Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

I don't have the game. But we are still doing ratings. My roster partner has it. Don't need the game to scout talent and abilities
I'm gonna wait till next pay to cop that NJPW World.

I hate not being able to rock some of the kicks I like due to the size of my feet.

Being a sz 13 EEE sucks. :smh:
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I'll happily wait for PWG.... And those size 12 6's...

By the time I get them in it will be past the deadline at this rate :smh: should have orderd sooner

:lol: at the giving somebody the 6's. nyc was a mad house when it come to kicks. I got them a week early to avoid all that.
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My other 2 elf gifts should be here tomorrow, then I'll buy the other on Friday, then probably mail it off that same day.

Jesus Christ Heath Slater
Hi guise,

I passed the FE Exam

Congrats fam. 
Am I the only one who thinks this "WWE wanting Angle to work a full schedule" is a smokescreen? Or am I reaching and Kurt won't be back anytime soon?
yeah i think they floated that contract to him knowing he'd have no interest in taking it. sort of like a let's appease the marks and pretend like we want kurt back type of deal.
^^^I mean in terms of having the dirt sheets get the story, having us believe he wont resign cuz its a FT contract. But WWE on the DL have him a PT just to make it a surprise when he returns.
I only want Angle to return if he squashes Rusev.

Or maybe gives him some personality.
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Gonna have some serious catching up to do on the thread, next few weeks of work are gonna be 12 hr days plus my rents are stayin at the crib for another few days til they fly back to the motherland.
Hi guise,

I passed the FE Exam


Congrats my dude. Gotta celebrate at Suzy's Lounge, hahahahaha.
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Reverse odep :rofl:

:x :rofl:

Watched Raw. It really wasn't bad IMO. Wasn't good either, but wasn't bad.

- Rowan's theme :pimp:

- Big Red Erick Rowan is awesome. Never would've thought him & Harper would be the Wyatt members to break out and not Wyatt himself :lol:

I do dig Rowen's theme, even though there was pure silence when it hit since nobody knew what it was :lol:. Also, whoever said Bray will eventually turn in to Gangrel is pretty spot on.

I can't hear "Big Red" without thinking of Donna from That 70's Show though
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