Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

Mike Jones of DC101 recently interviewed Jack Swagger, and during the interview Swagger had the following to say regarding Vince McMahon’s comments during the Austin podcast about the WWE locker room:

“This is an environment where literally hundreds of thousands of people want to be on this roster, and there’s what, 75 of us on top? To get here you have to be very ambitious but to stay here you need even more. It takes a lot of drive and a lot of hard work. I can only speak for myself that I have gotten hungrier. As far as the rest of the locker room, you know, it’s tough but you gotta see the finish line and sometimes that’s hard to do.”

Jack Twagga being corporate.

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RT @ZackRyder: When my shoulder is healed and I come back, I'll grab that brass ring again...but nothing will stop me this time!

:smh: :smh: :smh: Woo Woo Woo Guy is the perfect example of Vince being full of it when it came to his ambition spiel. :smh: :smh: :smh:
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Is anyone only getting three minutes of the Jericho podcast?

yeah, was driving to work listening to it this morning and after he plugged his protein, it just stopped. Tried to re-download but the same thing happened. Luckily Cheap Heat up put up earlier this week.
Watched Raw. It really wasn't bad IMO. Wasn't good either, but wasn't bad.

- so nothing from Hornswoggle On A Laptop outside of the first segment huh?

- go away Kane & Big Show

- Rowan's theme :pimp:

- Man, this dude Tyler Black improved on the mic so much it's crazy.

- I think GHMIS' report of The New Day schtick just being a front and they just turn into a big heel stable really isn't that far fetched. It just seems a little too cheesy for it to be real thing. They could also become just 3BM. Not a typo. 3 Black Men.

- Nattie been lookin so sexy n thick lately :smh: :evil:

- Man..you can tell Jimmy legit doesn't like Miz :lol: He smacked fire out of ol boy. Even Damien didn't know how to react to it at first :rofl:

- Speaking of thick...Naomi & Nikki :pimp:

- Dolph is a main eventer. Dude belongs, like it or not.

- Go away Kane & Big Show

- Big Red Erick Rowan is awesome. Never would've thought him & Harper would be the Wyatt members to break out and not Wyatt himself :lol:

- Go away Kane & Big Show

- you know what..**** it, give Dolph the rumble win. Let's make this **** interesting.

- Go away Kane & Big Show

And the Stone Cold DeepSea Porn aka Podcast:

- I won't say much about it but...Vince is seriously out of touch and it really showed. I wish he wasn't running things. But considering the recent developments....I'm not sure I want Shovel running things either :lol: Don't even think I want a McMahon running it period :lol:

- if I'm Cesaro and I listened to what Vince said on that podcast...I'm asking for my release ASAP. If he doesn't...he's beta. I'm sure ROH/PWG/NJPW would welcome him with open arms.
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I used to have the kids IC title well my sons moms picked it up for me for my birthday one year thinking it would make up for her cheating. I was like nah. I have been trying like crazy to get my hands on the NWO big gold and get it signed by hogan hall n Nash.

My ex-wife bought me the Big Eagle (A.E. belt) and me and my wife now got in a big fight one day and she started *****ing about having that belt and some clothes still that wife #1 bought me..So I said F' it and threw it all in the dumpster..Biggest wrestling related regret I have..That belt was flawless..:smh:

I sold my Big Eagle on eBay like 8yrs ago for nothing. I was mad I couldn't fit the adult sz. Now I can, and now I'm mad.

But you take the cake @casekicks :lol: you could've sold it at least. But no, had to go the Debra Miceli route

Wow, Man. Can't believe you got carried away like that, I display all of mine in the damn living room and could never do such a thing :lol:
Don't know what that is, but congrats brother!

Is Brock signed through WM31?

Appreciate it homie :pimp:

It's the Fundamentals of Engineering exam which gives you the engineering in training cert.

As for Brock, I'm pretty sure his contract ends after mania
I almost broke into some gangsta tears this morning. So one of my students, girl, is a wrestling fan. Loves Dolph btw, carries around a Dolph shirt to school. We wear uniforms but she carries the shirt around her shoulder like someone would carry a title belt.

