Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

These stories of the WWE doctors are disgusting. Can't say I'm surprised though...
what's up guys. have I missed anything I'm in Disney wit the fam and haven't read or watched anything since Saturday.
listen to the punk podcast when you come home if you haven't. oh and there's the njpw network that's out for 999 yen or $8.50. NJPWWORLD.com

I'm waiting on the stuff I ordered from High Spots to arrive so I could ship out my elf's stuff. Got a bunch of t-shirts and dvds and an autographed picture.
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Don't really follow the indies, but read a rumor that the WWE signed some dude Uhaa Nation over the weekend...

:pimp: :pimp: I'm a fan

But when somebody said they released Willie Mack cause they realized he wasn't Uhaa Nation.....:rofl: :rofl:
I think I'm gonna go ahead and send out my elf and jdc's gifts tomorrow and get it out of the way..I hope my elf likes his stuff..Wish I coulda done more, but oh well, it is what it is..
after hearing vince last night Punk's complaints seem valid but i can definitely see him coming back for like wrestlemania 36 or something. for a guy who loves wrestling that much if they actually offer him the chance to live out his dream after all the dust settles i still think he'll say yes.
after hearing vince last night Punk's complaints seem valid but i can definitely see him coming back for like wrestlemania 36 or something. for a guy who loves wrestling that much if they actually offer him the chance to live out his dream after all the dust settles i still think he'll say yes.
Vince does owe him one
I bet it'll be much sooner than WM36. We all know how Vince "forgives", and I think if given the opportunity to main event Mania, Punk would want it to be while he's still relatively in his prime of sorts...
Yesse is buying the Steph McMahon workout vid for his elf. I think he has me. Zomg. Can't wait to see bae lift.
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i'm easier to please no DeepSea

I've just pretty much given up trying to figure out what my elf would like..I got what I think is some good wrestling stuff and I'm gonna throw in 1 of my pairs of 2010 J's (cause I love me and they're comfy and I hope he'd like them) and hopefully he'll have a great NTWT Christmas..
after hearing vince last night Punk's complaints seem valid but i can definitely see him coming back for like wrestlemania 36 or something. for a guy who loves wrestling that much if they actually offer him the chance to live out his dream after all the dust settles i still think he'll say yes.
Vince does owe him one

I wish Austin had asked Vince if he would consider giving Punk THE actual main event at a future wrestlemania and would've liked to have heard Vince wiggle out of that one.
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