Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

lol such crap, of course they were gonna go to 11:15 to finish off a whole hour. Vince flexin' on his own network, ****.
Decent podcast...Honestly with Vince you could go on for hours...getting all this info straight from the horses mouth
If the podcast on the network became like a semi-annual special edition type of thing, who would you like to see next?
I feel like Vince needs more help than he realizes. The talent is there (at least in-ring and with the production crew), but the writing and overall directing needs a lot of work. The thing is that we are almost begging to watch WWE with good matches and solid stories at this point. We want to see more Shields, Bryan moments, etc. etc.
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