Anyway. I asked her if she understood the significance of Sting, she said no. I touched on WCW a little. So we were talking and she was like she hasn't been watching wrestling lately because she was been watching...........wait..............for.......it!


Yes, CZW. She said, "That is where Dean Ambrose used to be." She is 12. I almost fell out like Vince fell out of the chair on that Cena gif. Yea man. I gave her a hug. No reverse odep.

I am going to feed her some ROH, or in honor of @celticpride34 , might even give her some PWG.

But yea, I just wanted to share that
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I used to be like that but I'm really becoming a fan of NJPW. WWE bores me man. Outside of like 5 wrestlers I'm a fan of, there's very little interest in it. Writing/booking really is killing that company and waning my interest.
Sometimes I don't really believe DeepSea is a real person :rofl: But that's a dope little tale!

On CM Punk, Triple H And The Meeting That Saved Pro Wrestling

By now we’ve all heard CM Punk’s podcast with Colt Cabana and have seen the shockwaves it’s sent throughout the wrestling industry. Like you, I’ve been thinking about it pretty much non-stop since it broke Kim Kardashian’s butt or whatever. For the most part, I’m on board with what he said but I have to get a couple of gripes out of the way first:

1. I am totally behind a guy getting burnt out from a strenuous business that was making him unhappy. I’m glad he left if it’s really what’s best for him. However, him leaving without at least acknowledging his fans or even tweeting out “hey, going to take some time off” or anything besides showing up on TV with that same sh*t-eating grin – reveling in how fans were waiting for any answers – would have been the least he could do. Without the fans, there’s no Punk. There’s no Pipebomb. There’s no Best In The World. I get that he hated the business, but what the hell did we do to him?

2. The whole “I didn’t quit, I was fired” was nothing but grade-A Fox News-like spin. If you don’t show up for work for four months and refuse to come even after your boss calls, then you are most definitely quitting your job. Sure, he technically got fired, but only after he was gone for months. I really feel sort of insulted that Punk would try to massage the truth in a podcast that was so raw and revealing.

Other than that, I think Punk’s podcast was one of the most important shoot things to ever happen in wrestling. One part in particular has stayed with me the most: Punk’s climactic meeting with Vince McMahon and Triple H in Cleveland. Without hyperbole – and honestly, only time will tell – I think that one conversation may have saved the future of professional wrestling.

But first, a bit about Hunter Hearst Helmsley.

For most of HHH’s career, he’s been wrestling’s biggest albatross. A guy who wasn’t quite ever as talented or over as Stone Cold, Rock or Foley but relevant enough to stay in the main event picture for the last 15 years. For most of the 2000s, Triple H has been one of the most hated figures in wrestling due to the way he’s buried talent and manipulated his way to the brass ring.

Sure, some of the Internet hatred of HHH is overblown. He’s shown an ability to have incredible matches and tell stories on the mic, but his penchant for making himself look good at the expense of an entire generation of talent is as much part of his legacy as any classic he’s had with Mankind or Shawn Michaels. The laundry list of talent he’s laid waste to can fill a book. From Booker T to RVD to the destruction of Randy Orton at WrestleMania 25 and making fun of wrestlers who failed Wellness policies on live television, Triple H has stayed at the top not because he’s the best, but because he makes everyone look worse.

As Hunter’s grasp on full-time work started to wane, his chokehold on the shovel only tightened. In the last few years, he wasted three Brock Lesnar matches, had a fake aneurysm on RAW to “put over” Curtis Axel and kicked Wade Barrett in the nuts to begin and end their feud. But nobody felt HHH’s wrath worse than CM Punk in 2011.

CM Punk was right in the podcast when he said he failed to reach the heights expected of him, because he really was supposed to be the biggest star since Stone Cold Steve Austin. And it was all happening in 2011. He’d just nailed the biggest promo of the 2000s and had a five star match with John Cena as the culmination of a damn near perfect angle. Then HHH happened. In the course of a few months, Hunter’s buddy Diesel laid Punk out and the payoff was somehow HHH coming out of retirement to beat Punk before going right back into retirement. It made zero sense and was the most egregious of Triple H’s burials maybe ever. Sure, Punk went on to maintain his main event stature and become a top guy, but I really think he was still clawing to where he could have been in 2011 if not for Hunter.

