Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

If the podcast on the network became like a semi-annual special edition type of thing, who would you like to see next?
I want Austin to really go in (pause) on Cena
They already did one, Austin got on him about how wack Cena's stf is.

I think if they do another podcast on the network, it has to be worth the money. This felt like a WWE version of 60 Minutes.

The next guest has to be worth the money.

I think Kevin Dunn would work.
This podcast was way better than some of the Raws this year too

Edit: And this had no wrestling. WWE just isn't delivering enough good stories at the moment, despite the talent and the fans voicing what they want
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My baby girl, Noelle
Watched Raw..Wasn't bad..I actually liked the tag team turmoil match..Loved when Uso smack the piss outta Miz..Cena still sucks..They need to get Bork back on tv..Him not defending the belt is starting to get stupid at this point..
Watched Raw..Wasn't bad..I actually liked the tag team turmoil match..Loved when Uso smack the piss outta Miz..Cena still sucks..They need to get Bork back on tv..Him not defending the belt is starting to get stupid at this point..

Bork doesn't even have to defend it. Just the fact that he's completely absent lol
So is the MITB case the new title since Brock isn't on tv often. I don't get why they don't try to at least make the IC title strong again as now is the chance to do so in the absence of the WWE title on live tv.

I swear it feels like some of you will ride a narrative out because it has been repeated so much. Dolph defended that IC Title like every week while he was champion, in solid matches too. And the current IC Champion finds himself in the middle of the main event feud. The IC Title is propped up the best it has been in quite some time.
Were you listening @DCAllAmerican

You can tweet Vince directly to voice your complaints instead of mailing letters.

Man when Stones asked if they could Tweet him he kinda looked like, "Eh I don't check that thing."

For those with NJPW World, let me know if you want to use it on your android device, I got the work around
Heard the entire thing on youtube. Thought it was decent but like Austin wasn't going as strong to him as they got deeper into the interview. I feel like I've heard alot of these same answers from Vince with his interviews with Michael Lansberg in the past on his old Off the Record show so alot of the stuff Vince said as far as Sports Entertainment and the belt ultimately being a prop is no surprise to me.
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