

For everyone thinking he was going to give the "Corporate Answers" he really has been upfront for the most part, even on the Punk crap.......he just kept the business end private.
Vince says he's shy.
Watched Raw for 20 mins then switched to the interview from the beginning and I'm loving it so far. Gonna catch up on the thread when I'm done.
I think it's underrated the story being told in the ring. Dudes like Christian, Benjamin, Morrison told stories inside the ring and I want to see those stories told as well. Not everyone is going to be Punk, Austin, Rock, Angle, etc. on the mic, and some are better just telling it in the ring. I think that's what's so dope about NXT - all the characters get promo time (even dudes like Corbin)

Couldn't agree more with this. That's why I loved Attitude and the WCW undercard. If you make everybody feel important at every level, you won't have to struggle to elevate guys, nor force guys on the crowd to be over.
its not about the title… thats whats wrong now Vince. I wished he connected into asking about preistege 
Macho Man confirmed for HoF.....eventually. Wonder if those Stephanie/Macho rumors are any true lmao
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