Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

so update here. for royal rumble me my brother and a friend were thinking of dressing as past wrestlers. we've decided on me and my brother going as the rockers. Andy friend going as vader. any input would help.
so update here. for royal rumble me my brother and a friend were thinking of dressing as past wrestlers. we've decided on me and my brother going as the rockers. Andy friend going as vader. any input would help.

Hell no, go as the Freebirds..
so update here. for royal rumble me my brother and a friend were thinking of dressing as past wrestlers. we've decided on me and my brother going as the rockers. Andy friend going as vader. any input would help.

Legion of Doom for you and your bro. Always wanted the Hawk (RIP |I) face paint :pimp:.
Sweet dude... I plan on copping with my bonus in a couple weeks...

You won't be disappointed..Even though the materials aren't as good as OG's, I'll say it's probably the best quality retro that Nike has done this year..And I honestly can't think of a Jordan retro that has this good of quality or shape..
Man I've been out the loop. Just caught up on the last two Raws, mainly fast forwarded through the whole thing lol. Grabbed some things for my elf, not much, but hope he likes it. Survey was kinda vague. Oh well.

Got to catch up with that SCSA interview too.
Man I've been out the loop. Just caught up on the last two Raws, mainly fast forwarded through the whole thing lol. Grabbed some things for my elf, not much, but hope he likes it. Survey was kinda vague. Oh well.

Got to catch up with that SCSA interview too.
Sorry bruh.
Man I've been out the loop. Just caught up on the last two Raws, mainly fast forwarded through the whole thing lol. Grabbed some things for my elf, not much, but hope he likes it. Survey was kinda vague. Oh well.

Got to catch up with that SCSA interview too.

That join date to post ratio...
Man I've been out the loop. Just caught up on the last two Raws, mainly fast forwarded through the whole thing lol. Grabbed some things for my elf, not much, but hope he likes it. Survey was kinda vague. Oh well.

Got to catch up with that SCSA interview too.

Why don't you post more man?..Sounds like you're down with this wrestling thing and it's always nice to have another brother to join the group..
trying to get my other friend to be Akeem because he's a big fat slob like him

Easy with that fat boy slander..

4w's GOAT is back at his stupidity..He tweeted, in response to Vince saying to "grab that brass ring", that when he come's back he's going for the brass ring and nothing will stop him this time..:smh:

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Easy with that fat boy slander..

4w's GOAT is back at his stupidity..He tweeted, in response to Vince saying to "grab that brass ring", that when he come's back he's going for the brass ring and nothing will stop him this time..
The Ultimate Beta
Lol I lost all my post count when NT converted over way back. I just never bothered figuring out how to get it back.
Little NJPW World before bed:
Prince Devitt vs Ryusuke Taguche

I'm gonna wind up learning Japanese from wrestling.

Good match. Devitt hit a nasty top rope stomp on Taguche's head. Good finish with Rysuke going over and then the sportsmanship afterward from Devitt. I like how they do that in NJPW and have the medical staff walking wrestlers to the back. Adds more realism. I also like how the last 5 minutes of matches gets really hot and they build up to the big spots. In WWE it could be one pace all the way through, in indies it could be a spot fest, but so far in NJPW it seems like they do a nice job pacing the match and amping it up into the finish.
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I used to have the kids IC title well my sons moms picked it up for me for my birthday one year thinking it would make up for her cheating. I was like nah. I have been trying like crazy to get my hands on the NWO big gold and get it signed by hogan hall n Nash.

My ex-wife bought me the Big Eagle (A.E. belt) and me and my wife now got in a big fight one day and she started *****ing about having that belt and some clothes still that wife #1 bought me..So I said F' it and threw it all in the dumpster..Biggest wrestling related regret I have..That belt was flawless..:smh:

I sold my Big Eagle on eBay like 8yrs ago for nothing. I was mad I couldn't fit the adult sz. Now I can, and now I'm mad.

But you take the cake Case Case :lol: you could've sold it at least. But no, had to go the Debra Miceli route

Little NJPW World before bed:
Prince Devitt vs Ryusuke Taguche

I'm gonna wind up learning Japanese from wrestling.

Good match. Devitt hit a nasty top rope stomp on Taguche's head. Good finish with Rysuke going over and then the sportsmanship afterward from Devitt. I like how they do that in NJPW and have the medical staff walking wrestlers to the back. Adds more realism. I also like how the last 5 minutes of matches gets really hot and they build up to the big spots. In WWE it could be one pace all the way through, in indies it could be a spot fest, but so far in NJPW it seems like they do a nice job pacing the match and amping it up into the finish.

They were a tag team too... Apollo 55....till Devitt turned heel on him...
Read that there is speculation that Ambrose got hurt tuesday night.

He was taken out on a stretcher and there was no mention of his TLC match for the rest of the show.

Hope it was just a work.
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That sucks if true. I feel like all this thread's favorites get hurt or quit. And we're stuck with Big Show and Kane all year long.
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