Two and a half years later, that burial all came to a head in Cleveland:

I turned to Hunter an said “With all due respect, I do not need to wrestle you, you need to wrestle me. I do not want to wrestle you. I seriously resent you for not putting me over three years ago when you should have. That would’ve been best for business but you had to come in and squash it. Then I had to lose to R-Truth and Miz like it didn’t make any business sense then, it doesn’t make any business sense now.”

“And I’m in a position now where I can tell you I don’t have to nor do I want to wrestle you at WrestleMania.” I don’t care if I was supposed to win, which I was, but I didn’t care. I didn’t want to give him the privilege. Do you understand that? I said a lot of sh*t in there and again Hunter was gritting his teeth. I knew he didn’t like me. When we are in a room together, it’s never good vibes

At that moment HHH saw the damage he’d done. He saw all the years of putting himself over his peers and how it could ruin everything. Because when Vince McMahon dies, it’ll ultimately be Triple H’s legacy on the line; it’d kill him to be the guy who let mainstream North American professional wrestling die. But there he was, faced with that possibility. Faced with a guy who didn’t need the business anymore and was willing to walk away if it meant preserving his sanity and love for wrestling. Willing to live in a world where HHH’s shovel couldn’t reach.

In one moment, Triple H saw the graveyards of territories ruined by egos. He saw the AWA, WCW and Mid-South. He saw every promoter who couldn’t get out of their own ways long enough to maintain their cash cows.

CM Punk was leaving and it was all Hunter’s fault.

I don’t know what Vince McMahon said to Hunter after Punk left the room and the company. Maybe he gave Hunter the “you know you messed up, right?” talk. Maybe just seeing Vince cry and hug Punk instead of take up for his son-in-law was enough to make HHH see that things needed to change. And they have.

Since CM Punk left, HHH got himself in wrestling shape and had a goddamn classic match with Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania, lost to the Shield on consecutive pay-per-views and has become one of the best bad guys in all of wrestling. In fact, I think 2014 has been HHH’s best all-around year since maybe 2000. It’s been incredible to watch*.

And we only have CM Punk to thank. With his lambasting of HHH, Punk set the future ruler of the world on a new path where he understands that there are things more important than looking cool on camera. And maybe, just maybe, after Vince McMahon is gone, we’ll continue to see someone who truly knows what’s best for business.

*All of this has been accompanied by HHH heading NXT, which I think is the single smartest move Vince McMahon has made in the last five years. This has allowed Hunter to stroke his ego by taking credit for every rising star while staying the hell out of their way. He can puff up his chest and point out how great he is in ways that doesn’t involve him calling KENTA a fake Bruce Lee or something or giving Sami Zayn a Pedigree every week. Now, HHH can put himself over without us having to actually watch him do anything.

Solid read and take on the situation!
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The One Man Band is in trouble..

Source(s): FOX5 & Prowrestling.net
According to police in Atlanta, GA, a warrant has been issued for WWE wrestler Heath “Heath Miller” Slater stemming from a 2011 incident at a WrestleMania 27 afterparty.
FOX-5 television in Atlanta reports that Corinne Oliver, who was working security at the event, is accusing Slater of putting her in a chokehold and trying to get her into an elevator. She claims he was trying to drag her back to his room at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta where the party was taking place.
Oliver says she was inured during the attack and broke five vertebrae in her back.
Oliver apparently went to her supervisor on the morning of the incident and told him about it but nothing was ever done. She then waited almost three months to file a police report. She claims the reason she waited so long is because she expected her supervisors at Allied Barton Securities to file a police report and they never did. She also claims another wrestler witnessed the incident but didn’t do anything to help her. The police report described the incident as a “simple assault/battery.”
WWE attorney Jerry McDevitt says the charges were filed against Slater and not the company.
Story developing …….

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Dammit pwg is taking way to long to ship my items gonna go ahead and ship what I have now by tonight and try to cancel that order
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