Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

Don't be delusional people. When the hell has Cesaro shown anything on the mic? Not saying he got a opportunity, but don't be mad at Vince for saying Cesaro lacks charisma.

if HE can't even hear how bad the intro theme is - he can never make it honestly
means he has no real clue
Don't be delusional people. When the hell has Cesaro shown anything on the mic? Not saying he got a opportunity, but don't be mad at Vince for saying Cesaro lacks charisma.

Yeah Vince is right but he should be given the oppertunity to show what he got. Dbry isn't the best talker either.
Don't be delusional people. When the hell has Cesaro shown anything on the mic? Not saying he got a opportunity, but don't be mad at Vince for saying Cesaro lacks charisma.
yea but he completely went around the booking question. He also said the crowd makes the star well if they liked him during Mania as a face why they make him heel? Why didn't they put him in a meaningful Feud and most importantly why did they have him losing left and right 
Don't be delusional people. When the hell has Cesaro shown anything on the mic? Not saying he got a opportunity, but don't be mad at Vince for saying Cesaro lacks charisma.
Mic skills aren't the only factor. Everytime this guy came in the ring he impressed.. and not just with power moves (i.e. the swing, the uppercuts)
And they are waiting to push Reigns? He is easily the worst talker out of the shield and of the top midcard/top guys currently. His single matches are crap too
Starts off with an apology
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